can moodle become more supple ?

Post on 03-Nov-2014






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Stanley Frielick Presentation at Moodle Moot NZ 07


  • 1.
    • MoodleMoot 05 -
  • Second wave of eLearning
  • MoodleMoot 06 -
  • CeLDD
  • MoodleMoot 07 -
  • Shift from LMS to PLE:
  • Institutional context of eLearning

'You can keep me now3 V1 2. canMOODLE become more SUP PLE? Stanley Frielick 3. 4. WEB 1.0 ------ WEB 2.0 SHIFT FROM LMS/VLE-------PLE 5. In considering the shift towards Web 2.0 Is the LMS dead ? 6. Bebo White (2007). Is Web 2.0 the Future of the Web? 7. Bebo White (2007). Is Web 2.0 the Future of the Web? 8. Current systems used in education follow a consistent design pattern, one that is not supportive of lifelong learning or personalization, is asymmetric in terms of user capability, and which is disconnected from the global ecology of Internet services. In this paper we propose an alternative design pattern for educational systems that emphasizes symmetric connections with a range of services both in formal and informal learning, work, and leisure, and identify strategies for implementation and experimentation. Wilson, S et. al. (2006). Personal Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems Challenging the dominant design of educational systems 'Mini Stativ Gorilla-Pod 9. Getting beyond centralized technologies in higher education Centralized learning management systems still characterize the predominant institutional approach to computational support for teaching and studying in higher education. This approach contrasts sharply with the growing dissemination of decentralized, loosely coupled, and networked tools and services that provide increasingly powerful means to augment a wide variety of activities and practices outside of institutional boundaries. Recently, notions of personal learning environments (PLEs) have been brought forward and discussed as a viable alternative to the centralized approach to technological support for teaching and studying that most educational institutions employ. Ed-Media 2007 Symposium. 'Dealing with tension Xviii (series). 10. 11. Out of the Box & Into the Hub: Chris Handley, Adrian Wilson, Nils Peterson, & Gary Brown. September 2007. S ePortfolio Model (Free-Range or course as Hub) MySpace S Professional S S S S S S S S S S S S The LMS Traditional Class ( Corralled ) = Web 2.0 Applications (Facebook, Flickr, Bebo, MySpace) ePortfolio CourseHub ePortfolioCourseHub Facebook Base Camp S = Student with links of their choice 12. 13. WEB 1.0 ------ WEB 2.0 SHIFT FROM LMS/VLE-------PLE 14. *flexible roles (1.7) * user generated question engine (1.9) * IMS-Learning Design Import-Export (2.0) - probably the only intl. standard for collaborative learning * flexible profile fields (1.8) - nicknames, birthdays, etc. * self-assessment, peer-assessment (workshop module, project module) * community hub (1.9) * repository API (1.9) * personal, transportable portfolio (2.1) What can Moodle learn from other Web 2.0 applications? What do we need to add? * social networking course format * social networking repository for teachers (with fun incentives) * question engine integrated throughout modules * user-generated content publishing tools, interfaces * engaging games for learning, and socialising * role-playing worlds MOODLEbecoming moreSUP PLE Don Hinkleman 15. 16. 17. 'Flexible3 ?

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