can your lab compete?

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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How Medical Lab can fight with competitors and go from Red to Blue Ocean


Does your Lab swim in the Red Ocean of Competition?

May be it is time to find the way out into Blue

Ocean of uniqueness?

Blue Ocean Strategy is a book published in 2005 and written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, Professors at INSEAD and Co-Directors of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy

Institute. Wikipedia

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How my Lab can break out of the Red Ocean?

We see only one way: add value to the doctors

Doctors see you just as data provider !

From their point of view all data providers a mostly the euqal

If you want to get more, you need to break out the line…

line of “another medical data provider”

If you agree with this logic, please go farther

If your Lab can help doctors in their everyday working life, doctors will appreciate that and distinguish your Lab from competitors

Consequently, doctors loyalty secures your position

Consequently, you can break out of the Red Ocean to the Blue one

Why  Lab?

Doctor’s working day consist of two big part

Collect and analyze the data

Work with the patient

You  can  make  this  part  of  his  life  much  easier!

Doctor’s working day consist of two big part

Collect and analyze the data

Work with the patient


• see ASAP results of any of his/her patients

• see results as graphs with underlined “deviation” results = not

need to see all results

• make new orders for analysis (orders automatically goes into your

system, so patient not need even paper from doctor!)


Your Lab can give to doctor Personal Cabinet, where he/she is able to:

• manage his/her own CRM-system which is able to:

• Event Act: Analyze results of analisis and make actions (like “if

this parameter in the result is not OK, send letter to the patient

with this text”

• Time Act: If time is up (or date is comming), send letter or SMS


al  CRM

• get a new patients automatically:

• Based at analysis result, System recomend to find doctor and

shows address and contact data New


With Vitagramma your Lab add value to the

doctors. And doctors:

•manage their work more productively

•percept your Lab as unique

•don’t want to go from your Lab no matter what

competitors do

We can help you to get more value

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