cardiovascular history

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Cardiovascular History Check name & DOB

Presenting Complaint

Chest pain

Site – cardiac pain is not very localised normally – more diffused – if exact point can be pointed to then think respiratory problem

Onset – over a while/sudden Character –crushing, pressing, burning, heavy, tight dull etc. – use patients

own words – sharp is not common for cardiac pain Radiation – neck, jaw, L arm (MI), maybe R shoulder Associated symptoms – sweating? Difficulty breathing? Nausea? Vomiting?

Palpations? Collapse? Pale? Clammy? Timing – linked to onset Exacerbating/relieving factors – exertion? At rest? When on painkillers? GTN

– known heart disease? Severity – on a scale of 1 -10 Have they had this experience before? Evolution of symptoms?

Shortness of Breath

How long has this been going on for? Have you found it to be getting worse over this time? On a scale of 1 -10 how bad do you think it is? Is it affecting your daily living? Make I up a flight of stairs? Is there anything which makes it worse?

o Exertion – how far- flight of stairs? Affecting activities of daily living? Affecting sleeping?

Is there anything which makes it better?o Sitting down? Inhaler?

Ankle oedema/swelling

When did you first notice this? Has it got worse since you first noticed it? Unilateral/bilateral? Worse on one leg? Pain with it? If recent onset, long haul flights? (DVT) Chest pain with this (DVT PE)


How frequently do you faint? How long do the dizzy spells last for? Can you think of any trigger factor?


How frequently do you get them? How long do they last? Does anything make them worse/better?

o Exertion/Sitting down Have you experienced them before? Affecting your daily living?

Sign post for other cardinal symptoms as patient may not be expecting them as they may not make the link. Don’t forget to screen for any other problems affecting you just now?

Past Medical History

Heart problems? Hypertension? High cholesterol? Diabetes?

Drug history

Aspirin – anti-platelet Beta-blockers Statins ACEi Digoxin

Family History

Heart problems? What age did they pass at? Arrhythmias can be inherited

Social History

Smoking Stress Occupation Live with? Alcohol consumption Exercise? – Sedentary lifestyle? Diet


Systemic Enquiry

Respiratory GU MSK – localised chest pain tends to be MSK Neuro

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