card pa - city of herald (1888-present)/1951-1960/1955... ·...

Post on 06-Nov-2019






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Card Pa arch (of t a I I What/II

'54.1 Mr.G

1 Murch

Donald Lee l Carl, Wayne, Ford Norris Langenberg, Hosk., Chry. Richard N. ' Lott, Pilger, Chev. Coryell Au~o Co .• Wayne, Ch~V. Coryel! Auto Co., Wayne, Ch v.' Coryell Au~o, Wayne, Chev. pl,.l

~I~~:;d ~il~~~~e, H~~~~~i, CFh:ci

• i Announce Sites I

: For Regional ! Cage tourneys I SItes anu ,contestants for region­I al basketba'll toumar1l('nLc; welre annoull('C'd Wcdncsday by the S~~fC hlf':h schOOl athldic associatiol. 1 :'CthE!d" •• !d

Dixon Feeders Banquet Slatedl Wednesday Nig~t II .. , ,Id ~"Slll" ,.,1 "f'IV~ !-\ .. rVW9

WakefiC'ld-·Dr, Earl 'lo A. Mad ... 11l3n, Morningside college, Sioux

i ~:Jl~~~a~ci~i~~n g~~~~~e~~:~e~ fa~~ i ~~~~a~lloanudi~~~~~thC~ ¥i~~n~::~ 'l1lg'ht '

Don Cunningham,"Siou)( C;1:Y, will act as toastmaster, Local county talent wlil furnish enter­tainment.

Wayne wrll get only one to r­ney thIS year, Cljass B. Way\ne HIgh will oompet~ in thIS meet. Current officers of the as.socia~ Wayne Prep will travel to Hart- IlIOn al'p Vil-gil E."kb~q:~, Wakefield,

, Ington for Class C cGm petiti.o1' presldcnt; QumtC"n Ernin, Con-Coaclws of teams entere~ in ,I ('urd, \'i('(> prrosident; Paul Koester,

Illp \Vi-Iynp tournament wil! eel I Allen, S('CI'Ctfll'v, and Ivan Nixon, ;1! Wayne HIgh S'l~urday mol' ing I \\'akcflcld, trcasw'cr, 10 cir'I('lmulc pairings and d<).tes arc ('xP1'cjec • \

kItchen arranqement and otlier fO)' tht' mept. i Baptist chW"chc" a Tlldl'n labor savmg Ideas. :\Vlnncl:s in, the 'rcg-jonal mecp; N1 f Ik O~ PI I I I

, I \\'111 quall~' lo!' playoffs, whioh so""~ 0., uert, I gel', al d l\ladl Forme~ A tona Gir ..1.-. - ~\ lll,dctcrmln{, state tournament 1 • ' ,Consecrated Sunday

N t' $ 20m : ~Il:~,~,~:(~' ~;10~~~'~km('~:5 F~!~~ ~11~ g I Irma L. pflueger, daught'et of

e 1 Pla)ofr" '\\ ill b(' hr 1d tl1(' fall w~ n mage Slight in F re Mrs, Lwa Pflueger. Hastings, 1!ias

S ' I !Ill! \\ Pf'k I '"'I' I con<'('cl'atf'd into the deacofll"Ss I }":lght Class B nkional' winners A Bill Woehler Home (.ll nfeSSlOn p1' the Luthel'an church-I \\ III J;H\ pall:l·d In t~'o-t.eam Pt~"1 nly minor damage \\ < S {'nusI'd Mis"oUt'i sY,!lod in a ceremony lofl:o. file 10 ('\,ISS L winners lllbY th f'- ' th' h f I~J\ Sunday at First Lutheran church,

S d I (omprte III [our-tdim playoffs" W ('h~'I' II ~n III SOU~h ~~~T\;jt () "I I'C~ ! Om(lha,

U n a Y :\ 1~~~\t:gft:a'SkS~,lt',Snc~IOudi. ,,:Olltestantj In 1 T sday aftel noon Fll (:01('11' '>dlt: ,Bon: at vv'i;ner, Miss: Pflue~er

i ,u~ ~<,' gr asp In a pan on an ('Iuclll(' ho I \\d," bdptlzcd dnd confirmed at , Wd~nl' IUJ, Cl'o,f on. pi te caught flre Tl'llll!y Lutheran church, Alt9na.

• I Hal'tlllg;ton Hoi) TlI'1l111) , Madl~n, '

SCS Soil Maps 80,000 Acres

_I Pend!'I' PIC1'l;C, Stanton, Wayne. • ,ilnd \\'I<,npl' , Jj",-t,ogtoo t('lase CI Allen. C I D. Perry to Take Air ,r:III(,!'Idgl', Hlldll1g1on, Laurel, ange oun y 5 : ~;:~~~~'(~~W;:(':onca, WClkdlCld and 1 5S Fair Dat 5 ~,~.~~~ A~~d,,~:~~,~,ams

NOlfolk 1('1;1",,, c) Ba~tl{'! . , 0 I D Id D P ~ I (')'('l'k vVlnSIc!C WilL;('1' Decauur I atcs for' '"VVa)np COt,LI t\ S Cln mH.1<l- ona . erry, n (J(H) ;WI 1',,' Tlld!'t1 Norfolk Sacl'cd Heart' I nu J ~alr hayC' b(,f'n chi:! lL;Cd 101 of Mr, and Mrs, Herb Pe . \\('1(' :-'0111 \V;11111111 :lnd WillllPbag'o .: 19 ;), It was announced oda\ U) Waytw, IS one of about 75 yo hs

\\';lU"<l I ('I(I,>"s (') 'C'I'cightpn, Se retary-Manager Al B' hr ~\~~IOm~'i~/':::>~~~~te~~\ c:~ 1()1.;';I·~;~ Il.:; :l\\'~;'''' r~~~~e~!PI~')~~~~~O~r~ha~~ 10 Re:;~~I~~r 0~h,~h~h7;;;eIS ~~;I\i fOl' admission to the first clas of

i 11.'(011 1111il ;:":lO!Jl'rtl'a s ow to play In thiS t rr1tory, tile All' For~e academy next sqm-

llllll!o.OIl (Class Dl Bancroft B he said The Aut ~wenson . 11;1 ('mPI 1-kldE'n Cf1-1 roll Ddkota T rill show, entirely ~fferent Perry \\ClS nonunated for ,

I ~i/I\ I mf'1 son }l{)n~er and Water- !I o:J~~h~:~~:f;;~~~;'e ~yS :I:~~ ~~a~~(~n~o ~:=e~~f.Y :rn:.t . • ],lUnS\\If'k (Cla:js E) HoskinS, e only the state faIr clr Ult If'dlOn of ('~didates, folloWl

5 t PI • \V\ )lot Roval Inman Clearwater ev..r dates tor the fall' dll' Aug t~(' t';ams, \\UI be made_ CO. U 5 annlng B1UllS\\lck Bllstow and CreIghton 11417 lllclusl\,e ThiS IS a out 1\\0 1 ~AI ~leadquarters. St l udg-cr \\Crk!'; earlier than last \~aT tOil, D.C, Observance of Wak( lIPId (Class E) -Concord I ahe attended the s aIr' f II[ I LocatIOn of the acadetny i)I"wn Em('rson Sacred Heart m nagcrs COl1\CntlOn last \\l'l'k,.t be ('olorado SpI'1ngs CoJo Boy Scout Week Hubhcud Jackson, jMasncll, R(\"-ILi coin He \\a.s qlccttd I( ~Id('nt j thE' fllst class convenmg m alii' ,InrI ThurstpII of thf' state £:,roup, HI;);) fit Lo\\ry AFB. Denver.

\Va\lH' pldlllllllgi .... J .. .------- -------.--- ------ .------.-

~~~~:l) 01: Chamber embershi"p Driv Sqouts WIll attend sel'vlces at 1 ' t

the Presbyterian church In a . ", '

body Sunday morning. Bruce ISh dId I, t Sf t t' M d ;;~~~i'V~o:,:~II,'" s~;~t~'C'at sc~~t I, ". c. e u e_J' ___ , 0_ ___ _ or i


. on a I wan IS club meetIng Monday noon . ~ _. . at Hotet Morrl90n, -. - -. ----------

i Hem to Head Yf th B ~t Board Approves!1 '1955 Drive; S a~ed F:~~~OI Funds for Fair . 'G I $6 300 oun9 people 'com ;Wayne I Improvements I I oa , cO nty town and rural churChes \\';1\ n(' ('ounty commission rs

:'Il(-'mb('1 slhlJl dn\ 0 luI' Wa,\ nl' a~ plann~ng ha banqu~t Xt HO\, rUt'stia\ \ olpd $3(}0 to the co~y ('h,l1llbl'l' 011 Comnl¢ITl' IS "lat('(\ kr s Brot er ood bUI dl g nex II fa/I' ;1",~oelal1on for impro\'cmc ts lor Fl'li 7-1:2, ('hi-wlllan H E, I.kin T~~~~:Y'S:::ke1rO' WIll ~e Chet at the f,Hh.'gl-,oJnrls, Thi~ sum iH .!llnoulll'('ri this .\\('('k, Slogan fOl' R ndolph, WNAX farm Iservice m,1111l d sum Off;lf'd by -l~J,):-1 h "TIl(' t'llflmbl'I' r-.;l'('d~ You d" ector, Youth organizatrons ror such pl'O]ects,

You .'i('l'd the' Chall1hcl' ' fr1 m each of the church,es par- No definite project has yet A""I!o.lJ1lt; Iklll In tlll' camnal/.1n ti ipattng Will furnish part of the I been determined to make use of

~~,:!I ~;I;IC~~0111~f;~I;~h~~~)~~~dO~I<~~'i~~ p~ogram. i t~~,~~~~et~;un!) took R{l\antagp of :V!lllOl' 1"1,,111'1', AI Bahe, f;d Dahe, I' tl1(' otfer \('(1.1' and used tlhe lJll'k LuC'de ..... find :'>liit :\lason, Hoskins co~e Marks '!:-;1 (jill) I()warri construction of tIMe

InItial contact with former 1]('\\' 1-11 blUldlllg itt the fallr·

I ~~~;:~~~Sr,W~I!I~esa~d~d;'I~:Y :~;: ~'~!l~~-Fi~'h" 'I' ~,~~~a ~J(lUllds, •

receIve a reminder card follow- E-Juskin:-, ..M1~1 :'Ill >.; cd by a membership drive en· J\n~{'nd(' ,0h:"'(,1 \ i\"d I h('11

velope Monday mornln~, \\'P ctm~'I!'1!t:(,lsaIY

Itl I Illl 'r~bl ~:\ ~1t1~ l~l~)II\'II\l:l I ~:~~I ~I ~~ ;~ua:'l~~aili~\l,;!~(t,lt~l/Ili I Ijllm" 10 gl~l Illtlllbpl"hl].l data opqJan.\:'), l~!-·Hl jtllPlI IOlllWdldtr dtttlltion ~oth C"nJoyl Id)ll}

I I(I~P:~~d~)\t ~~al~~:I()Odll~~;OIsbt/~l IIQlls 83 and ISh <.' I" I

,1911 In(!u¢hd III tilelr actl\llJ(~ I • ~ 1101 19')1 "\lll' co-sponsolshllJ of t .

cit I F,/t mrlS dd} dan \ sho\\ and bab\ I Mrs. Bush Inlure I ~)(;~~~SS~~1 tl~~o;s~:~I~TI~t~<;n~;;e~~:k~~l_ I~II Fall*.lt tore

Board Approves WSTC Changes

Tll!('O' ;lctdltloth to till' \VaYl1c "ldff \\('1'(' <-ll)proved by the

I Norma! bOiil'd at it~ montthly

I Ir"11~~~I~~~~l! t~hn L0~c~~~c a~~~~~~!d I till" \\ (,f'k


Thf' hoard 111"'0 upproH'd a

~(;:~l\I::H.~r r~~:~HP'~';'. ~I~~~~d net~ T~'Hlpl'ru, lipan or instru('tioll, \\ ho will join thl' ('nh'pr$ity of ~t'hra"l{;t rat'lIl1y ror t1w bUDl-

I h.ll1 tOUI I1C~S h( III ll1 Wel\ no holt· ~II s I knl \ Htfhh do,\ PI omqtlOn" ll1c\udll1~ I1C\\ B( thdck hos )It,11 "t~'1'ct li(cUlatlOl1-'; sponsOled pIa cl u"hed \11 l'III'

I..:qllll-'; 101 jhl dI!o.lTlct musIc ("on 111 I HI I fcrl) cli I !l

i t~Cft~l~l~'~~~:;- Jh'i~1PIO' ~atur~s' '" 1"~I,~~l,th't~~;'~~~lh~~~ ; r i ,.. 1](' req>I\'¢d ~lS , H P 1M' d I . t ~ from ('D!ora:do , ~ - I a ne ; q e I I I ~_ Qn! Llugill III \\?I~C~;I(~~I~,1:l'rt~~~taV;~ I fill),;" Int(+('skri. In 4-H wOI'k and - -, ---+ . I: dill! {'{l101 wio ;1110 has ~c\'etal 'ho~:m.1k!'rs who. -.;~t'I,ld ~~(lst, o! ) p~lkb Illclu~!"dl ;11,': lh ('"Io( k,l' )f:l} S I adll~, P;":Pl'l'IC'J1CC" Ihill tllTIC ll;lth('kltlhtl1\\I\l'\\ant'cn!~ps ilnd oPtorlunltH'~ J()I' ~lucl-I" J",ddlC \\](l1J,)Ysk1. \~aYrl(" ",as 10 be SUrt, and \ IS,lt, tIll' ,Carr:" I entis at the LO le'~(' of d TI

1UJtUrL' I' appOinted hpad custodian, :r~pl' c"

I~U~l{('~', can~\'an (,X,hlblt which )S 'I ~I'S, Clara ~, Leo oj , IWlTIc:lltlg G L R~)gf'rs, W~? re~~gn d I (ohll1\.-, 10 Wa~nc .Feb, 16 mt' nagcml'llt pctldll'" 1:11 11ll' ('nl'I, Id,,1 nlnll1h, .L :\1. :\i[OlIIS, 1Aay e, , The unit WIll be on dispt,ay at Ir (' of agncurUI!(', PU!11t:". put 1halll ,Ill1!1('d th~' "';lldlnlenanc(' staff a~ I tile city aWditonum from 10 a. of n all tha i~ nt' c:-;jal yj, ,[01'1 hf'ild l'nL;lIl(,~'I', ,;0, ~1J1 i:l "'a~an_':1 . I eR., lei' housekl'('p!ng to.; a 11('\\ Sljll- ]('] 1 hy 1 hi' I (,:"'I,.,IlatlO!1 of ClIffo d

m, until 4 p, m. pl~ HCljustmer ls j ~nd 'l"fl l'(1 n g C-1 Br{)\\'!l last } C{I1' S1aff. meQlbprs of thc state 4'!"f mirlnls, ,I I I :, .: I

oj flce "nd local 4·H leaders Will I,JIl"!t rf'n~f'llllh4r tn 0 thhHt"', I •

)(' . at \'al'lOUS panels 10' the ex· S't(' s.ays:: l. }\!o.U ~our I'll \\h('rfl II Board Approves F'Qrelg hlb!t ,to ans\\('j' qut'st!O~S about the ym lIsl;LaflJar~ide 'lOS oftI'll: St d t Scholarship'! e;I'O\\!lIe; --1-H organizatIOn. 1\1 d sto ~t hrl'f'. (;r Ill) thi~lg~ ~ en , ' ~

n.('\\ al dll1g ideas, for homel;nak- tllat ani tl.s It (I~('th r \Iw<1r a!1 Srllolar;hlP:'; ~o~ ~ondgn. st d-., "I'S; \\'I\! he ~ound 111 th(' "Planned \ ork aff>:l.·~ Storp af i(,(~" I."P(! II ~tll>'; dt \-\ST(, \\(')(' auHlrorized .r .'-;thragc lOl'I.EBC:;I(\\' Houc:;ekceping'I' lost oftlf'1l itl .",,~ur "~'j' .o.;:r1irf'adl" i! tIll' ~\at(' Nmrmal b~ardlSaturd y

111111-; " 11('\\ ,,('(1:11011 It ~n~'ludt's an J..-shapel:l, \,nrk nrf'11, 'jnd l tho"p uS~'d lp!o.'i I III IlnC'oin

glv(' motion In Ilh pHld!\ltd rllill(:-i [01 clot!llng and bedding \,orkarra" I 1 I • I ~(hUlarsh\IJ~('uH'rmghl~U1tio !111gt'lS llqmr ('xtlnf.;!On SPCCIAllstS \\111 be I t the p~('fnqatlon and! (1r,lll- in (",lIh 01 tlW flmr stat tN~('he.

r Tho pll()j(),: \\(\1 (' Llkrn al "'\{'\\ on hrtnd 10 ~Ul~\\f'l Que~llol1 honw- UI~ ccntC'l "p cHll!sts \ 111 ex lcilO COlli ~(--'!'; for: \\f)rthy stl~dettts I YOlk U11I\ll>.;lty" IJl~t!lu1e ot pll)' ll\,lk{,I" mlg-ht hal€' on !fnplollng-Il!~' d{'s!Jdble fl'fllUl8S1 (Ir f"ltlk 10rt'1/.:'11 (ouptnl's ('omlJ)~t~ th

eR Hea

Wayne Kiwanis cl saw a film on vC'iopment at ! ing Monday at The' film was ~hO\\l1 by C<Innon. repl"C':';('ntatl\'C' tlOnal chick fmn.

An in~jtation tn 1I1'('ln 11011'11'1

at th(' ('ounh' must'um 1'1·11. 20 wa.s from :"1 .... Art!lUr Au­K{,r.

Annual blrthddY p:u 1) fur local club IS Ff'll. 21 <!III t hI' lege. GUf'st spc<lkl'l' \~ ill 1)(' D. Pre('c(" Hat t I{' Cn'I'k active aucllonL'l'j" III the e IS 86. 1

• I

-H Speech 'Contest Saturday 'i

j "Nor! hf'a. Nebraska 4~H ml m~ I {WI s wIiI ompetc in, {h~ ,al1n w l

~1"tl'JCI spe king't:~ort~)t.,~~Sah1rr.ay

it thr' cou '!howie, C'Otlf1:ty Ag nt , 1.lrolrt Ing lis said.tticl.4f. , i

·John !\1 h.r, WDyneJ~ ",.t11 L prl'!wnt , sync oounty bt tl () I ('omlwUtio . H('J \'\o'on U-.,e count 1

I ('ontl ..... t h( Id here re{l'ent)y. I

[Winne)' f the district cont ),;f

't'ill f'nter he !;tate e\ent (juri l~ ! '~-Ii club W f'k at Lincoln in JUDI),

Pender Youth Topsl I

Lamb Feeding· Show ~at~l S~~ll ~~~', :n~a~~~~'r, Kpnncth Ddhlmll1 171Yf'dl-old 11knC. ".,e16 lng 9Ibs., 13 ozs. ~

ppndCI F FA O1(,111h(1 ll11)PUI the I Jan 31 :vIr. 'and 1\lrs. .L ("k I JUIlIOI V. ('S!(>I n 1 elm\) F (>('dmg (IImpb( II lcnvil, a daug-htlT, fi I sho'" and sdle f< l](I 1\ 111 I 's,dUI- lIb" ~ O/,I; Hastings hospital. ;\1 s. I

~~~ic~t \\~'~~~~n ~,\tl~lh" I~~~lltl~ ~~'a~~11 g::;7~~)lg:,wl'on~ d,aughtcr of l\l s, ;

cd 87.;) pCITPnt pllnw t '!I .Jan 2R .11'. and).irs .. Don CIHl<, I

OtlH'r 1'1': Xf'hnl.o,;k1,.n· \\ 110 II ~Ix~n. _ a (~ ughter, Debra .~Ctr (', rnit'd h.igh \\ ~'rt": Man II FT('d- 17 Ibs ... J 06!:., Senthack hospital. f'rkk, Q.andull)h. ..., X .1 pt'r- i Jan 29. :vII'. and Mrs. C1J1f(!'ri , ('('nt, lind ;\laril,HI PlIdH'r'j Wake- : :vIlI1or, \yil 'nco a daughter, Llrlfla ~ field. s('\"I'nth, 7,) [)PI"{'f'Il' 1 SusCln, 6 Is, 5 ~2 OZS., Benthack ,

Also cl)mpf'tlllg' \\I\IC Von~ld II~O]~~(!I~H' Mr. and Mrs. GorrltHl "Dod kG I len 'RHUhlhClI 'Id, ,~llf'll1: It::~~~~ Brcssler. Ii daughter, 7 ljJs., 10 1


un· au, .ilJH 0 pI, ant : (jZ' WAkef 'Id hospttul. i Mattes, Allen, II Jan, 28: r. and Mrs, yr:Hlklln ,

, 1 Ircnrlnck., a !jon, ,) U)s., 11 I·

k (lZ , \VH.kf>f !'ld hospital.

Mar ef$ i td'o~,~~ c"~~ :J: ~nd.,~~s 8,J"r~~~ _________ ,..' __ I '~I:~~~Cj~, ~f.~ta;;1d Mrs. Iknry

. • ~ m I I'r\\I]l, , Co cord. a daughter, 11 (PrIces In Wayne wednesd

l y a, '), I )s,' 10 oz, Wakefigld hospital.

g~~ .,~ I' $1:~~, trt~~,b.p~~ ,~ev~o~,n~ %~~; 9lJ;~~ Cream .57'1 ~Vakcfi(>ld hm;pital.' ' Hens, lb. (over 5 lbs,) l ,,15!' 1'1'11,:2: I 1'. and Mr~, Rl'l'1il Hens. lb, (under 5 Ibs.) ,I. .13. {tl'son, f'~ erson, idenlical tWlll Cocks, lb. '[ ,OS (aughtcl's, 8 Jbs .• ,and 7 Ibs" 13 Eggs, doz, (A I~rge) .32: z. W(;lkef eld. bospital. Eaas. doz. (undergrade) ,30


mcChatlll iJ L,t III {()Ihtllll I eel to flll1-sca!r' \.:ijtdhcn and stol'age fa· 0i11'1l in tilp "1~.L\,tm m Irf'lU'h" 1 TIll' boar~l agrf'{>(l to,'S,Sl~(, fi,;

!i;1l'al Tntdl(11H' lnc! Tlh..lhlllt<ltlOn \,olk 11(,1" f\nrl stOtagl facllitl(',< sa h a" ~he flrolPCI heghlor tnell s. fill" ,·plll·ge f'lill(':\,tio I M(,llill IS 1101\\ 11\ IIlf'; '" lth hl<;; lilithI'll honn( S UT!t The hOl(n(,~1'lk(' h )UI~ he ,\ pi ogTlam to furm~~ upp e

r:J.,?I\h::; ,]::\11::; l\Lutha Olsun 1 (\\01 of th(' I!\E' SE'C 1,1\ C to \\orkl<J:l, th~ ~1~1n lea mlnl.d did ~o "on,; llnd da~Jght is { Irl r"(i1lhtt nthrt lM CARIA'f'AI~p<\qf'?: II (If \rtf'li-In'\ \'rl~ al<;o npprovf'o. 1--"'i'""------+---~,....--++-~~iF;,;.,.;....4_~,

• II I, I :1'(' I I I I I I I I I

...... _ ........ , .,'!',., ,. "I, \ I rl :' ." .. r' ... 'ff', I .. ·• ~~ , , ,

'1,--w",", , ..... , -, --...... -------tH-...... -+++-++-1"t hel' 11nUghtcr'''\ ;III'S, Maryl Hh n· .... r ..... JI "'_ '~II:;::r'i:~A~~~fF0f;".:;:~:.,.;. .... ~:..."t-';';'--tlr7---------"";--- ' .:;erfs Satu,rclH.' I -that ('\f'nln" k'hl' M WV IW

attenpC'd the blt'thday "'atl~cqng ____ "(~l~l~ll~I~~~'1:(' 1)


ahd Mrs. I-~ans('h <\lnd JUllUti Jt.1:eyer .

fOt"lDorothy:\1eyl'L', hi I ithout hen in~ forward or

J h ~ te~~'d ~~~ ~tS~d~\~gl~~~~~nt'J~~= ng HI'ms "hove ('lhow )f'\,el. O n' 5 "'''''O+--..f--+,..., ~ ng the UfJpflT part of the I :vII'S Bertha alter was a guest ace rtz~r . r urtzer wa~ da e\'enmg for J~ann(' Ute ark. \OSf.' to the body

. I TUesdar evening: in the Leonar-d for r. ¥ Walth a d hi Th v al~ r\ and ::vII's. Elwood Sa p~on The space under the

Ch 'h Dersch' home. IThursday Mr. and visIt Carl13bad: ca l'l'nS e\\ Went to Df\\enport Ia lastlwek hould be pfflclentl~ w\('(~

ur' ~Irs. 'H<;Irry B~rtels and Mr. ano. Me . 0 wher~ MIS Sampson \\111 rfee "e ashlnO" ('qulpm('nt ~Iher .'" 1::\11'5. flarold GlliggS and daughters ~8 M Ben ca~s nand htb medical alii On Monda\- thIS w1ek IS, <,;c~Uflng "upplies

wcrp t~('rp RmJ?1 \ ere Satu'o V UPPPI g est Janlcf' \\('nt to Da\CilPolt tq \151t mall tools for clcdnmg, -~-~-+~~--~-r+--:--';-~~~~~---'- - ~~--- - ::\11' land MI's. Canol VanVaJin of 1\ s Stma J h 501 'r(,~lmot]1('r_and M.r Sampsofl't lil 'an be fltlcd Into the al

.. and fdmily sP'Iml Sunday in the :'vI Clair A d rs n IS r co cr I E:'t rn home , lIght h8ndcd b~sll1e~s meeting. It was \'ot]('d to borne of hIS pa~'ents. M!r and Mts, ing Iy from h rtec('nt op I a r and Mrs Henry Bush ~nd I hould btl, an <Ilea give $5 tD the Malch of Dimes, :C\~l;.l(>;ln~a~~~~~~~~lat~ndin Sp('n! 110n dis sta\/Il I the m o~ DeOles w~rC'S Sundavh supper lshes dhout ~6 Inches

~fis"ionary Soddy thc w0f'kC'no III thc Elmer Carlson he~1 ~~~dTvr-Uld~ ~dA~d s·bCf~ll gu S~g ~~dt ;Ilsa~~~o~a~l~~k ~adll~~~~S 0;t \I~~ ~~r and 1\1i.sslOnaI'Y soclely of $alem homt', Norfolk. ~els called a r C,ll IC Ek-l as mnel gW,?sts ~unday thC~BIll\. The full-scale

Lutheran church met III the ThUrSday eV~ning guests in the 5tro ed!nesd \ It rnnon I [HanSen famll\' _ L mIXIW" cpo tel ('hurch Friday afternoon. Pro- F)'ed undin h me were Mr, and M Fred Lu dm nd M Mel- 11' and MIS Hemv Bok mper IPPPI a;d 10\\ {'I grnrp theme was "Christ fOlijThe ;'\l1's. Martin olmbcrg, M:r. and \1Il yndllil v.:e e T csrlay arter-jlan faniuly, :\III'S Robelt H nsen PI)!' I cclbmet t:'dch door Restless Throng" Program C <llr~ 1\1rs, 1\1('1\ III lAlrson and Mr. and noo I callers "1 t C' l\h S TI1JI~ Ian son WCI e ISunda) SUPIP€I helH's \0 h()ld smallel men were Mrs, Gu!'; J Ianson and Mrs ::vfar.\'1Il ::vr1:rtenson, Fcgl y home A~e 1 1 ~u sts at :\irs J\1a~ v Ha~n~en ~ and uPP!l( s ThiS IS but one Mrs. A \V. Carlson. Thc~ \'('re :vIr. and M . Ben FrE'drickson M~~ Oscal B1 1 lu d:W, FlCd :'Ir and Mrs tIe~ln KOlth 'j\!!:!re 0 "hnV\ how to stOIC as~,sted by, Mrs. ~:ster F Isdhe,I:, and. ~t ~nd . rs, John Bressler Lun ~n and l-"a 11 e H, pse 1('1 e ~0'Ve mg \ ISJtO:S J I llcn"l1>.; \\ h]('11 \ RI'Y gl eatly ~JS, Robelt AndelS?n and. ~I1s returned Monda.y from Phoenix, Thuisd \ aften 0 allels In the I ~ r and MIS Em~l. fa,rn,o\\ ~nn :l.C 'lnd sil,IDe eftlcl('nl1y F.IlCk G. Johnson. DJanne Call1son An?: \\ h('re tJ1PV visited Ellen Hen y Barrlmm 0 e IJanelle spent ThUrsday (\ I nl.rjg at I p!a~ed a piano sol(ll SE'rvlllg Fl'ed;'ickson [In IVII', a~d Mrs Hor- M ~ Ikn Ch]Se \\ >.; a;m n~ the the Re\ Halold hH'ck home I /\t(,11h;1 I~~~<~g

I chall'men were MI s ClIff :\lunson 1 ~ ~ __ o-uef'" \\ho he p(' II s: I dnClS :Mr and MI S l~: Imelr GlIsSlm<ln hJl

lund Mrs. Walter Herman, I IFen ~~I celebrtc leI' bllthbl\ land, Jud> \\ele ThuISdcl\ evc-nmfT 1 ('I( I ( lDOI(~ - ~-- Ch h Tue da aftern~n t' 'lklsltOls at Bdh Hansen's l:'\]C{,,, F I Mrs. Park Honored U rei es N Ig~bOrs a d fr ('nos hll pd :vII S Clal (' Buskll k Um.~hq aed I> 1 \\ htl()ll~:t 1 lb~ 1

I • • • Mrs Reuben Jo n OJ ObSf'1 e h(r IllPt mothcl :\11" na\ A-,:.Id ~J ] At Satwday Shower I Jblrtlil'da~ :\IlondalY ft IRo~n IWavne W(le Thuljo;da\ aftdpdon ('1\ (nll'l bcf.,lUP 1

and S,l!pm LIlUwran Chur('h I LeN en b('l<'et fllll!\.ISltors at GeorgC' 'Husklrk::; Cl<{IC )nl' (Onldll1<.; a[t~ MI::; Don Pall<: d lccenl blldf' (C WIilald t,llhon pastor) ~j s ~ ~ IB k k \ h larl h~en In rdl ' JlOOllS l(llk" Ihe ,\\as honored at a ~m;c(>Hant'ollg I Thul Sdd\ }o eb ~ SC11l01 chOIr ~~ t~ \t~~farrc,r ~Q n l ~on0~pm '~b I ~O~~I~I l\v~ ~ee~{s on bU~ll1cSS Crt' ( h lUI d!\


showCI Satur~d) aft{ I noon I~l the pI d( t I{ e H p rrI, Dorcas sOClCty Cl t u rnbC'rO'(']1 a d \ farm1l ~ur~t'd rhUI!,da\ tr) Umahd dnf !his I Opt 11 nd It Hiy 10 'U",w,,,,,,",,u,,. LeglOn lull (ont('sts \\ el (' (\'lIO} I annu li JdmIly (light \\ Ith mohon t d M ":\IT } N I \\ Ife \\ ho h ld SJ)I nl til( time \ (th I sllppui (Jut of SIght

ed and pllzes U\\ dl c!ed 10 1 he PI( 1 U; (' 1 [osi ('S ('s d) e Mrs Vt'l ~ I al!l rs d ~ I d ue ~,l I g- 1 rplatl\cs I e~Ul ned to (lmaba FI I m 1\ hl' US( d IS a bride FOl ty gu('sls dllclllll d I non 1< ('~ley MI gl M<1lland SchJoed~ e~'e t~r~~I\h~el~1 • ~ ~ ul~l:~r I rtlv II I 11<:., I () '-( 1 lild ~Cf\e the


Lu,nCh was "{'~'\('d bY,lI()stes~:s!er, Mrx ;VI.ll~h;~ Ulson. Mrs Hu- ~er er homE' T (1 mall auc:!l~1 Mr and :VII" JoP \\illsnn ~J~lt 11-.'; , the :VIrg, Flo,\d Pdlk, \1I!:>. RUSMII bpl't I'ahn vlJll:i ChrencC' Luhr g I 1'"Cl t LoUIS Han"llb rhurkdu\ I \ \1 ,t Park :'III'S 1"1\ IS 01 ( allLi 1\1 . . , , • < tf'r I who has "pI' lhe P<l, t (\\ l a ,Don ,," ~'" ~, Slll -4 IS, und 111':-.

f H()lmberg. ,dad WIth h{"r g n moth~ IC. f\cnm g v<ill \\il!

unltil !_(~omc _F Ull son, FIllldY, ~'('b, 4 JUnior chOIr tur ~d"lhome \\Ith I ('m rJi 'II' Rnd "\115 Hc,mLln Bbki(1 I I ...' PUlclllP -l30 pl. 1 ~nd Mrs alkr H gll no J\elf :,londav suppel \IS110!1~ at clo"01

I NCIg,hbOlS,ancl fllcnds belpre] Saturnay. F(' ;). SCl1l01' cnn- de HId Th I t,ciO) ph A Engilshs :\11 llld 1\ll's I Ilnncd ~rs, "F~I"le Ekeroth a lJ ... c]'\ 0 hel- fll'n1atlOn C];I>.;S, 9 aIn, JUnIor an ,0 a da1u1nl \'vQIC I IS 11l\ 15oh~ Vogt werc Werlm"dd~ \10. 11 It

,blrthrlay, Thursday cOllfllmallOl~ cl~ss, 10 .. 10 ~:Il~r F~~dItIC~ ~ ~~~~ S II .. lC 1101$ ~ OU"'I I Mrs 1,.t!,('1 Jeffl f'y spent the Sunday, F'('b 6' Sund<lY school P I' ! olnl weel{pnci 111 tile home o[ Iwr I and Bible ClilS"t'S, 9 45 am.; wor· -~. -------t- , • , • 1 I' (l~ughlE'r, l\1b Glenn \\'dlkcr'l.shlp spn ICt', 11 Luther league Mrs. ~raffls I I~red I Th \\ayne· r :plogr('sSI\e SUppPl', ,) ~o p,m. Den- I Th' d '~L_ 'lose

Mrs. fed Jones spcnt 11](' first nls Hnd D1H]\{' Carlson Hre In n urs ay IS~p I of the week In the home' of ht'l' chargt' oj til(' pl'ogrdm Mirs. Lula GraIfi, 0, f('1i in hC'r :r son Ruford, Pl'nciC'I', C~lllllg for Iwt ::\Iondd), Feb" Cott<lgP Pray- home h('r0 ThUl'sd v "md fI1a('tur~ ,.,erve ... ~mall granddaughtC'r \\hll(' \IIs. PI nwrtlngs 2 ~O pm trustees ecl per right hIp Slw IS IO:'\" In I BufOld Jones cluj suhstllutre l{'dCh-llll1l t tmJ.; R ' , Community hospil11 She. I~ <1.[1 I" Our Armed mg • Tuesdcl~}o reb 8 Teachcl s meet~ fOl mer Clil 011 I c:r; dCl~t I II, ______ --' __ ~ .... _

Sunday C\ f'l1lng \ I'<lto) s In til(' I mJ.; R P nl - ~ - ~ I" AKEFIELD \Vlllmm 'l'homsen h~m(' \\1 Ir l\II I Wecin('sriay Feb 9 Mld\\eek ),fr (Jnd ;v[rs ('ub(,11 J hnson Wayne • I rind 1\l1s Rudolph lhonls(n J 11l~ Blhle study oS pm \'er(' Thursdav su prlI 'gu(' f<.; 1111 !'\t vlcl01 'Ianl) '; 11l\\ ospsta Notes erson r -- I I the Wa~ter Frc dr~ ks~n ho e 's US ;)5321102 -f----------......

Ml and Mrs V\ Iil1am Thome:!"'n 1 Sf :raul' .. Llltihpr.In ChuTch I ::\1r alnd ::vII'S N<\lr':)an II i!1~nd 11 TK Co 20th In1 Regt \\ere Sunda) cimnel guest>- III the [ tlLuold KlOCk pastor) II and sons and :\11' alnd MIS Tell t'r 14th Pl,ltoon (lnutt('d Hem'}' Bnnkman home S ltUlci(l.)- Fph 5 ConfmnatlOTI Ha~ll1nd and Elmqr Nrlsolll \\ re r t Chd C'ililf i\II" 1..111 1 Gl If[15 Wakf'flctd

VIr ... an.d :\11 S John 1-Id)1C;rm CldSc.res ~ ~O 1m 1 SUr1(ia\ dmner eue~ts 1m thcl hohw +__ " \ ..... 1 ()I/l I nWl "on l\Irf;

Flldd) P\f'11ll1g" gUf'sts In th(' I SU)1Ctl) Fpb I:) Sunda) school, lof Cora Haglund'i 1 A 3c Jrl c I, \\ Ikl'flPld Vt>r- I Pallison homl'. 110 dm c!1\1Il(' \\Ol'ShlP 1045 I ;-"~r and:Vlls S\(' dlKastruP'il1rl ~1J~ilnd ::\11~ Jamrs :\lls ('Idia Lund

:\1l and Mrs El'I(' JIlIz \\lnt to I Tuf'sdny Feb 8 Men s club, Idal('o~Clldge sp nt 'Vlond\n\ lIn q. n \\ [1(101(>"<.; It 1<.; j mill(' Ann Lump PI81IlHeW Sunduj. to attend the 8 P In I the> go~ Knstrup 01r 1 1 3 P Studt nt Sqd 1 fl I "Oil llaH'> Wake [unE'lalo("\lIS lIJtzs(ousill flll- ThulSdol~ Feb 10 Ladl('s ald, '\t 4nd ::vIrs IP( Jah{r ~n~11 B x~l-'ll 1~ld,"" \11<; J F't'ndnek ('st Plttclck. 12 pm IIostL'sc.l''i .lIP MIS F:lbeltIDa'l1(,l~rle Sunda (lI1n[') u('r;t~ Kt(::;llr AFD ).lls:-; [P~'"ldll :'II" Coan, Con-

SUI Calol P('tr>rson \\ho IS a U I Nt \son nnd \-It s F 1\ m Slebtnndt 1m tl1e 111 Lueder hdmp P nelC'r 13 (~l 1 \11 \1 nnl' Bon!:!I' Wak('-of ~ s!udl'nt, \\as hom(> W('dn('s~ __ ' Mit nd Mrs Irel J,lhd [lUld I Ptc Rlchald PO\\C'IS son of ::\ll I I, lei \11-, }"1 m 1 Biermann day to Sunda)- \\ hen Ill'l Dell rnls 1 l\-H!O!liion CO\ f'nant Chun'h I Darl'e'l .ere g'uest~ In th(' John nd ::\11 ~ UO\ d PO\\ l'I" ell! 1\ eel. \ 1\)1(' 1\11" 11 nI \ EI \\ In ('on-MI.Hnd;vIls WllburPclPlsOnloo),1 ll\lPlvlnO Pederson pastor) Lutt h(:lm{' Waj- (' V...'{'d {'SlR.V homc Fllda\ 1l100llmg to SPlfld d (4Jld Rd)\ ]\.(nddllLot<.;ch('r Em-hpJ hack to Lmcoln Whlie 111 Lll1~1 Thlll',day Feb :~ Bible study eH'n~nga honOring the fort -II thlffW <la\s PlC' f'O\\fOIS h,l'; br('n l'l ... lll Hl\lni1I,t! Boltoll All('n (oln Petf'l ~(ms \ ISltl'd DI dnd \11 sand pray('r "Con Ice 8 pm wf>dqm 3nnl\ ('rsa.'r 01 :\11 ~ neI statlOncd Ft B'lss [LX a'ld 11 d\\ II d ( t:\( \\ lastle Mrs R L FredstromjrithelcnewhonH' I SatUiddY }"'eb !} ConfmnatlOn !'rtrs iL tt I [left rnornm-.; 110m 0,11 IDIII' Fllk ;"'lr" BClt11 Lar-

Mr. and Mrs. Challes Schwal ten eJ IS-S 1 .\0 pm Mr. and M r5. Otto NE!ls n aha for h .. llm( I :\ J 1- t om .... un I 11 (I "on and W01don. Mrs Rosp Utemntk Sund;lY, Feb 6' Sunday school, and ,Mr. and Mrs, Ajlton HolrlJl· I thC're he go 0\('1'5('<15 and IMr. and Mtr$. Tom AJexandl [. 10 am, mornmg WQ['ship, 11, Of- berg'l, were Sun-day dihner guesls and Joan wer" ~unday 'Suppl'[' ferlt1gI0rCOVf'nant'YOUthOfAmer~1 in the Ernest Wmeqardner 1st I.1 Chdllf'" I\:a\ ~(ln (If ;\1' guests Il1 the WIlliam GI'adplt IC,I, {'vpninl{ SerVICe, 7~30 p.m" hom~ honoring the farly-eighth [me! }I,,, lLul\ C; K,l\ dlrJ\('d home. )ill' and 11rs. :\ll' r I (' young people III charge. wedd'ing anniversary lof Mr. an,d : :\londd\ nl!_:ht Irom P,l! IS HI', \\ lil Sch\\~artfn \I.~re evenll1g l(ucsts II) Tuesday, Feb, 8: Brothorhood, Mrs, '~o'm~rg" I IjcpoJ't 'FE'b :.!-l to Randolph r Ivld thc.Gradert home~ ., g pm. ' I 'Mr, "and :vtrs n·cc1 Jahde :J.inrlITo: tUI Ihll'" month ... II

JLm Cone and (assle \\er'C' Sun- \vcLine:-sciay Ft'b 9. Ladies aid, Darrol wcr(' Thulf;(la\ !'lUnr~N I tlr.1I111'1g III 1;~)7 l\lkl' tilat ltllll day \lSltO,'S 111 the Alt ::'Iallum 2 pm gUests In the C R rOB home. \~ill" tUIl! to FI'(II((' home ___ , Petel Fro~o r£'1Ul nco f'aturr'lHv'.1 __

Mr. and :Mrs Glt'nn Graills, (~ar~ ('hri"ltian CbUltch I from Arizona \\ hel'¢ he has \ 1511l'd ' J D\\ ,1\ 11(' \'"

roll. Mr. and }\Irs. Ted GrailI'" , (\It'lim W]'[gh~ '~astOl') the- past month. 11r ;\Il'" .\ .J Randolph,Umrr GJdfrl" and ::\Il~ -Sunday Feb 6' B'j'ble school, 10 \~as '11:- L~,\l'n Harold Cdrlson, 1.C!uI'pl, \lsltl'd a III mo;nlng \\Ol'shi~ n~d 'j:fuh1~.1 11'1\ ' 1 I n1t'1 \\ltl1 Mrs. Lula G~ajlis III ('0Il1111UllltV';nllrllOll, 11, t,\pnings~rvice,'1~30 Le -Ie I 'I' 'I AI ho~p~ta.1 Sllnrl~~,., 1 p.1l1 , . , '. I I 1\:\

::\11 and !\1I~<';, Ll\\) r ncC' I'hursdny Pcb 10: Kmg s, 8't1 Mrs George Buskirk and :'V1ar\(j1 <lhlld('I" ('0- J)'lu"hlt'IS ') pm eh!,)lr rehear-I -I' , I Opl'ratl,\e r11~r1l'1 In of '-,:1 "I 'lD;' Rlbll' study, 8; bOi.\rd I I Phone Atlas 7·2523 !

i~~:;: E(!na (h~ld"ls. HI ml,pllng 9, Farme~ Fans I I

I Mr. and :\11'<.; I.con'lld Prt,,,hvtf'rinn Chnrrh' i Farn~('f Fan" mf't ThUl'sdcl\ lat

' WCll' guests Sumlu\ ~Ronald' Huc;kll'k, pastor) l:\ll'S Bllly H<lo<.;('n's Le~snn \~as bill home 01 .:\lrs}J1 '- Thur"day, Feb 3 ~Testmli1st('r brOIl?!' I meals TCll nwmt)('l" al"l :~i;t~~1d ~hll'!, \!J ~ll' [1~II'J,JIj(lIl, ~ ~O P~,l'w~I~~%~n~~~~ ~~;~_\'~t;~;'\I~~~~~"I/O'~'lt~;ll~~,(;~1 ~I~~

;,11. cll1d \Jr'S (hall' IE'ill'cllSdl, 1)(':\1 mr('lln~ WIll bl <II 111(' hCll~lL' S of ::'III'S \Vendell K()]'lh

[.'Illldid III ;-;,111110,1\, Feh:i Jmnt pre-home, Perg) \\lio I COlllll1l111IC:llll ~ld"S EmclsCJll, :2 p, The ~emtcl} horlln 01 Pll',l ... l-lni ~PPlit the PBst \\l'l'k III Ih, 111'1"1'11 Ill'; I Vailey iChurch <Ire 10 be lommujd-hontl', It'tul'nl'd \\ 11h hI' I Pdll 111" t-;llllcllY FC'b G C!lUl eh school, {'o 101' t1w lmpl'O\ l'ml'llt 1111'\ !l,U\ E'

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rasmus- 10 dill, mOllllllg \\O)'ShlP, 11 madE' ;~1 the C('IlW1l' I \ Thl' tund~'

~~~. g~::;sOI/~ t~:r~e~;~~~~ ~~I~; st. .Jolm's Luthpran Church I ~~e~h;\~;'~I~l'~II~I'do~Il:~\'IlI'I~~I\ll\'I\II~(';' bolshelmer home Elaine Clap- (~dm\l{'1 :V1c"ke, ·pasIOl) I ::\11 S JulIUS \\(>nkl' and 1)1'*11 per was a FrIday afternoon V1S- , ThuI ... da} Fell :~ \Valther J carroll

l \\ lTe WI'dl\('snd\ \

itor of the Herbolshelmer SIS- H pm at Ado ph Em:-llsh,- \11



tel's. , ItI.\\ Feb 1 L.ullcs aid. :! ~o I.I(1~d Carl<.on 'lnl! f;====-~*~-;;;;;;-;;;;';';';"----i';"----+;';;;" :\11 alld ;\!IS C;1'1 }l, I bol-I pIll .. Isundd.Y Ollll1(,l' \

;~1~~1~~~1<~)- ~~gpl'r L:ll\"J-, 11l11~>I'I~ll(;I~11 F('~l:i ReligIOUS 1l1~ ;:~';'~~~1ct\~S~~~'I:!~ \\cl"

FI'etillC'ksOll hOl11e \VU\ Ill' ~ 6 Sunoay school :'11' find :VII'S, 1',11 \'~

I MI' ,Illd MIl'> LouI(' H('I C: I (')1 dllti i 10 a.m. (\1\ me I Rosal!p, :\11~ and MI·s ,j 1<,lll \

and lot

I I'

, , ., ,

, I'

Ii, I'

, " , , \

'I I

TC'l'n Norlnlk \\'\ II' ~llnda\ c. ... p- I hoff and ;\!?I'I'E'n Bd!1(loll

,Pl'l' g~lL'sts III 11](' C01Iul'(!1 llt'l'-'" Jl I ('ilear.! ~~~ ~l~I~lrll'If;~'('\\~'II: \~ ~~I':~'~lc. jlJol"h(,lllWI hOll1e , S pm I~~I~ \11'5 Va'I'll'1 PLI('klll

::\'In Und Ml's }1r anq ::\11''>, fo.]n1r11

I JO}l'd an o:-s!('r ",UIJf)('1 Hammer's r Ildd~ hOllo! 11ll.;

Our readers-reid the ads a. Ithoroughly as they read thl, (news I

Because advertisIng help. them decide what to buy •. " how much to pay ••• and where to buy it.

Advertising makes buYIng easier • • • local business,


I bll1hda,) and Sund..I~ ('\enUll:; ,1 ! grouD wen' thl'I'(' hOllOrJW . .; till' 'b1l1hda;! at :\1r~ HamJll'l'l

::\11' Q,nd :VII's. DIck l\'l'lc.en SIUllCl: Clt\, ){lr and :viI'S CVlll' I,uhb ....

~FI~ f;Tell~rl~ E~I~~:~I~';' jJ\t'~~:!I:~,ll)rt 'wcrE'Sunda\ r!llllwt til L J ,Bressle(s Satul da::. 111 (s"

Iler vlsl~ed Mnr L.'Ro'l I(::.t h .11 the 'N~kt'fleldl hOS~ltcl~

I ::\11' ~nd Mil Eilts Stl'\\,llt allla :'.1r, an Mrs. GC'c .t:;e :Husklrk ~l1r

I tended 1 he gOI~{'n \\ edrimg O~)S' l~ ~ I ancc of IMr, a,nd MIls. ~ohn )JUCln-

'~~~~er tir W'i~ e~~'nb~\~~~Y w~~h'l~ I [O~~~rlt~~a~~ r~f ~~'~:~'wIII mret t ~ Fnday .evcnm

l.f a.t Milll Bll'nnans I

I :\11' qnd :M:~s. Dim Dolph \\ eJ c I is U n day aftl('rnotn \ 1~ltO\'S at I I George HabFOqks, II1car[ son

, :\11' (~nd Ml:~ CUll epee Becken" , hnupr ~pent S,unda~r c\ enm"" at I

I UI~r l<;~~sd :V[~S;. Al t Longe (l'nQ: ~ I ddughl~r helplC'(~ IItlchard LUIlFI f;' I ,obs('nC tl1C'11' Iltlth ~nryl\"erS31), 'I , :\fl' ~nd 2\1rs "Y.tll Korth )ttl' I I ! and ;\iIt's, Benton ffidlOlson T' spent i I ,SundaVi evenmg at I.k'Ister h,ortt~ , ' I MI'. -~nd 1\lI:s. A~;gUst Kail anql : I Jud" wte Sunda)- ~fternoon guc tSi

'I at ~1~'Y~I~db~lr§kSFrJd TarncW ~h~ ~~d ;;~~',tn::Y l;k~~te~£~~~~;dt~,e~~t


an oystrr supp~r, I I, Mr <f11d !vlrs Jdhn G!'e\ Q, ~Ir

and )'1;ts, Gus Laase dnd ~ Mil S, George'Laase spcqlt ~unda~ C\ e­

'ning atl the FIled 'T1arnow h mJI I I I Mrs, i Mabel, Cil~kd-nbear 'ie. I turned '~~rlday everting to . IS cr I I

I g~ M~~~es\"l~t~ ::&~ ~I;l~;~l~~ ~~ I I guest <lj~ Ench Alb~rs 'and Jfn\lCd I I

)11' i· I! I I i




Hlll,FEED D llfO'''' read v to sel've r, I'd .. that help. \p\ll' pilultry. hogs' thf' Jl1I1 Ff'E'ciIng Prn~ldl~I1'·-I,ea sa \'E' ~'UU money Stop In any time.

6 R 6 10

14 11



Hi ')7 1.Y 17

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14 [, I 6 4c

mJ!k mll,'s

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'~tlj;1':i'l!';I~'~'F;:::;'I"~f:;'~l'f~lJ!~.:rT'!:::;:r~t':r,~r.~"~~"~:~I'~"~:* ~ tT~':,!:~'~·~'·:~~I:.\~.,~,. .. '11' . I "I /' I I ,., I , "I " "I " •• ~ • , ~ • - .• '," <I • r~ , ... r ~ ..• '. ~ V,I • ~ ~ ~, ..- • ~ 't " ',", .. ~ •

i • . ", i ' I r

I" I "I"""" . I" ','.-",-,',)<" ',' ',--.:

:""'·'1"":'·" ".",1",

, ·J'hu~·s.lilY, llC'h. 3 I

.' EOT- ~MI·~. Georg-II S('iger

" ',~~~~'~m~~~g£;~ti~s Aid . 'No'Lo Ml's, E~r1. ro~kovich

,; 'J:Jinity. l- 11 hOl'an id '.'()~n-, Ml'~. ,Charles Surber

'Ftldllj~, ]~(Ihf " ~ " _OIR~e~~~\\ngton ~ 11':::. Earl

" J A" ltol1a S(!iHI_. REA building . (family IValf'nlinc party) , ,Golden R d---Ru,.;sell Pryol's

~'.' . '(family dinner) • '~i:~oH(ltly, l·'t' J. 7 .

"Natlonal uani Auxiliary . L~gion Auxilillry Social night·­

L<;gion m~mb('\'S in\ itpd 'Mlnl?-n"<l- MI'S. E. L. Harvey C'otrric 1'11'S. L. W. Vath

(dinnC'I' party) t.'D l\TI'S. C II. Fl.<;hcr

Tl~~~~~~k~'il~::~i~;~~ 8 REA huilc1ing l{lif'k and, KJa! tel ~11·:-o. Le.!11OY1H' CUl1ni!l!-';1/IRnl Bdrigf' (, iVI)"s.' Waltet' H "VO()rl~

500· ::\1l's.1 (Hlo Ht1ilhold ~ F:ortnighdy Mrs. IJ ohn

Einllng \Vf'linl'sdIlY. Fph. !)

LI;IPQ1'tc ,:\11">; (';11'1 Tholllson Grace 'Ald GlJ('S! (lily SI. Mal"y"~ Gulld

., WSCS \'VPSI.qy;tn'r:Si'l"\"i(,r Guild

ThllrFldu\", I: h. 10 'Bt'idg,: CI III ill's Log;\1l \", ley 1'"nH'n"""'I'

AJ~~:~~; ~~lt::~II'l PolInI'd

AAGW' vVcsl('Yi\1l, "\ktl\or1lf't

:1\"\ SOcl.f't\ :'Ill'S Lilmh .

Sunny IIljllwm:l\«,I''' l'I.Il"s. \\'llltill111 Schno()I'

nt~;~:'tt;;.\~' i' ::\JI ". (I 1\:. lk:ll1d-

ConI I [1l'1 ,::\II·S. C c: 1 II'lndol1


Royal Nei\Jbors Hold IRegu lar Meet Tuesday I Ho:.-;tL Ij1(>ir

Homemi)Rers Get $415 For the March of. Dimes

Logan.. Vnll('y Homf'mnkt'l's extension club oi\'ide(\ into six trams tCf"solicil dbnations for the -:\larch of Dim('s. T('ams ing lhr Logiln: tow n s h

k~i:y~~~' ~,~~(;lIKil"~~l~'~~:~'(~rMr~ hor. l\Tr~. (";rH("p Kl"i-l\lm~ln I\'I]"~. H.urly Roell('l'. 1\1('ycl' "lnd Mrs' Alhf']"1 ::'>1rs. (";lIbel"l Raus" .John Ronnfpldt. i l\1r;.; IVkYf'l" and Mrl..;, l\Ivl'on ilnri Mr<.; Emil Mill!,r. ;\11<';, \'C'y Eclltpllki-Hll)J \\ ,IS ("h;llJ"m:111 of thp dll\"t' To!"l ilnlnUllt f-;u­jwitf'rI \\"(1<.; S·11:i.70

Officers Instal1led at

Re~~~~,~ ~~.:~~I~I~li,~~,tl hel~h F)'llld)

offic(')'" \\TII' Il(}b\"p

('II'("lr' Ilnr! :1

ing Thur~d:t) I hI' If'sSOIl Oil

()j' Luke. L('lllld

\otio)"].s. St'j"\·!m.": \\ ('IT :\lr~ hi Lill son

Dnd Lila 1)01"111.111

.Beta Sigma Phi Plans For Pot Luck Luncheon

Mrs. Rollie Ley Conducts Program at PEO T uesclay



Social Circle ,Invites Husbands to LurK~eOn

Husbands w('re guests at a C()\'C'rl'd cii,:11 luncheon' oC Cen­tral Social circl{' Tu('.'1cJay. Mrs. \Vorlf'.\' Benshoof \\'a<; hostess. Mrs. Henry KiC'pc'-I' haqi charge of tlH' jllognltn.

John Lutts'Honored at Forty-fifth Anniversary

About 100 gue;.;1s we're pn'-sent in tilt' John Llltl hOIll(' last \Ved­Jlrsda) h('lpin~ the couple celp­bl'fltt, til!'l!" fo!·ty-fifth wpd­Clin;:; drHIIVt'I·"ary. MI·s. Fred ,Lthel!" V'/;lkC'f\f'ld find Otto r ,uff Htlrnciants at the Lutt w('d~ dln~ \\'01'(' pr('~('nL Cards and gilt1l~' ... \W'I"(' plH) I'd. A coopera­tl\'(' Iun('h including fOUl" v.'cd­rlIJl!-,< cakt,s \\·C]s sOI"\·t'd.

! Sharon Lindsay and

William Davie Wed

it while faille, I Wllh black ac-'

; ;';<'~~U::,I;;~dg(' Q pink cllmD.-:

i ...

itA DJIIsr Savrd II

A DJlfr Ear~edtl £al'ny Members :

. dfthe I

'Herall~ 3.'Y'ear ¢lub'

Dr. iJ..r .. K Tempeno 30:J!.E·10, Wayne -:\1rs. Anna StoHt

Box :~05., I'vVa~ef,i,E'I,d I ofun Tf'st.

TIL'i1, Wakefield


~ut pr Bard Rt 1 Wake(jeJ{l J~ C Johnson

RQ1, Wakefield

~~.C2,P~~~:~0cn CI;~~'le.o; Goebhert m. 1, Waynf'

Rober't "Erwin Rt. 2. Carrol! G~enwood Hall Rt. 2, Carroll

Norris Langenberg­: Hoskins

Rr.1~~\~~~~~~~ld P<1.~l J. Hanson

, Concord

Rr' ssrll 'Pryor R. 1, Waynp E er Koepke' R . 1, Hoskins

i •

District Mefting

\\'Ol'f' a white ny-! JOIl a gl"l~(~n jaoket and ":.!.!;~i2!.!::!.!:!.1!~b!~:¢L!!.:!l!l:l!.;.L""!!!!!~!!!J~~~!"~.

I hHrJ a cartlu 1 ion cOl'};flge.

i \\'I~~: h c:~:~~ t i~·~r~o~~~~i~~~:s.\~ith ! The hriop i" a graduate of

High and IS at present

in Curl('~'s cafe. The ~;:~;:=t:==t±:t;::;~-:::-::j::-:=::::-==~-lS ill,;u pmploY{'d at ,. St. M Catholic Ghurah \

~~~~.l~~~~, ,~~~~e ~~.~~~ i~f::t~Ob~y, distribution Dt" holy cornmUflItn, i 6 :30 a. m. (chapel), 7 I churc ); I :.'\1as,,". R {church J. Throats will {' blesl'cct at these times <lnd also :at ~I~~ ~~~~~k~gn;.1 ~~ml" '1.30. 5:~O

Fl'lda\', Fl'b. 4: DistrihutlOn ot hol~ cornmu!mm. 6:30 1-1 m. I chap­el). 7, C'ht,ll"cril: H (chapel fo!"

Immanuel ~utlherqn 'Churclll sch~Ol ('t.J.ilrtrfi· ... n~; 2\1ass \."ill ~(l -:,aid -:\1issoul"i S\1l0C!.1 ! lat ,:30.y. m. (church)., dp\otlO~':' l-I. Dr-hlle ]:, p~stow') to Ihp Sacrqct !-Icurt oj Jf'SllS Will

a. m~~t'l:. 3: S~tuI'1;IY! J~l~~t\~Il~~}~.e~~~~\: :.\.Ia"'" 11 a. m:

FC'11 o' \VOlrshi s"h'-I (d.l~r~h): d.e\"?t.~on;o.; .m 11(?n~~' .Of Sundiay schdn],] ~~lrOu~Cld~n~/I,:('~~~~1d i·~!.'O\~/81; lIr(~

:-o('hool Chlldr('lI. 1:--13-3 :30 p. m., (·onJcs:-;ion.s, 4:30-,):~1n and 7:30-9,

1 Sunday. Ft'b. 6: 1..0\\ Jua:-;s, 8 A.

i ~;gi~n~~:~I.le~:c~ ~~~~ i(~/u(:~~~~~ f;lt~L I ~~.~;,:~ (~ou~~~unloll SumhlY for S1.

I W('ctn('srlll~. Feb. fJ: :'I-l115S. "I (I.

I m. I chapel), COl poratf' r'omn1lll~i(ln '110.!" NpWmi.lO club: C.'YO n1f'l'illlg,

1,~_3~~~1 .. ~t. 11<11";"" hall.

,I ,Cburoli of Christ rA. P[luJ Cook: pa"tor)

Thur"dfi;.. Feb. 3: Eillg's D(llIgh­: h'l"s, 2 p. m. I }\~b. 6: "Udng \Vo]'(l"

I r;tdlO program. .s a. m.: BIble schoo\. 10. morning \\or~hip, "Thl'

TrinltylLutheran Church. Altona IJ r C r 1'0" 101l0\\"'n' II{. :r \\'['nl/""('1. Pi\"t~)rl :!~~)~~ L~I"(rs ~~;~~,/la~g ~pecii11 m~:=

Th\lr~k:1il\ ~'l'h::l Ltd)t", :LJd 111', lO:.'i.l: Chnstlan Y()lIn~ Proplr':-; 1.30p. n~.· 1,l1w(>ll1lL;.". 7 p. m (,'.pnine:; .<;01'\1('('

Sund(~~·. Feb. G: Di\ inc sf'l"\"1("cs,' singspiratioll scnpttl)"r quo1IJl)..!".

: l\.~~n~;~.\" FI'b. 1": Wiil t h"I"k:q::1UC, ,~~~~i~\ ~f'cial and "\\'hal Lllck I 7:30 p. m. Wt'rlnesda\. Feb. 0: Hoo:-;Iel'


('IUD. 7:-1;) p.·m: prll~f'I' mccilll):.~; Firs~-f Prp .. I~~·tt'"riall Cll1\rdl GI'owing fn Gr<lce, H:30 (011\\'1' B ProP!!. 1',t:,lpt·) .--

"SHrnw=nu" gadaoout has I





Coordi,nate a smar~new su ./ ~ " l' ;.

·Choose from dtDzens

SUJlda~', Frh Ii. CllUt"ch: sehool, 'l,Redeemer Lutheran Church U LCA

~~~.~ ~ 17 ;\\~~~:h~>I~: ,~~rll(, ')]~~,:,~t~)(7i I Thl:l~~d~~·,d~:~~~'l~'('·I~~:~i~~r)aid, 2' 1~~~~~~::~;;±:::~tF::~~~~~~~~~ Fpl!o\\shlip." I Young [)l'Oplli".-. Sun- p. In. ~

'rlav) spE}cial ·mU:;IC, 11, I:-;t'sf,~on I Saturday. Feb. S: Confirnlll.ti(}J1 m{:ptll1g.':.,! pm C'lnssps. :.! 'p. m: ~outh chOIr, 6:45.

\V('dlll~sday, Ft'~. 9 \\'/ -'iJ11lIlS1pl" Sunday, Feb. 6. Early ~er\"icl'. 9

;l~~~~;.I!Pi ;~;: l.) p.m, ~l ust1es ~;t\~~·c~~~~~·l~i\~t~l'<;~:\~:~!·.· ~1 ~lln-

:'I-Jonday. Fph. 7: Church COWlC"ll.

(;riWMi!~~~~~::rS~·:l'~l1r('h ... , /~ ~re~~eSday, Ff'h. 9: Choir prac-

Th~l;~}:r:, B$~~~h~l: lL:~?;~ ~jd fi~e ... ~J_ m. i chili sUl[>PC'!'. :1-7 1::10 pm; Jun,ol':1 \~'-w.df'yan l\[eth?(Ust Chureh

chOir. 7:30; "enlol' choir, 8 I I ('M. H. BudenSlf'k, pastor) 1 Frtday, Fpb. 4: Sunda)- schlllOl!· Sunday, Feb. 6: Sunday ~ch~:)QI I staff. 7:30 ,p]1). . i 1 ! for al.1 ages, ,10 a.Ill.;. 'mornm~

1 :~o'tt~~!~?" ~~~)iir~a~~~l' iI~~~r~~~ l' ~~fl~~~~~'iP: l~~ ~~~~:1 ~~Is~~~l S~~~l~, 110m, 3: "Thi" i$ ~he Life". :1. 17:45.

SundH.:V. Fpb 6: Sunday, :'Ch00111 C~ttage Prayer meeting and 'and }O~lh .Rlhlp Class,. 1() a.~.; IE.ible ~tudy each \Vednesday eve· ~ adult Blhle ."rudy, 10:10; lyoI'shlp mng'at 8 p.m. service. "Toward Happll1c~s ... -- _-;..L...- 1 By Means .or Scrr-.'ll1g"', 11. II St. Paul's Lutheran Church

TuE'sd,h', Feb. a. farish Educa-I ,(W. G. Volker, pastor) . tlOn ('omrrnttee. $ p.m. ' Thursday. Fpb. 3: Altar .gUlld, ~:I

\Vednesday. IFeb. 9: La~i€s ~jd. !Ip. TIl.:: senior chon: reheaysal. 7:~O. i ~ p.m.~ Y'alth~r ~l'ague, 8·1 i ! m;t~J~r~~I.~s,Fib~.V~/;u~~~o~~~~=

Fiht BnIJt.h:;.t Chur(fb . I I firma~ion class, 2 :30. I Dl(ln Griffith, patltol') I Sunday, Fcb. 6: .Church school.,

Sunday' Feb. 6: Chu 'ch ~at 9:45 a. m.; the .servIce. 11 .Icongre- 1


study, g!4~ a.m.: church tt w r· eational rneetmg follov:mg the I

ship IbaVtU';mal .sEt,\"iCCj' 1 : B p- service). ,I ~i~g ~~~~rc!,e40.~~~hiP .. 3, p. .; eye- p. ~.esday, Feb. 8: Brothel hood, 8 ;


1.sday, FE'h. 9 I?ho r pr~c. Wednesday. FE'b. 9: ChUrch I

ticf', 7:3IP'~.; \ I, I ,ehOO\ teachers mc'ct R p. m, .. ---------+-..JH----+--~~~-~I

: ! Iii



. I .



Mrs. Freda Brandenberg, Nor­folk. catne Su;nday to spend sev-

~:~~~d ~i\~!e~n~ai~~. Mrs. Mrs. Carl Bronzynski, IWh at.

tended' the 4-H leader ':traJning --+--1I:""""-+-..,.--I-+":'t--"""'"r-~---""-- ~~StS;da~t e;!~~~~ returne,d ~omc

Mr. and *5. Richard pp_ mann, Wayne, were visitors i the George Koll l~ome Tuesday ning.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brog"l"(' and daughters spent Monday eveni g ill the Alvin Brogren home.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hanson ('r(' in the Gurney Hanson home S tur­day to visit Jimmie Hanson. who

~ ',fell on a hot floor registff and ~hre;Fqu~s Bridge I burned both hands.

ChUb Names Officers I C rth . Three-Fours Bridge cl~b met OU ouse

Friday in the home of M~. OttOI R du Graef for a: covered dish Ju cheon. aun p IT·hostesses were Mrs. H. . f1..Jl- -----------f-o-p rt Mrs. ~. W. Kalll and Mrs. N. II

. Ditman.: MarHage iJct'IlS("S . 1:2, 1 'New offitter!; cl(>cted w('rc: Mrs. Jan. 27: William A. D \"1e, -4 ..... --+;;;;.;..;.-..... ;;;;...;...,

Carl Troutman, president; Mrs.' Wayne, and Sharon Rae Lin s<lY'1 Gerald Hic~s, vice' president, and l Wayne. ! ~h


nlythis p~rtc)i h~ perfect .. eatingl steak ••• I

• ,. h ~ and ~t SAfEWA1 .t 5 tel Olily part you p y fa~'


5-r . I

: I I

~ ~ -or' l.!L Porterh@!~$e. m.b" 'Y .. lub Shortcud u. li'.~i

19c· ~8 ::. I·Bone ........... Lb .. 7' C irloin ..... ~ .. f ... b.

SAl E\\.\ Y BEEF CUT:; ARE ~ S.D_o\. CHOlCt 11ADE'!

5 k -o SWISS. I i R@und tea us D A. <tholce Matutc ~ cf

Polrk Roast Fresh Sho Ider ~Boston) 'B~tt I ,

S!1=*-d Ba.on H:rrr el Dalry Ranch Style, 2-lb $1 11m~~ .. Thlc Sliced, nndlcss I?kg

Chicken Wing Manor House, frozen ~~~



rP~-SavM4-Bel-cir Fremh Fried potatoes .. 2,9-011, Pkgs, l51 (udahy ~eajI'Qhd Spaghelli ,10:01. (an J7(

Royal TrFol 1,lushrooms. P(s., ~Iems 2-01. (on II'( Minute *ce .S,'h·oI .Pkg.lliH

Sunny H!lls Popcorn 2:lb. Bog 29c

Empress Strained Honey 24-01. Jar 1'< Marvin ~in(e Meat. . '.! .. ' q-I!II. Pkg. 3c Teo Tim.r (rockers, round Hb. Box 3,5c kihhen traft Flour . _'!. S·lb. Bog SISc FleelBistuil& Waffle Mix . r' 20-01. Pkg. 21Se Glenyiew Pitted Dates. 7·0t. Plig. 211c

fnglish WalnutMl!ols <harmin Dinner Napkins.

Woodbury Facial Soap

. THE NEW WORLD FAMIL yiENCYCLOPEDIA * All 20:'volumes have been issued •. (only 89c each)

~rs. Hrtn'e~', Podoll, secretary. County Court .• Jan. 28 I. II e Y{,8rly RI'14c,,:; ~\'('re aivankd.; George D. Ottc, Waync, filed I

Mrs Podo~l rcqcl\ed hil2th, Mrs.: $10 an? $4 ~osts for no muf ]er: I hh Graef. SE'coirtd hbth, and 1\1rs. Hil~, complamt Signed by CIaI' nee, t-' one p¢rt, a\·eJ''1gc. Mrs. Bra d 1(' yl Mayhew.. I f\t b vVamemundie and ::\Irs. 'Georgc Reinha.·d Hank. \Vakefielc1,1 fin- 'lum er Vbss W(>j'(> \yrJcorlled as new mCf!l-, cd $10 and $4 costs, for no IS

I llC'rt regular mC'ctinO' \\.'1111 plates; complaint signed :. Ben Benshoof Ft:'b. 11.', enc(' Mayhew,

Perfect'-eatlng meat every time ... every cut! rat and gristle before weighing. You pay only

. . lfl\~a61JheC Sundown; YC, in ilght.· ~ ~.. 'ifII' irregular halves or slices > I

J . .' :'JAflle-PINEAPPLE,.. ' II 1IilI'6I LaLaOl; un,wcclcncd, from Hawall .. I· . .. I

614~&chup LibbY-s: l 311."'. ~¥iI ill . ,nalL;1 color and flavor B"llb

~I-:cken PleSManorH usc; S·oz. ~ n 1:1. frozen, EfUWU 'n ~C', ve Pie


Now! ... Complete 'your Set ] .

* This e~tra special offer will be:' closed Saturday, : Royal S" in Shortening's

Homema e Biscuit Mix February 2~. Don't delay ..• complete your set nowl

, 'Itl,,1 tllll, ti' 'Itlll't" II: 1111'11111) '111111111 ,'I ,", ,rlllll,'I,[1I111 1111(111111111IL11111l11IL1I111'IILlIIlIIllnmllmllllllllll~UIIII~IIIUlIlllml1ll1l11l11~IUIIIIIIIWIIIIII:LlliIllm:llrulll

New, m.edium size, green heads

,tart, all-purpose .•• _ •.... Bag iW~n('~ap: 4-Tb 49f'

Pascal Ce ry~'i':~:~'ri'P , ..... LbI0c Shallois "" , lin)! g.cen on;o~ ..... ~BUn'h" 1 S~ Potatoes s 1 ~.Burba,.jk; R' ..JI n f I " 50-IJ'11 eo FO ces No. 2lgrade .... Ba~ •

""V?CADOS It~DISHES IIll1mlllloiIlUlnIilUlr"lIlIIlrflIllImtlU!.IUlm~""~lIIlDlIlllWnullU1l!ill!C~IIJWI~UIUIIUlD

, ' , , I' I'


i, Ro;~'i ,t, '~~~~"Y! II Shorie~= 9 19c

3-1 • Can

! -''''''''''''....,.----


(~iS(O ,

, Dreft·


'1~'~135c v['''''ta Ie Shorl{,~lnJ;

roe I a mg or feym"

~f: ~ 4: .. ~-~;: .. 7 4c



Peaches ~l,~~n~::;"f~n~;!~lY .......... ~~~; ITc Apricots ~~~~.()~~~p~eled ... _._ ••• ~.():~~ 35c Spiced Grapes ~::~;'::~~y .yrup ~7C':; 25c Blackberries W,l" p"k" ...... ;:~" 25c Ilherry Preserves T~ Go._ .... )" 53c BuRer ~~,~!,r::pe~.~~e;~~~ ... m_ •.• ' •. t~~ :68c

: Baked Beans ~~~ ~::~.t~et~2 1~:n~ 33c ChiD Con CarneE"" bnnd •••• "'.~~ 278' Corn Flakes Kd"' ................ '~;~ 21 c Marshmallows r~~~~:s~~Sh _ .... ?~~ 33c

See det""l!! ()n bagf()r special ()ffer of ga.y. ~olorfu1 elreW! candlehoLdera,

dicClit,c thru S~turdt1)'~ Fcbru.t1f)' 5. in - ...

, I I






Mixe lOc


Peanut Butter

12 oz. jar 3



J for

10 Ibs. 2


",.. Mr. anq Mrs. Gene Packer ~ d .' ~vlarUyn,. Jeanisse and Karen wer~ I M ~l~S ay eVehlng Mr. and Mrs. In S~QUX City Saturday, for' the p' 11tl~. Holrhb?"g wore guests at I Rho":lng and sale of 4-H I b' < u .. dhlg~·ell~. I Marllrn's lambs ranked s~Ve a~~. t' IS. La\\!'C'lll'(: JOil11<.;on. cntrT-

Sunday' ~ cnnetll Packer lace mpanied I the blue group. ' n In 1 ~('d al a pal'ly Fl'id<l1evening,;

Th;ure Joh even~ng guests in thE'i C llnty Ageli! H()w,~1 d Gilh"pic M-rs. ome.w(':~ Mr. and! to Lincoln W('dnpsriar \\.'1('re 'they I Axtell Mr n mqUlst ,;lIild Mary,r,at~l.'nd("cl tl1p 4-If i("cHic confC'r-li and Mr. a:d dM~~s. £:.~l gahlgl'f'll I f'r:~'P Thf'y rd\l!'lll'd Silt u 'day eve· 1 son. . rIC . J aIm-I' 11l g ,I

Mr a . MI', Packer I and far:;~ M~. Ron,ald Bl,atchfGrd I dinner I

~he R~be':" Bl:~~~~:~c h~~~~e~U:,n i h on, g~~st~~ternoon and Wel'e lunclwOll!

we~;' inan~·ili:~~'1· ~l~~I~IY ;\~~~';'~ Rev. ,R. Hlldf'brandt g'a\'(. hi!"; fnrp\\ell sf"rmon. Thl'Y attf'ntl­ed the. dinnf't gin·n by th~ ('on­gregatJ?" in his honor. Rt-'-. lind

Mrs. H!I(.lebrandt Ipft in t.h(' art-I' :~noon for A",:on, S.D., \\ hpre f~Y ha.\·e .!l,(·('l'ptf"d a nt'\\" ('harge

a (;"1' SIX years neur "'j!'."('r.

Mr. and l\Irs. K('nnf'tl't Packer :~d ctaughlcrs w('l"e SundilY all-I

M~~~~ J(~~b;!i-~)cr gUl'st~ at!

U 0 S. GR~\nED

CHUCK ROASTS LB •••• ••·•···· .

BEEF to BOil

C or RIB





MEATY SPARER.IBS ·r···· .···1·

BANNER PLUMP, JUICY. 96-SiZ~' 39,¢ Sliced BACON'" GRAPEFRUIt .... 10 'fo,

9¢ I-LB .. 39' TENDER, YOUNG T~AS TRAY PACK CARR OT$ i:;ge __ ce)l~: ... , .. COARSE or FINE GROUND


33<; LB


FLORIDA JUICE : 29¢ .!L- = ORANGSS ~~:e.~~~,._ _ • FROZEN FOODS e




2 10-OZ

• 49c ANn Wl~ESApi

. pkgs . POTATOE~ APPLES ~.

GlIlf-Kht. 49¢ JIbS 49«: Breaded SKIUMP :~~:~-ADI\;\IS ('O~CENTR:\. TE 10 lbs29¢ H~lf 2 49 ORANGE 2 ~;~s25c

BoX •




BEANS 5 No. 303

Green or Wax

= . \U~\. Regular Size.Can ~

~AJAXFRfE withtf1e

Ilurchaseof 2Iarf61,.',



-White Lily

Food c

2 lb. box

, Cans i I

CASHMERE "'''''n' ......

: I Aunt Jemima

" Pan~ake flour




I ,


t :';,:~~~~i7fJt~1~":':':=::'':'::::1~4~f~F:;'----------- r m_~~~:~ . i L(1~;l(r [':GOP1(C' ,"l'l'\"qCj' l'crrCSh-1

I Triple Thr!'ee Card Club '[ MI'. andl Mrs. Arnoldi Wittler en~ tCI'tained Triple Three Card ulub


:'~·higl? 54-52.

~::lj~~:arp ~bunty

0}1t:;~: §~j,~l a shown:

MI'S. Ulrich wac; Woodrow :vIahilt1 to-house cal1\'llss. gel :solicitecil the' Precinct h('ipC'l's 'Gutzman, Me Behmer, ~l·,. Rathman. Edwin Mei('rh('nry~

Imes To S membrt's tat their home Thurf:;day p " ~~:{'~,:~c1g. ~~~" aa::t M~~~.A~I~:ehn~~

.. '-;chroedl'r wore guests.! Five hund-

S red was plaYE'd with prizes award-uccess cd to M. rs. Schroeder, l\~rs, EJd Kol­!c~th and Lyl~' Marotz. INert meet­inc: WIll bp at thp Albt'rt Behmer honlt'. ]\iorfolk, Fe_b. 11.

Churches llC,.l Luther,ln Church

,upp'ly pastor') J: ].(1[11(''; Hid,'

1 \11" 111 [":Ii [",ll

1,\ ',I) i) "hrl\\ 11

;-';cl '!I I, \) n· J ),\ ",1 \ ,',lIlHllIIJlIO)1

11'1\ lit, Illddl' 10

Ev,~\~, .)~l1:tRt)[~l~'~l;~:.en Chu~ch "11IP!I\ I"I'li (i school

11111111111'.: 11 , "I :,j ''.1\'" d I'..


':'11 ! I I,', I) C(\l1icrr'!1rl'

\111[1 111 \V i' \\';l1klll~ 111

'II II' ,,1.1\ !, (,11 ](1 Y()\lth hnn-: li" -;- :~(J p m

aid, ,

M r, and Mrs. C I are nee Scl-,roedler. Mr. and Mrs. Eric r,lclerhenry. Mr, and Mrs. Ed 1\1 ;-1;)5, M r, and Mrs. Hans As­mus, !V1 fI', and 'M rs., Ed Strate ajnd Mr. and Mrs. John Asmus flt­tended the poliO benefit cClrd pJrty Sunday evening at Wayne.

\[1' I-lnd )oIl'S. Amold Wittler and I

1',Illllh, ~Ir and :\Ir,;, NOlTis Lang­I'lllil'! ~~ and Rogr)' Lp(', Frrd Son­n,'1 \)'~l 'C:. Lama LInda, Callfal'nia,

~llnd~\\' [linne'1' gU('sts in tt\f' Ld'ngt>nbt'!'g home, ~or-

:\ll'", \\I'l'l'

\ 1--:11 orC. Hl tlw 11011W II' ftn~l rl;HI~hlt'l',

,dd B\'ll~g(,lrtan.

i, I



home neal and Mrs. Robert Hegger-

r and daughters', Battle were Sunday afternoon

supper 'gpests at the Alvin home.



i I Incornie Tax

COllilpletely' Meets All




Service I

PRlf I

$~.15 PE~ I

I ,

Who Wants

a~ st


,. I • , . • • •


I ~(~!I~;;lk~~~\ e~!l'Ssu;rJ~~.e~ft~~~~~ , ,\ \<"itor<; HI tht' Frf'ct )''Iarqual'dt t-~';"'+-':""-~+--T""~-t-+~--~"""i'-:---';"'--j---1--------t--H""":'--i1t~--~ ,i"'~"f:+.....;";"'-+-t-:-i\I....-t:-""'-----------II-iI"";------______ \1"I1H'





• i I

.' Guaranteed

Gilts bred to a I Tarnwod h boar. Phone Wakf'~

field Atlas 7·2971. Francis Fisch­j2'7t.1p

FOR SALE: Holstein cows. Sq~~


frf'sh,and som(, to freshrn. Also somp Ho\.<.;tein hrjrpr cn!w':,. ('a~ft

-------S-A-L·-E-,--O-n-e-s-·tc-,c-k~...-,+:::.:! n~~ p~~~~i~~~r;(.!. \Jiln~~~~~~nd j3~~~~ ting- hay. Ed Fork.

-------- --- -'- .-FOR SALEi 400 bales 1st 9F!~I.falfa. Cihai'h'-.; WitilC'r,

BREI,;) GILT SALE l-l<lttig's

SpottrrJ Bred

Tuesday Afternoon

February 15 af lhr farm

SELLI]\.""G :)0 HEAD Bl"c(] to 3 of the best.

Meat-type hoars in the breed.

Really Tops

ELMER HATTIG Laurel, Nebt.

, "",·,'··',·1······,,··

1 WISI I TCl TJ-lANK all those \\'ho 111(> cilrds and gifts and \'IS-

:!I hurne', "mel at 'VVake-_ ):Vill r~'n Thull J3p

'1'" 1Ij'" , 'II


j:27q I \V A:"JT 'TO T1 LiN}'\: in:-

FOR SA~Ch-~~;-~eat tJ~~q ca;:~'!~~I~l(I~~l tli:~ISI ~~~:lj;~'~Smy st~.~~('ll~ : Duroe gilts due to farrO\v in th" host)it4L Their. 'lemcmbnmce


I February and March. Located 101.2, is gn'atly' appl'PClcjtGd. Lest.(' r II miles sou1h 01 \Vaynl'. Arnold 'BrthurH'. f3p

IStuthman & Son~. __________ ._ . .i6tf -.:.:~-:.-.:-.:-: . .:-.:-:..;-_.:--+::;:_' ======:t+;t:=..::+:;::::.:=~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;=========!;;;;j; FOR SALE. Purebred HampshIre :" bred <Tilts to farrow in Fcbrual-Y.

~":':""~~.-:=====~--.: R. J. :V[CGui!'f'. Wisner'. phone ;~~tf: , _._-- ---.-.-~--

Tamworth Bred SOW SALE

1 p.m. at the farm WISNE!\. NEBR

55 Bred Sows ·1 10 Fall Boars I

. I An outstanding- set of sows bred; --;;=;;;;:;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===~~I to Mead(m:bl"ook Mac, the' hreC'd's' -I 'gr('atest SIre, nnC.1 p. opnJac 19~411

JI". Champion at Minnt'sota andl!

~=~=======~= ~~~7~~~~;.lF~lll~;r.S~~~'~ far-!

trElP S()IJ~Er.'HIM~~

1f1!:'LW Ii' 1!9 Bring In Your

Discs Plows


Shovels AVOlb THE RUSH

Wayne BICl~ksmi


: Vaccinatd 101 cho]cra Buy Tamworl hs -

lhi' HED meat t~p(' hog

Lee Winfher, owner \Vi,,!1el', Nebr.

Dick. Kane, Auc!. WJ"Jte [or catalog


Auto Insurance


TIlE FRANK F S('()TT ('(nIl\'! ('() ST(lCh:: 1' .. \I-1.I)S

I!\: SI()l'X ClTY


MEDICAL BILLS Emf'rgrncif's, play no LJ\'orites. .Come to us wllth your prohl('ms. Solve them wlth a confidential, loam from thr, Central Fillancc, Corporation. BO[TOW on \our

~~l'rr~~v l;i(;U~~~b.lct fumi\ un'. , !

'Central Finance Corporation

417 Norfolk Ave. Telephone 35<)1 Norfolk. Nebraska



Wayne Air Service



1952 PONTIAC 4-DOOR T~ke t~e wheel, of this cor for you. D~ol ronge milcage~ it's s",ooth . ';, gem is ~onesom~ for Q new

1952 MERCURY'2-DOOR Has a Ileovenlyi, body and the m onC-Oh'nN car lis a sure eye-co FOirmer pwner Jeft. lots of miles j:n onld ov$rdrive ~Ior sweet music, driving.


1951 PONTIAC 4-DOOR You'll be money ahead and spacio!J9 car. Big roomy and metic drive, this ~r will make pol2. Scc it now.


1951 PO~TIAC 2tDOOR You'll n~ver necd! baby this job, peal and full of! pep. Light Hydramotie. tor qosiest driv~ng, Ihe !louise, It'S a lhead-turnmg you proud YOll "sord "yes." i: I

1950 FORD 2-DObR I' I . Frisky, fr~lie-somlond fresh .as a idP. tsy, it has;. Ic~s than 25,000 miles beh nd it, many mord a~ead. AI g~od car looking for a for ily who wdl give :it a good ihome. Eye

194~t, ~~~;~~~E~i CONVERTIBL~ II .

It's a dlilly for a filly, looks and dri,ves like ai new one. Ho,s radio for en ertainment, heMEir for com~ort, Looks sharp, drives shorr.' is sharp. I

1948 PI. YMOUTH 4-DOOR: ' This cart has livedl a good life, doesnft I.~ok or aietits og~. Equipped with radio and heater and ' rolling on good tires, it has monY'mileslof trouble-free sell\'ic~ left ~n:it for yo·u. We woulldn't be surprised if the former ownerl bought it back. I

19470~,~ r~?a~~~ ;~D~?o~, it sho~s ~igns ofl honorable I service I:)ut Isn't ady for discharge yet. It's d cash and

carfY depl, a litt! cash will corry you ~ long 'fo"ay.

1946 FbRq 4-DO Ri : . , So~ebodr take it This 01' dog has be~n howlj·n g around I her¢ fori too Ion now. It's perfect for pota oes, point

andl puttering. Wr" make a long deal,lon this! one.

1940 NASIi' i Heire's one that a teacher's pet, o~mpered and pra-tedted. Won't the bank accdllnt or 1 keep YOlll I

broke. Looi< this over for reai vailue ~or your dollar.

> I ' 1947 JI:EP has 4-wheel drile ~hd snow t,ires fQr

ndability. Full e~b ondi full value for your money.


Durable, dual-wheels, drivcr-r~a~y and equipped I stock and 9roi~ rack I . , a real addition to 1 I

lAC - CtDI~~AC' G~S WILL YS 0 AL~R' i

Wolske 'Auto 'Servilcell i Phone 95, • I Wayne, Nebt

.,' l :,: , . .,.,.

~o I>tcres -+ Wausa A wql'l -imprOVi'd.j motlel"ll 80, I ne" .... lyl I fcn:ced, \\'] h top quality II


d'irt tt;Jat l[).ys lewl; to gpntly slup­ing. 3 South (\11(( 11-1- \Vc""t of

i Wausa in q v-cry CPO]c(' al'P[I $:150 I r--·----+--..;.----, : p:er aQfe. ,

, ,

If I


C,nuine Maytaz I Part..




I ,




'I, tjO,!<\E

SfD~Nr' ETC. • j~dud~1 excise 100X


, " r

'I ,

I '

r i '


'.' .

, I

I I •


~ I





.f j'

I '


i I • I-


I I I ' I I

I I I'



.. 1."' ................ .





o I


the ebrt , I


nning $ctJles and

, ,

if o I



he at ~ i

ncing Busi ess , '

I I ~ Ybur aav'emsemelnr in this newspaper takes you right to the !hJre's no pl'act home to start business coming your way .. 0

o 0 • where the family makes up its mi,nd what ~oplace like, The Herald to "get home" with your mes-

'ing 'iNor


TH \ ,

o It KEEPS you there 'til everybodi has a chance ~aJe. It puts:lyou i~ the right place at the right time to get the

have to show, to read what youi have to say. I ~i99~st pay-off on lour advertising do"ars.' I I I' I

Th~re'strl important PLUs-v~lue! for you: I YOli/illdvertjse

in rhe I ayne Herald. At your cOni1i!tI1d I h~nclred5 O~i"ust~a-tiohs a~d, hand lettered heading$ I lOhthlY b

Newsp,per service. They can gi~e xtra pun h at

extra Clst! I

I J' ,I i

Nebras~a' 5 Rich I


1,~iJ:vlt !,

i J' I

¢I :Mel I Area, Carrying

I ' , I ' I :.

o I' !

m Right: info fh I I' I II I

!. ' I I I : • I

, ' , I : ' I ,

,I "

',,:E:iR" I 'I

! ! I



< I , I

j, .

.. • ... • ~ .. ' ,' •.••• r· ' .... ~ " ,. ~ ... ~ • , 'r·· .. · ." .... .'1" '1'. ....... 1


·r' .... " .. I· .. ! 1

TH ~'I .............. ~, ............ ~ ..... *~~-V:..-o~1. =80-'-,-~N.:.:::o.~39~_--i+--r--~~+::..:-J~_:--'-'-+t-r-'-~a~rY~,+149 ~5.~: -+-t : Sec., -i- rages l,to 6, Afte InJ~~l,nto y

I' I The fourth grade lS making a ~! fro I this~i cake i sale and the' pen~ i tF. :-;~ow display of one of t~eir favo- YP B en~te~t. cil I gp. Id last I lln:t. l1}er goes inUj> I' ntp books. Darrell has chosen to I th 'fund 0 s nsoring th dn¢ S E

District,8 make his display about, "Sammy f:ddie a d Brenda Tl1 m+ at edc bqmrque . e sp i Mal'vanh,'Claus, TeaclH'1' Ja\." Norma Lutt and! Marlynn ~s 'fec-t at en!llance the! ast Wi Overl Alurrlni'

First s¢,'mester Unda ~1c~ (or < nl Stringier have both chosen "Heidi" si _ ~ layne: pre~:..:r basketball teaJV. 1

RogC'1' rNCison had p. Cdcl"t alll' d won o~ hiealth con estL to ed thf Alu ni' in their annua~ ancc. Distri$t 58 She perfec htialt\1 char 27 ba, etbal~ g e' Friday. T.he ... I '~ .

PetcrsetJ. new puplls In (~UI' sch S I' c' I t ted 1 s ". th t t H '''h' .. , d'd 't k . ~ It. t 'I" 1- Y \'Ia au rter rea cas - In 0 ...... · art me IC cOfl est. e be f" got off t a fast start, 'but. we I n now we 0.- ~I05 0 ¥ 0 we re a nng I to you

have inr-:reased our l'nl"011nwnt t mates and teacher to ice cream and 15, go stars on his tr~e. Eac co~ dn't ~eep ¥P with the com+- at these drastical,Y ed pri~ s We have to c ear our

Julianne Petf'r<;('n <11(i RO~(, (Gladvs Reichert, teacher) ?ut. ays. P.a I :tdd~.e is all.,leN Al ni, noacheg by Dale Gran"'ll..l. While we wete toltin~ in entory effound m~r mer handise

11. J.Uli~nne I:' In .SL'COlld :gl·adL· . n cHkp lTl hOinor of her seventh birth-, goli::l. s ar $tand~ or: 100 I.n arl~h bi d efforts ofl, the first and secI-· • k f hr. ~ d' h'~h . ., d'l H Roger it> in sixth cla\ Andrea Jrnsen treatcd all to metlC. Sandra IS I n€'JXt WIth I Inl on Prep ~eamSt I ! roc 5 or t e sprm merc an Ise IT IS amvi g 01; urry

Our U'(1.chf'J" brought two g I ea;l~IY bars all. her SC\'enth birth .. IartSJ l ' . h' game w s a family event • down ••• don't ala, I , . fish and a turtle lu . ..;Jhocl' W 1 I d ' \0"

have named au' 1,,1t. C;olda ,n d"\\'e contributed a total o[ $8.92 tect"ri ra~i~~' s;:t~s~~~l ~ ~r. ~~ i"t~~~ak~;:Ks;~' ~;~t~~:e~:~ . : Gildl!:, and OUI' 1urt 1('. Pbk\. V, to the i\Ial"ch of Dimes. ~s, : d winter cene.s.: Since' w¢ Jo 'n Anderson were opponents _ • cnjoy watching 1hem.' !flgh( sl a\t tagcs 10 the semester on teem to be ha\"l.n$:. any eal du ·i~g the game. Tom Myers had: I1fS:

Lanv Nf'lson and I{oger ~(,l.tH tc sts \\ ('ll' Cdl ned by Glenda Far- s ow, we made a~'tJftcml s oW I to 'ontend with his brother, Rob. • , . • ".'c.a ted· tcach!'[" and. P01)lb 10 CHI d (' R B t dt (k-' d ' d h ~ •

I d.n Belky dl r, agel' a;.-gs a. a l:lS an put t:n~.m aroun .: t Ie an eousil1: Larry. Be. rres. _ a.

on U)('ir bll"thda) ~ LOIS BI Ogl t 11 Hdllan h..re4tllie, room! md on the IWI~dows. , ,0llO\ving the J?;amc "V';" club •

\ l"lt us the pa::;t :ilX Farran. penh eXCIClses ISo faJ fhl IIO! the Alumni In the PICP recref-- Three famous namts in c1 thing l.8, otony, W rsted ex and \VC' l'IlJoypd 11m Illg L t HiiOdaJ! burg-stadt and Barbara ~ We are readin~ "Big' Red" 1 f0f.' sp ~sored a dance and a rCUfllOrl.

Thosl' lM\ lIlg PCI fcet attcndance ear e have flm hcJd four ho()ks at! n loom I,. f N tI,lC' [U'Sl. ~C'ml'stci ",CIC Andlea We l' all en]oyll g the books ant C1 room News Cklthcraft, Bockedl by Lor on s gu r~ntee of sa IS oct on. ot Jl'll'>l'll. R2illd,lll an~ Ro~CI BalJ;~ ~cotd bQrro\\-ed from the vv~n' ('Ifth grade Engbsh class IS 011 sizes in every style, but still a v~ti good seh: tion t choose !::.lildt. RonnlC' and S[lmm~e BUrns ) br Sandia nd BIPndi:l. d\ I C' haSlzlil.g composItIOn \tltis se- from. " H.lch;n·ri Llmutt'cht and Reuben ad everal bo tepoI1s ml' lIi'l F.:1c\enth grade EnglIsh 1

I tTl! leh. W I sed OUI fall mone) to uy I CLI S IS digging tnto research on 2 8 In (olotlng ad con1(',st spon- tije ,ew games l, did l\iat;l U

f \U v.tlOn~~\tllCh\\lll['nd\\lthy,.llt- $

IJl(', wat ) nte dHC, I alledce'~~d tt ~r ndI1 .... PICkt~U~ St tiC kf; ld" c, I 'g~ I tell dnd 01 al I CpOl ts "

11'-> gaL 1 ~. ..:11 1 1'001 uo CU U , IS HU7-iLhkan1p IS the ncw prac. PIIZL' of $1 0 I (i I I'lL I tl'duhcl In the seW'ntb grade

,ll( bring Vl.l'ltten - ~I I' ~ I'n ll~h cla:;,-> and \\Ill start With fOI the sec~ Oi~trl t ,36. ,I 1 ,'I \ Jt on the dIctional y Seventh

scencs sno",-[ (M.Js Nanc:,) ~,lJ(~r teaehf'r) 'I PIS h.!l\e sl'lcctcd ne\\ book "nu\\ TIll n deeOl ate thc Bob Merle and Allcc BL'~llmll rp 11S for theil' book clubs

ha\c ad pelfcet attenuan(c Ith 11ghth gladC' EnglIsh cla~s v,lll dDd SCI;t used last 51 weeks I'v~1n) othCIS v..CI

I' hl nldklllg Indl\ldual re-POl-ts on _

tlWI Chddlcn out b cause of ci1ICken pox I Ifl] H':~ 01 lhell o\\n chOIce under

USf'rO;Ok b;~lS: I no~~ g oc~a~I~~~~IC,~s~~~~~,;1 1~~)I~IS I th( III 11('\\ PI actlce leacher Robert

Or.Chlldlcn fol'OUl~ g.radq has complpl("'ri thCl

rl Susan Mcnk1l1g \\-lll be tak-

wOl'Jd whelc I ~UdY of Nqbl aska. Roth gr,~ri( nll1th grade EnglIsh class asslstaJ1CL'. ' re akll1g , l.sct~1.phor)k~ of wha , a .!;eriltS of pan~l. discus-

11("\1]1'1 -; f(j~' I t e~ . ave lEarned. , 1 un l'aellO 'and teif.'v\slon pro~ 1)('1 \\1'111 L1.'Il~~: \\e. have now. ('ompl('\!':ri,oul' Ills alld modes. They have just

!J;UI ('11 I '11l~, I ).ll·~ ~lllIl.l'\ .DI,Q.lldt, f~.rst cmester SIU?Y d.f .SCI,!fllt'C shed 1l.11tcbuokS on newspapers. _ iJu;lIll'!::.tlum. Rdnd) .B~k('f, and h ve b<:gJun Ou: ''(11100~ ~ l!(>nking is a practice teacher

1"'1111\ ;(I"(,·I:::'h, flob~l·ts, JO).cc Gllilland %S ? .en ?I~:](i('d.lnto fOUl.,.tl1li,m~ Llll \'1" :\lrs. Joncs. . 1),1\ remme 11<1\(' had p~~~ nd cl.E' ha\lllg ,l good, ~!(:a~fd!::.l Jarvi P£'l1ningtol1 Will b£' teacn-

[or the pa~t SIX C nt.c~t. I ill' 1 t(:lll1-1 gradc (Teatl\'e 'wntlllg, (It Duane Bac~sh'om, 1 First ~'Tad£'rs .n lt1. \Ve,I\'er is supervising three H.olwl t,> a,nd,R~r~nl'(' r~mn:l: Clar rilFc .lJl l·e(~dll1g. . '. 111' V. '.)\"<.1(,llc.e t('ilchcrs .thls QUB:rt-

il/tllldw1Uc the 111tllC to selt1. v,ho can 1:1'" \"\'1'11011 Broberg IS teachmg town first. , . t'1 ~tlOll 111 the American problems

Roseman' \Ve il.lOW haw' our mOIl.1 {\q-cori.. .. 'J: . TIll' cla~s is icarnLng hoW made their <l:te~ With snllv,:fla.~es. C'l:~)\(is, Viall-I ~()c r~'IC lllcomc taxes. Dr. Dennis'

rcport on C'nlme-.$ and p<Y.-:>tejs of \\,-\shll1¥ton ,c.i !Hh gmdl' 1<.]. abo at present-six wepks. and LInCOln,. . 1 • I :-.tL<~i) Ill)..'; taxation. .

wc wrote kt~ Feb,! 14 \\C plan enterLIIJn (It 11" lkrka and :\'lr. Crockett Will

sent hcr some flow- When Doc Meeb Doc, 1 01 the, nine Wl'('k.'-l and Will

--;---- '~ I 110"1 tiJte climate affects the 100-madc mobiles. Dlsrtl 71 ha 'ior at man find how man mod ..


for (M~~,. ~t:~ ~~:~~~:lC\;~~e~le\~.~~ lour: ~n tl'S ~.llmatc.. . .,

To Yes, we found 'more tope ots in ~rdken si%e styles but a go.od se.lediO to ch~es~ from , $50 Clothcr~lts and $39. 5 AIIi!lf'tor coots. these COQts at drastICally educed prices.

r nge~, Not all . $65. Botanys, e sur to see

8 5

a .. '. .. .. ~.

a no m .. .. · If .. .. .. • • • • .. • .. .. .. if .. .. .. • .. .. .. • " .. .. m · .. •

f{U.<"('tnill"'y Gilliland. She th('- ~rroll Rand. tn'c,<'t- \1>",'11 \\Ol'ld gL'0j.,"'-napJ1.\. 1\11'. Croc~ ttl(' hospital thl' past !!1g

. W~ are Pla~lll.l.n.g a, . 1J1d

)l, I kP. t ha. s. the cla. ss the f~rst half

the :\1al'ch teacher one day when Mrs. Ream I 'l1emlstl'Y cJass\ undel the s.up-01 went tp Lincoln. I erlHsion of :viI'. }- od~pp ~hed fTst {.~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~=====~~==~~~~~~:::==~=~~~~=======~ ~~lli=.~I~~~'~I~~_~mlli~toc had bihhda~'s rc-¢cnl !y. I a radlce t.cacher: ' .

, ThiI'tl grade. is, m~klIlg a lfght ,.omm~rclal ~[~lth,~etl.<:=, : I a,s s

I house. rroJect In SOCial ~Iud[('~. un <;'".' DI. Denl1,I,S wI~i \1("',.thIC~

Firs second and third grade'S \ m \'I('S soon: cJ:heck Wlltmg, "re ha' ing an autumobile race in "S~I'\"lCCS a Bat1k" Offel's" an:d I:

• Cricketeer : I

• Sea on, kiPper] One speciol group of C icketeer and ~eosen Skip er sport _ coat, in loncy and plain c lors. Bro~en sizes b to 9 od .elec- S I

.". 19 · i!

fEB~ i

I I) I



Passed Chicks




GEL'S HATCHERY Cplson's) Wayne, Nebr.

I'eadmg. . "~akll1.~ a Budget. I • Delores HaasC'. I;arbal i-l. lllcdu' •

I and ctharles l Sandahl are IcadIng, -Ib : Our I school cuntl'lbutcd to tlll1, •


'in the l.spcllil;lg cOnlcst. : I U.- • 'I I·~ ~!io f~nd. . I ' • By Staff Correspondent ..

DhrtJ'iflt 4, I ,·(Mrs. MurgnrC'i ·', ICf'l('IH',') I .\.f-'Ilndh Dunl~lam. ('nt¥>rtainoo I Vic ~ontl'ih\ltpd C\ tol,;1\ ui :~:! SO F111day l'\'l~nlllg I~ hOnor ?f San-

Ito th(' IMiliTh of Dim(>~. i dr" .Teall s sc\('nth blrthda.y. - We !nfivc l'('cen"t!y got tpn.Cl llf'W 1 C; 'll'sts \\"('1'(, Mr. and Mrs. Wlll

I three"SE'C'd phonograph which W(' . Lt t t, Mr~,an? Mrs. MarVIn DlUlk~ enjoy (,1'Y much. i " : Iii I and fanll!Y, Mr, a.nd Mrs, AI-

. Our om deco~·a.1 iO.ns cOllsi~! ~f; r!1' 1. lJunk:,(J~ and. r.amdY, Mr. ~nd I winter scencs 1 eskImo sc(~m' 11\1 ·S. Hov, i:ll rt Mau and fanuly, : !argC' ,kimos" ~nd onginal' d:!\\ ~ i', MI"'->. Eldlll RobC'rt.s an.d : ings. \VC' a!f-o have a lH.rgc \\"1)11 ( r I and ).11'. cilld Mrs. Denms , I11w'al 'of ol'ig-i)l(lJ cut-out draw- I anri daughtC'l".

Ings, ano winter birds 1 and :\1~!-I. (:y~il lIanS(>u and Vera,' Ra0 Kai tl'l'aicc\ u..; on ll()<"kllls. \\crc las.t Sun ..

h(,1 blllthdcl:,) gw'.'-,ls 111 thc \VIll Han-V(,11RM"> K,lI lllri In dh()\("> I\''' I l\lr ,llld i\1l"s. Carl Nel~

C'rag(' eOl C' on 1 he \\ l tkl) H('lld(1I' III the 1 [Rnsen home 1 cadll1 t-l st 1'\'I'l1lllg

\Vc 1,ln to [((JIll" Inri and .\1r .... ('Iark Balll~t{'r c;am('s \\llh OUI IUIl( h <"\1)11)('1" I-:tlC'..;h last Tucsday

I mOllCy ,\ E. U;l\'I"nn homc LoVl r r gl lrl( S ('Ill' \ )111\ Ill):; Ervjp .l:ll'gpr, !\lik{'! and

\\ 11h tl (' PCL;llodl d l"V ;mil ~Il"s ,jad{ Ruheck and \\ (' rC'celltly lJlIl (·ILI-...('rl ,,(JIlI(' \ I,,!led :'111 S \\'Illiam \Vl'r~

111'\\' /1[j;lllh Yo()k<-;. 11111" ·rU('.<.,d;IY nlol"ning.

·f - I l'I)lIIIH'r gtU'sh IIl ... t sun.dllY I~

,!!p'~Chr' D~;~e Prep Ill' 1·.!I\\,llri !'-1;lllll l10nw w('rc Mr

'.11 d .\11"'" Lutlwi' :'I1illrl<f'n , 1'11-'-1. ()"'''Hr 1'111111 Blltl .·nul \·is~

A dll\ r W(l<., d,fd III 111,< ,),('d Young honlC' last I P1"('P.I: .'>t Fl"ldil\ Sllnd.l~ ('\'l'lling

1 ~~l\\~)\! I~~ ~I t /Tll;:;; 1 : II !~ Il~~~' 1 \1::](1\ )111{t~~I.I;I( ~ ~(l ~;111~(~;~~~ ~~~~~~~(! I'

;t:i:;',',1;~~,I:: ~:!i\~:~',. ','J"," ::,;,;"",;1r , F~;:'i::h C:\;~~lt,~~

ight !and Air

!IAt'~our !Fil1ger,tips , , , I

!AlwaYI efli4ierll ond olwa~1

\' lilll .\11" };II"h ilnd Jim.

i [lQ/yfNI9Ir? s£tll1:THRU THE •

........................ ~ ...... -+ .. ~ ....... ':

• Crosby Square

• Weathercrest

T an1ker Jiac e s 16,cpz, Wool Q"'il~ed Lini g"

Boys' Sizes

.. .. ~ .. ~ .. .. '" .. E • · B • .. • " " " • 11 II

5 " • : ! · , " .. II ~ ~ a ~ · ~ S II .. • ~ • n

" It W ~ N a II • ~ u · .. II

" ... " • E • U .. " = " • " R

" ~ " .. " " ~ · .. .. " " " " " ~ -M • " " " II

" II .. " " " " " II

" " '" lin good tos~e. S·H Venetil~n I ,


'Blinds brin$l greater cor .. , ' 1 fort to your rOOms. naW I , 'Icharm 10 yqur windows, I 1

is Lors' j Ii Cl~thi~g Sto :'i.. J: : "GOOD CLOTHES forlrtEN an'S YS" =1 ~ __ •• _ •••••••• J ••••••• ~... ._--.... ~ •• ~.;~ •••••• :.I

:' I' "11" .1

~ \ Ii' \ \' \ \ \ \ \ • t I , • , ,II' , • , l , I ~ (, " \' t .. ~ ~ j •• f ••••• I" •••• .; : : : : :':'; ';':;'~I':':'l""':"' : .~, ! : T"'; ~...........,~""""' ....

. I I

: ~o : • ; ; : : ~ : " •• , ,



" . , . : : : : : : : ; .• , ..• : : : '; : : . : .r.:

W,qyn(' high "chool at \Vakefif'ld

OR and bOI h

COC~~"Y'~~n~)~' I ll'lsrd thc tpam, I

ry ·~ane and .hImcs!

: been ill ::('k~~·l\~Ll\t·~:'\~i111 l'hro~~~:~I~~~ne ;

l~i~~~.~ i~~~~~a~n,;:·l "I;~~~h~~'oS:~<: Peter Cooper, Susan B. and Charles Lindberg·--to narne yoU like to know more people? Biographies are the' m.any of your neighbors. Why of the wondel'ful collection One of our newest h;n"or,mh;oo fayettc, On colorful and outstanding out the I

most ly n~ a ga came all the way as a volunteer.'in

~~~nin r~~;i~~~g'~~o~7e~a!f;,ii,n del,endel,~~ takE's ydU to France where we a p1!,rt in trying to pi"event the tl:'t'ror.

THE nOO]{-OF-THE-MONTH, "THE stOIH'," by Zap Olrlenbourg has been stOl'Y will ta~e you back to the the .:_~Ihir~('enth century. The


with Your

County Age . I <,

Ago '~' 'I....----------"':-t--~=+==:::...Ji ~;q~;~ have 193:-1: A rur<ll/TPhal?iiitatl'nn progr m ' I' ,.'.,. I, '. unb1

aid il11 worthy fnmil!ps [] w on rel"ef Ke~PJng Goo~ Rec.ords " . i Sj'iS,l; . ral hackground. i now 11P ng ~ he. bl:glnnJ~g oj a new year is ' ....,: only hope

, cdunty. din'cleft h yv'. S. C n- 0,~I.(,~lt tim" to take the farm As as Th a ,nght th . Mrs. L. E. Br()\\'~l IPt Wedn~s ay Jl1~(,~~:Ol) ,~n.d gl'~ the proper start. One' cow in th(' highest pro uc~ Im~rtant j

10 whpl"c Mr. R,)I"OW n 'ill be as,i5;- t,'O ", d, ku pmg a gOO~1 set of farm Ing- h~rd in the tortheast 1/1)' h'1 se slon I of 1he Drown-Ekberg Golden R Ie ICC~l(tS, Go,O? farm I('cOl'ds serve H('I'd pmprovemen 'associatio¥t.['o BI nd School ,(I I

has be'@n with lhE' ~\;ayn(' Gond- th~,;.e~~1p~)l:dnt.pu,rpose,;:. duced'i as much ill{ and hut cr for se\'eral Yf'Rl'S. " " 10\ldln,g a !'oun,d baSIS for fat aSI three ('ow in the iowr t', ean

whlle, e~llly lY1 the sessioh

studYlIl,l.': the fa I'm .bllsines?---loeat- producing huo, ' he: cows in ISh~ th~ LeglsiatuIPI "'1a<; dealmg \'dth Ing strong .and weak rOlllts and best herd an"lrag(jd 13900 ou d' a Rubject havlhg- all the patllOr> PI~~nlHngla.dJuSlm('nts. of mill" [or the ,tqsting \lea;' s ImaWnable. I

£.. e plllg to obtain adequate' . , " That is thc E"ffort by some paI1-credit by gi\"lng L'redit agencics an :hlt better ~s consumled I rnts of blind Nfbrllska childj'cn to accurate r,Jicturc of the farm busi- tWlcel as mUGh f ed ' as the lo)N- flave the StRte School for the n('~s; t er-prbducing I co s':"'-but at tihe' Blind moved 1jr vi ft ~ b kh

'j p, 0\ 1 f same t1me the va u of th 'i'. C1~" "ay

, om" eras', sn;';' f~r 'If~pl~~'a\n ~~~~~~o~a~e~~~ milk ~and b~tterf. t dyer t~ec~ele~ hey cont(']1d that the structurh

so~~:~ i~~~,~ri~Z\,j~.~~g1~~~s of [arm ~~~ ~:!~ ~~V~t~!T~~9f~_rpe:O~~~a~~ ~~a 1': }~r:I1~~~~~~~sa~~lp~~~n:v~~c~

. 1,1

',;nC?,.,'o·dn hoofof"kc"e·. il\ nilahlc in the cx- ~:~dd.:,' than in th1, Idw-produd,hg vidually called it it [lre trap. , .~ Hop,evcr, they silly that r;}th('r

Brown Swiss Meeting The; U\l'I'agt' pI:oductioll of ,all thun kE'epin!j: the'sehool at Ne- ' Nf',?r':Ska B.l'own Swiss Brecders cows l,'n North('a~t, association ~as brl' ka City' it "Hould be movpd

n",socwtlc:n Will hold their annual 8.~08 pounds mllk anC,l 3R3 POU dj to ~t!>me town more centrally 10,... meetmg In th(' Wayne' auditorium of bu~~crfat. Nllle hards produ e cat ci\ and wlth, a good college. Thursday. Fep. 10, at 10:00 <1. m. more than the a\1eragc and t ir ,'n' ,hlaesir, fCahlOI.i~we'a.srn~IJ,:<orna.'ya, mpct~

Appearing on the program will tf'cn fl1erds produc~d 'less than th if: lK!E-c> bf' ~rcd Idt:-;e, national secretary, averattE', Three: hCljds w the 'Wa}l1 0: among th.e bills mtroducf'Q., IkIOlt. Wis .. Chris Sandt'rs, secre- area "participatingl in the testling in the Legislature was one t6 I~J'}' of th(' Nf'hra..<;ka association, prognitln had herd <I\"('ragl's ~'elll rna 'e the school to·KearnE'Y. where I

L.mcoln,. and ::\1arvin Kruse, re~ l1hoVC'l1 ihp avprage, 1 ~\a rlng",caocuh~rtl',~~?af,fne,.rnCgd CbYOIIC'gh: ! gJ?~al, ~leldT0~.n, F~f'mont. • ThQlri were: ,William VonSoggorn,i ... T.. ~ 11 ~

IhlS IS thf' iU'st time that Canton 36 co~Vs milking v<"'ith an average! th~~. . T~~(>o 1 Northeao.t ::"Jf'brnsk~) has buttej'!fat productipn uf 4.'1() Ibs.;, hilS, of cOufse. hrought oppo­bl I n ~ost to the state meetin~. WaYI ~ Gilliland. ~7 CO\\'S, 421 Ibs. siti n. from Nebraska City. Ani

Arme Ebker: representing the 10- butterfat, and \V~rd Gilliland, 15 ~~~ ,r w~l~nw GcO'avm. eRObfO.'r·, cNreOb,rbaysk"n" I,'

cal Bmwll ~'IV~SS ~r('(>de-rs, has ex~ cows limilking wittjL hullf'dat ~ro-," . tf'nr\('li an inVItatIOn to attend to ducti¢jn of 402 lbs. pCI' cow. I' his UudgN message rccommended:

I, . ,the school -be mow'd,

, I I the u~nii.~~~~d ~cbi1l9~o~~veS~~~ , -CAPITOL 'NEWS sch,lto his city. , BY MELVIN P~"UL ' or a while i' began to 1oo~ as . tho gh nothing would be cton&.

THE I I ad 0d' toN~~~l~~nf~<;ti~~; b~E':;~ic;{~ of ChlCdgO rouml tdhle fl ojII11 II Nebra ko Press Association Staf~, house Cor~espondent I he thought lh,e wrong approach

Sun 0\ (>1 NBC' I ndlO The par- wa. being liSPd-. Hl' suggC'sted fl;

ALA PH'sldf'nt QUinCy MUln-" I I stu jf IncId('ntall~ he had not Lester F Asnelm def3,n Llrlcoln ThE" Leglslatule thiS On"1 day of sharp d('bate on he bee one of the mtroducers of

school L'11J\PISlly of ChlcaJ!;o \\Pf'k SqU<lI}' a\\ay fot' bUsiness matter showed thh the situa! ani the Ij;:ealney bIll cE'ntl'r1IIf'gJonnl m(lnagcr~f no\\ thdt th period for mtroduc-Icouldlcause mOI[, stllfC' thIs SfS- t this clitJcal paJllt Sen Don-

\\e ar£' callmg Jour t- tlon of bills ad ended SlOn~han dn} othcll cond.'J\a Ie aldl McGmley, Ogalla \\ho hud I

bpCdUS(" w(' bellf've t at LwC's nO\\ \\ III be formed on I Issue I ~ ll1lr'pducect the KeaJ ncy bill Im~

: Our re~deti r lad the 'I ~ thorouth1y as they

(news! i

'Beca~se advertising i:them decide w~at to I how much td pay, •• where to ,buy I~I

I ,1n InCIP,lslllgly 1 _ mn)OI 1<';su('s1and the slow steadyl/c • I ttoqtJced a. rE'soIutJOn call1ng ~OI pdUC<lIIOndl plogrn \\(ll'k of \\I'J ll1g 1a\\s wll) beglll, 0 rom lise Formula II dn' stud~ He sugg:(>sltrrl

V;C' lie n('\( I gomg to A~ nI\\ay III lE'gisrntion. ooro- So Ithe \\Ise~ heads begar tty~ lha lhe pntll'(' Legl,;jatlltC should I

1 1t==::=::=:::t=;;;::±:======::====:::+:==~==::=:'=n~\\:h:'C:h="~P:I:":p~ pronli<;/' \\111 be tnvol\:f'ld. Not 109 t~ work art 11 formula \\hfh: \JS1~ the present school I __ . __ "COml)romisf" In a ('o\\a.rdly I ..... oul(£·, ~atJsfy as ma,ny dl~fer nt .lib"Io,ka Clt) thrn 111\11ril thel Sf"nSI', but the \\orklnK out of 1 peoplifJ fis poss bJp Inl gelH'ldl he cntl e Lf'gIslatulC' dnd m,ule ,ll READ YOUR CElli . H I' I l)rohlf'nUi to the ~Itlsfa,dion of I bill v.hkh came cput would p 0- ran !l'mf'nts fot If'Rl'd 1101 c; to LO A,L N ", SPAP

I' . U'i mnny dmf"rpnt flU,tlons u..1IJ \Ide that each county WoUld 1- com seC' fOI' tlwm .... cl\cs brfore , Q mel p()s~lblf'!. \\ ,1) s IgP.t R sct ped~entage ~H. 1f1!£ a [lI1a] elre lSlon L---::----:-::--:---::--==:::t===:J:=:f:==-!


i 11I:l •• I>Ii-jr.. '1111'; 1"l]')J1Cllblt' was bClng a,PPlierl Thlk was to. ns~ure the. les~ ~--.. t. ~ to \\ hat' rouVd haH' hf'pn one of popul6us countIes ,that each time ---r thY' mo~t l')o"PI()si\"t~ issues In the! thcre was new· censu.'; thX'y -- --- ---~- ---+--+--~--.:;

l allocatIOn to the coun~ I WO,',llrl' not.. ;1 ~mclilcr Share~ ! r!



! Ihpi,,! share of the state At :tl1e th4!> bill ;,; as B· d P f morc populous countiC'!'i like, df'al of mOJlf'y thf' m s·t ,n! 51 tax.: i drslgnpcl w :Iway a go (I' us/ness a fa e1 .,

lhf' prC'Sf'nt IfpI'mulas which are populous cOUliltlC'C;1 f'specia I y '. . ha~er\ (In ('('ns-us figures and motor I Do.ugHts (()milhn)' and Lancas er \'('111('1(' t'f'g-istratlon data. As thf'Y I Lincoln) 1

glll\\ m~I'I' populous, ttley gain Hut to 1;:("1'111 till' SPH'n Omahft ' D IRE C TO: R ,nn"" 01 a "h'm' 01 tlw g'''' lax and ... "'.,. Unooln"",'ator, fCOill ' , 'I ':, ' 'I,',' "

ilt ('"XI1t'n:-;(' or lhe }llOI'C lhlnly lig-htlnR thp lnl'iL~lIr(', thft hi I i ("ontailll'd a 1)11()"islon that "oull I

ha,- il d~mand hy Jo.plit diff('rf"l~tly tJll' money II

('ollntl('.C; fol' a :;~~~~~~. \~~otltl~':i~I'OO::~~,i~~:tf'~IO;! :1


~, 10 ~our :Best L;ve'::: . give the World's Best Loved Box-


In 1 pound and two pound si,zet

Speciaf Heart :Boxes I' and other Whitman's Assortments II

"IIractlvely wrapped for Valentine', Day



iI,', I

Drs. Lewis ,$. Lewis CHIROPRACTORS

J I: So I 1 ~ <1 ! I 1:-':'·Hln,""'1l1'·1.) ,.:,., \ [".

I I': I: j ~! j Til ," I ,\,1,\


Tiedtke Electric

\-\,i1"111;"; Contl'<lrtnr"


Tri-State Nursing

Home rOT' lhr' Itg,·.! u!\d (:liff(llli jJall1 '·IL!JH.

. ~:tin St




Phone ~4





19;} 48l ~7-J

629·J 492 7841

Call (lp('rator DICk Hansen.

Wm. Eynon Call 300


A. ... <;r~sor. 1 fenry Arp 198 ejpl"k, C. A. Bard .38 Judl.';f'. vVm. ,A. Crossland .258 She!·iff. Hans Ti£'tgen .233 SuPt., Gladyc; Porter .,114 Tl e(lsu]"l'l", Leona Bahde .232 Cl('rk of DI'it\'lct Court--

David J. Hamer Agncultural Agcnt-­

Harold Ingalls Assistance Director


}irs. Hel('n Wischhof 491. Attom('y--

Cl;Jarjcs McDcrmott 317-W C'ommissioners­

Dist. 1 Emil Meyer I George Stolz

J;d Glassmeyer DisL 2

!i ' Dlst 3 !

I ' I w. A. Koeber, 0.0. ____ ~- I

111 west ~nd'


:waynJ\ 1cbr.

-t-.--J-,-­Ii Ir

, '~r-~--~-- ~

" '

"''"''l'l'"''T''' "",." was recGpe1ting froht major SUl'gery I:j1 th Wakofu:-ld hospital.

en--t-'ir- ---G. -,.~'-'.'- ~:'n :~lffi~;':~~' ~:s~'oJ:iU~~::efg~~ I.;;J "Martens s alternate nights.

Mr. a drs. Carl Bark were


·0 ~. h ur ~~~~~~n~~Pg rth~u:~·~~t~n further Mrs. C R. ~Sh was In charge of

the ob:::.ervan e 01 her mother,

:=:::;====:j:::++=~===========j: Mrs. Charlot c LundahL 'Friday afternoom. ~J'hirtY rdatlvcs anp friends enjoy d tne affair.

Nell Sandi hi was iJ} Lincoln Sunday nSltilg hiS bl'o~h('r. Dean and family. ad utt£', .11'" Wayne,

. Just set the qontrol for to the f90d to ~e cooked . Unit storts coolting fast a

the temperature of the intoining 'proper cooking tern It's so automatic foods can't

ac~~~p~h~e~\'~tlg~ays., ~f Martin ~-Iolm~e~g all ! hiS uncle, Carl, the

IUllOW. mg. wen' dm. ""'.' guests in I the Holmberg hOIlle Sunday: Mr. and ;\11''1. Lt'llllS Hillg. the Austlr1 Ring family and MI' and Mrs. Reubell Guldlberg and JaNohn. Mr.

Friday aftqrnobn. and 1\lr~. }\J?nnet h Packer and Mr. and~Mrs. Charley Okb]m. daught.Cl"S JOIl1l'd the group lor

Me and rs. John Carlson nd supper. Eric Lars n were guests in he l'v1n. Axel An?e son home Tuesday ft- the ernoon In honor"()f Mrs. M ie I day Hanson's'"b Ithday I tcc

Mrs. Walter Pe~l"son and Voniee she was and Mr~., .. ¢larence Pearson were I a all"all~e~1ents ~111ers In i the Brieie Niehol~on i 1.jnlOl1 ~g~~. neal' Emerson Thursqay SU1!:)~.l".Honni()'·" Cil"st '.

: Mr. and ¥rs. Wallace Magnujon and .1\Jl-" . .:\ltl"l(·: H.lng .

son home tuC'sday nJ~ht.1 Bud ErJiJll(hOIl mild i\Wl .. and family !callpd in t~(' Roy Jo 10- at FndllY "' pp~r: 1\11" '1

Mr. al~d I Mrs. Ennn KracmC'r MI":-;. FI.':>dll'l"·l"'{lY uf SUndClY and family: werC' visitor!-i in 11e aha nbkl·w'd.· -:;~r:tt.;~:::tTT"';'....l~-Harry Bdkt>,I' home Sunday. !\hc,.' JlTn Chambers 1""1 ~unday <liln~er guests 111 he d t lb1k Sunday af.ternoon ,

~~JJf~~s. sJ:Trnm~el~~~eSI~~'~~l anl~ I III tlw Fmnk Stl'lnbaugh:

Dean., Mrs.: Laverne Clarkson art'd i baby and Doris Johnson. I

Mrs. Geyrge Vollers called in the Dick HFt. ns<,,tn home Friday tlt-ernooo. :

~rs. GC~)J'gc Anderson sp nt Fnday aft~rnoon in the Roy E.

JO~:o~n~~~~~. MYI'on Olson (lnd children. WakefIeld. and Mr. mnd

~:~:e ~~~~:l s~~;~~n. gJ~~~~mrn ~~~ I Clarence ~astede twmc Snturday. I

Mr. and, Ml"~. Bud Fisher and' c':ildtcn, \yay!"'c. were SundRY I dmnet' gU('$ .. ts 1ll the 1: E. Fisher home. ;

Mrs., Lawrence Ring

Iliome r~:J:;:~::,~2620 · Art Felt D.!ld Myl"Oll l"('lur~l('rl

~10ndil~' ('venlng fmm it \\prk'~ Vl51t WIth the L;:nvrencl' Felt fam­ily, Guth\'\~. Okla.

AUf"nd .. Fllllf"ral Waitcl' -Chinn returned Satur-!

day mOl'lling from California whf're he attcndf'cl tJw hlllPral 01 hIs' brothf'r-in-Iaw. 1\1r~. Chinn and: Cecil !lhodes mpt him 111 Fremont.

First Birthdav The Leona'rd R()b('rt~ family

spent Sunday afternoon in the Alden Dunklau hOnI(' celebrating LuAnn's first birthday.

ncsdi.l\·. A group of friends and relatilve.ll

gathcI'(l'ri 111 the ('mRI+s Bull hqrnli h\;.;t \\r(>dne~day ('\'d1111g to ~f'lP

'. :\lr~ Hull c{'jf'bnl~(' her hirl.h ay. Thursday after'1oon 12 children

I w('n' gUl·"tS III tlH' H('I"\Jf'rt Kir-WPhc I nIi-Inn. home hotlOil'lllg Claudia .on

,1 C I hpI' SIxth birthcla)l-:. That ('\'pding . , .\11'. ntl~ :vIr;.;. Ed tlJ ipmann and ~~d-

wllh ('0-. ward (:alll'd in the Nirmann ho!nw. o;uppcr! . ~r. find Mrs. Harold Shell were

1~lll'~ ,<lnd i ~~l<~~\~:~~ lu~f S~~~~~;dHr1~:i·~~~~;~:Jll~·, allll :-;UI?-: SuplI>er guests In I the Chalrles

\Y In t he Ski\-" Bull h(~ril~'lla:-;t :\1on.oay 1llg.llt Were, hon)(' I 1.:\11". and l\1lrs. 1"\0:-> d I-fupp :

Thlll· ... da.Y /,\flnilll.: ,'illl (:1".;tllf-' Thu~sday evening M,r. and ~'". l;olh .ioillf·d:a ~rol.IJl ill thl' lIar- Ull! Phn',ptzky .,~nd ('hnyl ~ 'l'I"Ij' !lId Fi"'('hl'ti IH~IIW to ('('I('hrutl' ~uP!J('t" gupst:-; 01 FIQyd HUP!JII ({il'llanl'~ 'iil\.th: hirthday. Mr. and Mrs. fFlorenz Niemanfll

;\)1(\ ! .('on and :\11'. [Inri :\1,·:-; i' I I,d H.l'Pg were 11'1 the Raj C'1')J: h()rn,' COl' <-I ~Up]l{'1" 1a,,1 :\ un-d;I.\ \'\ Pllln~~

Me. Carl Darnrne spent ('\ l !ling- III til(' :\1,'1\ 111

Marvin Dunklau b.~t Sum!:l\' ;11-Uo.\ d PlInkl;!!:1

V~N' I

• By Staff Corr~pondent

i w:~:~rr: ~~ler'J:~I::7\lk 1.:: home, Fremont.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Milli' e.n were last Sunday dinner gu ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mann.

Mrs. Russell Pryor took a gr up of girls to Oakland last Wednes ay to attend a music clinic. ile

~~~~a:r~ete~~r h:~~d II\' he Thursday evpning Mr. and .

Russell Pryor and 'family w re guests of Clarence Carlsons.

Mr. and Mrs. Gt"Orge Ba els and Douglas visited in the Rus ell Pryor home last Suni:lay even ng.

fa~i~Y ~.~~:~~p~~.()I~!~~tFnri ~~ -+-+-~--I---+----of Quentin Pres tons. Last Tl,Ies­day Mr. ail.d Mrs. Don Milliken

we:(er.c~~rs~~s.%nir::~~e~ home. last SW1day evening in the eth Wagner home.

Last Tuesday !\Olr. and Don Carlson and boys and Mrs Russell Pryor my were guests oj Bill

West Point Cleaners

and Launderers

Pick-up arid Delivery

Monday and Thursday


Or Leave At


DOh~ /(J(JK any fS"'~8' -

15-ft, Omaha Disk, 18-i

15-ft. Omaha Disk, 16-i

2-15-ft, Roderick-~ean

15:ft. John Deere Disk,

IHe 4-row mounte~

Brandstetter I Your John


I .

" a GAS dr~er,

. "

... "T? T " "IT? " "I"" "" " , ······1·········,···

, 'I ' ! I

.1 i




·· .. T:~~ .. ;:: !




Wakefield' IR~xall Drugs

I Wakefield, Nebr.


YouQantake ~t over 'or only

M OSl; PEOPLll. still 'don't helie,-e it. Rut it is true, I

And when you look inti the Inets, you'll find these two solid tfuths:

Buick is one of the "Big Three" in sales volume-and h~tter jhis yeal- tllun eyel' heforei And Rui~k is o~e of the "Rig Three" when it comes tb prie s which m'lkc .uch popular,ity possiL~le, Th priee we show here 'pr~ves It, I ,S~ why Qot get 'thut uiBuick hus to offer, if you urI! in the murket for a new car?

You find that thel d~llats you for Buick .' buy you a lot ~ore - and the

sheer with bossing u brawny traveler caliber.

ride that comes of ,il torquc·lubu stability, 'I rOOll1iness, the extnl tread width, part and parcel of

We could tell you too, Things usually in other cars, hut ment at no extra like direction full·flow oil fil gloye and trtlnk ~n'nno,.t.n"nt"'..J

But-you getlthe ideal Buick-a gre~t buy-illstallt you pJ'ess its week and dheck t won't you?

, ,

of tile year is 'I i I'

BET~ER Aur6MoBILES AR~ BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD nIEM'I-i----Il'-l--...:..-1+-'---j. I ': I I


IrNHEAST 5 II ~~~!~!~~

:':":':~-----r-r-~""--""---""'---- Phone Atlas 7·2346

S~mUeISOh Fourt~ in \,"ausa Visitors

L~op Scoring Bat Ie w~~·a. [l;~re Jv}r:ida;a~~~n~~o:~~~f~ Wayne State's Sam y samuel-i in the Danvin Nimrod home.

son moved into fourt place in - - ---

~~[}o~~i ~cc;li~~i~~t:1 ul~ti~g~'i~1~o;~ i Vi~!~iJ:'/'~~~~~~g thE' Clarence Peru Saturday night. $chJin('~ fnmdy visit~d in the

Samuelson has a 1..4 average I home I of :\III's .. Schlin'cs' brother,

~~ul~t6 s~f~~~1~ 1~~d.'is;~e~Rc~a~~~ i :~e~tr~ Lunz, S~tanton. a 14,6 total. a 24.3 aVC'1 ngf'. 1 FQI,lrtlh Birthday .

Hilly B('ck,. lfH~ting .. j;; se-cand . M. 1"'.' ~.!nd Mrs. J.:re~ Schhn€'5: and with 130. a 21 fl H\'(,1'ng Midland's t11(' (larencc SchlmeR. Ronald Larry Fuprst has 144 poinls tor Ulis and Llwrl/'nce Utecht fam~ a 20.6" ~vcr;:lgo. 11)('." \~prp Momiay evC'ning visitors

Oth(,l~'fWa.Yn(' a\'f'r<lg~" ,11'(': non In th!' Hano..; St/lrk homf' helping.! OakE'!>, 17.0: Killg~If'Y Mincl', 13.4, JIl,\nn cl'l{'lil"atc, Iler [ourth bll'th~, and Eril{·~a(lkC', 1'4? R. rl'IY. '

• ROS '~:i':h IISUnd'''f:ld;nne~' . S()~ ("Iul~ will m00t Friday with

Winside TriRs ~lrs .. ~L~rvm l\IortC'n~on.

C II Q .~. t S('rn'·~AII Cluh I arro UI So,-ve-All I':xtpn<;nn cluo will

0 ... Gift Thr ws FI'ld~'Lo:;"~~, ~~'~~,::;1l~¥1\ Win!'ide tonk full iJd\ an!ac;e of by l\Il"s. Rudy Longe. I

thE' honu~ rule Fl J(iav n~t.;ht 10 take , I

losers eOUlt I Stud) (IIC'J!' (Iub\\lll meet \\lth a61-")8\JctOl'yflomC'Cllollonlhr,stlld\ (Ir,cll'(llIh I

Outscored 20 17 fro1 the fletd, ,,;\1l,, Phllllp RlI1g Tuesday WinsIde dropped 27 of 45 charity :\TI <111(1 :\TI s Churlf'S PlC'rson ________ +-_+-_ tosses whtle Carroll could hIt \\e](' ~ulldd."" dflrlnoon .Inc! lunch~ I only 18 of 35 The ga e was nIp In the Dean Plerson and tuck wIth Wlnsl e leading I 59·58 with only 15 skoncls re H,ll old Olson and malnlrlg \\('1 (' Sunday afternoon

CaIlo1J plnl d \\ Ith(lut 1)1(> t.hf' Al HClkE's hO-:Tle to I \'icf's Of RU~!l Twkt,)· a ,1Cq~<11ntancc of baby ________ +-_+-_ Four oth!T startl'I·'" \\'Pl"t' Connl(' Ann, born Jan. personal fouls.

Blair (72) Eriksen Paihe Wal'rick A. Vitals Kehdall TUl11er Smith .....

"totals Scoring by quarter ':

\Vayne . 20 11' 21i 23 -..- 75 Blail' ... 12 i8 !1,9 23 72

Wesleyan Chadron Hastings Wayne _ Kearney Midland Pel'll Doane

Pilgar Edges Daspit, Final Ra

Pilger, Cardinals desperate last hal.f day night t6

Pilger had period and Creston count with IefC'Pilger to win. Pilger Creston

WC;iyneSee ed Tonightfo

'Stanton M

Lyons Clinches DroB Oakland

I I Lyons cIinchf'd the ferencf' cast division Wednesday night Oakland 66~51. It str\ight win [or have a 4~O

\V~yne High is one OfifOUIJ~seed­p[i team.'" competin.£; n he second annual 513.nton Invit ti nal tourn~

",thich opene ast night, \\')1.1. oppose tg(.' S1anton­\\'mner at 8:3tr p: m. ta~

I ,Sun~,




The outcome as thc winners the first the scoring Tibbels hact

Lyons I field and


Hicks s('[wed 1"1 nOlllt~ side ~vhile .Jon!'" ~ad L,) for

Wmside madf' It a s\-\"('r'P ping- thr pr('llmin;-]ry. Winsidf' 10 17 1(1 18 Carroll R q :n 17

, ann :vIrs. EI'icl{ G. Johnson ; \\"f're .('nt~'lftain('c\ at dinnel~ SatUr-

, I day r\"('nlng in the O~('lir Pearson (OP- homr.

i ]\1]"s. C'larrnC'(' Schlmes and ~~. ~[,<ln('i" <Jtt!'ndC'.d fl demonstration .), In the- hom(' of ::'v1rs. ! Ians St<Jrk

i Thursdny ('v('ning. I !

I' ... Tr. and ;vTr<; Gordon Barri, City Leaguei ,nal"bara and Jan(' wen' entertnin-

: ~~!tI~l~l";nU~~~~·E'.dinnpr in 1h(' Ray I Action Opens 'I,· 0",' M,·,. Norman Haglund.

M -I Hodnry and Leslh' W(>1"0 TUf"sdflY onuay Night ('wnln.t:.:" vi'liiors in the Elli" John-

Action in 11l(' C'ity baskC'th.'111 sO~l;,~O~\~d Mrs. Darwin Nimrod,

t;~~"e cOt;t~~~(>~~~dl~t~~I\~1hhI~~~~ St('\"(, and Nan{'y were entertained and Bli! MOll J-;on COPPll1j:~ BtU row ~;\,I~~~n(~~~o;~l"~~~e.eVl'ning in the

Vi('t.j!~~S·IQOP Is opNating with I MI'. und Mr<;. \Vilton "McCorkin~ fOUl" teamfO of ~~'\'f'n playpr~ ~ ~\~~r h~':~ ~r1~~ ~~~~~k1~~~i~. in f'lat'h. AnyonE'" irltprestf'd In pltly~ i Alt'. an! :\Irs. Roy Holm were Ing. should rt'"port at tht' audl- 'Sunday ('\"ening vjsitors in ttIe

I torlUm :.uOll(~IY lit 7 p.m. . Clarence SehlinE's home-. ' Team captains arc. JlIl1 FJ!7.~ I tIr and Mrs George Boonstra I

a patrick, Meyo]", !"lornson and .Al and Dorothy, O~aha, were S-atUl'­Ehlers. M.dJnda.v s <;cheduh: pllS rlw visitor'> with Ada McCor\<.in­Meyer '.lga!l1s~ Ehl(>~<; and illm"l"l- d::rlf'. son Flt?patr~ck. IVI]'. and Mr~. Ted Harrison

Mryers cdg.f'rl F !zpat~'ick ·10- \\'('re Sunday "upper guests in the I 1

39 Mondny WIth D k Sorensen rL.lnnl1l1d Richards home. . hittin~ 14 po. ints. H. ( 'ell Ruberts l\11' .. rlncj Mrs .. D31e B,lack and

had.l:l f~r thf' losrrs . .' (,1;luclia, Om;lha. visitpl in the

53 1 Blll :\1)11('1 took ~('o Palll F\'Ningh.arn morne Thursday 48 for 1.he :t.~ )1(' ;111(\ \\"(')"(' O\'crn1t::"ht gucsts, rc~

l\1ornsons I 10 Omahn. Friday mOrtling.!

! John KC?opman ~ ;Ind ;'I.-irs. Tt"'d Harrison and

r; 11"\. :VII" ;!nd Mrs. Raymond,

I !;:r";;l:·d:-. \\'rr'{' ('ntrr1~incd at elin­I"r III (11(' Russrll Harrison home

, \\'1 dlll'"day r\cning.


SNalc'h , \11:,11" f(I)~\llla ~~~h:~I~f('?O;~~;O~l~~~ ,

~~. ~\ ( 1"(' ~\I'~:1!;~,\:~in{~n~~\)h;~.('~1~g~ of I

lIandit'ap .~

:\11 :\II";. Bud Sill\ps~m ami 1 "f1'11 \ \\·c)"(' Tu('sday ('\'('nin~ \ ,~lt(II'" tlll' 1'<1111 EHTlI1gh,:ll11

"r. antI :'Ilr ... Hllrr~' Gustar-

~~:~Il~~~l ,~~~~U: .. \~~'rt;h~'h~~~:;~~5 Vi ... !'!l"r hOflW hl·il)inJ.:" Richard I'ph'hratl' hi .. hirthday or Jan. ~f).

Shed those auto repair wor· riel by seeing the CORYELL AUTO COMPANY at the lirjt sign 01 trouble. It ma:kes no difference where

the trouble in your c:ar is

located ,. we'll find it and . at small cost

D f) El

Mrs. Mary CollieI' -ond A111Nt "Nelson \\.'erC'-man·ie(i at tlw ::-vIcth­odist church here :Sunday afte)"­no0

1. Rc\". R. O. ,T..outll<1r1.' offi­

cial d. Attendants I\\.'(>re 1'1'11'. anrl Mrs. Martin Buo!. the couple \\"Ill mak' theit: home in Randolph.

,Att ds ('OI1[('rl"l1('1"

Vi gil Coultf'r. president' of the INo!' h East district Young- Adult fell 'ship, Rltcndec\ a conft')T'nc(' YA meeting Saturday at Fre~

----t--­Rf>{'{!oin> Bannpl"

A large' group Of Randolph m€'mbers attencled.<I. sub~district

Att('nd Fnn('ral Rev. and Mrs. R. q.

tended the fune-ral of than's aunt, Mrs. H. J. len, Thu\'sQay afternoon. tlJrn~ home Friday.

I rally at Creighton nsunrlay aftf'r~ . :\·l~n.\" a n00rj, The Randol h group re- hundred ceiv¢d a banner for he most mem-! whf'n' he bers' attendilJg'., "Idr


. I .

Produce on selected Grade A farms, regularly in~pecte~ by eltt federal health authorities! I, I

Tested I I

I Ptcesse

different times, between the farm and your ~ablefl '"' "",",,00 by '~K,.1i" '" th< milk b'''r'

Rlep~h I ~or

c, I' ," 'I .. ' .. ··' ,,' ,·· .. , .... 1· I I' I I

de~otions .. Mrs. Charles' Whitn¢y .. .,..+---+--...;.-..,-+----____ +-+ I

serve' two weeks, i

: I . Eve' ing party for Friendly We -

....... - .. "'". ~ , , r , , I , , , ~ " ' • I , • " • " ~ • ~ '. 't •

. JoYCe Spike,. SiI;)Ux. City, ,~p('nt he wce\,,(>nd with :her sister, [iVlmr.

~t~l~~~~~~g~~~~t rarily.

'gn Total

.Ankeny, BeldC'n, was a guest in the home of Mr.

, Harry Gries. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Gene

and Linda, Norfolk, Linda

Mrs. B.. A. Norsworthy, Go~hen~ urg, left Friday after spendihg a ew days with her sister. Mrs.

I ' I e~ Jones and family Glndfth M .' nd Mlrs. l~nce E>fei fe . Sw nson, Mr" and Mrs. Don Boden~ h. er mother, ~rs. Ed, 01'­

spent ! 'rlday I eve in~ in the _-:I;~ . ste t, Mr. al)d Mrs. Clarence MOi folk.' Johns n hOIljle S turday eve.fil!in rIS and paty and Mr. and Mr. MI/'. and Mrs. Martill Rasm! SSf'11 m th Arth~~ " las~ home 'an Cl ir Swans n and Mavis. The oc spent Friday afternoon in the l'uesd yeveni,g the JUlIUS ~f'Ol' cas'on was ,tor tne birthda!ys 0' ~ary Herbolshcimer hom~, " ilke-

is ch~irman of the conimittce to

Fri Iy Wednesday ~ nesda families was he.ld Saturd y ev:en~' in the Woman's c1 b -..,..-H--~.,....,...,..-..... ...,...,_;_..,..-----------+ roomS Wayne. The Februa m~e . g will be a noon luncheon t the h me of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rube k. __ '

Centrk, Social Circle Feb!ruary meetlllg fOor Central

Socialj circle was a,'noon lunche~n Tuesday at the home of Mr. and

ge~:t~a~~m7v~rs.~ IR.rence Pf~ f~ ~ iSsonS:n~n~s. ;O~~ s~a~!: iei:i~. and Mrs. L. E, Jcrykin at-

Mr~. hrlS P ters n. 1 au t, Mrs. 1-li.erman liartwig, Norr Plaim-iew'TuesdHY. Enroutc Home had er T eSdf.Y with Mr. rs. Henry Anderson visited het· tended la bUsinf'SS luncheo at

f'~mail1ed . overnight and spent Monday With Peggy Gries.

~~~cisn~r~cJes~~ns~~~f a7tZ~~~~; program was "Interesting Spots 1I1 Nebraska" which was part. of the year'!> work on study of Ne­braska. Mrs. Henry Kieper was

. nd Ms . .b: I'lIBethune~ foU~, Saturday. Mrs. Hartwig,is illr ~ted Ed Evans, Randolp~. fami Yd l,RanC101Ph, ere '.I:<~rlday e, Guests in' the home of Mv. anej , - , ningl allers ~n t e ILes ,Beth, e Mr$ Robert Gem,mell Thursday ~ilver Wedding ';

nom1: ' I, ,evehing hel~ed lVLrs Gemmell Obr ,I nMd rf·amanl.Jdy aM,lld·s'MCrsli.ffpOerad,cJLJinetl:ae,','

Legion Auxiliary Names Mrs,John~on Secretary

leader. lV~I'S11 W" R: Fr~ncl1 spent Wed- serve her ~vent}-lllnth bll't-thdaYt h..,

nesaa c\ eni.{lg .m the Clan!hce preseht were MIS Charles and family were among g-ue"ts 6::11-lJranq ist horne. ': : Whitney anQ Stanley, Mrs. ·Merle urday ('venin£"" in thf' home of1 1h.

EOT Party January party for EOT was held

Friday evening in the home of Mr . Mrs. J. C. Woods and Mrs. and 'Mrs. Ray Finn with Mr., and

Wavne Straight were hostesses Mrs. Elmer Peterson as assiSting Tuc¥iay aftet'noon [or meeting 01 hosts. Honors in cards went to Mr. the f--.egion Auxiliary at the Woods and Mrs. Ray Hanson, Mr. and homc-. Mrs, Frank Brudigan and Mrs, Henry 'Wacker, jr" and Mr:s.

su~~~~anda~~~~o~~ed ;nc;er~U;~le. ~n "ir~ttea~l~;:c~nd Mrs. Mar· ~g~p'~,~s. s~~~~r M;~~li~~ t~,('n~1~.~~.~ gU?stsll of Mf. alld Mrs. Dol[l. al rs. Berme B. owers spent Tues. sary. .r'am~er· I I 'da afternoon with Mrs. Tom Bow+ ___________ _

Ml'Is.l: Wesler. ~ubeck ~eturlil~d ers. " , froill' 1<1e.ligh ~'r. idot' evelllng. ~he, 1 rc and Mrsc WesJey RUbeck, ~ 'I See by The Herald' had aS$lsted ~r. <lind Mrs. Vernon Mr, and Mri. Vernon hanson and Han~~ In ge. '.mgl S~tled ill t~elr Kir and 1-41'5. Jack Rubeck ana

:\f~ft~ld~~e 't~?~c~el~e~~~~~s the ~in RSismussen. 'I

group se\', cd carpet I ags Mrs Bob Merry Makers '

f:~!~i~~ ~if:' the, had mo ed ~~a ~eo~p~~r:~l~;s,e~~~Wl~ ¥h~~~ Ca!l~rs during the' week in the ers n for Sheila's birthday. I

JOh~son ~as named secletary to January Merry Makers covercld com~leto thc tel m of ::\111 s StI alght, dish supper was held Thursday at \\ho IS mo\lllg 110m the commun- the home of Mr. a,:~ Mrs. E. \-' Ity. Pearson. IyIt's. J. C .• /oods was tlO

Mj.<.;. \V, R Scribl/l'~' acted as charge 01 ent~l1.alf1men.t., E. 4>. chai~man to rcport f(jJ" the co~ Pearson and f~. C. Phillips arl.­n1itt E' fOJ' table-ware fOf the audT- nounced that the coat and hat rac~ tdri n and a s('lection was made, had been made,'and taken to the Al fa 'C'\\'pll gift was pl'C'sC'nt-{'d :Mrs. auditorium. ~~hls was done B:s ~ Strai]iht. The next hostesses \-vill m('~ns to ,Utilize. the m~ney from b~ arpilouncl'd, thell' Christmas donation. The

hO)llJ~ Mr. and Mrs,l Fritz Aever- r. and Mrs, Gordon Davis a'1d mann ere Mt. a~'tMrs. Harvey Cin y, and .Mr. and Mrs. Don DavJis Aevct' ann ~r)d fla ,uy, Mr. $1d an Terry sgent ¥lcdnesday afterl lVIi's .. 1 allard, Kr1'e fir and, Dal'id noo with M~. and Mrs. Earl Oavis~ and M and Mrs. 'rank Brudj~n r. and Mrs. Bus Jones and J


. . . Sd.cI~I' Foreca5t ihu,rsday, Feb. 3 I EOT, Mrs. GeOt'ge Siegl'r and

I so~:~~' A~~~~~bo~s~~~t~s, Jay , Mlddleton

Loyal Neighbors, ::'oIlI's, Alfred Thomas

Delta Dek, !'Ill'S. Llovd Morris \Ve Fu, .:\ll·s Bob Johnson

Friday, Feb. 4 Knitting Club. ::\-lrs Arthur


'f~~l~ r;aire~:'ll;b, Boo Jordan lluesday, Feb.' 8 \Va~ -()ut-Hl'I'I', .i'.-11·s. HalTY

GIfford 1l.nd '\lrs. Pat Finn ! T and T, 11rs. lIf'l'man Brock­, Illan

Thursday, Feb. 10 1 ~illto]J Li-Il'ks 110011 luncJwon,

.\11"..,. \Yuyne Williams

So and Sew

Il1I'll1b('!'<.; and on(' gu('st. Olson, nttcIldl'd the So 111c('1 IIlg Monday after­

noon Ht lh~' honl(' of M:'~, Jial'\'('Y Thomp"oll. Roll call was "The Month I LIlH' Rc<;! " That e\'cning they gcl\ (' it f(-tl'C'well party for Thomp~on~, \\"ho are moving to a farm neetr WRyne. Cards WPI'(' playeu and cooperative lunch sC'rv­cd.

Delta Dek 1\lI'S, Torn RoiJ('J"ts and ;\1rs

I Llo~ d :'I101'I"Is"kd ::\Jrs. Perry

I f;~7:1~~~~'nt~g hl~;~:'~';'s ?i~%~d~~ a~Ct\~~ ! .lohn"oI1 hon1l' wi! h husfuands as I gue~ls, l}I'iz('s \\1'1'(, rccC'i\cd b\ Mrs CharlC's Whitney, Mrs. Joy

i{oberts and .1, C. n'gular meC'ting- will aflemooll \\ lth l\Irs.

r~ebruary meetmg Will be a no­host supper at tlw home of I'I--lr. and Mrs. A, C. Sahs.

Card Club :!'rIr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson were,

hosts for Card Club Fnday ('ve­ning-. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Joncs, MI', and Mrs, Dewey Jones and Au­gust Franzen I'cceived prizes. Fri­day's meeting Will be with Mr. and Mrs. GeDrge Jolmston.

and ~ ily. ,Ii and! 'Virginia J"ones were last wee ~ ':f~{ Lyons W~ a sun. day af~ cndl guests of Mr. and Mrs: ,Le 1

ternoo j and supp r Iguest M..n e ,Rol{erts. George IJohnston a";/,'. Atkinson Pastor at

W. . Garwoo , '\Va)-n£', sPrn r" Sunday in the 0E'to [Wagner ~.n M~n's Club Meeting Ua vid arwood ho es., I • • •

fl4rsl Harry H fel,dt returned ~ev. F~~lcla~ F. Payas, Atkinsor home i.Friday aft r I spendinQ' a I ~eS~~~g ~(\so~U~~~~~~ ~~ni~ week~ln tht'! ~irv~ Buroh~tt club Thursday ni,ght at the Prd~ home, , Marysvlll , ,Mo.,' Whi1le by1erian church J M rs, ~rchett ~,s hospitalized, I Elections w{'~e postponed un 1 The I PIes .a~~ ~l~erjs. the next meeting. Sund y evetung inher guestsj in ___ ,

the ho e of Mr. a d ,Mrs, Everett ~bout forty re1aU\('s ~nd fI'iend~ wallcr~" were Mr. I arid Mrs. Artl spent Saturday c .... cnmg- in the Scharfc and family, land Mr. and home df Mr. and }\.lrs. JuJiu~, Mrs. G'lbert $chaf~'er and fam~ly, Menke In honor of Ivir. Menke.'s

Woman's Club Roland ,Stahl. and Rolene, ! Relati\:cs reeeh'ed. word Wed-all of orfolf,and Mr, and Mrs. birthday.

Carroll Woman's club will meet Mrs.' enry offmah spent Tucs- 'ncs~ay M the death of Mrs. ElsiC: Feb, 10 at the home of Mrs. Tom day afternoon.,with 11rs. Gerhard Johpson, Columbus Junction, la.,

~~~~~ts~fl\i~~' ~~~oJ~~e:cd~~~~i~ W~~~1 Owens took Rlith OWlfns ~{~ ~?~l~~('a[A~~~sba~~.e ill': ing. Mrs. Lee Collins will be spcc- to Detr,O.i~ Fl"I~ay. ¥iss Owens ::till E~i beth Rees and Da\'~ Griffith.:

~% 1~~~~~'~:Z,i~~S~~~. s~~'\·~. ~~~;~~ ~~}~~~~i~St~~~.o~~ b~e~l~%-~~~; ~r .\!~~a ~~~f~d\.~\~r;~iWa~~~1 a!l~a~~:k~1~~~7ah~gpr~~u~'00d sale a nC'w car h09'Ie. '. S day. to spend t~c day with

which they sponsored Saturday cofntaJ~~~I'~W~~s arcf!~~~e~~o h~~~ ~e~he sW::i iti~'ft;r E~~~~~th Rl'cS ncttrd $103. \'el'sity ruesda'y.: I Warren Thun wa~ dismissedl

Pinochl£' club nwt Wcdn£'~dar -~ 1 I Sun~ay1'from a WakefIeld ho&pltal.

e\'enin~ with' ::\11'. and ::\lrs, I\-1C'rlc Ch h: ~ r~~~~.r~?~i~~~~nG1f{;~;\fe!,~~~e:r~~C~!1 Schlun's, 'fur, e,s - - I- home thi:" w(,ek wen' ~1r. ,.and Mr.s., [a~/;~t' ~~~~d ~~;1l~?~:~i;i;t~~~~~e~gg St. aul's Uuth rah Church Dale Miller and Randy, Loul<.' in the 111's. W. R. French home. (Ro Bccl}ma ,pastor) ~ Thun, Mr. ~~~ Mrs._.Henry Hoff-

.:\Jr. and .:\11'" Roland Stahl and sunda~, Feb. 6: Sunday scho 1, ~alLand Ma:J1111.e"Flled~<; an~a~·a; I Rolen£' had dinn('r Thursday in the 10 a m divino wojrship with h ly ne .Hoffman, HenlY Haa.~, }. Max Stahl homt' np3r Sholes. conu11U~ on, 10:45. !Announcemehts Kenlneth and V/Ilbur Heftl. .

Ml's Henry Andel'son attended a may be ade Satl,lrday ('-venjng. Mlr. and Mrs. ~aync. Kel,sti~£' bridal' shov,,·(.l' for Arlene Fulir- - f. I wer~ Tuesday e\'ehlng \'Isitors Jll I man at Hoskins Sunday afternoon. 1[IMethOdist hurch the ~lerlin kenny homf'. Miss Fuhrr(lan will be married (C

a L. VanMet e, ·pas~r), G~ests for lunch in thc home ~fl

Sunday, Sund , Feb. 6: Mormng- wor~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wodey Benshoof Frl~! :\11'. and :"1rs. L~:Jc-' Cunningham ship. .. ow Shares and Pruning day: l'\'{'l1mg- after the basketball I

and famlly and Ml'. and ~rs. Rus- Hooks," :45 a, m·.; SlltI1day SChO~l' game \\el(':!VIi and :\-11S ClarC'ncel sell Hall and famil~ wCl'eThursdllY 10 4.'), Y~uth fellowslup, 730 p 1 V01~'llcr, MI and MIS G E Jones

e\'ening djnnpl" gu{'sts in the home Wedn sda} Feb 9 }~jJJal WS Sand L\ nn, Ml and Ml s It \ In

of ;vIr. (jnd 111'''. I-larry Nelson, noon lun 'heon. GI a PS and Glcn and:\11 and MI s :'11'. and ::VII'S \-Valt Lage spent ~ - ~--;-I 11 FIe f~ckel t ami DOlllld rhe DC

Sunday aftr:rl1oon and Monday in School of MISSIons casl n \\8S for 1lis Benshoof's 1Ill' I-Ian'\' Becknpr hom'£'. Rc\ ~I u1\-clne Ja,)-, 0 NClll 1'e- blr day

Mrs. r)al{' Claussen a'od family, \Ie\\cd l~rt of the ook, Clf\\dCd ' M' ami 11ts Dtck Tucker and ::\-ll's Chal'lps Junek, ,,1'., M,·s. Ray Ways," t the sec nd half [the sons SIOUX Cit} spent Sunda)- U1 Spahr and Mrs. Paul Brad('1' spent schOOl a missions tltie Me lodlst the LC'\ I Roberts home' Tur'sriav afternoon with Mrs, Emil chwch Monda} \iqrrfng Film

Saturday evening guests in the al~d ~~ a were al 0 Iho\\n We Say "FREE"! We Mean Claussen ships 0 nusslOn or~ III ~las!a '

home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon I - F R E E Olstrl~ eetlng • Hokamp were B. L. Tolfard, Du- :r-.letl adhst .::\-lcnrnlet Mnnd J luth, M inn., and M r, and Mrs. nlg-ht Q I make pIa 15 lOl' the d!j- I •

\\'01'11'\ Tkn'>hoof w a" Earl Anderson and Jim. ttlct l'ctlng sched cd at Call 111

nO~)I~ \1~1;1Ch{( ~~;~~;~ld(;lPS\\l;~1 I \\ (~1(! :\;o~~~a~11~~ !'r~t~~dl~lslfo~~n,~~ :\I~\I ~-.:. $1.00 Tube PILE OINTMENT :VIC'thorli>;t ('hlllCh At lhe I tll£' Cbfford Pmklemall homc BetHany PresJ) terlan and I Noted Clinic M;~Most Unusual

['upll than(!'l ('mda \\1"1'(' Tu('sdd~ e\elling \ISI (Jlm Gtlffes, pastor) No Coupon _ No Charge

Mr. and iHl'S. ,Julius lJinnl'ri<,'hs

r~~ J~~~ ~fl~~r d~~:: ~~~~~~" in Dr. and l\frs. Don Th('ophiHus,

David and Donnie .. Norfolk, and

~~~r~Wd \.~V;~d 91~~u;~c- ~:\~~h~~~~ ophilus home Sunday.

iOlr.r·v~~t~~~Jr~· t~:yT~(~'~OI~a~l';~ ,I hom£' Sunday. I I'

Ill! 111m:; \ ole d 10 I l\II dnd ::'Ill s Ketlil (h\ ('ns and Zion Congregational ChurChC

1 Offer to AnY""Afflicted Person-

alld to con I tOI Sill the GOI don 1),1\ IS llome l\11 ThulisdaJ FC'iJ 1 ~-flg-h sch 01 Th..lre are no "strings"; we don't paln1tng upst,ws \\ood ,mo 111s Bill r\C'JH1\ \\CI('- thf'l{, f('l!o\\ShlP m,U1sc 30 p m, me~n free "with" 50methin~! \Ve

1~~~~~3~*3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~~~M~I~':'~!~'I~n2~~ln~D~lo~'~k~m~"~n~[~'(~[:B~~~"~~~'~I~~~.~n~m~g~~====~=~_1 S~~ Rb6 ~wct~~ m.j_~.'!n~R~~~ -------- ~ I \~OIshlp CongregatlOoal c ureh d 't t . e who tS affhcted

10 am, church( S dt stud, 1 D:c- wi~t 'ril~s a(;)~~orrhoids) or any 1 \ otlOns bJ MI s Joh \~\~ l ns cia!:>s similar rcctal condition, the ThOl"n-

) ) .



Wayne l Nebr.


r I

fCI~\~~(?'~it \ ~'I~'b G/(\\ oS ()1~~~I~~lS ~OB\j I ;~~u~I~~:o; ?u\\~~Lz:·i~ll.O~)ntll~~e( r:~~ p. m.; 1 I a nH're sampk) of Thornton :\'~m-

tloWllal'[dJ'1~.'I'd'l.jcl~.Y'aldF.('b, 8: conl!;l'egr,- I or Pile Ointmrnt--f)"('e and pdst~ ., ., I age paid, S('nd only YOllr full nam,e, 'i' ' age'and addr('~~: A post ca~d ~nll

-l\1.1~; J'IIlWS S.t(",PhJ'nS! :'ijwnt a. fo \' do. However, lhlS offer is hm.lted I dav" thl. \\ eek ill Ill' Leo Step)w~s and mav be withdrawn ~t anr tlm(', 'horne, B ldpn, \\'hel c :-lome at t (' " so we ~uggest you wrIte at ,{'I.n~('. ',famllyl <11'0 111 wit! Hit attack f 1 Arldres>; Thornton Minor ClinIC,

mumps, ' , , : ;;;-~It~~~t ~TI'~~1\;~~~ ~l~(~:'i~:~~ GU('st I acttv a~ !"tatcd' aho\'c-J10 charge

no o'bligation-no bill now or later.

( AdH'I'll'icmf'nt)

A. Co re frN gin 9 hom s ! abloom wt,th embroIdered ! organdy daisies. Woven' I block, green, brown or red I checks in women's sizes 9 I to 17, 12 to 20. Top-valucs.

I Come choose!

iB, These beoulic:s are styled with mandann collars, handy I pockets; accented with pip· ing, Green, blod, brown or 1

redi women's 12 to 20, '1412 to 24 1 2, What a buy~

(Nat shown) B~tton-front ,ginghams with gracefully curved pockets. Black, red, green or brown in sizes 12 to 20 and 14 1 2 to 24 1 2. IHurry for yours~

Come Join

: I

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