capability statement 2008-2009 - new rev

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  • 8/6/2019 Capability Statement 2008-2009 - NEW REV


    Consulting Company Limited


    MTL Consulting Company Limited

    Bibi Titi Mohamed Street, Telephone: +255 22 2120882

    Seifee Mansion, 2nd Floor, Cellular: +255 784 309251

    PO Box 77894, Fax: +255 22 2120882

    Dar-es-Salaam, Email:

    Tanzania. Website:

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    Consulting Company Limited

    MTL Capability Statement 2

    In the areas of geology, mining, mineral

    processing, geotechnical engineering and

    environmental management. The company

    brings together a number of skilled professionals

    in mining, quarrying, geology, mineralogy,

    mineral processing, metallurgy, soil and rock

    mechanics, hydrogeology, project management,

    mine surveying, environmental analysis, mineral

    economics and financing. MTL draws its

    expertise from experienced key personnel

    Description of the Organization

    who have many years experience in the public and private sectors both locally and

    internationally. The companys team of experts is composed of five key personnel, including

    two mining engineers, two geologists and one mineral processing engineer. The team is

    supported by five associates, a mineral economist, a hydrogeologist, a mine surveyor, an

    environmental engineer and a sociologist who also have extensive range of experience. MTL

    Consulting Company Ltd also maintains a database and keeps close contacts with a wide

    range of mineral based experts from academic and research institutions, Government and

    private sector who can be engaged at short notice.

    In Tanzania, our local knowledge and extensive experience within the mining industry is a

    key to our strength. Our experts have worked and maintain close contacts with Government,

    research and academic institutions and the private sector. In addition, our key personnel drawtheir experiences from other countries e.g., United Kingdom, United States of America,

    France, Scotland, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Uganda, Malawi, Botswana and others from where

    they have worked with the mining industry and research institutions.

    MTL Consulting Company Limited was incorporated in 1998 and became operational in

    June of the same year. The companys principal objective is to provideconsulting services

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    Consulting Company Limited

    MTL Capability Statement 3


    MTL Consulting Company Ltd offers a wide range of services in the areas of Geology,

    Mining, Geotechnical Engineering, Mineral Processing, Environment and related fields.

    Other services within the following major areas can be negotiated with the client in order

    to fit s ecific needs.


    Due Diligence

    Appraisal of Business Plans

    Liability Audit

    Risk Assessment


    Technical and Management


    Market Studies and ProjectFinance

    Carry out assessment of project potential on behalf of

    the bank.

    Carry out appraisal of the project business plan on

    behalf of the bank.

    Estimate due liabilities (operating costs, latent,

    potential and residual) for mining and processing


    Assessment of risks associated with the technical,

    environmental and completion risks of mining and

    processing projects.

    Valuation of mineral assets for disposal, acquisition or

    raising finance. Valuation of the project plant and


    Auditing of mining operations, review of health and

    safety procedures, evaluation of, past business andenvironmental performances, management structures

    and associated efficiency.

    Determination of demands for particular minerals,assessment of buyers requirements, pricing structures

    and associated legislation. Project financial analysis

    review of the fiscal regime, sources of finance and risk


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    Mineral rights and


    Prospecting and


    Reserves Assessment

    Geological modeling

    Hydrology and

    hydrogeological studies

    Establishment of design



    Processing and acquisition of mineral rights, preparation of

    progress reports, public hearings and consultations inaccordance to the Mining Act, 1998. Permitting and export of


    Conducting exploration work (reconnaissance, pitting,

    trenching, drilling, sampling and analysis, geophysics and

    geochemistry). Management of the exploration programmes.

    Analysis and interpretation of geological data by using

    geostatistical methods and other reserves estimation techniques.

    Development of 2D and 3D geological models (orebody, grade)

    using specialized computer software.

    Analysis and review of the hydrological and hydrogeological

    characteristics of the area, assessment of ground and surface

    water resources and mine dewatering studies.

    Establishment of reserves and economic life of the mine and

    identification of geotechnical and geological features needing

    special design considerations.

    Setting geological survey gridlines in Lukarasi area, Songea, Southern Tanzania

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    Feasibility Studies

    Mine design and planning

    Selection and optimization

    of mine equipment

    Design and optimization of

    mine transport systems

    Open Pit Optimizations

    Blasting design and



    Analysis and selection of the optimum mining methods,

    mine access, production planning and scheduling, personneland material handling, mine services, financial and

    economic analysis. Sensitivity analysis and risk assessment,

    infrastructure requirements and environmental analysis.

    Preparation of bankable reports.

    Selection of mining methods, stope design, mine layout,

    production planning and scheduling, haul roads and mine

    access designs, mine ventilation design, manpowerrequirements, drilling and blasting designs.

    Selection of mining and haulage equipment and conducting

    simulation analysis using GPSS-H program to match andoptimize the selected equipment sizes.

    Analysis and design of the material transportation systems

    and developing simulation models in order to optimize the


    Detailed designs and financial optimization of open pits.

    Design of blasting rounds, selection of explosives,

    optimization of the designs in order to minimize

    surrounding rock damage while achieving optimumfragmentation. Design of explosives storage facilities.

    Assessment of Production Drilling at a Quarry in Lugoba, Bagamoyo

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    Rock slope stability


    Design and optimization

    of rock structures

    Selection and design of

    mine supports

    Rock mass stability


    Rock mass classification


    Subsidence Analysis


    Analysis of rock instability, determination of failure patterns(plane, wedge, circular and toppling failure), determination

    of the influence of water on stability, reinforcements,

    determination of the factor of safety, critical slopeparameters and slope protection measures.

    Development of excavation design to meet duty

    requirements, determination of stresses at boundaries and

    interior points, examination of the role of discontinuities,

    determination of extent of potential failure and design of

    support system.

    Analysis of the potential failure for a particular rock

    structure, design and select the support system.

    Analysis and definition of the stress-strain behaviour of a

    particular rock mass, determination of the stress levels at

    which yielding, fracturing or slip occurs within the rock

    mass and post-peak stress-strain of failed rock.

    Using the Rock Mass Classification Schemes to solve rockmechanics problems that are not amenable to classical

    engineering analysis.

    Identification of the cause and type of subsidence,

    application of limiting equilibrium analysis and othertechni ues to determine the s an of subsidence.

    A smooth blasted face for slope stability

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    Pilot plant design and


    Flowsheet design and


    Processing plant design

    reagents and equipment


    Troubleshooting existing


    Design of tailings



    Carry out design and operation of pilot plants aimed a

    modeling of the mineral processing circuits. Supervision of

    existing plants as per instructions of the client.

    Design and optimization of flow sheets for various mineral

    processes. Assessment of alternative technologies,

    processing mineralogy and assessment of health impacts.

    Carry out design of the processing plant, identify and select

    reagents and equipment required for running an optimum

    mineral recovery process and organize for procurement.

    Carry out analysis of the existing processes in order to

    identify malfunctions within the circuit and proposeremedial measures.

    Identification of tailings containment area in line with the

    environmental and hydrological studies and carry out the

    design of the containment.

    Small-scale Gold Processing Plant commissioned by MTL Consulting Co. Ltd.

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    Mineral dealers

    licensing services

    Assessment of mineralmarket potentials

    Mineral transportation

    and shipment

    Mineral buying/selling

    contract negotiations

    Permitting services


    Processing, acquisition and maintenance of mineral dealers

    licenses and provision of regulatory advisory services.

    Assessment of local and foreign mineral market potentials,analysis of the fiscal regime and advise accordingly.

    Study of transportation routes, assessment of transport costs,

    shipment requirements and assess storage requirements.

    Organize and carry out negotiations of minerals buying and

    selling on behalf of clients.

    Processing and acquisition of mineral import and export

    permits, arrangement of inspection and sealing of mineral

    packages and packaging for shipment.


    Training programmes

    and Curricula

    Mining, quarrying andMineral processing

    Minerals Marketing

    Explosives and


    Small-scale mining

    Environment, Health

    and Safety


    Assist institutions, companies and other relevant bodies in the

    preparation of special tailored training programmes and

    curricula for different mining needs.

    Prepare and conduct training on different mining, quarrying andmineral processing techniques including design and planning,selection of extraction techniques, drainage of workings,

    production planning and scheduling, optimization of operations,material handling and haulage.

    Identification of mineral markets, negotiations, pricing

    procedures, value adding, regulatory and fiscal requirements.

    Management of explosives (handling, storage, transportation),

    selection of explosives, design and optimization of blasting


    Special tailored programmes for small-scale mining including,legal and regulatory requirements, mining and processing

    techniques, value adding techniques, minerals marketing and

    environmental requirements.

    EIA procedures, environmental auditing, monitoring

    techniques, regulatory framework, selection of equipment and

    tools, reporting requirements and procedures, mine rescue

    procedures, development and implementation of closure plans.

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    Baseline survey and

    data collection

    Environmental ImpactAssessment



    Site reclamation and


    Work place public

    health and safety

    Environmental Due



    Conduct baseline survey of the project site, consultations withstakeholders and compile project baseline data.

    Carry out project scoping, prepare EIA terms of reference,conduct EIA study including; data collection, stakeholders

    consultations, review of relevant legislations and prepare the

    Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the Environmental

    Management Plan (EMP).

    Establish whether there is compliance with environmental

    management commitments and relevant environmentallegislation, whether the programmes for monitoring, auditing

    and review are appropriate and effective and whether the

    means for effective implementation of environmental

    management are in place.

    Review legislative requirements for site reclamation,

    preparation of rehabilitation plans and advise and monitoring

    of implementation.

    Health and safety audits of systems and performances,workplace measurements of hazardous materials, hazard

    evaluation and risk assessments and training.

    Risk-based Environmental Due Diligence assessment to

    provide comprehensive understanding of liabilities associatedwith environmental, social and health issues that are often

    hidden or unaccounted for, e.g., pollution, potential clean up

    costs, lack of or outdated permits, etc.

    Assessment of impacts on pristine environment and consultations with stakeholders

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    Assessment of operations

    Design and planning of

    SSM operations

    SSM policy and legislation

    SSM Environmental


    Mineral marketing

    Research programmes


    Assessment of problems associated with the technical,

    environmental, social, legal and economic aspects in order

    to develop efficient and sustainable SSM activities.

    Carrying out design, planning and development ofefficient small-scale mining operations.

    Review, analysis and development of policies and

    legislation specific for small-scale mining.

    Development of specific environmental management

    protocols that take into consideration technical and

    economic capacity to manage the environment.

    Marketing promotion through education, policy reviews,organization of auctions, review of fiscal regimes and

    training on value adding techniques.

    Organize and conduct research on specific issues

    associated with SSM in search for solutions.

    Striving to improve uncontrolled small-scale mining works with adverse environmental impacts

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    Consulting Company Limited

    MTL Capability Statement 11


    MTL has over a period of time acquired considerable experience and capacity in conducting

    studies related to community-needs assessments, resettlement and compensations, land use

    and livelihoods studies, participatory poverty assessments, training and capacity building,

    community projects design, gender studies and assessments, monitoring and evaluation studies

    in natural resource use and implications, and entrepreneurship skills development. Most of

    these studies have been in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector, fishing communities and

    in natural resource management. In many studies MTL has worked, and still works through

    networking, collaboration and cooperation with various institutions & organizations and

    identified experts, from the University of Dar-es-Salaam (Sociology/Anthropology

    Department), Institute of Resource Assessment, Women Research & Documentation Project

    and others. This collaboration has widened our outlook and experience in dealing with socio-

    economic issues within the mining sector.

    Needs Assessment & Action


    Resettlement &


    Participatory Planning:

    Outreach Activities:

    Participatory PovertyAssessment:

    Land Use and Livelihoods


    Food Security Research:


    Conducting community needs assessment as part of the

    Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Mining

    Projects by using tools and methods for needs assessment.

    Planning and implementation of mine site resettlement

    consultations, formulation of approach, questionnaires,implementation of surveys (socioeconomic, asset survey,

    etc) and focus group discussions.

    As part of the needs assessment and using participatory

    methods, communities are assisted to prepare their plans.

    Capacity building of communities by through participatory

    bottom-up approach. Training of trainers and peer


    Conducting assessment and developing poverty indicatorsthrough participatory approaches.

    Assessment of impacts of various policies on environment

    and human livelihoods.

    Conducting baseline surveys on household food security.

    HIV/AIDS and advocacy, Impacts of gender relations onHIV/AIDS, assessment of community health issues, e.g.,

    Malaria, reproductive health and other health related


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    (a) Community & Environmental Management Projects:

    1. Supervision of site Environmental Management and compilation of the

    Environmental and Social Impact Assessment January 2009 June 2010One of our senior Consultant was contracted to supervise the environmental management on

    site for the Uranium exploration project, supervision of the baseline studies and compilation of

    the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report. A team of environmental experts

    were place on site and provided with environmental management procedures which were

    developed based on the environmental Audit conducted on site. Baseline studies for the flora,

    fauna, soils, water (hydrology and hydrogeology), radiological conditions, air quality and

    others have been conducted for both wet and dry seasons and the ESIA report is being


    2. Facilitation of the EITI Stakeholders Workshops for Tanzania for awareness raisingand for formation of stakeholder groups

    One of our senior Consultant was contracted by the World Bank (Tanzania Office) and theNorwegian Embassy to facilitate a stakeholders workshop regarding Tanzania joining the

    EITI following the announcement of the Countrys intention to do so. The stakeholders

    workshop was successfully organized and this was followed by a second workshop from which

    the representatives of the different stakeholder groups were formed. Prior to conduction of the

    workshop for selecting representatives, I supervised the translation of key documents on EITI

    from English to Swahili.

    3. National Minerals Development Corporation (India) Environmental ImpactAssessment and Feasibility Study for Gold Mining Project January 2009 Now

    Have reached an agreement with the Minerals Development Corporation (NMDC) of India to

    undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment and conduct a feasibility study for a gold

    mining project based in Igunga, Tabora Tanzania. The final reports for EIA and feasibility

    study will be used for application for a mining licence.

    4. Kastan Mining Limited Environmental Impact Assessment May 2008

    December 2008:Conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a proposed copper, gold & silver

    mining project at Ulelingombe in Kilosa District. The EIA study was completed and inspected

    by Government and a final report has been submitted and approved awaiting issuance of EIACertificate.

    5. Kabanga Nickel Project Asset Survey September 2007 October 2008:

    MTL was subcontracted by Golders Associates, the EIA Lead Consultant, to undertake thesocio-economic and asset survey of the communities surrounding the mine and establish the

    affected parties for resettlement. The assignment involved training and management of

    community workers, data collection and cording, prepare and organize questionnaires,

    preparation of weekly reports and preparation of a resettlement plan.

    6. Williamson Diamonds Mines Ltd - Mwadui Community Diamond Partnership

    (MDCP) Project August 2006 September 2008:

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    Have been undertaking a project aimed at assisting the communities of the villages

    surrounding the Williamson Diamond Mine and whose major income earning activities are

    small-scale diamond mining in their fight against poverty. In addition to transformation of the

    diamond mining and trading activities to small-scale mining enterprises, the project also had

    identified and promotes other livelihood activities utilizing local resources in the villages. The

    project also supports the development of social development programmes in the areas ofhealth, education, water and others.

    7. Kabanga Nickel Project - Environmental Impact Assessment Social baseline survey

    April 2007 February 2008:

    MTL was been sub-contracted by Golders Associates of Canada, the EIA Lead Consultant for

    the for Kabanga Nickel project to carry out a number of subproject including: Baseline socio-

    economic survey of the surrounding communities, vibration monitoring on the two main road

    to be used for haulage of concentrate and general transport, geological investigations to

    identify sand resources to be used for backfilling and carrying out national and localconsultation with key stakeholders. The project components have been completed and reports

    submitted to the Client.

    8. Resolute (Tanzania) Ltd Review of the Environmental Management Plan and the

    Environmental Management Act Compliance Issues July December 2007:

    MTL was contracted to review and update the Environmental Management Plan for the Golden

    Pride Project. This is being carried out as a legal compliance under the Mining (Environmental

    Management and Protection) Regulations, 1999 that requires review of EMP every 5 years. In

    addition, a review of the Environmental Management Act, 2004 has been undertaken to

    identify all issues that the Company need to comply with. A revised EMP was compiled,submitted and approved by Government.

    9. AngloGold Ashanti Geita Gold Mine Review of the Community Development

    Programme June 2007 December 2007

    Was contracted by Geita Gold Mine to carry out a review of the Mines community

    development programme and assist to develop communication channels with local authorities

    and communities, establish extent of coverage, develop procedures for compensation that are

    in line with legal requirements, develop procedures for community development project

    selection and develop mechanisms for dealing with illegal artisanal miners in the lease area.

    The report was submitted and approved by the Client.

    10. Tanga Cement Company Environmental Impact Assessment for the expansion of

    the Cement Grinding Circuit and EIA for the quarrying of Shale - January 2007MTL was contracted to undertake two projects at Tanga Cement for the expansion of the

    cement grinding unit as part of the plant expansion and the quarrying of shale which will

    replace red soil as a raw material for cement production. The Environmental Impact Statements

    with Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans were compiled, submitted and

    approved by Government.

    11. Resolute (Tanzania) Ltd Environmental scoping study Nyakafuru Gold Project -

    July December 2007

    MTL was contracted to carry out an initial environmental scoping for the Nyakafuru gold

    mining project located in Kahama District. The study involved detailed flora and fauna survey,

    water sampling and analysis, soils survey, analysis of the small-scale mining activities in thearea and other baseline data collection.

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    12. Resolute (Tanzania) Ltd. Environmental Audit- 2006:-Was, in collaboration with ERM of South Africa, contracted by the Company in June 2006 to

    carry out a compliance environmental audit of the gold mining operations at the Golden Pride

    Mine located Lusu, Nzega District, Tanzania. Audit reports have been submitted and approved

    by the Client.

    13. Kiwira Coal Mines Ltd. - EIA Study - 2006:Was contracted to conduct an Environmental Audit and preparation of the Environmental

    Management Plan of the coal mining project that has been in operation since 1980. An audit

    report and the Environmental Management Plan has been reviewed and approved by


    14. Barrick Corporation - Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Environmental Compliance Audit

    2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006:-

    MTL Consulting Co. Ltd have been contracted in 2001,2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006 incollaboration with other Auditors to undertake environmental compliance audits for the

    Bulyanhulu Gold Mine which is one of the largest underground mining project in Tanzania.The audits covered all the operations of the project and an audit reports were submitted to the


    15. Barrick Corporation - Bulyanhulu Gold Mine-EIA for Aggregate quarrying

    2006:-Undertook an Environmental Impact Assessment study for a granite quarry for the production

    of aggregates used for backfilling at the Bulyanhulu Gold Mine. The EIA was completed and

    the report and EMP submitted on time.

    16. Barrick Corporation - Bulyanhulu Gold Mine - EMP Review 2006:-MTL Consulting services has in September 2005 been contracted by the Company to conduct

    an Environmental Management Review for the permanent storage of scavanger tailings that

    will be processed by using cyanadation. In addition, MTL was also contracted to conduct an

    EIA for the establishment of a granite quarry for production of aggregates to be used in

    preparing a paste fill for underground filling. The EIS and EMP reports have been submitted

    for approval.

    17. M-Mining Company Limited EIA Study 2005:-MTL was in January 2005 contracted by M-Mining Company Limited of Dar-es-Salaam to

    conduct environmental impact assessments for its three projects namely, gemstone mining in

    Manyara, gold mining in Geita and Diamond mining in Shinyanga. The scooping reports havebeen completed and submitted to the Government for approval so that detailed EIA studies can


    18. Marmo Granito Mines (T) Limited EIA Studies 2005:-

    In July 2005, the Company contracted MTL Consulting to undertake EIA studies for six

    marble production sites located in Mbeya, Southern Tanzania. The scooping reports have been

    compiled for all six sites and are awaiting approval of the TOR by the Government.

    19. Geita Gold Mines Limited (AngloGold Ashanti) - EMP Review 2005:-

    MTL Consulting Company Ltd., was contracted by GGM in January 2005 to undertake an

    environmental impact assessment study for the expansion of a Special Mining Licence to coverthe area of Geita Hill measuring 21.22 square kilometers. The scooping report of the study has

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    been completed and submitted to Government for approval so that the detailed EIA study can


    (b) Exploration and Geotechnical Investigations

    1. Geological Drilling for evaluation of limestone deposit Tanzania PortlandCement Co. Ltd 2010

    MTL was contracted by TPCCL to undertake drilling of around 3000m for the evaluation of

    the limestone deposit at Wazo Hill cement plant in Dar-es-Salaam. The work included core

    logging, testing and analysis of results. The work has been completed and report submitted to

    the Client.

    2. Geological exploration for Limestone for cement manufacturing CEMTECH Kenya June 2008 August 2009

    Was contracted by CEMTECH Kenya Limited to undertake reconnaissance investigations andrecommend a detailed exploration programme including drilling for assessment of limestone

    deposit for cement production in Phase I. This phase was undertaken and completed in

    November 2008 with recommendations for drilling. Drilling 800m started in February and isexpected to be completed within a period of four weeks due to the difficult terraine in the area.

    3. Geotechnical Investigations for Kabanga Nickel Project June December 2008Was subcontracted by Golders Associates of Canada to undertake geotechnical drilling, collect

    samples and supervise laboratory investigations for the geotechnical site investigations for the

    construction of a tailings dam, air strip and accommodation units for the mine. The work was

    undertaken and completed on schedule.


    Topographical Survey of a quarry - Mbeya Cement Company Limited - 2005MTL was in March 2005 Contracted by Mbeya Cement Company Limited to carry out atopographical survey of the quarry for updating of the mined area, survey the drilled areas and

    pick-up all the borehole locations and other features and update the topographical map of the

    mine. The survey work has been completed and the analysis, interpretation of data and

    preparation of maps are ongoing.

    5. KDCL Minerals (T) Ltd. March - Sept. 2006(a)Undertook a geological survey, mapping and preparation of a geological report for

    a limestone deposit in Shinyanga area.

    (b)Undertook a geological survey, mapping and preparation of geological reports forPozolana deposits in Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions.

    6. Global Mining Company Limited June 2005Conducted geological prospecting of a mining license area located in the Kunduchi Limestone

    mining area in Dar-es-Salaam and carried out a feasibility study of the project including mine

    design and planning, marketing appraisal, financial analysis and preparation of a detailed

    business plan of the project. MTL has also been involved in assisting the client in processing

    and negotiating for project financing.

    7. Assessment of the Minerals Potential for Swaziland and Lesotho (CDE Brussels) 2005

    MTL was contracted to carry out the assessment of the minerals potential for Swaziland andLesotho, identify potential projects and recommend modes of development. The assessment

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    was carried out and a report with recommendations for development of the identified projects

    was prepared and submitted to CDE.

    (c) Small-scale Mining Projects

    1. North Mara Mine Barrick Tanzania March 2008 -NowNorth Mara Mine is surrounded by artisanal and small-scale gold miners and the Company

    (Barrick) aims at transforming their activities from the current haphazard operations to

    organized small-scale mining enterprises. MTL has been contracted to undertake topographical

    survey of the area, conduct geological investigations aimed at establishing the available

    resources and development of organized small-scale mining and processing operations. A

    reconnaissance work of the area has been undertaken and detailed field investigations are

    planned to start in April 2008.

    2. IAMGOLD (Tanzania) Ltd April 2007 August 2008:-

    MTL Consulting was contracted by IAMGOLD, an exploration company looking to develop a

    gold mine in the Lake Victoria Goldfields, as an advisor on all issues associated with artisanaland small-scale mining activities. The Company operates in an area with high density of ASM

    activities and hence interacts with the operators on a day-to-day basis. The Company has so fardeveloped a number of programmes to assist the miners including training and surrendering

    part of its exploration leases for ASM development.

    3. European Union Development of Mercury Free Technology Ghana (2005- 07)

    MTL was subcontracted in collaboration with British Geological Survey and Wardell

    Armstrong to undertake the identification and development of new technologies that can be

    used to recovery gold by small-scale miners without the use of Mercury. The project is

    currently testing various equipment and tools in the field.

    4. Department of Foreign and International Development (DFID UK) 2004 06MTL in collaboration with Wardell Armstrong, a mining consulting company from UK and

    Center for Development Studies at Swansea University, were contracted by DFID to undertake

    a study titled Increasing the Contribution of the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining Sector to

    Poverty Reduction Targets. MTL and Wardell Armstrong in collaboration with Geita Gold

    Mine carried out the implementation of the recommendations of the project which aimed at

    building capacity of the ASSM in Geita District. Apart from training programmes which were

    run by MTL, two annualshows were organized in Nyarugusu through a committee of small-

    scale miners and Mwanza Regional Miners Association (MWAREMA).

    5. Ministry of Energy and Minerals Small-scale Mining Demonstration Centre

    Chunya, Mbeya

    MTL was in 2003 contracted by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals to chair a technical

    steering committee that is overseeing the construction, commissioning and running of a small-

    scale mining technology demonstration center based in Chunya District, Mbeya, for an initial

    period of three years. The centre includes a gold processing plant and a demonstration

    underground mine. The centre also has equipment that will be used for hire and training of

    other small-scale miners operating in the surrounding areas. Installation and commission of the

    processing plant have been completed and the team is in the process of designing the

    underground mining operations.

    6. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

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    In February 2002, MTL was contracted by the United Nations Economic Commission for

    Africa to identify and compile a compendium of the best practices for small-scale mining in

    Africa. The Compendium was prepared and submitted to UNECA and at a multi-stakeholders

    meeting held in Yaounde, Cameroon in November 2002. The Compendium is now being

    distributed by UNECA to various stakeholders in order to assist in the adoption of best

    practices in small-scale mining.

    7. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

    During the period June 1999 and November 2000, MTL was contracted to prepare a global

    programme on Removal of barriers for the Introduction of Cleaner Technology in Small-Scale

    Mining (covering six countries namely, Brazil, Indonesia, Laos, Sudan, Tanzania and

    Zimbabwe). MTL was initially responsible for the preparation of a programme for Tanzania

    and later integration with those of Sudan and Zimbabwe to form the African component. A

    final report and a proposed research programme for the three African Countries was presented

    at a joint meeting between UNIDO, GEF and UNDP in New York, USA in April, 2000. Thiswas later integrated by an expert from MTL with those of Asia and Latin America to form a

    global programme, which is being financed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). Theprogramme which is now under implementation, aims to address the issue of pollution of

    International Waters as a result of small-scale mining.

    8. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)In June 2002, UNIDO contracted MTL to prepare the terms of reference for different experts

    who will be engaged by the organization in the six countries (Brazil, Indonesia, Laos, Sudan,

    Tanzania and Zimbabwe) in the execution of the various components of the Removal of

    barriers for the Introduction of Cleaner Technology in Small-Scale Mining.

    (d) Training Projects

    1. Centre for Development of Enterprises (CDE) BrusselsIn October 2003 MTL was contracted by CDE to organize and conduct a training programme

    on the management of small to Medium-scale mining businesses. The programme was

    prepared and conducted in Blantyre, Malawi.

    2. Centre for Development of Enterprises (CDE) BrusselsMTL was in September 2004 contracted by CDE to organize and conduct capacity building

    workshop for mining consultants from the SADC region. Consultants from Ghana were also

    invited to the three days workshop which was held in Gaborone, Botswana.

    3. Williamson Diamonds Limited (WDL) - ShinyangaIn February 2004, MTL was contracted by Williamson Diamonds Limited to prepare and

    conduct training on the mining legal framework for the police force in Shinyanga, security

    officers at the mine, ward and village leaders surrounding the mine. The course which

    highlighted the major components of the Mining Act, 1998 and its associated regulations was

    held within WDL premises. According to the interest shown by the participants, it was agreed

    to make it a regular event.

    4. Konoike Construction Company LimitedIn June 2000, MTL undertook the preparation of training programmes and training of the

    Konoike Lugoba quarry staff on the mining legal and regulatory requirements, environmental

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    MTL Capability Statement 18

    management, and health and safety issues. A separate programme was also prepared for the

    senior staff at the Konoike head offices in Dar-es-salaam.

    5. University of Dar-es-Salaam Mining Engineering CurriculumBetween 2001 2002, one of our key personnel was appointed to a technical committee

    formed for the drafting and testing of the Mining Engineering training curriculum at theUniversity of Dar-es-Salaam. After completion of the curriculum, he was contracted toundertake part-time teaching in Mining Engineering.

    6. Dar-es-Salaam Institute of Technology - Mining Engineering Full TechniciansCertificate Curriculum

    MTL was in April 2003 contracted by the Dar-es-Salaam Institute of Technology to prepare a

    curriculum for the training of mining technicians at the Full Technicians Certificate. A draft

    report consisting of the views of the industry regarding the programme, course structures,

    required facilities, evaluation procedures and others has been submitted to the Institute.Finalization of the curriculum will be realized through a stakeholders workshop that will

    review and advise accordingly.

    7. Vocational Education and Training (VETA) Vocation Training Programmes inMining

    In 2003, MTL was contracted by VETA to chair a technical steering committee that is

    responsible for the preparation of the vocational training programmes in mining and provide

    advisory services to the VETA Board on mining trades and training. The programmes that are

    still under preparation include training of geological, mining and survey technicians that are

    capable of operating most of the mining equipment and tools, assist engineers and techniciansin carrying out day-to-day activities and training of technicians that can work with small-scale

    miners to improve their working methods.

    8. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)In 1998, MTL participated fully in providing training to a selected team of small-scale miners

    from the Lake Victoria Goldfields that was conducted at VETA Mwanza premises. The

    training covered different mining aspects including, identification of minerals, geological

    exploration, selection of mining techniques, book keeping, mining legal and regulatory

    framework, minerals marketing and others.

    (e) Other Projects

    8. Facilitation of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) workshopsfor Tanzania Candidacy December 2008 & January 2009

    Were contracted by the World Bank to facilitate a Launch Workshop in December 2008 to

    enable Tanzania finalize the required stages to become a member of the Extractive IndustryTransparency Initiative (EITI). Further in January 2009 we were also contracted to facilitate

    another workshop for discussion of the EITI Tanzania work programme and selection of

    members of the working group. Both workshops were completed successfully.

    9. Institutional Development and Capacity Building Sierra Leone EU (2006):Was sub-contracted by Gruppo Sogges of Brussels to undertake a European Union Mission in

    Sierra Leone to carry out the assessment of the Institutional Development and Capacity

    Building for the Ministry of Mines. The assignment was carried out and a report submittedaccording to schedule.

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    Consulting Company Limited

    10. Due Diligence for a Diamond cutting and Polishing Plant - The Loans andAdvances Realization Trust (LART) Tanzania - 2003

    MTL was contracted by LART in February 2003 to conduct an evaluation of the Diamond

    cutting and polishing machinery at Mikocheni plant in Dar-es-Salaam with the aim of

    disposing-off the machinery. The evaluation entailed assessment of the diamond business inthe country, assessment of the machinery and comparing them with those used elsewhere,evaluation of the possible markets for the machinery, etc. The evaluation report was submitted

    in April 2003.

    11. Vice Presidents Office, Department of EnvironmentIn 2002, an expert from MTL was appointed by the Government to join a team responsible for

    reviewing applications submitted by the mining companies for the Presidential Environmental

    Award. Later, the expert led one of the three teams for site visits to evaluate environmental

    performances and participated in the eventual final evaluation of the applications.

    International Experience

    MTL has carried consulting work in other countries including:

    Country Assignment

    Malawi Training of small-scale miners Centre for Enterprise Development

    (CDE)- Burssels

    Lesotho and Swaziland Establishing of the Mineral resource potential for assistance - Centrefor Enterprise Development (CDE)- Brussels

    Botswana Capacity building for small-scale mining consultants in Africa -Centre for Enterprise Development (CDE)- Brussels

    Ghana Development of mercury free technology for small-scale gold

    miners European UnionSierra Leone Assessment of the environmental management compliance along

    the diamond mining areas of Kono District Assessment on

    behalf of the International Finance Corporation for a Companyseeking financing.

    Preparation of strategies for the Ministry of Mines onimplementation of the new Mining Act

    Zimbabwe Mercury abatement in gold mining areas around international waters

    Global Environmental Fund and UNIDO

    Sudan Mercury abatement in gold mining areas around international waters

    Global Environmental Fund and UNIDO

    Contact Person

    Wilson Mutagwaba, PhD, DIC, MIET, REng.(T)

    Managing Director,

    MTL Consulting Company Ltd.,

    Bibi Titi Mohamed Street, Seifee Mansion, 2nd Floor,

    PO Box 77894, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.Telephone/Fax: +255 22 2120882, Cellular: +255 784 309251



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