cambridge healthtech institute clinicalopschi’s inaugural ectd 2010: achieving efficiency and...

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March 10, 2010 | Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Downtown | Philadelphia, PA

Cambridge Healthtech Institute 250 First Avenue, Suite 300, Needham, MA 02494T: 781.972.5400 l Toll-free in the U.S. 888.999.6288 F: 781.972.5425 l

Interactive Panel Looking Forward at Global Submission Management Across New Region

Break-Out Discussion Groups

Featured Presentations How to Prepare Your Product Dossier for Global Simultaneous eCTD/CTD Submissions – A Look at Tools, Tips and Taking the Mystery Out of Submission Planning and Publishing

Meredith Sewell, Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs Publishing, Allergan, Inc.

Taking eCTDs off the Critical Path to Drug Development

S. Albert Edwards, Pharm.D., RAC, Director, Regulatory Operations, Takeda

Case Study: Global Submission Management from Concept to Realization

Dominique Lagrave, Senior Director, Regulatory Operations and Innovations, Novo Nordisk

Achieving Efficiency Through Rounding Out Submission Standards: Format, Data, and Content Standards

Donald Palmer, Associate Director, Regulatory Systems, Regulatory Affairs, MedImmune, Inc.

Working with an eCTD Vendor: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Thomas Noto, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Covance’s Periapproval Services

Electronic Signatures and Regulatory Processes, What the Agencies are Saying

Richard Furr, Head, Global Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, SAFE-BioPharma Association

Final Agenda

Register by January 29 and SAVE up to $200

Arrive Early to Attend Electronic Data in Clinical Trials

(March 8-9, 2010)

Lead Sponsoring Publications:Corporate Support Sponsors:

Corporate Sponsors:

March 8, 2010Monday AM

Pre-Conference Short Course: Designing and Implementing a Clinical Enrollment Plan

Pre-Conference Short Course: Utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in Clinical Research

March 8, 2010Monday PM

3rd AnnualPatient Recruitment in Clinical Trials

2nd AnnualElectronic Data in Clinical Trials

5:45-6:45 PM Networking Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Hall

March 9, 2010Tuesday AM

3rd AnnualPatient Recruitment in Clinical Trials

2nd AnnualElectronic Data in Clinical Trials

March 9, 2010Tuesday PM

3rd AnnualPatient Recruitment in Clinical Trials

2nd AnnualElectronic Data in Clinical Trials

March 10, 2010Wednesday AM

Pre- & Post-Conference Short Course: Country and Site Feasibility and Selection for Global Clinical Trials

Inaugural eCTD 2010 (co-hosted with Bio-IT World and eCliniqua)

March 10, 2010Wednesday PM

2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America

Inaugural eCTD 2010 (co-hosted with Bio-IT World and eCliniqua)

5:45-6:45 PM Networking Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Hall

March 11, 2010Thursday AM

2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America

March 11, 2010Thursday PM

2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America

Overcoming Key Challenges in

Site Selection, Recruitment, and Data CollectionMarch 8-11, 2010 | Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Downtown Philadelphia, PA


We invite you to attend CHI’s Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) taking place March 8-11, 2010 in Philadelphia, PA. The program brings together four annual conferences and short courses. By bringing these four events and three short courses together under the SCOPE umbrella, an opportunity for idea sharing and cross pollination amongst clinical operations professionals from different groups has been created. Despite a shared exhibit floor where the community can share ideas, each conference remains autonomous and goes deeply into its own set of issues with its expert faculty. Each conference will feature best practice case studies and interactive discussions relevant to clinical operations experts as well as those new to the field.

For questions or suggestions about the meeting, please contact:

Micah Lieberman Executive Director, ConferencesBioPharma Strategy SeriesCambridge Healthtech InstituteT: (+1) 541.482.4709 E:

For partnering and sponsorship information, please contact:

Arnie WolfsonManager, Business DevelopmentCambridge Healthtech InstituteT: (+1) 781.972.5431E:

For media and association partnerships, please contact:

Rich HandySenior Director, MarketingCambridge Healthtech InstituteT: (+1) 781.972.5456E:

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s

Sponsoring Associations:Sponsoring Publications: Media Sponsors: Web Partners:

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Email: 7 Fax: 781-972-5425 8

Online: * Email: 7

Fax: 781-972-5425

CHI’s Inaugural eCTD 2010: Achieving Efficiency and Compliance in Electronic Submissions will be held March 10, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Downtown in Philadelphia, PA. This conference will be co-located with the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE), a four-day cluster of events taking place March 8-11, 2010. eCTD 2010 is co-hosted by CHI, Bio-IT World, and eCliniqua and is preceded by its partner events, CHI’s Second Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials, Third Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials and a short course on ‘Utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in Clinical Research.’

Filing new submissions is time consuming and costly to both regulators and drug development organizations. Global regulatory agencies are committed to improving the approval process and the electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) is seen as a practical solution. It has been mandated in some countries and, to date, over 30,000 eCTD sequences have been submitted to the FDA alone. Despite the promise of eCTD to move your data through the approval process more efficiently, there are challenges to adoption and implementation. This conference is intended to cover how to achieve efficiency and compliance in electronic submissions.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

7:30 AM Conference Registration and Morning Coffee or Sponsored Breakfast Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available)

eCTD 2010: Session A

8:30 Organizer’s Welcome & Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Micah Lieberman, Exectuive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)

Joan Chambers, Senior Director Marketing & Operations, Publications, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), Bio-IT World, eCliniqua

8:45 How to Prepare Your Product Dossier for Global Simultaneous eCTD/CTD Submissions – A Look at Tools, Tips and Taking the Mystery Out of Submission Planning and Publishing

Meredith Sewell, Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs Publishing, Allergan, Inc.Preparing to submit your product dossier to multiple regions as an eCTD and other regional formats can be a daunting task.

Establishing and prioritizing timelines, planning, and writing documents for reuse and regional acceptability, and herding a seamless network of regional team members are crucial activities in a submission filing strategy. This session will demonstrate a clean well-organized approach to laying out the plan for a successful simultaneous filing, as well as show several tools and real-life process examples that can help your organization achieve submission milestones in multiple regions.

9:30 Case Study: Global Submission Management from Concept to Realization

Dominique Lagrave, Senior Director, Regulatory Operations and Innovations, Novo NordiskThe presentation will provide an in depth view of the journey that Novo Nordisk is taking from the company’s first

simultaneous global eCTD submission two years ago and the current achievements in globalization activities. We will review the processes and technologies leveraged to support our long term vision and lessons learned during this project.

10:15 Networking Coffee Break and Exhibit Viewing

eCTD 2010: Session B

10:55 Chairperson’s RemarksJoan Chambers, Senior Director Marketing & Operations, Publications, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), Bio-IT World, eCliniqua

11:00 Taking eCTDs off the Critical Path to Drug Development

S. Albert Edwards, Pharm.D., RAC, Director, Regulatory Operations, TakedaConcerns have surfaced over the time taken to prepare eCTDs, and the effect this might have on the time to submit applications.

Management may ask that submission times be reduced. We will take a journey through how one company answered this request with metrics and look at some future opportunities to reduce cycle times for preparing eCTDs.

11:45 Interactive Panel: Looking Forward at Global Submission Management Across New Regions

The session will provide an update on submission requirements outside the ICH regions and how these new requirements will affect submission management, affiliate management, and technologies we used to create, publish, distribute, submit, and archive submissions.Moderator: Dominique Lagrave, Senior Director, Regulatory Operations and Innovations, Novo NordiskS. Albert Edwards, Pharm.D., RAC, Director, Regulatory Operations, TakedaMeredith Sewell, Associate Director, Global Regulatory Affairs Publishing, Allergan, Inc.Donald Palmer, Associate Director, Regulatory Systems, Regulatory Affairs, MedImmune, Inc.

12:15 PM Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorships available. Contact Arnie Wolfson: 781.972.5431, or Lunch on Your Own

eCTD 2010: Session C

1:25 Chairperson’s RemarksJoan Chambers, Senior Director Marketing & Operations,

March 10, 2010

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Email: 7 Fax: 781-972-5425 38

Online: * Email: 7

Fax: 781-972-5425

Publications, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), Bio-IT World, eCliniqua

1:30 Working with an eCTD Vendor: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Thomas Noto, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Covance’s Periapproval ServicesWriting, assembling, and submitting eCTDs is a very complex process. Working with outside vendors has the potential to add

both time and complexity, potentially delaying filing. This presentation focuses on lessons-learned and best practices gained from over 15 years of electronic publishing experience. Recent experience includes the filing of a large eCTD containing over 250 study reports.

2:00 Electronic Signatures and Regulatory Processes, What the Agencies are Saying

Richard Furr, Head, Global Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, SAFE-BioPharma AssociationThis presentation provides an overview of the current positions of global regulatory agencies related to the acceptance of electronic

signatures on documents which are components of e-submissions. The presentation also discusses the status of the eCTD in the EU in terms of the National Competent Authorities. The presentation provides a comparison between the different classes of electronic signatures with the emphasis on the type of signatures the Agencies are requiring and how sponsor companies can effectively meet those requirements.

2:30 Achieving Efficiency Through Rounding Out Submission Standards: Format, Data, and Content Standards

Donald Palmer, Associate Director, Regulatory Systems, Regulatory Affairs, MedImmune, Inc. This presentation will look at how the CTD format standard and the CDISC data standards have improved global operations

and registrations. It will then consider rounding out these submission standards with document and ultimately content standards. This rounding-out will be considered as a trend toward electronic submission efficiencies.

3:00 Networking Refreshment Break and Exhibit Viewing


3:45 Interactive Break-Out Discussion GroupsConcurrent break-out discussion groups are interactive, guided discussions hosted by a facilitator or set of co-facilitators to discuss some of the more poignant questions facing the industry. Delegates will join a table of interest to them and become an active part of the discussion at hand. It is an informal yet informative format that allows attendees to learn from each other and make some new contacts. To get the most out of this interactive format, please come prepared to: share examples from your work, vet some ideas with your peers, be a part of group interrogation and problem solving, and, most importantly, participate in active idea sharing.Topics Include:

Managing eCTD Lifecycle: Tracking and reporting, variations and • amendments, controlling an ever-changing dossierIs Your Organization Moving toward Collaborative Authoring and • Content Management?Are you Leveraging your EDC System for Support for Electronic • Regulatory Submissions?Preparing for Future FDA and EU Initiatives for eCTD: What is • ahead and what does it mean to you?Best Practices and Practical Approaches to Working Effectively • with eCTD VendorsPreparing Compliant eCTD Submissions: What could go wrong • and why?Maximizing the Reusability of Data Across Submissions: The • challenges and the benefitsCurrent Challenges and Implications of eCTD Implementation• 

4:55 Closing Comments and Welcome to Reception

5:00-6:00 Networking Cocktail Reception and Exhibit Viewing

Arrive Early For


CHI’s 2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials: Collecting and Leveraging Data to Optimize Clinical Trials For full details and to register, go to:

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Online: * Email: 7

Fax: 781-972-5425

Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), founded in 1992, is the industry leader offering the preeminent source of information to the leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech, and academic organizations. Delivering an assortment of resources such as events, reports, consulting services, publications and eNewsletters, CHI’s portfolio of products include Cambridge Healthtech Institute Events, Pharmaceutical Strategy Series, Barnett International, Insight Pharma Reports, Cambridge Healthtech Associates, Marketing Services, and Cambridge Healthtech Media Group. For more information, visit

provides breaking news, analysis, and opinion on enabling technologies that drive biomedical research and drug development, with emphasis on predictive biology, drug discovery, informatics, personalized medicine, and clinical trials. Bio-IT World focuses on the technologies deployed and strategic decisions made by companies in these areas, and their impact on performance. For more information, visit

provides authoritative news, views, insights and opinion on challenges related to clinical research, clinical trial design, data management and technology solutions. Written by a superb tandem of expert clinical reporters, eCliniqua highlights innovations in development planning and protocol design; new approaches to sponsor-CRO and sponsor-site relationships; novel patient recruitment and retention strategies and practices; project management; emerging and established electronic clinical trial technologies and standards; regulatory trends and compliance; pharmacovigilance; and much more. For more information, visit

Monday-Tuesday Options:2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials: Collecting and Leveraging Data to Optimize Clinical Trials

3rd Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials: Successfully Planning and Managing Recruitment and Retention

Co-Located Events at SCOPE:2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials: Collecting and Leveraging Data to Optimize Clinical Trials

3rd Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials: Successfully Planning and Managing Recruitment and Retention

2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America: Effectively Planning and Implementing Clinical Research and Trials

Short course Sessions• Designing and Implementing a Clinical Enrollment Plan•  Utilization of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in

Clinical Research •  Country and Site Feasibility and Selection for Global

Clinical Trials

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s

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Online: * Email: 7

Fax: 781-972-5425

BECOME A SPONSOR Gain a Competitive Advantage!Your company has a unique opportunity to influence a major gathering of key biopharma executives and academic leaders who will come together at SCOPE – Summit for Clinical Ops Executives.

Brand your company as a thought leader in site selection, recruitment or data collection by participating as an active Sponsor. Presenting your solutions or services directly to our top-tier delegates can significantly impact their purchasing and collaboration decisions and help you achieve your sales and business development objectives.

These Sponsorship opportunities include Agenda, Breakfast and Luncheon Presentations, Invitation-only functions, Networking Receptions and an exhibiting program.

CHI will support your Sponsorship and brand your company with strong marketing programs before, during and after the event. The earlier you secure your Sponsorship, the more opportunity for exposure.

For details, please contact:Arnie WolfsonManager, Business DevelopmentPhone: 781-972-5431Mobile: 857-636-8354Fax: 781-972-5470Email:

HOTEL & TRAVEL INFORMATIONConference Hotel:Crowne Plaza Philadelphia Downtown1800 Market StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19103Phone: 215-561-7500Fax: 215-561-4484

Discounted Room Rate: $128 s/dDiscounted Room Rate Cut-off Date: February 12th, 2010

Please visit our website to make your reservations online or call the hotel directly to reserve your sleeping accommodations. Identify yourself as a Cambridge Healthtech Institute conference attendee to receive the reduced room rate. Reservations made after the cut-off date or after the group room block has been filled (whichever comes first) will be accepted on a space-and-rate-availability basis. Rooms are limited, so please book early.

Flight Discounts:To receive a 5% or greater discount on all American Airline flights please use one of the following methods:l Call 1-800-433-1790 (authorization code 3130AG).

l Go online at (enter 3130AG in promotion discount box)

l Contact Wendy Levine, Great International Travel 1-800-336-5248 ext. 137.

Car Rental Discounts: Special discount rentals have been established with AVIS for this conference. Please call AVIS directly at 800-331-1600 and reference our Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) Number J868190.

Network with your peers and receive conference updates! Join the SCOPE Group on Linked In!

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Email: 7 Fax: 781-972-5425

Additional Registration DetailsEach registration includes all conference sessions, posters and exhibits, food functions, and access to the conference proceedings link.

Handicapped Equal AccessIn accordance with the ADA, Cambridge Healthtech Institute is pleased to arrange special accommoda-tions for attendees with special needs. All requests for such assistance must be submitted in writing to CHI at least 30 days prior to the start of the meeting.

Substitution/Cancellation PolicyIn the event that you need to cancel a registration, you may:

Transfer your registration to a colleague within • your organization.Credit your registration to another Cambridge • Healthtech Institute program.Request a refund minus a $100 processing fee per • conference.Request a refund minus the cost ($750) of order-• ing a copy of the CD.

NOTE: Cancellations will only be accepted up to two weeks prior to the conference.Program and speakers are subject to change.

Video and or audio recording of any kind is prohibited onsite at all CHI events.

Mail Registration to: Cambridge Healthtech Institute

250 First Avenue, Suite 300, Needham, MA 02494T: 781.972.5400 l Toll-free in the U.S. 888.999.6288F: 781.972.5425 l www.healthtech.comHOW TO REGISTER: 8 Online:

* Email: ) Phone: 781-972-5400 Option 1 7 Fax: 781-972-5425

o Yes! Please register me for eCTD 2010 and the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives Key Code 103554FREGISTRATION INFORMATIONo Mr. o Ms. o Mrs. o Dr. o Prof.Name ____________________________________________________________ Job Title __________________________________ Div/Dept. _______________________________________________Company ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City/State/Postal Code ________________________________________________________________________________________ Country ________________________________________________Telephone ________________________________________________________ Fax ______________________________________________________________________________________________How would you prefer to receive notices from CHI? Email: o Yes o No Fax: o Yes o No Email* __________________________________________________* Email is not a mandatory field. However, by excluding your email you will not receive notification about online access to pre-conference presenter materials, conference updates,

networking opportunities and requested eNewsletters.

Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (SCOPE) Overcoming Key Challenges in Site Selection, Recruitment, and Data Collection March 8-11, 2010 | Crowne Plaza Philadelphia City Center | Philadelphia, PA

*REGISTER 3 - 4th IS FREE Individuals must register for the same conference or conference combination and submit completed registration form together for

discount to apply. Please reproduce this registration form as needed.

GROUP DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! Special rates are available for multiple attendees from the same organization. For more information on group discounts contact David Cunningham at 781-972-5472

o I cannot attend but would like to purchase the Summit for Clinical Ops Executives conference CD for $750 (plus shipping). Massachusetts delivery will include sales tax.

o Please send information on exhibiting and opportunities to present workshops.

PAYMENT INFORMATIONo Enclosed is a check or money order payable to Cambridge Healthtech Institute, drawn on a U.S. bank, in U.S. currency.o Invoice me, but reserve my space with credit card information listed below.Invoices unpaid two weeks prior to conference will be billed to credit card at full registration rate. Invoices must be paid in full and checks received by the deadline date to retain registration discount. If you plan to register on site, please check with CHI beforehand for space avail-ability.o Please charge: o AMEX (15 digits) o Visa (13-16 digits) o MasterCard (16 digits)

Card # _________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. ____________________________

Cardholder ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Cardholder’s Address (if different from above) _______________________________________________________________________________

City/State/Postal Code ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Country ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 DAY PREMIUM PACKAGE (BEST VALUE) (Includes access to four conference short courses, all conference sessions, exhibit hall functions and conference proceedings)

Early Registration by Dec. 11, 2009 Advance Registration by Jan. 29, 2010 Registration after Jan. 29, 2010

Commercial o $2295 o $2495 o $2595

Academic, Gov’t, Hospital o $1195 o $1245 o $1295

Please select which 2-day conference and short courses you will most likely attend.2-day conferences Short Courses

March 8-9 (please select one) March 8 (please select one or more)o3rd Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oDesigning and Implementing a Clinical Enrollment Plan (Morning-March 8)o2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oUtilization of Electronic Health Record Data in Clinical Research (Morning-March 8)

March 10-11 March 10o2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America (March 10-11) oCountry & Site Feasibility and Selection for Global Clinical Trials (Morning-March 10)

oeCTD 2010 (Full Day-March 10)

3 DAY STANDARD PACKAGE (Includes access to one 2-day conference, eCTD 2010, plus one additional conference short course, and exhibit hall functions and conference proceedings)

Early Registration by Dec. 11, 2009 Advance Registration by Jan. 29, 2010 Registration after Jan. 29, 2010

Commercial o $1845 o $1995 o $2195

Academic, Gov’t, Hospital o $995 o $1045 o $1125

Please select which 2-day conference and short course in addtion to eCTD 2010 you will most likely attend.2-day conferences Short Courses

March 8-9 (please select one) March 8 (please select one more besides eCTD)o3rd Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oDesigning and Implementing a Clinical Enrollment Plan (Morning-March 8)o2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oUtilization of Electronic Health Record Data in Clinical Research (Morning-March 8)

March 10-11 March 10o2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America (March 10-11) oCountry & Site Feasibility and Selection for Global Clinical Trials (Morning-March 10)

o3eCTD 2010 (Full Day-March 10)

2 DAY STANDARD PACKAGE (Includes access to one 2-day conference, plus one additional conference short course, and exhibit hall functions and conference proceedings)

Early Registration by Dec. 11, 2009 Advance Registration by Jan. 29, 2010 Registration after Jan. 29, 2010

Commercial o $1495 o $1595 o $1795

Academic, Gov’t, Hospital o $785 o $845 o $925

Please select which 2-day conference and short course you will most likely attend.2-day conferences Short Courses

March 8-9 (please select one) March 8 (please select one)o3rd Annual Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oDesigning and Implementing a Clinical Enrollment Plan (Morning-March 8)o2nd Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials (March 8-9) oUtilization of Electronic Health Record Data in Clinical Research (Morning-March 8)

March 10-11 March 10o2nd Annual Drug Development Latin America (March 10-11) oCountry & Site Feasibility and Selection for Global Clinical Trials (Morning-March 10)

oeCTD 2010 (Full Day-March 10)

1 DAY REGISTRATION PACKAGE Commercial Academic, Gov’t, Hospital-affiliatedeCTD 2010 Short Course Only o $995 o $595

Conference Package Pricing

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Email: 7 Fax: 781-972-5425

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