career center reviewers’ training june 11, 2013. today’s agenda

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Today’s Agenda

Reviewers Training Agenda1. Background Responsibilities of the Reviewers

2. Certification Process Steps

3. Differences Full Center vs. Affiliate

4. The Review Process: The What’s and How’s

5. Evaluating Required Documentation

6. Conducting the On-site Evaluation

7. Scoring

8. KY Career Center Certification Website Materials

9. Questions


Development of the Career Center Certification Process

The certification process is grounded in . . .

Kentucky’s Brand Promise

As a team of experts, we are dedicated to providing Kentucky employers with a qualified, skilled workforce and

the people of Kentucky with career and job training and educational opportunities.

With the unique ability to connect employees and employers through the combined efforts of state and local partners, we will become a valuable, competitive and best-

in-class asset in the growth of our regional and national economy.

By guiding, empowering and inspiring our customers, we will continue our mission to create success stories across

the Commonwealth.

Desired outcomes• Consistent, high-quality services to

employers and job seekers

• User-friendly, customer-focused services

• Alignment with education and economic development

• Accountability for services and results

• Maximization of all workforce development resources

Kentucky Career Center Certification is critical to the transformation of the workforce development system.

It’s where ideas turn into action. It’s . . .

“where the rubber meets the road”

Where We Have Been: • January – July 2011: Core Team recommended Career

Center Certification framework and process; developed Standards and Measures

• August 2011: KWIB approved Standards and Measures

• January 2012: Self assessment tool and technical assistance resources made available

• January - December 2012: Center self-assessments conducted

• January 2013: Technical assistance funding awarded

Where We Are Going

• Reviewer Training – Today• Workforce Academy Training for all Staff• October 2013: First application window open

Reviewer’s Responsibilities

Reviewers are Expected to be:

• Impartial, objective, fair and consistent Trust the Process

• Cooperative team players

• Ethical and observe confidentiality protocol


Center Certification


Center Certification Process

1. Career Center requests ADA review

2. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation/Office for the Blind reviews for accessibility

3. Career Center prepares and submits application to the LWIB

4. LWIB assigns Review Team to Career Center

5. Review Team conducts desk/on-site Center reviews

Center Certification Process…continued

6. Review Team submits its report to Center and LWIB with recommendation

7. LWIB reviews report, recommends certification, informs KWIB

If not recommended, Center receives technical assistance; Center reapplies.

Certification Process Timetable

Center Certification Process

• Application periods:– October 2013– April 2014– June 2014

• Certification is valid for three years

Full Service Career vs.

Affiliate Sites Centers

Affiliate Centers

“Affiliate Centers established to achieve economies of scale based on the characteristics of the local area and available resources”

Full Service vs. Affiliate Centers

• One Full Service Center required per LWIA

• Minimum standards set for Full Service Centers and Affiliates Sites

• The Affiliate Site standards are identical to the Full Service Centers but there are fewer standards to meet

Affiliate Centers

• Basic job seeker services• Operational resource room• Facilitated referrals• Basic employer services and access to

Business Services Team• Fully accessible• Functional organization and supervision

The Review Process:

The Whats and Hows

Organizing Principles

Three areas of certification standards:• Employer Services• Job Seeker Services• Center Management

Each area is supported by:

• Overarching themes• Standards• Measures

Employer Services Overarching Themes

•Service Content

•Service Accessibility

•Service Management

Employer Service Point of Clarification

“…the primary ‘organizing entity’ for employer services and business services teams is the workforce area/region. Baseline measures require that some “core” services be available at every Kentucky Career Center, while others may be made available only at the workforce area level.”

Employer Services Standards

I. Organization and staffing of employer services

II. Providing quality services to employers

III. Listening to and satisfying employers; measuring effectiveness

Employer Services Measures• Business Service Team (BST) composition

• Communication

• Relationships with industry and employer orgs

• Provide responsive business solutions to employer customers

• Employer relationship development

• Training and continuing education

• Analysis of employer feedback

Standards Measures Documentation

I. Organization and staffing of employer services

1. Each workforce area has established a regional (i.e. workforce area-wide) Business Services Team (BST) comprised of knowledgeable business services partners with the ability to connect employers to a full range of partner services.

a. The team includes at least four “core” partners, including Office of Employment and Training, Workforce Investment Act, Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and a representative from a general purpose business organization (e.g. Chamber of Commerce) or an economic development representative.

BST Roster denoting partner organizations

BST Meeting Minutes from the past six months with attendees noted

Employer Services An Example

Application Request

Reviewers Guide

Employer Services Documentation

Employer Services


Job Seeker Overarching Themes

•Service Content

•Service Accessibility

•Service Management

Job Seeker Standards

I. Organization and staffing of job seeker services

II. Providing quality services to job seekers

III. Listening to and satisfying job seekers; measuring effectiveness

Job Seeker Measures• Regular meetings to assess service delivery and

facilitate communication• Center staff and resource alignment to match

jobseeker needs with employer demand• Functional service provision, resource sharing,

information sharing• Customer service flow• Customer communications strategies• Ongoing staff professional development

Application Request

Reviewers Guide

Job Seeker Documentation

Job Seeker


Center Management Overarching Themes•Center management is unified and responds to changing customer needs quickly and appropriately.

•Partner presence and integration into Career Center operations is maximized, and partners work together to achieve common goals and objectives.

•There are consistent expectations for physical infrastructure and facilities throughout the state.

Center Management Standards

I. Managing integrated service delivery

II. Physical infrastructure and accessibility

Center Management Measures• Appropriate partner representation in the Center• Shared infrastructure• Service coordination• Data collection processes• Information sharing• Clear management structure• Functional supervision• Communications strategies• Professional development and training

Center Management: An Example

Application Request

Reviewer’s Guide

Center Mgt Documentation

Center Management





Documentation Should be:

• Complete (Copies for all Months Required)

• Center Specific

• Reflect appropriate and meaningful information

• Presented in a Professional Manner

On Site Review


On-Site Reviews

• Conduct a “walk-though” of the Center, as if you were a customer

• Interview available Center staff

• Interview job seekers and employers

• Review the Center’s resources for the customers

On-Site Reviews continued

• Review the Center’s facilities, layouts and infrastructure, customer accessibility, customer flow and proper State signage.

• Validate that the policies and procedures the Center claims to follow are in use.


the Application


• Centers must address all elements in the certification

• The documentation provided must satisfy all reviewers

• Reviewers should reach consensus

• Centers not recommended have an opportunity to receive technical assistance and apply again

Continuous Improvement

• Additional continuous improvement measures have been identified

• Recognizes higher level of accomplishment

• LWIBs also can add or raise standards

Additional ResourcesCertification File Room: Table of Contents• Application Documents

oCareer Center DocumentsoAffiliate Center DocumentsoAdditional Certification Tools

• Sample Documents• Auxiliary Documents for the Certification Process

Send Questions To:



Follow Up Call

June 20, 2013

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Call In Number:

877 746 4263 PC: 02 72 333#

Thank you!

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