canada a totalitarian state - icke

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Canada a Totalitarian State - Icke



    Andrew Coyne, a noted and respected Canadian co!mnist in t"e Nationa #ost, ar$!edast mont" t"at Canada is not a democracy. %e said it, &!ite emp"aticay.One o' "is !nderyin$ o(servations is t"e concept o' #rime )inisteria power. *)em(erso' #ariament, once eected, "ave no roe (!t to r!((er+stamp decisions aready taken (yt"e party eader, w"ie t"e #rime )inister enoys soe power o' appointment to everymaor o''ice in t"e and, 'rom t"e Ca(inet to t"e Senate to t"e S!preme Co!rt to t"e -anko' Canada.-rian )!roney, o!r ast #rime )inister, and /ean C"retien, o!r c!rrent #rime )inister,"ave "ad e0posed t"eir "orri'icay corr!pt re$imes. )!roney, an apparent I!minati, isa very cose (!ddy o' 1eor$e -!s", e0+#resident o' t"e 2.S., 3t"ey serve on severam!tinationa -oards to$et"er4 and Ronad Rea$an 3t"ey s"ared t"e sta$e in )ontrea

    once and san$ *5"en Iris" Eyes Are Smiin$.4Americans pro(a(y didn6t even "ear o' t"e Rea$an son$ wit" )!roney and are pro(a(ynot aware o' t"e ties wit" -!s". )!roney sent Canada on its c!rrent economic co!rseand instit!ted 'ree trade. %e aso s!pported Centra -ank poicies w"ic" p!t Canadians inr!in and raise (ankr!ptcy rates to t"eir "i$"est eves ever. T"e (ankr!ptcies contin!edt"ro!$" C"retiens rei$n as we.C"retien "as (een ca!$"t doin$ $overnment money to 'riends and s!pporters o' "isparty, not a startin$ reveation (!t one w"ic" "e denies, even in t"e 'ace o'overw"emin$ evidence to t"e contrary. %is $overnment "as (een !nder sie$e 'or weeksover t"is (iion doar spendin$ (oondo$$e.And speakin$ o' (iion, C"retien "as aso (o!$"t in t"e 2.N. poicy o' $!n contro and

    "as spent cose to a (iion doars on a ridic!o!s $!n re$istry.-iions spent on 'riends and contro.It appears t"at C"retien, 'or e0ampe, pro(a(y ordered t"e RC)# to pepper sprayst!dents at a 7889 A#EC s!mmit in :anco!ver (eca!se Canada didn6t want to em(arrassIndonesian Dictator S!"arto wit" protests. 5omen were strip searc"ed and st!dentsc!((ed merey 'or standin$ (e"ind a (arricade. It was piti'!. C"retien, apparenty,aowed S!"arto6s (ody$!ards to carry $!ns and some pict!res s"ow t"ese (ody$!ardswit" t"eir "ands on pistos, watc"in$ t"e RC)# (eatin$ Canadian citi;ens wit"o!t ca!se.O' co!rse, and remem(er C"retien appoints !d$es, a !d$e today said C"retien does not"ave to appear at an in&!iry into t"e incident 5e can ar$!e a(o!t ot"er restrictive, sti'in$poicies o!r 'edera $overnment advances to contro Canadians and make t"em passivep!ppets, ea$ery eatin$ t"e $overnment spin, (eievin$ '!y t"at o!r 'edera $overnmentoperates to advance o!r interests. o' Canadians s!pport C"retien. 5ow.-!t, at t"e micro eve, we s"o!d e0pore m!nicipa aws and tactics. Today, 'ore0ampe, T"e #rovince, one o' -.C6s (i$$est daiies, writes a(o!t a aw (ein$ passed inNew 5estminster, a city a(o!t 7 min!tes 'rom :anco!ver. T"e new aw wi 'or(idconvicted dr!$ deaers 'rom enterin$ most o' t"e city. T"e (y+aw *e0c!des convicteddr!$ deaers 'rom "!$e areas o' t"e city, says reporter

  • 8/9/2019 Canada a Totalitarian State - Icke


    In :anco!ver, t"e #oice C"ie' apoo$i;ed two weeks a$o 'or tein$ :anco!ver citi;ensto stay away 'rom t"e downtown core d!rin$ New @ears Eve cee(rations. #rior to t"eco!ntdown, :anco!ver poice warned citi;ens t"at i' t"ey came to t"e downtown core,t"ey "ad (etter "ave a vaid reason 'or (ein$ t"ere or t"ey wo!d (e arrested. %ave a nicetime at t"e cee(rations

    D!rin$ a 'ireworks dispay ast year, :anco!ver poice searc"ed, wit"o!t ca!se, citi;ensw"o rode t"e transit system into downtown and con'iscated t"eir aco"o. #eope "ad '!(ottes o' (oo;e stoen (eca!se t"ey were on a train $oin$ downtown.In (ot" o' t"e a(ove cases, citi;ens "ave od$ed 'orma compaints a$ainst t"e poice.-i$ dea.In t"e 2.S., t"e weirdness is simiar to t"at in Canada. In Seatte, i' yo! want to se $ir$!ide cookies in -i 1ates nei$"(o!r"ood, yo! m!st $et a poice cearance. @o!r$overnments won6t sove yo!r pro(ems, yo! need s"ows ike B )in!tes, Dateine andteevision reporters to 'i$!re o!t w"ere t"e corr!ption ies.5"at is "appenin$ in Canada, and peope (etter $et !sed to t"is, is t"at we are *t"ee0periment 'or ot"er nations. 5e are t"e o(i$in$ s!ckers w"ose $overnments are

    towin$ every conceiva(e 2.N dictate to t"e ma0im!m. 5e are t"e s!ckers w"o istenedto t"e -ank 'or Internationa Settements te t"e word t"ere was *too m!c"empoyment, and accordin$y, we adopted a monetary poicy w"ic" drove Canadians to(ankr!ptcy rates !nmatc"ed in t"e word today./ean C"retien pays $o', re$!ary, wit" -i Cinton. Cinton even $ave C"retien, as a$i't, an . $o' c!(. )!roney is very ti$"t wit" 1eor$e -!s" and was very ti$"twit" Ronad Rea$an.Do I "ave to draw yo! $!ys a map + @o!r 2.S. $overnment is initiatin$ t"e very samepoicies t"at pretty we destroyed Canada and as I reported ast week 3I "ope yo! $ot t"eartice4, Canada6s standard o' ivin$ wi (e "a' o' t"at in t"e 2.S. in 7 years + and t"is'rom an economist 'rom t"e (i$$est (ank in Canada.Everyt"in$ we "ave done is part o' t"e e0periment + sowin$ markets to stem in'ation3)!roney said "is tactics and interest rate poicies, in t"e ate 786s and eary 7886swo!d res!t in an economic so't+andin$ and it !st a(o!t r!ined !s4 sowin$ marketstoday, 'or t"e same reasons in t"e ate 786s $!n contro and more recenty, t"eprono!ncement 'rom $overnments t"at ta0 (reaks may not (e on t"e ta(e anymore,(eca!se Centra -anks, and yo!r own

  • 8/9/2019 Canada a Totalitarian State - Icke


    No weat" 3w"ie $ivin$ t"e i!sion o' !nrestricted opport!nities to increase weat"4.C!r(in$ $rowt" in a (oomin$ time (y raisin$ interest rates. Restrictions in movement.Ens!rin$ identi'ication o' citi;ens + ta0 system, icenses, etc. Cose scr!tiny o' movement(y $overnment. 1!n contro. 1overnment $reed. Corporate $reed. T"e 2.N. 5ord1overnment. T"e 5ord Trade Or$ani;ation. #oice c"ecks to se $ir $!ide cookies 3te

    t"at to yo!r da!$"ter4. Spin.T"ere are t"o!sands o' words I can !se to descri(e w"at is "appenin$ (!t it a comes toone word + CONTROL.Contro (y w"om? David Icke, I t"ink yo! "ave "it t"e nai on t"e "ead.private News report 'rom Canada

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