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  • 7/30/2019 cannacord - RKH


    Company Analysis UK30 July 201

    This research note is produced by Canaccord Genuity Limited which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

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    Rockhopper Exploration

    RKH: 177p


    Target: 553p

    Charlie Sharp +44 20 7523

    Thomas Martin +44 20 7523 838



    6.0% 0.0% 0.0%


    Shares Out (m): 284

    Market Cap: 502m

    EV (m): 438


    Rockhopper Exploration Rel to FTSE AIM All-Share

    Source: Thomson Datastream

    Oil & Gas - Oil & Gas Producers - Exploration & Production

    Premier farm in the real value story

    Investment case

    We think that Premier Oils farm-in to 60% of Rockhoppers Falkland Islands licence

    represents a very appealing deal for Rockhopper, delivering a highly competent and

    motivated development operator, a significantly strengthened balance sheet with no

    short-term cash calls, and an enhanced exploration outlook as Premier effectively

    carries three further exploration wells. Rockhopper is now a very strong value play,

    with the financial resources to deliver the Sea Lion development, and still significantupside potential through further carried appraisal and exploration.

    Sector context

    The E&P sector is trading at an average 58% of our fair value. Yet, Rockhopper is

    trading at only 31% and with a very strong balance sheet and a highly credible

    development partner in Premier Oil (once the companys farm-out of its Falkland

    Islands licences completes). We believe that the discount compared with its peers is

    unjustified. Indeed, in our view, post the Premier transaction, Rockhopper should

    trade above the average rating in the sector.

    Company fundamentals

    Rockhopper Exploration is farming out a 60% operated interest in its Falkland

    Islands licences to Premier Oil. The deal will leave Rockhopper with estimated cash

    of $331m (excluding CGT) and a 40% working interest in the licences (net 2C

    resources of 142 mmbbls, and fully carried up to first oil in H1 2017 assuming an

    FPSO lease and gross capital costs of $1.8 billion). Further standby financing from

    Premier is set aside, if the costs are greater. We think this transaction leaves

    Rockhopper in a much stronger position than before, and with around 150 mmbbls

    net resource upside potential.


    We value Rockhopper at 553p/share, underpinned by a core valuation, for the Sea

    Lion development together with a balance sheet adjustment, of 410p/share.

    Share performance catalystFormal completion of the Premier farm-in, which is anticipated in September, should

    provide impetus to the stock. More details and timing on the restart of exploration

    drilling and the specific targets, and further updates from the new operator on

    progress towards FDP submission (expected in H1 2014), are also likely to be share

    price catalysts.
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    30 July 201

    Executive Summary

    Whats in the price

    We expect Rockhopper to have net cash (after adjustments) of 55p/share (155m,

    $248m) and no debt, once the Premier farm-in completes. Assuming net cash is given ful

    value, which we think is reasonable as Rockhoppers cash outgoings for the foreseeable

    future in the Falkland Islands are negligible, then the implied market valuation for the

    underlying assets is 119p/share (338m, $541m). We value Sea Lion resources for

    Rockhopper at $14.6 per barrel so the market is effectively discounting 37 mmbbls

    resources for Rockhopper, compared with net Sea Lion 2C resources of 123 mmbbls, and

    total net 2C resources (including Casper, Casper South and Beverley) of 142 mmbbls. The

    market, then, in our view, is valuing the fully financed developments, to be undertaken

    by a well-established operator, at 30% of the net Sea Lion resources alone and 26% of th

    total 2C net resources.

    The Canaccord Genuity viewThe E&P sector is trading at an average of 58% of our fair value, but Rockhopper is

    currently trading at only 31% of our fair value. We believe the Premier farm-in to

    Rockhoppers licences is good for both companies but is especially beneficial for

    Rockhopper. Though Rockhoppers working interest declines to 40% in the Sea Lion

    development post transaction completion, the terms of the deal translate, in our view, to

    a 55% net economic interest to the company. The farm-in, once completed, should

    significantly strengthen Rockhoppers balance sheet, and the prospect of fully financed

    and competently developed assets should reassure investors. In addition, Rockhopper

    will have effectively a three-well exploration carry, with still substantial upside for both


    Valuation and recommendationOur core asset valuation for Rockhoppers Sea Lion resources, post completion of the

    farm-in is 356p/share, which increases to 410p/share after financial adjustments.

    Including the upside from additional appraisal resources and the Sea Lion deterministic

    resource case, results in a central valuation of 499p/share and a total valuation of

    553p/share with exploration. We maintain our BUY rating with a target price of

    553p/share (down from 586p/share as a result of an adjusted anticipated ramp up of

    production from Sea Lion).

    Risks to investment case

    The primary risk is that the deal does not complete, although we see that as a slim

    probability following the signing of an SPA. Oil price weakness may impact market

    sentiment, though with no production expected for several years there will be no direct


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    30 July 201

    ValuationOur valuation for Rockhopper is based upon the assumption that Sea Lion is developed

    as a standalone field via a leased FPSO, coming onstream in H1 2017, with a ramp up of

    production as new wells are drilled in the first two years of production, and reaching a

    peak average production level of 84,000 bopd in 2019/2020.

    Figure 1: Rockhopper Exploration sum-of-parts valuation

    Country Field License Gross WI Post WI Unrisked Valuation CoS Unriske

    Unrisked Farmout Reserves Value

    mmboe % (mmboe) $m $/bbl % $m m p/share p/shar


    Falkland Islands Sea Lion SL10 PL032 84 40.0% 33.6 491 14.6 90% 442 276 97 10

    Sea Lion SL10 PL04b 24 24.0% 5.8 84 14.6 90% 76 47 17 1

    Sea Lion SL20 PL032 204 40.0% 81.5 1,191 14.6 90% 1,072 670 236 26

    Sea Lion SL20 PL04b 9 24.0% 2.1 31 14.6 90% 27 17 6

    Total Development 320 122.9 1,797 1,617 1,011 356 39

    Financials PV Overheads -16 100% -16 -10 -4 -

    Net current Cash 100 100% 100 63 22 2

    Up front Payment 231 100% 231 144 51 5

    PV CGT liability -83 80% -67 -42 -15 -1

    Total Financials 231 248 155 55 5

    Core NAV 2,028 1,865 1,166 410 44


    Falkland Islands Casper PL032 19.3 40.0% 7.7 113 14.6 70% 79 49 17 2

    Casper PL04b 1.8 24.0% 0.4 6 14.6 70% 4 3 1

    Casper South PL032 2.4 40.0% 1.0 14 14.6 70% 10 6 2

    Casper South PL04b 36.6 24.0% 8.8 128 14.6 70% 90 56 20 2

    B15 East PL032 0.7 40.0% 0.3 4 14.6 70% 3 2 1

    SL05 PL04b 4.6 24.0% 1.1 16 14.6 70% 11 7 2

    Sea Lion Deterministic upside 70.5 40.0% 28.2 412 14.6 50% 206 129 45 9

    Total Appraisal/Development 135.9 47.5 694 403 252 89 15

    Total Core + Appraisal ('Central' Value) 2,722 2,269 1,418 499 59


    Falkland Islands SL30 PL032 13 40.0% 5.2 53 10.2 20% 11 7 2 1

    Casper South PL032 6.2 40.0% 2.5 25 10.2 15% 4 2 1

    Casper South PL04c 8.1 10.0% 0.8 8 10.2 15% 1 1 0

    Beverley West PL04b 12.8 24.0% 3.1 31 10.2 30% 9 6 2 Beverley PL04c 5.4 10.0% 0.5 6 10.2 20% 1 1 0

    B15 West PL032 10 40.0% 4.0 41 10.2 50% 20 13 5

    George Central PL032 29.3 40.0% 11.7 120 10.2 10% 12 7 3 2

    George South A PL032 34.3 40.0% 13.7 140 10.2 10% 14 9 3 3

    George South B PL032 51.8 40.0% 20.7 212 10.2 10% 21 13 5 4

    George North PL032 17.7 40.0% 7.1 72 10.2 10% 7 5 2 1

    Berkeley PL032 28.6 40.0% 11.4 117 10.2 10% 12 7 3 2

    S2 PL032 50.5 40.0% 20.2 207 10.2 20% 41 26 9 4

    Chatham PL032 30.9 40.0% 12.4 126 10.2 25% 32 20 7 2

    Chatham East PL032 47.7 40.0% 19.1 195 10.2 20% 39 24 9 4

    Chatham South PL032/04b 25.5 32.0% 8.2 83 10.2 25% 21 13 5 1

    Total Exploration 371.8 140.6 1,439 246 154 54 31

    Total Core + Upside 4,161 2,515 1,572 553 91

    Risked NAV @ 10%

    Source: Canaccord Genuity Limited Estimates, Brent oil price assumption for 2012, $90/bbl, escalating at 2% per annum, discount rate 10%.

    We value SeWe value SeWe value SeWe value Sea Lion net to Rocka Lion net to Rocka Lion net to Rocka Lion net to Rockhopper, including the benefithopper, including the benefithopper, including the benefithopper, including the benefit ofofofof the development carry,the development carry,the development carry,the development carry,at $14.6at $14.6at $14.6at $14.6 per barrelper barrelper barrelper barrel.... We value Sea Lion net to Premier, including the impact of the

    development carry, at $10.2 per barrel.

    We still see some timing and subsurface risk related to theWe still see some timing and subsurface risk related to theWe still see some timing and subsurface risk related to theWe still see some timing and subsurface risk related to the Sea Lion development, soSea Lion development, soSea Lion development, soSea Lion development, sowe risk the project atwe risk the project atwe risk the project atwe risk the project at aaaa 90% chance of success.90% chance of success.90% chance of success.90% chance of success. This translates to a risked Sea Lion

    valuation net to Rockhopper of $13.1 per barrel.

    Assuming the FPSO were to be purchased, we estimate that Rockhopper would requiran additional $450m net capital (in excess of the hard carry of $722m), which would

    be funded either directly by Premier, or could be derived from alternative sources.

    However, our modelling indicates that a purchased FPSO development, although

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    30 July 201

    requiring a greater level of upfront capital for both Premier and Rockhopper, would

    value Sea Lion resources at $14.8 per barrel (risked value $13.3 per barrel).

    Our core value, on the leased FPSO projection, which includes only the Sea lion fieldOur core value, on the leased FPSO projection, which includes only the Sea lion fieldOur core value, on the leased FPSO projection, which includes only the Sea lion fieldOur core value, on the leased FPSO projection, which includes only the Sea lion fielddevelopment and bdevelopment and bdevelopment and bdevelopment and balance sheet aalance sheet aalance sheet aalance sheet adjdjdjdjustments, is 410ustments, is 410ustments, is 410ustments, is 410p/share.p/share.p/share.p/share.

    Our total valuation including appraisOur total valuation including appraisOur total valuation including appraisOur total valuation including appraisal and exploration upside is 553al and exploration upside is 553al and exploration upside is 553al and exploration upside is 553p/share.p/share.p/share.p/share.Stripping out exploration results in aStripping out exploration results in aStripping out exploration results in aStripping out exploration results in a valuationvaluationvaluationvaluation ofofofof 499499499499pppp/share./share./share./share.

    Another way to view this transaction is to assess the economic interest of both

    Rockhopper and Premier in the Sea Lion field development after completion.

    Figure 2: Working Interest vs. Economic Interest

    PremierPremierPremierPremier RockhopperRockhopperRockhopperRockhopper

    Working InterestWorking InterestWorking InterestWorking Interest 60%60%60%60% 40%40%40%40%

    Net 2C Sea Lion Resources (mmbbls) 184 123

    Valuation ($/bbl) 10.2 14.6

    Asset Valuation ($m) 1,886 1,797

    Additional cost/gain of entry ($m) -231 231

    Total Value ($m) 1,655 2,028

    Economic Interest (%)Economic Interest (%)Economic Interest (%)Economic Interest (%) 45%45%45%45% 55%55%55%55%

    Source: Canaccord Genuity Limited Estimates; Gaffney Cline & Associates

    We have assumed just the net Sea Lion 2C resources of 307.4 mmbbls (to the Premier

    Oil/Rockhopper Exploration partnership) determined by Gaffney Cline & Associates in its

    Competent Persons Report (CPR) of April 2012. Our valuation shows that though

    Rockhopper will have a 40% working interest, the transaction gives the company an

    overall 55% economic interest in the Sea Lion development.

    The transaction

    Premier Oil is to farm-in to 60% of all Rockhopper Explorations Falkland Islands licences

    and become operator of all those licences that Rockhopper presently operates. There arethree elements to the transaction.

    1. Upfront cash payment of $231m to Rockhopper on completion of transaction2. Sea Lion development carry of $722m net to Rockhopper ($1.8 billion gross)3. Exploration carry of $48m net to Rockhopper ($120m gross)

    The upfront repayment is a return of substantially all the Premier pro-rata explorationand appraisal costs so far incurred by Rockhopper in the Falkland Islands.

    The gross development carry of $1.8 billion capital expenditure is designed to takeRockhopper to first oil from Sea Lion assuming the lease of an FPSO. If further

    financing is required then Premier will provide that, up to an additional maximum of

    $1,278m, equivalent to gross capital expenditure of $5 billion. For example, if thedecision is to purchase rather than lease an FPSO, then total development costs to

    first oil would be about $3 billion. Rockhopper could then choose the Premier facility

    to fund its share of that, which we estimate would be about $450m. Premier would

    then take an increased proportion of initial cashflows until it achieves a post-tax IRR

    of 15% on its investment. We think that the presence of Premier Oil as operator, and

    the already significant level of carry, could lead to other potential bank loan financing


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    30 July 201

    The exploration carry of $48m equates to a gross exploration programme of $120mand this should be sufficient for three wells including mobilisation and demobilisation

    costs. As the primary prospects are already covered by 3D seismic data, we expect

    that almost all this carry will be applied to drilling costs. Rockhopper will take thesubsurface lead on this exploration, and already has three drill ready prospects. The

    timing and programme has not yet been decided.

    In addition, Premier Oil and Rockhopper Exploration have announced an AMI covering

    southern Mozambique, South Africa and Namibia. This could be an exciting part of

    Rockhoppers portfolio in the mid and long term, but it is not likely to feature heavily in

    the near term, either in time or costs spent.

    Capital Gains Tax

    The company expects this transaction will be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT). The

    application of this tax, which is charged at 26%, is subject to change as the Falkland

    Islands Government (FIG) is reviewing its application. Rockhopper has received formal

    notification that the end result of this review, which may not be completed until 2013,

    will not be worse than the current legislation, and may be less onerous.

    CGT is applied to the transaction value less the applicable costs. At present the

    transaction value is considered to be the total of the cash element of the farm-in together

    with the discounted value of the development carry (exploration is excluded). The

    applicable costs are deemed to be the remaining pro-rata Rockhopper interest costs

    incurred so far (rather than the more intuitive pro rata costs attributable to Premiers


    The CGT would be repayable in two tranches. The first, eight months following

    completion of the farm-in; and the second the earlier of five years after completion or at

    first oil. This results in an overall estimated undiscounted CGT of $128m ($83m

    discounted at 10%).

    Figure 3: Rockhopper Exploration estimated CGT calculation


    Cash element of farm-in 231

    Discounted value of carry 445

    Total Transaction valueTotal Transaction valueTotal Transaction valueTotal Transaction value 676676676676

    Applicable costs to date 185

    Gain 491

    CGT payable (@26%)CGT payable (@26%)CGT payable (@26%)CGT payable (@26%) 128128128128

    Initial instalment of CGT mid 2013 44

    Balance payable sooner of 5 years or 1st oil 84

    NPV10 CGTNPV10 CGTNPV10 CGTNPV10 CGT 83838383

    Source: Canaccord Genuity Limited Estimates, Rockhopper Exploration

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    30 July 201

    The Sea Lion developmentThe Sea Lion field has independent gross 2C resources of 321 mmbbls (Gaffney Cline &

    Associates GCA, April 2012), with additional 2C resources in the Casper, Casper South

    and other accumulations.

    The fields remoteness is not really an issue. The current oil facilities onshore the

    Falkland Islands can be quite easily expanded to allow for storage, workshops,

    communications and other shore based requirements. The field itself lies in a water

    depth of 450m, similar to the water depth at the Foinaven FPSO development to the west

    of the Shetland Islands. The weather, though, to the north of the Falkland Islands, is less

    extreme than the conditions found in the central North Sea.

    Figure 4: Sea Lion Field and satellite discoveries

    Source: Rockhopper Exploration

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    30 July 201

    Figure 5: Gaffney Cline CPR information, April 2012

    FieldFieldFieldField GGGGrossrossrossross Net 2C ResourcesNet 2C ResourcesNet 2C ResourcesNet 2C Resources Net 2C ResourcesNet 2C ResourcesNet 2C ResourcesNet 2C Resources

    2C Resources2C Resources2C Resources2C Resources Pre FarmPre FarmPre FarmPre Farm----outoutoutout Post FarmPost FarmPost FarmPost Farm----outoutoutout

    (mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls) (mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls) (mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)Sea Lion 320.5 307.4 123.0

    Casper 21.1 20.4 8.2

    Casper South 39.0 24.3 9.7

    B 15 East 0.7 0.8 0.3

    SL 05 4.6 2.8 1.1

    TotalTotalTotalTotal 385.9385.9385.9385.9 355.7355.7355.7355.7 142.3142.3142.3142.3

    Source: Gaffney Cline & Associates, Rockhopper Exploration, Canaccord Genuity Limited

    Both Premier and Rockhopper believe that the resource estimates are reasonable and

    that no further appraisal drilling on Sea Lion is required. Premiers own presentation on

    the transaction stated that the deal adds approximately 200 mmbbls net discovered 2C

    resources, in line with the CPR, and 175 mmboe net prospective resources.

    We expect the handover of operatorship to be accomplished shortly after transaction

    completion, which is expected in September, following which the anticipated

    development plan will be refined and perhaps modified. However, it would be surprising

    if the development were to be substantially altered from that already envisaged by GCA.

    That included the drilling of a total of 34 wells comprising 21 producers, 6 dual

    producer/injectors and 7 injectors, in four subsea clusters, with production of around

    70,000 bopd into an FPSO.

    At present the only notable differences have been Premier Oils initial estimated gross

    peak production of 80,000-85,000 bopd higher than the CPR projection; with first oil

    expected in H1 2017 about a year later that the CPR report indicated. However GCAs

    production profiles included downtime of 10%, and production is not expected to be

    limited by well productivity.Dealing with Sea Lion wax

    Rockhopper has spent considerable time, together with various consultancies including

    Genesis Oil & Gas Ltd., assessing the best means of developing the field, particularly in

    view of the crude oils wax content and its flow characteristics.

    Figure 6: Sea Lion Crude Key Parameters

    API gravity 29

    GOR (scf/bbl) 265

    Reservoir temperature (C) 88

    Viscosity (cP at reservoir temp) 7.2

    Wax content (%) 22Wax appearance temperature (oC) 72

    Bulk wax appearance temperature (oC) 50

    Pour point (oC) 20

    Gel point (C) 8

    Source: Rockhopper Exploration, Gaffney Cline & associates

    The table above illustrates the key parameters of Sea Lion crude. Firstly, it is important

    to point out that the crude is of medium weight, and sweet, resulting in a likely sale price

    at the field of a 2-3% discount to Brent.

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    30 July 201

    The keys to the development, in our view, are the wax and gel management strategies.

    The 22% wax content is quite high, though not exceptionally so (many Brazilian crudes

    have a higher wax content), and is quite typical of oil generated from a lacustrine source

    rock. Wax may be formed on pipe walls when crude oil is flowing or in the body of thecrude oil when there is no flow, if the temperature drops sufficiently. There are a numbe

    of ways around this problem - the addition of wax inhibitors, pour point depressants,

    heating, and insulation being the primary methods. All the work carried out by

    Rockhopper and its advisors has indicated that a combination of heating and insulation i

    the best solution for Sea Lion.

    Producing, storing, and transporting Sea Lion crude oil at temperatures above 72C will

    eliminate the formation of wax. At 72C and down to 50C some platelets of wax will

    begin to form on pipe walls, but the build-up will be very slow. Below 50C (the bulk wax

    appearance temperature) wax build-up will increase substantially. The answer then is to

    maintain temperatures at least above 50C.

    The SolutionThe SolutionThe SolutionThe Solution ---- Artificial liftArtificial liftArtificial liftArtificial lift, heating and insulation, heating and insulation, heating and insulation, heating and insulation The low GOR and medium viscosity

    of the Sea Lion crude require the application of artificial lift to assist production.

    Rockhopper and its consultants have determined that the use of downhole hydraulic

    submersible pumps (HSPs) is the best means of providing that lift. HSPs operate by

    pumping water down the well bore, turning a turbine, lifting the crude, which is then

    delivered with the water to the surface. For Sea Lion the water will be heated to around

    75C before pumping, and this water forms a colloid with the crude oil, which itself is at

    88C (the formation temperature), before returning to the FPSO through insulated flow

    lines and riser. This process has multiple benefits. It results in production of a water and

    crude oil mixture which flows more easily than crude alone, it provides improved well

    productivity, and it maintains the flowing mixed liquids temperature above 72C. Once

    on the FPSO, the produced liquids are processed, the water is extracted, and then

    reheated prior to reinjection.

    If the field has to be shut in for any reason then the crude oil in the production system

    will begin to cool until eventually it reaches the gel point at around 8C. This is the

    temperature at which wax forms within the crude oil and this could result in plugging of

    the pipe and flowlines. However, through use of insulated pipe-in-pipe technology,

    Rockhopper expects that there would be more than enough time to flush the system with

    hot water to clear the crude and eliminate the risk.

    Hydraulic Submersible PumpsHydraulic Submersible PumpsHydraulic Submersible PumpsHydraulic Submersible Pumps HSPs have a long and successful track record on the UK

    North Sea Captain field, which has heavier and more viscous crude than Sea Lion (13-21

    API, viscosity of 88 cP). The HSPs have operated over a wide variety of conditions

    (including substantial gas volumes) with great reliability (the mean time to failure on

    Captain was 12 years for HSP pumps). This reliability is attributed in part to the HSP

    pump design, which requires no downhole electrics. The power required to operate thesepumps and heat the water will be derived from associated gas produced as a result of the

    crude production.

    FPSOFPSOFPSOFPSOs and tankerss and tankerss and tankerss and tankers - It is standard policy to heat crudes within the FPSO and offloading

    tankers to nullify the onset of wax production. For example production from the

    Peregrino field (operator, Statoil) offshore Brazil, which has much heavier (12-14 API),

    and lower viscosity, crude than Sea Lion, is processed on board the FPSO at a

    temperature of around 150C, and then maintained at a temperature of 65C on board,

    before transfer to heated tankers for refinery delivery.

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    30 July 201

    Upside potentialWe see considerable upside potential both in the Sea Lion field itself, the satellite

    discoveries, and further exploration. Overall, we see around 150 mmbbls additional

    upside beyond the current Sea Lion 2C resources in the current primary areas of

    exploration, appraisal and development.

    Figure 7: Net Rockhopper upside in the current primary projects

    AssetAssetAssetAsset Net Pot. additionaNet Pot. additionalNet Pot. additionalNet Pot. additional



    Sea Lion field 38.6

    Casper South discovery 25.0

    George prospects 53.2

    Chatham prospects 39.6

    TotalTotalTotalTotal 156.4156.4156.4156.4

    Source: Canaccord Genuity Limited Estimates

    Figure 8: Schematic Field and Prospect Cross Section

    Source: Rockhopper

    Sea Lion field

    The GCA CPR, dated April 2012, followed the traditional probabilistic evaluation

    methodology to determine both oil-in-place and recoverable resources. However, the

    company also provided a deterministic assessment of oil-in-place. The deterministic

    approach yields a bottom up technically based view of the resources rather than

    employing a probabilistic method, which can lead to skewed results.

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    30 July 201

    Figure 9: Sea Lion Main Complex (sands SL10 & SL20) CPR oil-in-place determinations

    MethodMethodMethodMethod ClassificationClassificationClassificationClassification STOISTOISTOISTOIIPIPIPIP CommentsCommentsCommentsComments


    Probabilistic 1C 650 Limited to 0.5 km radius around Sea Lion wellsProbabilistic 2C 1,067 Full field areal extent but inferred reduced reservoir quality/thickness towards boundaries

    Probabilistic 3C 1,563 Full field areal extent but 'normal' reservoir quality/thickness towards boundaries

    Deterministic Best 1,303 Most likely bottom up technical approach

    Source: Gaffney Cline & Associates, STOOIP = Stock Tank Oil Originally In Place

    Drilling results from the 2010-2011 campaign on Sea Lion were generally a very close

    match to the pre drill estimates, and together with the presence of high quality 3D

    seismic over the field, we think it reasonable to believe that the probabilistic 2C oil-in-

    place figure could be overly cautious. This is supported by the deterministic oil-in-place

    assessment. In any case, as development wells are drilled on Sea Lion, assuming oil

    reservoir is found, then the 1C case will increase due to the addition of further resource

    halos around each well, and this would positively impact the 2C case.

    Assuming the anticipated mid-point field recovery factor of 30% (the CPR gave a range o

    20-40% and stated that 30% is the most likely estimate), the deterministic approach

    would result in gross Sea Lion (sands SL10 & SL20) resources of 391 mmbbls, compared

    with the probabilistic 321 mmbbls. That would result in additional gross Sea Lion

    resources of 70 mmbbls, or 28 mmbbls net to Rockhopper post farm-down.

    There is also potential in the additional sand intervals, SL05, SL30 and B15, just above

    and below the two main Sea Lion sand units (SL10 and SL20). Gaffney Cline identified

    gross 5.3 mmbbls contingent and gross 23 mmbbls prospective resources in these

    reservoirs. Clearly these sands need further appraisal/exploration drilling, but we think

    that is unlikely until field development drilling gets underway.

    Figure 10: Sea Lion Resource Evaluation

    Sea Lion UnitSea Lion UnitSea Lion UnitSea Lion Unit ClassificationClassificationClassificationClassification NetNetNetNet



    SL10 sand unit Contingent 2C 39.4

    SL 20 sand unit Contingent 2C 83.6

    Upside potential to SL10&SL20 Deterministic 28.0

    SL 05/B15 East Contingent 2C 1.4

    SL30 Prospective Best 5.2

    B15 West Prospective Best 4.0

    Total PotentialTotal PotentialTotal PotentialTotal Potential 161.6161.6161.6161.6

    Source: Gaffney Cline & Associates, Assumed net resources post farm-down to Premier Oil. SL30 GCoS 22%, B15 West GCoS 53%.

    Satellite fieldsCasper and Casper South are the two most significant discoveries other than Sea Lion in

    the North Falkland Islands basin. The CPR has assigned combined gross contingent

    resources to these discoveries of 60 mmbbls, net 18 mmbbls (post farm down to Premier

    Oil). Both discoveries need further appraisal.

    Rockhopper believes that the CPR resource determination for Casper is reasonable, but

    the company sees upside to the Casper South CPR resources in both the discovery sand

    and other undrilled potential reservoirs.

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    30 July 201

    The CPR assigns net unrisked prospective resources to Casper South of about 3 mmbbls,

    but Rockhopper views that as a conservative estimate, and the company believes that

    Casper South could have 25 mmbbls resources. Casper South looks to be a good

    candidate for appraisal/exploration drilling.


    A number of other similar fan prospects have been evaluated in the CPR, with geological

    chances of success (GCoS) assessed at between 8% and 34%. Of these Rockhopper is mos

    excited by the George and Chatham groups of prospects.

    Figure 11: Key Exploration prospects groups

    Prospect GroupProspect GroupProspect GroupProspect Group Gross UnriskedGross UnriskedGross UnriskedGross Unrisked Net UnriskedNet UnriskedNet UnriskedNet Unrisked GCoSGCoSGCoSGCoS

    Best CaseBest CaseBest CaseBest Case Best CaseBest CaseBest CaseBest Case

    (mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls) (mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls)(mmbbls) (%)(%)(%)(%)

    George 133.1 53.2 11%

    Chatham 104.1 39.6 24%

    Total 237.2 92.8Source: Canaccord Genuity Limited Estimates, Net potential is post completion of farm-down to Premier Oil; George is a synthesis of four separateidentified targets, Chatham is a synthesis of three separate identified targets. Some of these individual prospects are stacked.

    Rockhopper believes that two of the individual prospects, George South and Chatham

    South, could be drilled by a single vertical well. This then would target about 25 mmbbls

    net prospective resources, and such a well could form part of the exploration drilling


    The 2010-2012 drilling campaign focused on basin floor fan plays, but Rockhopper has

    identified a number of additional play types, including basin margin pinchouts,

    downthrown closures, inversion trends, and traditional structural highs. The

    interpretation of the 2011 acquired 3D seismic data covering a number of these plays

    type, both in Rockhoppers northern and southern acreage is ongoing.

  • 7/30/2019 cannacord - RKH



    30 July 201

    APPENDIX: IMPORTANT DISCLOSURESAnalyst Certification: Each authoring analyst of Canaccord Genuity Limited whose name appears on the front page of this research

    hereby certifies that (i) the recommendations and opinions expressed in this research accurately reflect the

    authoring analysts personal, independent and objective views about any and all of the designated investments orrelevant issuers discussed herein that are within such authoring analysts coverage universe and (ii) no part of the

    authoring analysts compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations

    or views expressed by the authoring analyst in the research.

    Site Visit(s): An analyst has not visited the issuer's material operations.

    Price Chart(s):*

    ____ Stock price____ Stock price____ Stock price____ Stock price ____ Target price____ Target price____ Target price____ Target price

    Source: Thomson Reuters and Canaccord Genuity

    Date Analyst Rec. Target price

    30/07/2009 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 67p

    22/09/2009 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 103p

    05/02/2010 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 142p

    10/03/2010 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 182p

    08/04/2010 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 172p

    07/05/2010 Richard Slape Speculative Buy 433p

    11/06/2010 Richard Slape Buy 563p18/08/2010 Richard Slape Buy 490p

    07/10/2010 Richard Slape Buy 641p

    13/10/2010 Richard Slape Buy 545p

    26/11/2010 Richard Slape Buy 494p

    15/08/2011 Richard Slape Buy 871p

    11/10/2011 Richard Slape Buy 880p

    31/10/2011 Richard Slape Buy 536p

    08/12/2011 Richard Slape Buy 517p

    13/12/2011 Richard Slape Buy 531p

    20/02/2012 Richard Slape Buy 677p

    20/04/2012 Charlie Sharp Buy 644p

    12/07/2012 Charlie Sharp Buy 586p

    30/07/2012 Charlie Sharp Buy 553p

    Distribution of Ratings:

    Global Stock Ratings

    (as of 03 July 2012)

    Coverage Universe

    Rating # % IB Clients %

    Buy 590 60.9 30.5Speculative Buy 88 9.1 51.1

    Hold 263 27.1 11.8

    Sell 28 2.9 3.6

    969 100.0

  • 7/30/2019 cannacord - RKH



    30 July 201

    Canaccord Ratings


    BUY:BUY:BUY:BUY: The stock is expected to generate risk-adjusted returns of over 10% during the next 12 months.

    HOLD:HOLD:HOLD:HOLD: The stock is expected to generate risk-adjusted returns of 0-10% during the next 12 months.

    SELL:SELL:SELL:SELL: The stock is expected to generate negative risk-adjusted returns during the next 12 months.

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    30 July 201

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    John Quealy,


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    Alan Howard,(UK) CFA, London 44.20.7523.4642

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    Vacouver, British Colombia V7Y 1H2



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