cambridge, king's & queens

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE(You have a link on the first slide): Thank you King's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. Founded in 1441, the college's formal name is "The King's College of Our Lady and St. Nicholas in Cambridge". It is usually referred to simply as "King's" within the university. Queens' College, a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England, was founded in 1448 by Margaret of Anjou (the Queen of Henry VI), and refounded in 1465 by Elizabeth Woodville (the Queen of Edward IV). This dual foundation is reflected in its orthography: Queens', not Queen's, although the full name is The Queen's College of St Margaret and St Bernard, commonly called Queens' College, in the University of Cambridge


King’s College este poate cel mai faimos dintre cele 31 de colegii autonome de la Cambridge

King's College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. The college's full name is "The King's College of our Lady and Saint Nicholas in Cambridge", but it is usually referred to simply as "King's" within the University. The college was founded in 1441 by King Henry VI

Capela colegiului King a fost ridicată în anul 1446

King's College Chapel is regarded as one of the greatest examples of late Gothic English architecture.

Studiile universitare sunt intensive iar anul academic este împărţit în trei trimestre. După al nouălea trimestru se poate obţine diploma de licenţă

King's offers all undergraduate courses available at the University, except for education, Land Economy and veterinary medicine, although Directors of Studies for Anglo-Saxon Norse & Celtic, Geography, and Management Studies all visit from other colleges.

Cine continuă studiile după obţinerea diplomei de licenţă are şansa să obţină o diplomă de master sau de doctorat

În secolul XVII la această universitate a studiat Isaac Newton care în 1669 a devenit profesor de matematică preluând şi catedra de fizică

Newton studied at Cambridge and was professor there from 1669 to 1701. A graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, Newton developed an intense interest in mathematics and the laws of nature which ultimately led to his two most famous works: Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) and Opticks (1704).

Newton was his university's representative in Parliament (1689-90, 1701-2) and was president of the Royal Society from 1703 until his death.

Newton’s mathematical bridge

Cambridge, cea mai veche universitate din Marea Britanie după Oxford, este aşezat pe malurile râului Cam

The River Cam is about 40 miles long and where it flows through Cambridge it is supplied by a catchment area of size 761.5 km² - equivalent to an area about 17 miles square. It is navigable as far as Cambridge - the water level being carefully controlled by a series of weirs and locks.

Vâslitul rămâne una dintre cele mai populare distracţii studenţeşti

Zona verde The Backs

The Backs is an area to the east of Queen's Road in the city of Cambridge, where several colleges of the University of Cambridge back on to the River Cam, their grounds covering both banks of the river (The name "the Backs" refers to the backs of the colleges)

♦Wind mills of your mind - Petula Clark ♦ Take a chance on me - Abba


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