califorr', spartan daily u.n. a itniv

Post on 21-Nov-2021






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1:abc.-1 Califorr’, � Sacre.mento n.14

ophy of school administration. ri aN at 3.30 , - with the emphasis on faculty par-ticipation. He should not rely ;%holly on "yes-men" nor punish queen should obtain their entry

Candid a t e s for Homecoming On Friday’s Ballot, ’hose who honestls� disagree with blanks immediately at the ASH

Four students applied for the him on matters of educational pal- office, according to Mary Braun-

iey and administration. stein. Homecoming c h a i r ma n. office of female sophomore justice

lie should understand the Deadline for all entries is Friday,

britad aim of ediu�ation as train- ova. 26, at 3:30 p.m. Applications

ing for complete citizenship and I are to be turned in at the -II" box

realize that specialization in col- ’ in the Student Union.

lege may lead to the defeat Ht. "A group of prominent citizens

this aim, and faculty members will review

Finally, says lhe council, h,. all contestants Nov. 15. and the

should have the ability to main- queen and her two attendants will

lain sound and balanced commun-’ reign during the entire Homecom-

ity relations and be "our contem- ! log week. Nov. 15-23. Queen and

porary in his general outlook on 1 attendants wit be presented gifts

lie" by local businessmen and will ride

"We oppose a man for the pres- atop the queen float in the Home-place hasaas kir III, sot. iii UN’, 4/1 IIID� period

alent of our college who thinks ’Coming parade." Braunstein said. ing. as their names will appear on Guest artist Tommy Pratt en- l’oda)’s progran, that in the field of morals, poll- i Students from University of Frklay’s ballots, are as follows: tertained the andience olth his .. s’ los of. progrart,� - ! �ies. business and labor, what was 1 Santa Clara will present a variety $ e n to r chum: President Cliff vocalization of "shanghai." and t’d Its tho’ Iertine 144 fillill’ :mod ,-nough for his grandfather is f show before and after the judging � Majersik: ’.0 i’-pi Be t t y -vi mute,. wh,... qi,� trattn.rd ���� �!. ! i� 1., � � � lecessarily good for the students ) of candidates. Contestants will tx� �.,

. iioenshell, Beth Cahill; seereteirY on the program was a tratern-

said. "and that was eonsidemi high."

terday. according to Harlow Lloyd,

chief justice of Student Court.

"Candidate S have been tiled for

all offices," Lloyd said. -nventy-

one petitions have been turned in

and four more are to he compb

ed. A total of 25 students will com-pete in the election Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.." he added.

According to Lloyd, the candi-dates and the of f ices they are seek-

A ho come to this institution for an ’attired lust in school (lathes an Dolores Barsotti. Ginny Cox: � ducation that will fit them to live . then in formals. Braunstein said. treasurer Delores Peterson Paw-n our world of today," the rounrill Highlight of Hontecoming wta. k loski.

said. I will be the SJS-COP foot nail 4 unior dams: President Len I game, Nov. 2.3. and a downtoan cross Ingrid Andri,,son; vice.pres_

� : parade Nov. 20. Theft. II I � "’-- a ident Gerri Herzog. Phil Niedei-

Spartan Daily San Jose State College


Labor Council Favors Fire Students Outsider for President Will Receire

ROTC Honors ,43 oid *Yes-Men’ Say Labor Men An outsider is favored as presi-

Ident of San Jose State college by ’he San Jose Central Labor coon-.11 becausi� he would have "his ands free to handle without bias

-he problems that will face him A hen he assumes his office. -

The council listed this as the fifth presidential qualificall’ in a letter sent to Roy Simpson. state superintendent of public in-struction. Simpson has asked ci-tizens of the communitv to sub-mit suggestions and qualifica-tions for the office pending his appointment of a Miere�444.4or to Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie, college president who will ha�e ser�ed

�ears ohen he retires next summer. The council states that it is "not

,onfident that any man who has been part of the faculty or the ad-ministration during the past ten yf�arS can succeed in clearing up the sources of resentment and dis-

� members id 23 social organizations oi.:raph: (.. a � � affection with the present faculty .� �

Five men have been appointed

distinguished hitt ’a r y students. Col. James J. Ilea, commander ol the Army ROTC unit, announced yesterday.

The five are Ivan Bland. Bill De Lapp, Oscar lierrgesell, Paul Mur-phy, and Joseph Richerts.

"We also have three holdovers from last sear," Col, Ilea said. They are Fred Davis, e 1.1) r t

Fram� e. and Duane Miller. This

makes a total of eight applicants for commissions in the regular ar-my, he said.

Factors considered in selecting students for such awards arc the student’s record in the ROTC, his scholastic record throughout school and his extracurricular activities.

n the eight recommended for commission. Col. Ilea declared that he did not expect all of them 1.1

COL. JAMES HEA ; be accepted. "There wore only five . Five Are Distinguished appointments made last year." he

ueen Entry According to the council, tht. Deadline Is Chief Justice Llov m Morris Datii��� auditorium. Thi associate prole...4.r hislor� and

,list qualifieation the new presi- � Lists Twenty-five dent should have is a sound philos- F ’d �

Pet pante I7Ut ats I dance in Civic auditorium after

Friday at 3 p.m. the dew]. I the game. and a rally after the pa-

tine for student’, to obtain tiels- rade, according to Braunstein.

ets to the Loyol.i-SJS h � foot- Fraternity house decorations will I be on display and open to all stu-hall game, according to the bra- t’dents and local citizens on Nov. 20. duate Manager’s office.

� __ - - __ � :Braunstein said.


U.N., Reds Tangle in Air Battle Near Manchuria

a Tokyo�American B-29% and es-

corting jet fighters ;hot down or

damaged 14 to 17 Communist jets

yesterday in the biggest air battle

of the Korean war just south of

the Manchurian frontier.

One American Stqwrfortress and

a Thunderjet fighter were lost and

several other B-29s damaged in

the wild 250 to 250-plane battle

over northwest Korea while ground

lighting far to the south dimin-

ished in apparent anticipation of

new truce talks,

mast rat ors from three secondary

schools as they converged on the

campus of King Fuad I university

Mao States Truce Policy United Nations Advance liaise,

Monsoon, Korea�(’ h i ne se Com-

munist Premier Mao Tse Tung in-dicated yesterday that Red China will agree to a Korean cease-fire

only on her terms. Mao called for increased Chinese

efforts in the Korean war -until

the Americans agree to peace."

while the Communist cease-fire

Egyptian Students Riot delegation continued to delay re-sumption of armiatice talks.

("afro, Egypt�Poliec fired over

the hi -ads 01 demonstrating stu- Formosa Earthquakes Continue

dents and hurled tear gas bombs Talpeh, Formosa�Violent earth-

yesterday to disperse an anti -Brit- quakes, which already have killed

ish parade through Cairo streets- at least 120 persons. rot ked this

The fusillade, followed by the island for the second consecutive

gas bombs, scattered student dam- day yesterday.

annllal affair is sponsored by Th.’- science: and Dr. s�

is Chi fraternity. Laird Sviagert. associate

A it ent husiatit le audience receiv- sor of political science, ed the original acts provided hs mr.� eat’ eill, tort,

the %ambits groups with tiemen- ha\ i� Ii,’ Sca 1.11.1 ;4 D .ik

dious ovations. Highlight of the said Miss � I!, pip 1 �vening�, , was he %ell -organized opinion clearl�

presentation ol the trophies has a sense of botanic in his pi. - Dr. Stanley Benz, dean of men. � sentation

’I be Alpha Tall. won for the "He a foic.�Uil and entlius-before the 4:30 p.m. deadline yrs-

men’s groin) oith their humor- matte speaker," said Pr. Brunt?. ooiia interpretati 4444 of Du� stor�, -and is eSPPC1:111 1.;0(1fi at answer-"Da�id and RAI Della it,g questums "

Zeta’. nruscriffifion of a siAtet. Dr. Swag. it pnintcd out IMO in w h.. of "1 R ..... once," �i nrcent iaii!�I discussion on tint oon for the 1.e�t rilierfaininent Far l’:10,1 in San F, aneiaao Dr.

a in a 1.1,11111), SC:11J1.1111i 1111. imprrs-

Placing second and thn d tot Oa sPeok.T men’s gt�oups Wert, Larirthda (111 According to Di . ii.’-’.. Dr.

Alpha and Theta Xi fraternities, Sealapino will speak � rproaimat. !y re,:peelively, Alpha phi and Kapp. � hall an hour and %% di ailswet

Alpha Theta to wok second and third tlons l/H* ovi"" on. twent

hoff: secretais Karleen Iv-erson. Carol Larson: treasurer Mars- Lou Cavil. CM is Fly tin.

Sophomore claw% : President John Aitken, Kenny Mitchell. %tee-president Jean Ann Raile; secre-tary Virginia Cross.

Sophomore jtiostkocii: Male Candidates Meet Eckei.,: female Carlee Gervais Diane Norris. Class Officers Pending the completion of theii petitions are candidates Dave Do-, :.;.,11.��1�chk., i(�Is

U.N. A itniv<1 Will Be Observed

Dr. Scala pino Will Discuss U.N. Problems


. and the VI °rid Toth.%

ATO, DZ Earn Top Trophies At Greek Show

’Hie l’nited Nations and the not Id loda� will discussed by lb-. Robe. 1 Sea lissflt� la 1 e pmfess,or oi seWflee at 1110

it Of

1 ’111%..11.1i% Caliti�i eilt liDerts� ID in a talk to stud, nit, lodes at 11 30 a.m. in the Nivrt Daile au-ditorium.

In commemoration of the si�th anni�ersar� of the clatc %heels the UN charter arm into torte, Dr. S.D.:11mph," will �peak "United Nations and .1 DI’. Med %odd." according In Dr.

II. Poi tress. head el the

Social science depa I lament. - , I ft- Schlep’s). is at.. spert in 0...

Far East, especi.ill� Japan. Dr. Poytrtaa said !hint,: the Kai he

od Japancsi ...tiguage oi-tic�-r NaVy intelltatnee

, Various articles on the Far Fast hy Dr Scalaptno hats appeared in -Foreign Polio-’. R. r 1, � .�’ ar East,’ 0 Sot aod PO.

110 I’ll. till

Alpha Tao Omega fraternifS and Or. !...ilatono. Is one of th..

Delta Zeta sorority were awarded ontatanding %ming own In tim-

the maitre trophies for the best erica in th.� pollt iD al 4. iericc fold

skits of the All -Greek Variety in lb. �ipi of Miss I bora shoo held Monday night, beftwi! assi�tant mote...or fol Er -

its I’ N., ’’Ti,.- 1510,1. 110.11s. (is h Sears and Rorhoich Sitting In," %%1111 1111:1111 sr% ..ral di�ii�land numbers. Mar� Rrioni� stein so is 1111;isi or 4.1 rerrinDoni., for thi� es ening. Tb� �

of NI. Jacobs of lilt 1’.111.11!,11 414.1,41 tmeni and Mrs. Ruth MeKenate of the Stareeh and Drama department.

1111�111 .111111s,

S.IS Wahl .1 S(T\

o�I 1 4,

ea 111C

art Doi MI.., to.

Taombly. direet.a � ! t’a Health sena...a

A resident of Sal I i� . Kell rec. bed his F gre. foi�a) Stanford, and his M il.�;��!.. trim liars-aid in 1931(

fir M. -Kell Who scr�es froln 11 . sophornort t murer. Anita ,1�1. juntot class offiaes %%ere ih..

n ’’fin�ti to .. said al in reference fo his pies.

12 noon at the Health ol-Arejoanllanopra, enjunaioarmivicep-aptressitduacnitt;.ainde.linerting new

afternoon main business at the junior entlItirll lent post, ’ I like the ’Sail ’.erg

male sophomore justice. I Juniors running for nifire’ in MII.P:: . ::nd , ,.f or c.,,. ,.,,ik..v... ph?. Friday’s elect ion i n c I 11 d e Len �alt. Cross and Ingrid Andersson. pies,- ’wool nii lb.,-,’report that

)d:rient ; iiPehri,lii,igi. Nviited......11).tho,,firdianntd mMaar;- : kh1;0,1illaNs a’�na’ll’it-::,s"i’djoa7.s.41,10:coradsini;4111: The Weather 1 went 4)11, oeath!�1 hunting last

nighl in m� goo Mess i�yrning strap and ran into a stiong-faced character with a h CaVy white heard idls. drowning in a swamp.

011!" said 1, staring coyly with ms bloodshot eyeballs. "You must he "

-Yes! Yes! I an)!" he shouted quietly and sank to the bottom.

Squatting on the muddy bank I peered below the water and said -Please sir, will you tell me what the weather is to be today"

Looking up from a boulder, hi -

glared at me, bubbles rose from his lips and he warned:

-There will be no change in


Lou Carli and Mary Flynn. bra--W.04; Caiol Larson and Jill hi! son. riveretai

How’s That Again? loral employer caltDA (Ii.’ In-

’,won:Ilion office I ridao.i. "I oant to ’,port that Do- sin

dent I finioloed last weeh u� %cry, 4cilistnetor." he said. "4.1%,

me E�ternal 2711" ith a straight face and

mmina�il mind, Mrs. Kay Held. ol I ice worker. eisanerted hint is it h Mrs. (’ion -no’. I-ardora. part-time placement director, at

: extension 27*.


� (.(//tditioli..,

All randidair� to,, on ridai’� elerlion i e

to come to the h"°’ fan Dail% pkolo after. 11.95. I.. for.- in. todi.s for the taking of 4111 -prize pictures.

Platform inter’. lots will be conducted hs a niemb,r if the �444ii.frfAn flails Glatt. anat-./ate. %Would come to the Daily office prepared le 6.1%� the start member all the nri�essari infor-mation.


VII Signs(’ Spa rt.. Daily ibildsme,,,,,,, 41111P.- . N JOSE STATE COLLEGE Pb trod <WI by Ike AlsorWeri Undone* et See .les� Inete (*Hese. ’scent Satvidey end LowN, 4.. nra .0.,4�94, row en § �tio� den, wwli tasel mewled.** week.

Vass of the Globs Printing Co., 1445 S. First street San Jose In:nooses CYpoiss 4-4414 � Eddorial, Ext. 210 � Advertising Dept.. Ext. 211;

pt $2 SO pr., yew or $1 per quarter for non ASS c�rd Folders.

RAY HASSE�Editor TOM ELLIS--Business Manager I Elwyn Knight�News Editor Rich Jordan�Associate Editor

Make-up editor this issue ROY HURLBERT

W0111111 root bailers May Play Before S.C. Contest

I ’ilk .�.111t, :’,111�.

tool olloy� I. .1mi 1nrW ;mild ’

(11 1..i the RitR erdraltii"

I/I %%hail a learn of

olot %,%(otin�it 411,11111 fippl.ia� a team

d (It 1/10411111 from all fro het

insist be approsed tn, :111s, If. I. I k. ikarl of women

I. n, Nadliall gante uas pip;... -u-fl )4 da ;is at an eXeril

I ii; � lit the Iti1113,

-r.idetit Union ..Mondsis hun,U All members ot tin

11..� 1.1.111

.1 N. 01 AV. !Hail, plans

I4,, .1 Ieli, b. tie held ii:slots’s I tot win noirsilaN 7 ’tit p m and namesl ne�mbei.ut iti.� ttall. committee

��� sitlinuited Tow Mtuih.n. chairmafl. are ii..- A 110.1%, .�ie Flail", IA 4

.144 I,. ii� Audi, I , 1 flu, 1,

if Ibis%

4..1., .1,14,11 Italian. Lai I

1.14ilia’t V11141111:1 Cross Mars liet tie Hotchkiss Fiecila

�I led.. 1 Issood

Pi Nu sigma, pre-mirsing so-viets. will hold an organizational Jew’.’ ting tomorron at l’!:311 p.m. at 1111 is. Sesenth street, up-stair’. in .%pt. I.

Miss Pauline Dash, group ad-s iser, urges all pre-nursing stu-dents to attend this important meeting VI that thus mas be-come acquainted ssith 1111e11111CIS

thr� group.

The purpose of Pi Nn Sigma, according to Sits.* Dash.. is t.. acquaint stii.l.�nt� ssith hospitals and .4�11001, id nursing in order to better iinderst.ind the field in which the" plan to %sorts. During spring quarter, the group uill %esti s at’ hospitals in the San Iwo a r.�:o.


Phi transmit: Meet today at 3:30 P mii Room

Engliab Department: The corn-endiensa�V examination for Eng-lish majors will he given on Tues-dro, Nov. 27, and Thursday, Nov. ’29. from 2:30 to 5 p.m. each day in 1127. All candidates please sign for the examination in the Eng-lish depai I men t , 1128. by Tuesday, t 30.

III’: Meet lit at 7 o’clock �it the Phi Sigma Kappa t rater-


Sparta!, NV% elri.s. Board: Meet t..d.r. at ,.31, prii. in Room 8 of II, Pod, college

International Students Iiroidp: tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the

Neirimiti 11c/rapers .Slitfrit.sfir .11issit)st

A mission foe. Catholie and non- , i( atholic students will be held Nov. r

ri � � !,,..)),,,,�,,... a(h.coriding to, Fatherf

IS I, ’.111.1:11 eltill..’ ;:.11(a.;11P:illnl (.,:rixtuti:o�r ethi-� j iiiission.

Father James Darrington, of the Si 1.: Paillist loiter, trout New York. will

, !�....i. , � I �i�.1.1 :...;..d.,,, t.� in i�haige of the mission. :oial ...indllson Contact I Iot \Le, is ill he celebrated each

mil. Apt I. likk 311, or �, iiiiii i Wig al ti 15 o’clock. allowing i Ulas. students to attend and lie out in

; For S time hit earl classes on Tuesda.s tar: W.-1)0 . ,1- Ite-coril [1.i’. -1

,., ’.4,., 16, ,,,,,, aihuni,. slow siti::411.�ritordi :it 430 o’clica.k Father

dim it Slit �iimili Seth Smitison ilau "WWI’ "ill talk to the "liege 1;117. , men and 1Vritnestlay at -1.30 p.m.

iu� will speak to the Spartan %%omen FON kr. NT

1 In the f�\ 4111,11.:S. at 8 341 (o’clock, For Kent �10Irligrrotoroa. 1.11.1111/

( .1" 5- 483’1 I there %sill In fleneitiction and ser-

, filial Tlii,41a)’s and ThUrSdaii’s

rot. Rent : 1..111,4111i apal !Milli .,,,tn

al , "ill in. at N.essinan thailI,u

I .., . I ..111. I %, I Irill’il Ill 2 mai - / . � � land ��..diiestki) a at SI. Patrick’s 11 .1 1,i. I �Y III 7.1

t..1 III�eil l� Ilt111�11.-11 lik4.III

t’ � I . I �

1,..lull, %% Ill

i. 11/.41111, Cu’’I

-/t� � I



W.antrd: Marro. to I -S. 1.4.4%.� t o lull’. I I. 11 .�%..-

111111: S.�I %14... fe I II) itipii�

it l’.111 1Vally S lllll UV 2 1131 .

I souvo..1 Opportunit, �Hauled own students �

ell / /I 1..01111 CIOS. to e,o, I i ut Isaiselse. ping prix deg*, iuu It..1...t� i.

Tsso Stale Atemlettle; Share hit v. room %soh to in lasts Ailj ball. ’,15 pet month, ti,�1111 eltIllet:e atilo

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:it udent 1 ’Mon. Meet today ;.. 2.30 p.m. at 210 S. Seventh stret,

Phi Epsilon Kapp.: Meet tomor-row at 7:15 p.m. in the Men gym.

(ET, Club: Meet tonight at o’clock en 1172.

WAA: Fencing at 3:30 todav the Women’s gym. Girls must h;u. student body cards.

Rally Committee: Meet tont;.;1.� at 7-30 o’clock in the Student 1.:11 ion. The rally for Thursday night, the pre -game and half-time activi-ties for the Santa Clara game, will he discussed.

Epsilon Pi Tau: Mts.! at 7 p.m. in the I.A. lecture room.

AWN: All students are invited to the AWS-WAA barbecue to-day at 5-30 p.m. in the Women’s g) Ill.

Delta Phi Upsilon and Alpha (’hi Epailon: :Meet tomorrow at 3:30 pin, in Room 24.

Tau Delta l’hi: Meet tonight tel 7 30 o’clock tit the Tower to hear guest speaker, Dr. Stanley Benz, dean of men.

Graduate Manager’s office re-quests that G. R. Osborne report immediatcly to the office.

Industrial Arts: All industrial arts students who plan to student teach next winter quarter meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the I.A. lecture room. Students will not be allowed to do student teaching un-less they attend this meeting.

Art Students: Spartans who wish to do student teaching in art during %sinter quarter are to sign up in the Art office, A9, immedi-at,lv


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Golden Raiders Work for Loyola’s Don Klosterman

SIDELINES Bronzan Drills Gridders on Pass Defense

By BILL WELDV Contact work resumed for mem-

bers of the varsity football squad yesterday as the Spartan equip-ment finally completed its round-trip from Moscow, Idaho.

The Golden Raiders scrim-maged against the junior varsity eleven oith Gabby Mendonsa highlighting the drill hv making several fine runs. Jerry Hamil-ton handled the quarterback pgs-sition for the first team. Definitely out of the Loyola

game are linebackers Dick Bond-eke and Bruce Holladay, and full-back Bob Amaral. Amaral re-in-jured his knee in the Idaho fracas and will be out for 10 days. Guard Vern Vallercamp did not suit up yesterday due to aching ears which troubled him during the air-plane trips to and from Moscow.

Frank Morriss, who was al-lo s% 1.41 to return from Moscow via tralit because of his sinus trouble, had not arrived in San Jose as of yesterday afternoon. Down Los Angeles way, Loyola

coach, Jordan Olivar announced that he will be forced to do with-out the services of at least three stalwarts. Tackle Jack Menotti suffered a broken leg in the Santa Clara game and probably will be out for the rest of the season. Howard Lehman. also a tackle, suffered a concussion in the same game and is still hospitalized. The third wounded Lion is guard Mau-ry Nipp who has an injured shoul-der.

Coach Bob Bronzan will stress pass defense during the remainder of the week’s workouts as Loyola’s All-American candidate Don Klos-terman will undoubtedly fill the air with aerials Friday night.

Klosterman is currtmtly the leading passer in the nation, while his favorite receiver, Fred Snyder. is third in national pass recci% log statistics.

Lack of a running game has been the major oeakness in the Lions’ first four games, all of %stitch have resulted in losses. Olivar’s forces have bowed to San Diego Navy, COP, Florida and Santa Clara, Danny Seivert, Seivvert, 110-1h. sophomore half-back, is the leading Lion runner. Seivert, along with several other

phomores. give Loyola a po-tential running game that may break loose anytime.

a few weeks ago was sent down to the J.V.’s, proved to be the strong-est defensive man during the Ida-ho game. Perich will start along with Ray Poznekoff on the de-fensive flanks Friday night.

Another Spartan who looked good in the Idaho contest was George Porter, who probably will get the starting nod at one of thi: offensive tackles.


Rumors are rolling that Santa Clara and USE are on their last foot ball legs this season.

Santa Clara and San Francisco are hasing one heck of a time with the high cost of football living, as are the other little guys in the game, particularly the Jesuit schools

The Saturday Evening Post blast against football by the Rev-erend Hunter (.iit Ii ri, iii 4..’., rget.m n iiii iv ersity last vveek has i’s �’r - body oondering abmit the schools oho are is:diving the tightrope. Georgetim ii, t her school of the Jesuits, suspended the game Iasi year because of too �h emphasis and too much finance.

Santa Clara and USF are Jesuit institutions with the same money t problems as Georgetown and the other small Jesuits, Holy Cross, Dos -on college. Marquette. Detroit, Fordliam and Loyola of Los Angelt, All face a struggle if they are to emerge in football’s sun ival of Ii. richest,

No Monej�No Team As "major" teams, the Mission Men and the Dons operate on shit:

budgets and they are out to make money in order to continue tilt, game. But both schools, to date, are losing money and they don � have Fort Knox to fall back on. In this "business of football" ytt. either tickle the turnstiles or else cancel the show.

Santa Clara and USF are at the crossroads. Either one act maybe both could join the graveyard already populated by Nesaitt and St. Mary’s. But we hardly think the Broncos will toss in ill. towel. Maybe the Dons, but not Santa Clara.

The Rev. Herman .1, Hauck, SA.. president of Santa Clara versity, has stated that the universils is definitely not thinking of dripping the sport at this time, and that reports to the contrars are absurd. He added that nuns ii as not the time to consider the problem from the financial angle, but later. when an accurate s million of profits and losses could tw made.

Dennis Heenan, Santa Clara athletic manager, admits the Bronco. are having trouble making ends meet, but he doesn’t foresee a fun.’. this year. He wants us to know Santa Clara isn’t going to let thco bumps this year sour them ally. Next year. Heenan indicates, tilt Broncos will meet Tulane. Kansas, Stanford, Californil, among Mho’, No softies, again. And Coach Dick Gallagher will have a stront�t team with more experience and sprinkled with a good sophomiti crop. Heenan expresses no pessimism.

No Drop Here Santa Clara got its reputation for taking on the tough ones ttith

out batting an eye. They have spirit behind their football, the bk. of which you don’t find at most colleges and unisersities. The gain. over there is more than a matter of counting game receipts. We don’t think Santa Clara will fold up on the gridiron.

11.51: Coach and Athletic Director Joe linharich isn’t so hope-ful. The Dons don’t draw much in San Francisco. Next sear thes’Ill be sseaker than a wet cat and their hot -office appeal .1 Id drop to great depths. Their present Selw(1111e doesn’t compare is it h ...alit a

Clara’s for caliber, either. Kuharich’s recruiting hishos thg� fill -top in tangling Matson and others doesn’t please too Ittan pr.,�pee-tit e opponents.

In other words. USE has a hail reputation with the men who make the schedules, Kuharich appears to he pouring it on Don op-ponenti . this fall hoping to land a lucrative bowl bid. USF needs the dough badly and the publicity. In tbe long run, the Dons stand to lose more than the Broncos. If someone has to quit, it probably will be the boys from the city by the Golden Gate.

Five Intramural Games Are Scheduled Spartan Jerry Perich, who only h1haternit -Independent Leagues

Tourney Deadline Tennis Coach Ted Mumby an-

nounced that today is the last day to sign up for the fall quarter col-lege tennis tournament. This after-noon at 3:30 o’clock is the dead-line for all entries, Mumby em-phasized.

Entry fee for the tourney, which is also a tryout for prospective varsity tennis material, is 50 cents. Official entry blanks can be oh-tamed in the Men’s gym.



Plus chance to win New 1961 FORD, Loadod with Ertres

Hancock Service

935 S. First

Third day action in intramural football finds five games scheduled in the independent and inter-fra-ternity leagues.

In today’s independent loop play Della Upsilon meets Chi Pi Sigma, and Tiajuana A.C. plays Kappa Tau. The first tilt is a struggle of first game winners while the lat-ter pits the two losers. On the inter-fraternity ledger is Pi Kam, � Alpha and Lambda (’hi Alpha Sigma Alpha Emilon and Phi Si:. ma Kappa; and Theta Chi act: Sigma Nu. All the firs; namt ti dubs won their opening encountei s last Monday. Pi Kappa Alpha, with

t" a 30 to 0 i�out of Phi Sigma Kappa tops the list.

Other Monday scores included: IFL Sigma Alpha Epsilon 6, Sig-ma Nu 0; Theta Chi 7. Lambda

Chi Alpha 6. Independent league Delta Upsilon 1.5, Tiajuana A.C.

, 12; and Chi Pi Sigma 6, Kappa

Delicious Italian Dinners . . featuring


Como As You Are Week Days�S1.40

Sundays & Holidays 51.60

Private Banque:s Room

Hot Food to Take Out Spaghetti, Qt. 65c

Ravioli, Qt. 75c A quart of ince+ feeds Mg

THE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Open II 30 A.M. to 900 P.M.� Sit. and Sin. Until 9.10 PM.


Downstairs CY 4-5045

dne,day. Oilober ’24. 19-0

Frost’ Drop 13-3 atm. Match , rage Th!,,a

Palo Alto high school tacked the won it�te first fill fi to S. at 1- - second straight loss on the San Jose State college freshman watia polo team yesterday in the win-ners’ pool. 13-3.

The strong peninsula prep schooi had a substantial 8 to 1 halftinit advantage mar the Spai tan frost. California: CY 3-7007 club who now base a one IA Ill A 11 t1

three loss record. The frot.1% sem.- "YELLOW FIN" ing was split among forwards Bar- with V,,,,ne s ry Schuttler. Gene Broderiek�ind "THE DESERT FOX" Dave Flood. m.

The fresh meet Butlingame high in a return match this Fridaj at- padre. CY 3-3353 terisoon in Spartan pool. San Jose



You con get it of the �,d FATHER TAKES THE AIR"

CIRCUS Mission: CY 3-8141 t�Im � es � L.- 36 .��,. � Candy


and Carl Malden Slight Ad.anc� in Pr.

Combellack-Pfeifle Special LOW Recapping Prices

to Students

1056 S. First CV 4.11’t Near Willow

You just can’t beat Coffee and Donuts at







TIME: Nov. 8, Thursday PLACE:

San Jose Civic Auditorium PRICES:

1.20, 1.80, 2.40, 3.00 All Seats Reserved

lets at Civic Auditorium Bog Ottic�

Sponsored by San Jose if Chambor of Commerce


CREAMERY 7th & Santa Clara

Gay: CY 4.0363


LOsk. THAT BRUTE Paul Douglas & Jane Peters

Miclmgh. r. Setunday. Oct 27 Ike Creer� Phan/eon of An Op.,�

Studio: CV 2-6778


"SATURDAY’S HERO" John Dcci, Donna Re�d


CY 3-8405

Douglas F�iibiedis Jg Also SOUTHERN l’ANKEL

Red Steno. J S Students SOc�

Saratoga: 2326

"THE BAKER’S WIFE" With R�ifnu Chistpin

A frinch lily, of catti�mfin9 merIt English Subtitles

Also -LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE’ Ruth Roman, Richard Todd

�San Jos. State Students 45,�

EL RAN010 DRIVE-IN CY 4 2041

"FORCE OF ARMS" Hooe, S Non( y


"HAPPY GO LOVELY" David N..en. Ver� Ellen "MARK OF ZORRO

Tyron� Pow,.


Scooper Dooper Sundae

Only 40e

15% Discount

on your

Trium Portpait

Offer Good

Until Now. 15

KEITH COLE STUDIO 41 North 1st St CY 2-8960

Pi Nu Sigma

Spartan Daily "(PHs meeting pre -nursing so.

S 1N JOSE sTATE 101.11.1 clefs, still hold an organizati .... al meeting lonsorrms at P.!:341 p.m.

1.6140.thod dia.lg by it.. Assec,414�0 Student, of Son Joys SW. co.1�94, oscopt Sof,do, �nd SkInlog Ow/.14 roll.,94 ysse yort1k ono issue d4rinq sock 1,nal �som.nat.on weak

Press of the Globe Printing Co.. 1445 S. First stood San Jose Telepliones CYpress 46454 - Editorial. Est. 210 - Advertising OW., Est. 211,on $t SO par veer or Si per quarter for non ASB card holders.

RAY HASSE-Editor TOM ELLIS-Business Manager Elwyn Knight-News Editor Rich Jordan-Associate Editor

Make-up editor this issue ROY HURLBERT

N omen 111 ootballers May ’lay Before S.C. Contest

s’,1 1t1111 4,, .111.1

1 11.111 111:111 for the ICAHN via_

The varin iiiV1.hidi VI I,.

1.41111.1 Miltinen %Mild 1111/4/S, it tear 1.41101s. d 01 n from all sit hi

s. Must be apprmed by :Mi-lkier’ Inn k, dean of %growl’

Tlir iemale footliall game ssa, i..i.pre.erl t,. Isissiis at an exerts-

� id the Rail), commit - It ..I.01. iil I Mott Monilas

t� II members of the t�S., 11,1�.1. 1 "Ili11111 1.���� ,i1/1/11/1...11 111:111

The ..xer1111 � ����� .11S01 mask lalalls 1111 .1 In- 111�111 III MOWN

1.111.,. :militia nun Timrstias at *.to pm end named Ili n, ss

111.:11111:�1., id the italIN coniniittee

7sevi. 1111 111111�IS, al% Y11011111.11 it:. �na., Ntullim. chairman, air Ge,

ii.e Alkstie. Mai gie Fli4114’4, �VIIS4/11, 01111., Jackie I r Arilrea Teri F11�11.

.1.11141.111.1�11 B1�1 I’, IL111111, ii tan !tartan. 1,44ro

CI other Vit,’1111:1 4 ’go’s,. SI’ tiri Catol Ilnlitikos. Fur.

.11111 .1,411 1’1 \A 1/1111

� fieds �.111 fuss’ 1 4111 *51 _ -

I II Par kali’ sedan, 11’ 111. 1 1/ 11111111.1 .111111141, 1 His

11 /111 . 11111 �1/1 I Md.’ 31-,. or in


at III) S. Sea enth street, up-stairs in .1p(. I.

Ills,. Pauline Das group ’ siser, urges all pre-nursing si dents to attend this important meeting %it that this mas he-r acquainted is it Ii niember, of the group.

The purpose ’if Pi Nu Sigma. according to Miss flat is, is to acquaint stailerits tt ith hospitals and schools ol nursing in order I., better understand the field in sshich Sties plan to stork. Mariniz spring quarter, the gr paid seri! sari ,,,, hospitals in the san Jose area.


Phi trisennite: Meet today at 3:30 it II iti Room 21

English IN-pa r !meat The mm-1,1,11,11.1%, examination for Eng-

, list’ main, still hr t.:1 en on Tues-day. Nom. 27. and Thursday. Nov. 29. front 2 30 to 5 p.m. each day iti 1127. All candidates please sign fol. the examination in the F:ng-lish dr � pa t. t Mein , 11245, by Tuesday., r ter 30.

� DT: Meet tonight at 7 o’clock

at the Phi Sigrga Kappa (rater-’IOUs; 1

spartan Resettles Hoard: Meet I. .t., at 2 30 p ni in Room fl of the Bible college.

Intern.itearit Student, tiroup: 111 7 341 s in the

\etc wait Ilembers if � �

111111111’ PI ISSIMI

A end non-Catholic students will be held Nov.

7 and M. according to Father John Dory ra, chaplain of the New-man club, hich will sponsor the lit istititi.

Father James Ilarrington, of thi� Panted miler, from New York, will 1., in chat ge id the mission.

I :Sfir,s still he celebrated each ;moiling at ti (irks*. allots mg

JStIllientS NI attend and be out in pia% itint.� tin earls classes On Triesda)

it, slim) altertaniii at 30 o’clock Father Ilari memo xvill talk to the college men and s%’ednestlay at .1.30 p.m. .1 to . Ii,- still speak to the Spartan

1 In the cs.enitig,. at 8.30 o’elock. I ..r Ksat-krIsizeratorrs. l’114ifir. 411.14’ lo� Benediction and set.-�. li.tx39 mon Tuesday’s and Thursday’s I I" ’1"4"" 4Pat wog, ants still be at Neuman hall

""n"’" 01 It"ir’ and Wedni-sila.,.. at St Patrick’s 4 11179 chin.’ It

..1 Id: isi iirAir..1 loom tin . 1t 1,1i 41111,4

1,1i.o� kill hill. iss halt] ss pill Slit, i� Block

t.. Ninth � ti,. t

Situ1 1511..�1

IS S’s 11.11 %%assts.& Rider. ID I. S. 4..C..�

}i nlas I pt Po 1111 11 es e. 111111: 111 6 II% 1111011 .1111I 55. .1,1 /I 1 ’ill

.’ flit 1 riusual 5 ’Nowt unit s ant roll:

III. 11 0111111.. si...k .. i..ttts rim.. to s�,1 t

kr. Pie,’ I ri�

Tien %lair students: Shari ’,nun IA ith turn bras Ad) SI in! month ti --ti college anti

1st:. 131ti 3 2711 sits-,

PIC-A-RIB Special Feature

BAR -B -Q BURGER For Take Out Orders

Call CYpress 5-414

13115 W. SAN CARLOS A, .oss 1,on, 0 Connor Hospital


Student Union. Meet today a? 2:30 p.m. at 210 S. Seventh street

Phl P:psilon Kappa: Meet tomor � row at 715 p to in the Men’s gym.

0.T, (’lub: Meet tonkht at 7:15 o’clock in 1572.

WAA: Fencing at 3:3() today ie the Women’s gym Girls must haN, stialent body cards.

Rally Committee: Meet tonighl at 7:30 o’clock in the Student Un ion. The rally for Thursday. night, the pre-game and half-time activi-ties for the Santa Clara game, will be discussed.

Buys Bargain cihrtan-at-large. Zook filed an ..x.

! Goshen. Ind, UP I Three dol-,Pense account listing as hi, Re_ ’campaign cost a $3 donatien ,0

lars won Robert B. Zook the ,� rho party’ organization.

:publican nomination for co,.

Epsilon Pi Tan: Meet at 7 pm.’ in the L.A. lecture room.

AWS: All students are invited to the AWS-WAA barbecue to-day at 5:30 p.m. in the Women’s gym.

flelta 19th Epsilon and Alpha Chi Epsilon: Meet tomorrow at 3:30 Phi, In Room 21.

Tan Dribs Meet tonight at 7.30 o’clock in the Tower to hear guest speaker, Dr. Stanley Benz, dean of num.

Graduate Manager’s office re-quests that G It Osborne report immediately to the office.

Isullostrial Arts: All industrial arts students who plan to student teach next vvinter quarter meet tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the 1.A. lecture room. Students will not he allowed to do student teaching un-less they attend this meeting.

Art students: Spartans who wish to du student teaching in art during %sinter quarter are to sign up in the Art office. A9,



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FRESH FRUIT in the COOP � Refrigerated � Fancy


Golden Raiders Work for Loyola’s Don Klosterman

�SIDELINES Bronzan Dr111., Gridderspn Pass Defense

By BILL WELDS’ Contact work resumed for mem-

bers of the varsity football squad yesterday as the Spartan equip-ment finally completed its round-trip from Moscow, Idaho.

The Golden Raiders scrim-maged against the junior varsity eleven %silk Gibby Mendonsa highlighting the drill by making several fine runs. Jerry Hamil-ton handled the quarterback po-sition for the first team. Definitely out of the Loyola

game are linebackers Dick Bond-elk’ and Bruce Halladay, and full-back Bob Amaral. Amaral re-in-jured his knee in the Idaho fracas and will be out for 10 days. Guard Vern Vallercamp did not suit up yesterday due to aching ears which troubled him during the air-plane, trips to and from Moscow.

Frank Morriss, who was al-lo y% ed to return from Moscow yia train because of his sinus trouble, had not arrived in San Jose as of yesterday afternoon.

Down Los Angeles way, Loyola coach. Jordan Olivar announced that he will be forced to do with-out the services of at least three stalwarts. Tackle Jack Menotti suffered a broken leg in the Santa Clara game and probably will be out for the rest of the season. Howard Lehman, also a tackle, suffered a concussion in the same game and is still hospitalized. The third wounded Lion is guard Mau-ry Nipp who has an injured shoul-der.

Coach Bob Bronzan will stress pass defense during the remainder of the week’s workouts as Loyola’s All-American candidate Don Klos-terman will undoubtedly fill the air with aerials Friday night.

Klosterman is currently the leading passer in the nation, while his favorite receiver. Fred Snyder. is third in national pass receiving statistics.

Lack of a running game has been the major vseakness in the Lions’ first four games, all of sy hich have resulted in losses. Olivar’s forces have bowed to San Diego Navy, COP, Florida and Santa Clara, Danny Seivert, Seivvert, sophomore half-back, is the leading Lion runner. seivert. along with several other sophomores, give Loyola a po-tential running game that may break loose anytime. Spartan Jerry Perich, who only

a few weeks ago was sent down to the J.V.’s, proved to be the strong-est defensive man during the Ida-ho game. Perich will start along with Ray Poznekoff on the de-fensive flanks Friday night.

Another Spartan who looked good in the Idaho contest was George Porter, who probably will get the starting nod at one of the offensive tackles.

rhiiii�neN Deadline Tennis Coach Ted Mumhy an-

nounced that today is the last day to sign up for the fall quarter col-lege tennis tournament. This alter-noon at 3:30 o’clock is the dead-line for all entries, Mumby em-phasized.

Entry fee for the tourney. vs hich is also a tryout for prospective varsity tennis material, is 50 cents Official entry blanks can he, tained in the Men’s gym.



Plus chime* to win New 1951 FORD, Loaded with Erbas




S. First


!tumors are rolling that Santa Clara and USE are on their last I(S); hall legs this season.

Santa Clara and San Francisco are having one heck of a time with the high cost of football living, as are the other little guys in the game, particularly tlw Jesuit schools:

The Saturday EY ening Post blast against football by the Res-erend limiter Guthrie eel Georgetiosn uniyersity last neck has ey ery-body uondering about the schools v. ho are walking the tightrope. Georgetorin, mother school of the Jesuits, suspended the game last year because of too much emphasis and too much finance.

Santa Clara and USF are, Jesuit institutions see ith the same mon, problems as Georgetown and the other small Jesuits, Holy Cross. Fos -’on college. Marquette. Detroit, Fordham and Loyola of Los Angel All face a struggle if they are to emerge in football’s sum is al of � richest.

No Money�No Team As "major" teams, the Mission Men and the Dons operate ���

’)udgets and they arc out to make, money in order to contin... game. But both schools, to date, are losing money and they do, have Fort Knox to fall back on. In this "business of football" either tickle the turnstiles or else cancel the show.

Santa Clara and USE are at the crossroads. Either one maybe both could join the graseyard already populated by Nes.i.: and St. Mary’s. But we hardly think the Broncos will toss in 1. towel. Maybe the- Dons, but not Santa Clara.

The Rev. Herman J. Hauck, S.J., president of Santa Clara uni versity, has stated that the unhersity is definitely not thinking dropping the sport at this t’ and that reports to the contraly are absurd. He added that nou seas not the time to considi�r the problem f the financial angle, hut later, uhen an accurate sum-mation of profits and losses could be made.

Dennis Ileenan, Santa Clara athletic manager, admits the Brow, are having trouble making ends meet, but he doesn’t foresee a funci �� this year. He wants us to know Santa Clara isn’t going to let then bumps this year sour them any. Next year. Heenan indicates, the Broncos will meet Tulane. Kansas, Stanford, California, among others No softies, again. And Coach Dick Gallagher will have a stron-, team with more experience and sprinkled with a good sophom

crop. Heenan expresses no pessimism. No Drop Here

Santa Clara got its reputation for taking on the tough ones n� out batting an eye. They have spirit behind their football, the like� of which you don’t find at most colleges and universities. The game over there is more than a matter of counting game receipts. We don’t , think Santa Clara will fold up on the gridiron.

11.51" Coach and Athletic Director Joe Kiiharich isn’t so hope- ’ ful. The Dons don’t draw much in San Francisco. Ne�t year they’ll be weaker than a net eat and their bo�-offiee appeal sl t Id drop to great depths. Their present schedule doesn’t compare with Santa Clara’s for caliber, either. Kuharich’s recruiting history on the Hill-top in landing Matson and others doesn’t please too many priestwe-

the opponents. In other words. USE has a bad reputation with tlw men who

make the schedules, Kuharich appears to be pouring it on Don op-

ponents this fall hoping to land a lucrative bowl bid. USF needs the

dough badly and the publicity. In the long run, the Dons stand to

lose more than the Broncos. If someone has to quit, it probably will

be the boys from the city by the Golden Gate.

Five Intramural Games Are Scheduled In Fraternit \ -Independent Leagues

Third day action in intramural a 30 to 0 rout of Phi Sigma Kappa football finds five games scheduled tops the list.

in the independent and inter-fra-ternity leagues.

Other Monday scores included: IFL Sigma Alpha Epsilon 6. Sig -

In today’s independent loop play ma Nu 0; Theta Chi 7, Lambda Delta Upsilon meets Chi Pi Sigma, (’hi Alpha 6, Independent league and Tiajuana A.C. plays Kappa Delta Upsilon 15, Tiajuana A.C. Tau. The first tilt is a struggle of

12; and Chi Pi Si..-tra 6, Kappa first game winners while the lat-ter pits the two losers. On the Tau 0,

inter-fraternity ledger is Pi

Alpha and Lambda Chi A’ Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi .-. ma Kappa; and Theta Chi at::

Sigma Nu. All the first named

clubs won their opening encounters;

last Monday. Pi Kappa Alpha. with

Delicious Italian Dinners . .



Come As You Are Week Days-51.40

Sundays & Holidays 51.60

Private Banquet Room

Hof Food to Take Out

Spaghetti, Qt, 65c

Ravioli, Qt. 75c

A qu� t of ��ch feeds sis.

THE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Open it 30 A.M. to 900 PM. � Sat. and Sun. Until 9.30 P.M.


Downstairs CV 4.5045

Wednesday. october 24. 1951

Frosh Drop 13-3 \\ ate,. \latch Palo Alto high sche,, ’,eked the non e,

second straight loss WI the San , !Mi.:ante. Jose State college- freshman seat, polo team yesterday in the n sHow sLATE net’s’ pool, 13-3.

The strong peninsula had a substantial 8 to I advantage, pvur the Spa, � club mho nun base a oni� three loss record. The it seeei inc nits split among kern aids Bar-ry Stuffier, Gene Brort�rick Dave Hood.

The frosh meet Bin in a return match this 1-’int ternoon In Spart.,e

You con gel it ot thc


California: CY 3-7C

"YELLOW FIN" aoth Wayne Maoris. Adrian


Padre: CV 3.3353

"KON-TIRI" area


CIRCUS Missior,:, � Cigarett�s � Candy

CV 3-8141


Combellock-Pfeifle !riec,a1 LOW Recapping Prices

to Students ’. c r CY 4-1836

You just can’t beat

Coffee and Donuts at









TIME: Nov. 8, Thursday PLACE:

San Jose Civic Auditorium

PRICES: 1.20, 1.80. 2.40. 3.00

All Sed., Reserved Lasts at Cl.ic ALKIltorisam

Boa Off...

Sponsored by San J r � o; C,r^r^e., e

Leigh - Marlon le aria

and Owl Molder. St,sikit Ads�nc� in P,

t,Gayi CV 4.0083


0 CRYSTAL oz) ° °

CREAMERY 7th & Santa Clara

LOVE THAT HMI Paul Douglas it Jane Peters

Midnight She.. Satuelley. Oct 27 ’The Cf�ep, IN�ntem of the Opiva’

Studio: CV 2-6778

"SATURDAY’S HERO" John Derek, Donna Reed


Mayfair: CV 3-8405

"THE THREE MUSKETEERS" Douglas Fairbanks. Jr


If S.. dents SOc�

Saratoga: Sa�a*:,go 2:1t,

"THE BAKER’S WIFE" Web R�irnu Cheep:.

A French fekr of outst�riding � English Subtitles

Also "LIGHTNING STRIKES TV. Ruth Roman Richard To -

�Sn� I �.� S’at� Students


�FORCE OF ARMS" W . � ,4 �� 8 Nancy 0en Also is,ee it,. Gods In 8,_�




Scooper Dooper Sundae

Only 40c

15% Discount

on your

%tam PePtPait

Offer Good

Until Nov. 15

KEITH COLE STUDIO 41 North 1st St CV 2-8960

rage Four Wednesday, October 1951 Health Is Orientation Subject ;Intercom S�stem

Ad Fr-At Meets P!estites of Gonona Alpha Chi

riot 1 1/1.�1...Nion.11 110110151 id t Doug f a remit y for %%Milt’’’.

V.:II I* feet-11...d into the organiia-ti.eiight at ceremonies in the look off lee


The third meeting this quartct %%omen, %sill address the t on

of the freshman mientation class "Ilea It ht ill j,h ing Conditions.’

sill he held tornoertoi. morning at\tis Margaret Twornbly, director 1130 o’clock in the. Moire, 1)511.’.,

auditoreim, Dean of Men Statile; "1 "ea1,"- sers".". "ill S.

C. Benz announced ..sterelaN. peak oil "The College Health

Theme for tomortoss mot ning’s Sen. and Dr J C. Elder.

is ��wanh.- tw. wid,,d. ;dean of instruction, e. ill talk about

Mts.’. If. 4.�11 I;:rnmiek dean of i -A PLII.e.oph. of Personal Ifealth.-

�’Our new intercommunicatiol,

system will Si11.e countless hours. said Dr. Irene Palmer. head of tle

:Women’s Physical Education d.� :partment, Ti

The s)stem has ten stations con -meting Dr. Palmer’s office will. the other gym offices and th �,11.11pment areas.


at Waiting Wardrobe


Corporation taxes

affect you, too:

Most of us figure that corporation taxed aye ol,oite else’s problem. Maybe that’s we nese,- iusy them directly. Actu-al!), we all pay some corporation taxes ssmi�trily- in the price of things we buy. But there’s more involved in corporat4on ’axes than just paying them. Here’s am

, example:

4. At Union OHL for example. sic plan to 1,4t :":61, III; 11:..� III refinery unprwsetnelitS

10’0I years. For our econ-em Nis ’--it ’mate that we ill need 23’; more capacit) hi Vain to meet our (-ustomers’

But here’s the rub: Traditionally, &boot So’, of American oil companies’ ex-ipam.ion has been financed out of profits.

2. Tim average U. S. automobile uses .648 ya1lutis of gasoline per year. So for each new car that is added to the American total, some American oil company has to invest about $21 in new facilities. It takes ap-proximately that much today in producing, refining and distributing equipment to sup-ply the additional gasoline.

eally�teo 0 I I oft *ad i m.o.( .1 110 iNedegag Mr A IP’ I -Potr,44,..we P.wts Flinsroc- /PIO

S. Today those profits are being taxed at such a nigh rate, this expansion may be seriously curtailed. In fact, it might be slowilig down already. Certainly, if taxes are raised much higher, two things will happen: ( I ) There won’t be enough profits left to finance additional facilities; (2) the earnings of oil companies �and all U.S. cor-porations� won’t be high enough to attract mew capital for the purpose.

3. If we added only 2 or 3 cars to oar American total each year this wouldn’t pre-sent any problem. But last year we added. almost 3 million. Naturally the oil com-panies, big and little, are always happy * build the new facilities that thaw new cat). turners require. Fur it means new businetia.

Without either profits or new capital, expansion of all U.S. corporations will sim-ply have to stop. If that happens the whole nation’s economic growth will be stunted�and your standard of living (along with everyone else’s) will steadily decline. So corporation taxes aren’t just "someone else’s problem." They affect each individual in the nation, too.



Thvg rle,, ,i,��le,t,t it t../ Ito., Of I till 1)1 1 ( 111 y, delitellte4 to a dow./..eoon of toile an,! why American business functions. We hope you’It /",! Jr.’.’ I. send in an wsoiggest s or eretieismi yfPle hoe to offer. Write: The Pres.!. Pit, Oil Company, I’mon Oa 1.0e ANgetes 17, California.

illasularlerero 4,1 Illoyal�TrItom, MO amazing purple molior ell


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