can i learn chinese while teaching english in china?

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Can I learn Chinese while teaching English in China?

BE FREAKING COMMITTED.Like Jay Z and Beyoncé.. Oops.

This is an extremely important tip. Many people have the intention of learning a

foreign language but fail to back it up with the proper commitment. Why take lessons and buy study material if you are not going

to be serious about learning?

Spending 1 hour a day will not be enough. Our goal is to master the foreign language; this means putting serious effort into this endeavor. It may mean giving up your free

time to master the Chinese language. It might be hard to commit the time required to study, but once you find your groove, it will be easy.

Learning a foreign language might help you land a well-paying job. Many Chinese firms are global, so many

employers will be looking for qualified personnel and personnel that can

speak a foreign language.

There are also many foreign companies who have companies set up in the US that need

bilingual employees too. So be committed to learning and there will certainly be employment


HAVE GOOD STUDY MATERIAL! Like none of that Doctor Seuss stuff..

Having good study material makes learning easier.If you are learning Chinese through

school or the University, you are stuck with the study material they give you. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot go out and

purchase additional study material to supplement what you have.

Our goal is to master the language, passing the course will happen naturally if you master

the material you are studying. Tapes, CDs, DVDs, mp3, software downloads are good

because you can listen to it over and over and over again. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Practice reading, practice writing, practice


Practice makes perfect.

You should study enough so that you feel like you understand the material inside and out. A good way of testing how much you know is to talk to your classmates or friends and explain

to them what you learned. If you cannot teach what you have learned, then that means you have not mastered it and needed to go back

and study it harder.

1 hour of class will not be enough. So be prepared to do more. If you have any questions see your instructor, teacher, or anyone that can

help you, they would be more than willing to help you out. Put yourself in the frame of mind that you are going to a foreign country and will

have no one to help you so learning the language is a must for your survival.


The lights are on, but no one is home.

I see this all too often. Many newbies will form the English sentence and then

mentally translate it to the foreign language they are learning and then speak the sentence. They also do the same thing when they are listening to

the foreign language.

You will never master any foreign language if you translate sentences in your head. It

takes too long, and it is very tiring. You will also never have a long conversation

because you will be worn out translating sentences back and forth.

Keep on studying and practicing so forming sentences become natural. In the beginning, it will be hard but after awhile it will come more naturally. As we mentioned before “practice makes


IMMERSION IS THE KEYTo learning languages and torture..

Which are actually very similar

Find a native speaker of the foreign language you are learning and talk to

them every day, don’t be shy.

You would be surprised to find out how many people are willing to teach you their native language. There are many people that speak foreign languages,

find that person(s).

This will pay huge dividends. The native speaker can help you with your pronunciation, your sentence

structure, and more. This will be much helpful when learning Chinese to teach

English in China.

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