can campaign: fight for child survival i believe it ...€¦ · • assist you with the facts and...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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The following instruction guide is here to:

• Give you confidence to take action through the new CAN Campaign: Fight for Child Survival

• Assist you with the facts and information on Compassion Australia’s campaign, i believe ... it shouldn’t end at the beginning

• Guide you on how to promote Compassion’s Child Survival Program

• List the ‘campaign resources’ available for you to use

• Provide contact details for your state-based CAN Relations Managers should you require further help.

Aim: To mobilise and equip the CAN to join Compassion’s focus to fight for child survival throughout churches, small groups, workplaces, youth groups and schools.

How: For each of the places you are a Child Advocate (Church, Small group, Workplace, Youth group or School) we have created a specific ‘How To Take Action’ guide. The guides provide instructions and ideas for using the campaign and the various resources in your specific context.

The aim of the guides is to help you get your networks to take one or all of the following actions:

1. Sign the i believe postcard petition: This petition calls on Australian parliamentarians to increase the amount of foreign aid given to fighting for child survival.

2. Financially support a specific Child Survival Program: Compassion’s local church partners assist mothers, caregivers and babies with health checkups, education, nutrition, support groups, income-generation activities and much more! The Child Survival Program is explained in greater detail below.

3. Fundraise for Compassion’s Child Survival Program through This is a great option for schools and youth groups. To help you we’ve included some exciting fundraising ideas in the “How to Take Action” guides for schools and youth. Get started by looking under “Fundraise Online” on the CAN Campaign site

By the end of the CAN campaign we hope to see:

• Three specific Child Survival Programs fully funded by the support that you, the CAN, are able to raise amongst friends, family and churches

• Over 3000 postcard petitions signed and delivered to parliamentarians

• Over $10,000 raised for the Child Survival Program.

i believe ... it shouldn’t end at the beginning is the campaign being run by Compassion Australia to raise awareness of the issues of child mortality throughout our ministry. It is from this larger Compassion Australia campaign that we have created the focus for the CAN Campaign: Fight for Child Survival.

Key statistic: Every day, 22,000 children die, most from entirely preventable causes. It’s hard to know which is more shocking: that so many lives are lost each day, or that their deaths can be stopped.

Key messages:

• Child mortality is not fair or reasonable; it’s injustice in its most potent form.

• The majority of child deaths are preventable. Children should not be dying from diarrhoea, malaria, pneumonia, and malnutrition when we know how to help.

• Simple things we can take for granted, such as literacy, education, training in childcare, prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and vaccinations, would see these numbers plummet.

Commit these to memory, as they form the core reasons behind why we think this is such an important issue to act on!

A goal of the CAN Campaign is to fully fund three Child Survival Programs. Each Child Survival Program assists an average of 50 mothers, caregivers and their babies to overcome the challenges facing them so they can have the very best start to life.

The first program we hope to see fully funded is the Bugongi Child Survival Program. Bungongi sits in the hills of Uganda. Children from this area often suffer from malnutrition, diarrhoea, HIV/AIDS and intestinal worms. The average age for first-time mothers is 15 years old, and the average family has five children.

You can view further specifics of the Bugongi program on the website (, where people can support online, and on the Child Survival Program brochures and Child Survival Program supporter forms which are also available to download or order. It is important to familiarise yourself with the details of the Program, as this will help you encourage others to support.

Note: When the Bugongi Child Survival Program becomes fully funded, we will alert you and focus on a new Child Survival Program in another community where

Compassion works. When that happens, the website, Child Survival Program brochures and Child Survival Program supporter forms will also change to feature

the new program.

There are two ways to encourage your friends, family and church to support the Child Survival Program:

1. Using the website (preferred option): The CAN has a special webpage at where people can provide their payment details securely and easily.

IDEA: You might like to set up the webpage on a few laptops on a display table for people to donate then and there! You can also download or order a Child Survival Program brochure. The brochures are designed to help direct people to the website and come complete with information about the specific Child Survival Program supporters can partner with.

2. Completing a Child Survival Program supporter form*: The Child Survival Program Supporter Forms must be ordered and can be used to record credit card and payment details. Once complete, supporters are linked with a specific Compassion Child Survival Program in a developing world community.

*Note: This option is only available to CAN members who are trained Program Promoters. Program Promoters have had police checks, character references and training

and are authorised to handle payment detail forms. If you would like to become a Program Promoter, visit for details.

Also, we have limited numbers of Child Survival Program supporter forms, so please only order as many as you believe you can get completed. Otherwise, use the

Child Survival Program brochures and direct potential supporters to the website.

The following speaking points will help you start a conversation about the Child Survival Program, answer any potential questions you might be asked and sign people up to begin giving financially.

NOTE: When promoting Compassion’s Child Survival Program, we never use the acronym CSP.

The Goal of the Child Survival Program:

For the children in the Child Survival Program to not only survive but to thrive and have a healthy start to life.

Quick facts:

• The Child Survival Program is implemented in 15 partner countries.

• Internationally there are 22,913 mothers/caregivers and children benefitting from the Child Survival Program in 498 centres. That’s over 45,000 individual caregivers and children!

• Compassion Australia is currently supporting 57 Child Survival Programs.

What to say when you want to ...

... give an overview of the Child Survival Program.

Every day, 22,000 children die, most from entirely preventable causes. It’s hard to know which is more shocking: that so many lives are lost each day, or that their deaths can be stopped. Compassion’s Child Survival Program helps to fight against child mortality by reaching children in their most vulnerable first few years.

Compassion’s Child Survival Program aims to reach the most vulnerable children in the critical first few years of their life, by assisting their mothers or caregivers. The program works towards healthy childhood development and assists with issues like malnutrition, pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, hygiene and much more.

... explain the outcomes of the Child Survival Program.

Your support helps mothers and their babies work toward the following outcomes:

For the children:

• They are physically healthy.

• They exhibit self-confidence and healthy relationships.

For the mothers/caregivers:

• They are sufficiently healthy to provide for the child’s well-being.

• They exhibit self-confidence, healthy relationships and resilience to care for the children’s basic needs.

• They exhibit the motivation and skills to be economically self-supporting.

• They demonstrate a commitment to Jesus Christ.

... explain what someone’s support will provide.

Your support will provide mothers/caregivers and babies with:

• Pre- and post-natal care, including check-ups and vaccinations.

• Education on essential topics including signs and symptoms of complications in pregnancy and caring for newborns.

• Personal hygiene, health and nutrition education.

• Opportunities to support each other through motherhood.

• Income generation opportunities.

• Nutritious food and supplements.

• Spiritual nurturing and the opportunity to experience love of Jesus.

.... explain how someone can support the Child Survival Program.

You can support a specific Child Survival Program for $58 (or $29) per month.

$58 per month allows Compassion to assist mothers, caregivers and babies with health checkups, education, nutrition, support groups, income-generation activities and much more!

The $29 per month is the basic level of giving, which simply means we need more supporters to fully deliver the specific Child Survival Program activities.

NOTE: - Depending on the contribution amount selected (either $58 or $29), 60 – 120 supporters are required to fully fund a specific Child Survival Program for a year.

- The same level of assistance is provided for $29 a month. However, this means we need to find more supporters in order to see an entire Child Survival

Program fully funded.

... explain what the supporter will receive from Compassion and the Child Survival Program.

Supporters will receive two updates each year. These updates will include the Child Survival Program newsletter, as well as information on the specific Child Survival Program they are supporting. These specific updates will include an interview with a mother and information on how lives are being changed because of this vital program.

... explain how someone (perhaps a business or individual) can support an entire Child Survival Program .

You can support an entire Child Survival Program for $3,000 or more per month. This equates to $36,000 annually.

Individual supporters who choose to fund an entire Child Survival Program will be taken care of by Compassion’s Partner Relations Team and receive personal contact from a member of that team.

... give a call to action to your friends, family, church or workplace to support the Child Survival Program.

• Give hope and support to mothers and babies through Compassion’s Child Survival Program (or for a specific Child Survival Program insert the program name, e.g. through the Bugongi Child Survival Program).

• Help give life-changing support to mothers and babies in the first five critical years of life. Support child survival for $58 a month.

• With only $58 a month you can join the fight for child and maternal health.

• Stand with mothers and caregivers as they raise their children in the developing world; support Compassion’s Child Survival Program for $58 a month.

All campaign resources are available either to download or order from Compassion.

To download resources: Go to the CAN Campaign page at and click on ‘download resources’.

To order resources: Go to the CAN Campaign page at and click on ‘order resources’.


‘How To Take Action’ guides - Church - Small group (Bible study) - Youth group - Workplace - School

The guides provide instructions and ideas for using the CAN Campaign and the various resources in each of these specific contexts.


i believe postcard petition Calls on Australian parliamentarians to increase the amount of foreign aid given to fighting for child survival. The petition tears off and must be sent back to Compassion.


Child Survival Program brochures Information about a specific Child Survival Program with a link to the webpage where supporters can complete financial and contact details.

Download or order

Child Survival Program supporter forms (Program Promoters only)

Information about a specific Child Survival Program with form for taking financial and supporter details.

Order (limited stock)

i believe posters Stunning images to help promote the campaign. Download or order

30 Days for Life prayer resource 30 days of prayer points for child survival. Download or order

i believe small group study Five-week Bible study series exploring the deeper concepts of poverty and child survival from abiblical perspective.

Download or order

i believe fact sheet Facts and statistics surrounding the issue of child mortality.

Download or order

i believe video Features stories from Child Survival Programs in Africa and captivating animations that deliver the facts and statistics in a hard-hitting yet understandable way.

Youtube or order - both the video and presentation on DVD

i believe presentation A deck of Power Point slides full of impacting stories, statistics and Bible verses related to child survivaland God’s heart for children, which you can tailor to your needs.

Order - both the video and presentation on DVD

Your state-based CAN Relations Manager will post any resources out that you order and is ready and waiting to answer all of your questions!

NSW/ACT QLDElizabeth Hardwicke Lynette

VIC/SA/TAS WA/NTElaine Gan Melissa

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