"can you help me get a job" - job search strategy

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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http://www.gethiredfast.com - "Can You Help Me Get a Job" - Job Search Strategy, find a job,job search,job search strategy,resume


Can You Say, “Help Me Get a Job?”

There’s a question that too many unemployed people refuse to ask their neighbors, friends, or family members:

“Can you help me get a job?”

And that’s unfortunate. Often, it’s the people whom job seekers least expect

who can provide them with the biggest help in landing their next job.

Social Networking

For instance, the neighbor three doors down might have a daughter-in-law

who’s a lawyer downtown. That lawyer might represent a construction firm

that is looking for a new site supervisor. The unemployed

construction professional three doors down would never know this if he

hadn’t asked his neighbor if he knew of any potential job openings in his


It can be embarrassing for the unemployed to ask social

acquaintances for help. Some people feel as if they are imposing when

asking for help. Others are private and prefer not to discuss work or financial

matters with their neighbors or friends. Still others are simply too

ashamed of being out of work, and don’t want to look like a failure in front

of others.

Finding Your Next Job

But all three of these attitudes can hurt unemployed people who are job

searching. One of the best ways to find employment is to network the old-

fashioned way: face-to-face. Networking doesn’t just occur among

business professionals, former co-workers and past bosses. Unemployed

people can also network with their second cousins, sister’s boyfriend, next-door neighbor, and mailman.

In fact, any time an unemployed person tells someone she meets that she’s out of work, she increases her

chances of eventually connecting with someone who can help her find a new


The potential upside, then, of asking neighbors or friends the “Can you help me get a job?” question is huge. And

the downside of suffering a bit of embarrassment or hurt pride is

incredibly minor.

Using all Your Job-Search Tools

Job hunters aren’t afraid of surfing to the best job search websites, asking

for job leads on Facebook or LinkedIn or calling their former co-workers to

ask for employment recommendations. They shouldn’t be afraid, either, to ask the members of their social circle for help in their job


If you’re struggling with the idea of using all of your resources to land a new job, sign up for our Get Hired

Boot Camp. Our experts will how you exactly all the tools you have to help

land your next job.

Interested in Finding Out More about Job Search Strategies and Job Search Advice? Please come and visit us at


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