cambodian genocide hope project

Post on 15-Feb-2016






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'To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss .‘ -Khmer Rouge Slogan. Cambodian Genocide Hope Project. Darcie Stanton and Deanna Harris. Where is Cambodia?. = Cambodia. = Vietnam. - South East Asia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Darcie Stanton and Deanna Harris

'To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss.‘ -Khmer Rouge Slogan

Where is Cambodia?

= Cambodia= Vietnam

- South East Asia- Less than half the size of California and twice the size of Scotland. 

Background US bombing in Vietnam affected

Cambodia In 1970 American backed Lon Nol

took over from Prince Sihanouk Destroyed the government People wanted change In 1975 Khmer Rouge took over from

Lon Nol

Khmer Rouge

Guerilla army Followers of the Communist Party of

Kampuchea Based on the ideas of Vietnamese People

Party Led by Pol Pot Assissted by  Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son

Sen, and Khieu Samphan Took over Cambodia Wanted a Communist peasant farming


Victims Foreigners Intellectuals, professionals from any field Old, very young, Disabled, Ill Minority groups Religious people Children “It was possible for people to be shot simply for

knowing a foreign language, wearing glasses, laughing, or crying.”

Took pictures

Strategies All of Cambodia's cities were forcibly evacuated

and put into labour camps Ten to fifteen families lived together with a

chairman at the head of each group. Would work for up to 16 hours a day Every tenth day was a day of rest. There were also

three days off during the Khmer New Year festival. Starvation ("Hunger is the most effective

disease.”) In the villages, unsupervised gatherings of more

than two people were forbidden.

Strategies Up to 20,000 people were tortured into

giving false confessions at Tuol Sleng, a school in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a jail.

Prisoners were chained to the floor lying down and had to ask permission to sit up

Many methods of torture used

Torture Methods Beat them with anything could find-

didnt use ammunition Electric shock Pulled off fingernails and poured alcohol

on them Dunked them head first into water Waterboard

Resolution 1978 Vietnam invaded Kampuchea took

over Economy was completely ruined Mass graves discovered in 1995 In 1998 VOA reported about the tribunal Pol Pot heard and died that night Wife claimed it was heart failure Body cremated SUICIDE????????


Tuol SlengNicknamed the S-21Used to be the prison/torture centre

Now is a museum


Cheoung EkKilling fields17 000 buriedHome to a memorial

Conclusion1.7 million out of 8 million

21% of population 1 million from starvation and disease

Half a million slaughtered

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