canadian party values

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Details of Canadian political system


Canadian Political Party ValuesBy: Ashutosh AgarwalGreen partyThe Green party believes in: Non-violence: The Green party strives for cultural peace and cooperation between provinces. They also believe that security shouldn't just be the military's job. They finally believe in empowering the UN as the world-wide organization of peacekeeping and conflict resolution. Ecological Wisdom: The Green party acknowledges that we are part of the natural world and we should respect the specific values of all forms of life. They also acknowledge the wisdom of the indigenous peoples of the world. They finally acknowledge that human society depends on the ecological resources of the planet, and must ensure the integrity of ecosystems. Participatory Democracy: The Green party strives for a government in which all citizens have the right to express their ideas, and are involved in all decisions. They also believe in getting rid of inequalities of money and power that prevent the involvement of others. They finally believe in giving youth a voice through education and assisting youth in every part of life involving politics Respect for Diversity: The Green party honor and value the world's ecological diversity mixed with the cultural, religious, and spiritual diversity. They also believe in the protection of the rights of those in Canada without discrimination. They finally believe in creating positive and responsible relationships in the idea of a multi-cultural society. Social Justice: The green party believes that the key to social justice is the distribution of resources to meet human needs unconditionally. They also believe that all people in Canada should have opportunities towards personal and social development. They finally believe that there isn't social justice without environmental justice and vice versa. Sustainability: The Green party recognizes that there isn't enough material for the expansion of society. They also recognize the need to maintain society through the use of renewable resources and non-renewable resources. They also believe that to attain sustainability poverty must be removed.

Conservative PartyThe Conservatives believe in: Jobs, Growth and Long-term prosperity: The conservative party believes in keeping taxes low. They also believe making sure Canadian citizens have jobs. They finally believe investing in important infrastructure for our communities. Keeping our Families and Streets safe: The conservative party believes in putting the victims' families first. They also believe in holding those accountable for their crime. They finally believe in making the families of all Canadian citizens safe. Supporting families: The conservative government believes in giving real support to all Canadian citizens. They also believe in improving the Adoption Expense Tax Credit so it mirrors the price of adoption. They finally believe in investing $253 million per year for 5 years in average priced projects for housing. The NDP (New Democratic Party)The NDP believe in: Aboriginal: The NDP believe in encouraging the involvement of Aboriginals in politics. They also believe in giving the Aboriginals a voice in the party. They finally believe that all Aboriginals are party members, supporters, and candidates. LGBT: The NDP believe in making sure all citizens of Canada have equal rights and opportunities. They also believe in no discrimination for Canadian citizens. They also believe in the involvement of the LGBT community in the political process. Persons living with disabilities: The NDP believes in making sure people with different abilities have the same opportunities. They also believe that people with disabilities should be included in the political process. They finally believe that all disabled people should get the support they need to succeed. Visible Minorities: The NDP believes in reaching all ethnic, religious and racial groups. They also believe that there should be diversity Canadian society. They finally believe in fighting for equality, opportunities, and fairness. Women: The NDP believe in giving women a voice. They also believe in the participation of women in politics. They finally believe in demolishing barriers, and removing stereotypes. Youth: The NDP believe in putting the priorities of youth and their families first. They also believe in giving youth a voice. They finally believe in being united with youths.

The Liberals The liberals believe in: Economic policy: The Liberals believe in promoting the middle class. They also believe in spending money on education, infrastructure and new trade associates. They finally believe in working with all Canadians to upgrade the Canadian Pension Plan. Social Policy: The Liberals believe in affordable housing to make sure families can make ends meet. They also believe in making sure Canadians have access to reasonable priced, exceptional child care spaces in all parts of the country. Thy finally believe in making sure all Canadians have access to high-quality, publically funded healthcare. Foreign Affairs and Defense: The Liberals believe that Canada should be a world leader at joint institutions. They also believe in working with our allies to encourage cooperation, tolerance and respect. They also believe in reducing barriers in trade so everyone can benefit. Democratic Reform: The liberals believe in an open, transparent method to appointing senators. They also believe in having an open parliament in which all MPs expenses will be public. They finally believe that the governments information should be public. Justice and public Safety: The liberals believe that there should be strong punishments for those who commit serious crimes. They also believe that judges should restricted to violent and serious crimes. They finally believe that the personal information of Canadians should not be illegally monitored by the government. Energy and the Environment: The Liberals believe that its time to support clean energy and energy-efficient projects. They also believe that we shouldnt have to choose between protecting our environment and improving our economy. They finally believe that its time to work together to fight climate change, set targets on carbon emissions and pricing.

Bloc QuebecoisThe Bloc Quebecois believes in: Economy: The Bloc believe that there should be an implement on tax returns.They also believe that we should take measures to reduce Qubecs dependence on oil. They finally believe that we should reconnect with the funding of development groups Environment: The Bloc believe that we should fight climate change. They also believe that we should a refundable tax credit for transit passes. They finally believe that we should re-establish the eco AUTO Rebate Program. Families: The bloc believe that we should provide funding to maintain and build social housing. They also believe that we should adopt a federal pay equity act. They finally believe that we should provide an $8,000 tax credit to new graduates who return to the area where the used to live to work and live there. Education the Arts: The Bloc believes that we should eliminate the GST on books. They also believe that we should re-establish programs about cultures. They finally believe that we should allow the averaging of artists income. Justice: The Bloc believes that we should keep the gun registry. They also believe that we should abolish the release of prisoners who have served one-sixth of a sentence has been served. They finally believe that we should confiscate good acquired by criminal means by reversing the procedure

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