career commitment- sir ali 2

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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CAREER COMMITMENT HAS A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCEIntroduction: Today we are living in the 21th century. All organizations are in the competitive queue and victorious organizations always touch the peak level of success in which employees performance committed to the organizations objective and work as an effective team member. The organization that provides career commitment procedures and strategies to its employees, basically it wants an output or better performance; actually these are requirements and needs of that organization. As a result employee commitment is arrived with greater responses. The aims of this study is to determine how the employees performance influence their commitment and the concepts will be explained with reference of Meyer and Allen (Allen, 2007) There are three foci of commitment organization, job and career commitment (Jones) The discussion of literature focuses on the career commitment but are research explored that are without a job and organizational related moderator, the association between career commitment and employee performance cannot give positive production.

Literature Review:Career commitment obviously has an impact on the employees performance. Various scholars in their scholarly works has time and again emphasized on the definite relationship which exists between employees job performance and organizational commitment. We will now move on to see what commitment exactly is and the recent researches that prove the statements made.

CommitmentCommitment is a state of mind through which an individual becomes bound to their actions and beliefs towards their involvement to an object or activity. Commitment is so ordinary that the constraining effects and subtle control it has on our behaviour often goes without notice: Commitment is what makes us like what we do and continue doing it, even when the payoffs are not obvious (Jones) In most organizations, the working environment is such that their affection is measured in terms of their performance although this cannot be the case sometimes, especially where the employee is putting in all the efforts but is struggling to achieve his targets or perform well. Career commitment can be considered one's attitude towards one's profession or vocation, where career commitment involves the development of personal career goals and an identification with and involvement in those goals, such that one is willing to exert effort in support of their career, congruent with its values Commitment thought has now moved away from a uni dimensional concept to what is now largely acknowledged as a multidimensional view. This view was most avidly advocated by Allen and Meyer (1990) in the early days, and is now widely accepted (Allen and Meyer 1996). The multidimensional view holds that the three types of commitment continuance, affective and normative have different implications for behaviour. While they all tend to bind a person to their organisation, their relationships to behaviour can be quite different (John P. Meyer, 1997)

Career commitment in an organization: Organisations endeavour to develop strong commitment from their employees so that they can minimise turnover and absences, and reduce recruitment and training costs Employee turnover can be costly to all organisations. Committed employees have been found more likely to stay in their chosen organisation, and thus will reduce turnover statistics Committed employees are also more likely to apply themselves to their job through increased identification with organisational goals and values, through the desire to maintain and conform with social forces and because it may be too costly not to apply themselves. At times however, commitment in employees can be undesirable. Committed employees who do not perform may be difficult to remove and may reduce unit effectiveness. Over-commitment can also lead to high levels of zealousness which can result in dysfunctional behaviour Another factor of career commitment id employees physiological or emotional attatchment that is responsible for the positive responses from organization through loyalty,warmth,belongings,pleasure etc.Summing it up we can say that career commitment supports the goal of the organization. Though many theories,reviews,models have been circulated to prove the statement,we will emphasize on Meyer and Allen conceptualization model.Organizational career commitment is largely planned and strategic procedures under control of one wave and imply on entire management. Behavioural characteristics are mainly considered in the recital work done in the environment to continue improvement in current job and job mobility attentiveness. Commitment relation to employee performance:

Some of the available relevant literature has been discussed below to have an insight of the previous work done on the subject. The study of employees job performance and organizational commitment is of foremost importance to the top-level management of the organizations. Somersl & Birnbaum (1998) studied the relationship of career commitment to performance effectiveness and resulted in a positive relationship. Job satisfaction is not the single dependent variable of commitment; it also has numerous other outcomes in the organizations. Jackofsky (1984), found out that low commitment is leading to high rate of turnover, whereas higher the level of job satisfaction through job security entails high level of organizational commitment which further leads to improved employees job performance (Yousuf, 1997). Job performance has been defined as work performance in terms of quantity and quality expected from each employee (business dictionary). (Shore, Barksdale & Shore, 1995) studied 231 managers and 339 subordinates in multinational firms in United States and found that affective commitment and job performance are positively correlated. (Suliman & Lles, 2002) explored the nature of organizational commitment in three industrial units in Jordan by using employees' job performance and five demographic variables. Their research revealed that that organizational commitment comprises three-dimensional concept. The findings also uncovered a positive relationship between commitment (all the three components) and job performance(Rashid, Sambasvani & Joari, 2003) studied 202 managers in Malaysian companies and their research findings suggested that corporate culture and organizational commitment are interrelated and both have far reaching impacts on the performance. The above literatures review reveals that some definite positive relationship exists between organizational commitment and employees job performance.Early researchers tended to concentrate on job satisfaction as the key attitude related to employee performance. But the new researches confidently said that career commitment is an important attitudinal predictor of employee performance and intentions. (Kumar A., Int J. Manag. Bus. Res., 2014)


Motivation theory:Motivationis atheoretical constructused to explainbehavior. It represents the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa. (Ellliot, Andrew J; Covington, Martin. "Approach and Avoidance Motivation".Educational Psychology Review13(2001): 2)There are many supporting theories of motivation such as Herzbergs Hygiene Theory,McClellands Need Theory, Vrooms Expectancy theory , Hackman and his colleagues Job Design model. (Ramlal S. A review of Employee Motivation and their Implications for Employee Retention within Organizations, J. of Am Acad of Bus., 5(1/2),52-63(2004) )A motive is what prompts the person to act in a certain way or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior. (Pardee, R. L. (1990). Motivation Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor & McClelland. A Literature Review of Selected Theories Dealing with Job Satisfaction and Motivation).Motivation is the first step that can produce a specific behavior of the employee that is related to commitment.

Herzbergs Hygiene Theory:Thetwo-factor theory(also known asHerzberg's motivation-hygiene theoryanddual-factor theory) states that there are certain factors in theworkplacethat causejob satisfaction, while a separate set of factors causes dissatisfaction. It was developed bypsychologistFrederick Herzberg, who theorized that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction act independently of each other. (Herzberg, Frederick; Mausner, Bernard; Snyderman, Barbara B. (1959).The Motivation to Work(2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley.) This system highly motivated people to give their best output.

Londons career motivation theory:The concept of career motivation initially presented by London (1983) integrates individual differences into three domains: career resilience, career insight, and career identity. This serves as an organizing framework in which to understand and enhance the effects of situational conditions on career decisions and behavior. (London, M. (1983). Toward a theory of career motivation. Academy of Management Review, 8, 620-630). It examined the effect of individual ,situational and extra work variables on career commitment. Work environment factors can sway career motivation such as staffing policies and procedures, leadership style, job design, group cohesiveness, career development programs and the compensation system. Goulet L.R and Singh P., Career Commitment: A re examination and extension, J. of Vocat. Behav., 61, 73-91 (2002) )

Maslows theory of motivation:Maslow's hierarchy of needs, put simply, means that everyone has certain needs throughout their life and these, placed in the ascending order are Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self actualization. Maslow's theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. Maslow also coined the term "metamotivation" to describe the motivation of people who go beyond the scope of the basic needs and strive for constant betterment. (Goble, F. (1970).The third force: The psychology of Abraham Maslow.Richmond, CA: Maurice Bassett Publishing. pp. 62.). Probably globalization and the competitiveness nowadays push employees to develop in their career fields,might not only improve their performance, but their attatchment to the organization and probably in the future change from a very individual motivator to a more contributory logic towards the organization, since they would already satisfy their need of self achievement, esteem,physiological safety and other maslows suggested needs (Andrea M., Riveros M. and Shir T. T., Career Commitment and Organizational Commitment in for-Profit and non-Profit Sectors, Int. J. Emerg. Sci.,1(3), 324-340 (2011) )

Organization Commitment theory:Meyer and Allens concept of organization commitment says that there are three general themes of commitment: Affection,Continuance,Normative. This can be seen in figure 2 and when these coupled together produce a higher positive behavior of employees (Allen N. and Meyer J. P., The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization, J. of Occup. Psych., 63(1), 1-18(1990) )

Affective attachment to the organization:

Previous research on organizational commitment has typically not focused on the underlying dimensions of psychological attachment to the organization. Although the term commitment is broadly used to refer to antecedents and consequences, as well as the process of becoming attached and the state of attachment itself, it is the psychological attachment that seems to be the construct of common interest. Employee with strong affective commitment will continue working with the organization even in case of adverse situations too. Affection could be the result of personal bonds with colleagues/superiors, the overall structure of the organization, his work experience etc.

Continuance attachment to the organization:When continuance commitment is not completely driven by affective commitment, it usually boils down to the costs that an employee associates with leaving the organization. Continuance commitment is also driven to a great extent by organizational culture,threat of wasting time and effort to acquire nontransferable skills and when an employee finds an organization to be positive and supportive, he/she will have a higher degree of continuance commitment. Important organizational factors like employee loyalty and employee retention are components of continuance commitment ( Frederick J. Slack, John N. Orife, and Fred P. Anderson, "Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction with Their Organization: An Empirical Study in the United States,"International Journal of Management27, no. 3 (2010))

Normative attachment to the organization:Normative commitment builds upon duties and values, and the degree to which an employee stays in an organization out of a sense of obligation. There are times in small companies, when payments are delayed, and the employees have to suffer pay cuts or deferred pay, but they stay on, because they do not want to leave an employer during bad times. Normative commitment comes from a sense of moral duty and the value system of an individual. It can be a result of affective commitment, or an outcome of socialization within the workplace and commitment to co-workers.

Normative commitment is higher in organizations that value loyalty and systematically communicate the fact to employees with rewards, incentives and other strategies. Normative commitment in employees is also high where employees regularly see visible examples of the employer being committed to employee well-being.

An employee with greater organizational commitment has a greater chance of contributing to organizational success and will also experience higher levels of job satisfaction. High levels of job satisfaction, in turn, reduces employee turnover and increases the organizations ability to recruit and retain talent (Frederick J. Slack, John N. Orife, and Fred P. Anderson, "Effects of Commitment to Corporate Vision on Employee Satisfaction with Their Organization: An Empirical Study in the United States,"International Journal of Management27, no. 3 (2010) )

Reinforcement theory:We know that according to this theory, behavior is a function of consequences,that behaviours followed by positive consequences will occur more frequently and those followed by negative consequences will occur less frequently. Linking this theory to career commitment, we can say that proper pay scales and monetary incentives will be a reinforcing factor of employees performance. Managers cannot ignore this factor if they got to be successful in getting the most of their subordinates.

CONCEPTUAL MODEL:As we discussed above that employee behavior depends on the career commitment as well, so with the conceptual framework career commitment is independent variable it could be any organizations policies, rules, and formal strategies or might be an informal way of handling employees performance. But in this relation ship there is a moderator involve that is job satisavtion whos high or low affection will decide the output level of employee in an organization as shown in figure 3.

CONCLUSION:We have come across many variables, moderators, attributes and characteristics as force factors which are contributing to the process of organizational growth and benefits. This along with the various theories and previous research works that we discussed here in this literature prove that there exists a strong positive correlation between career commitment and employee performance. As career committed workers are much more mobile than organisationally committed workers due to a greater focus on internal drivers to satisfaction rather than organisationally determined drivers, poor management of a supportive work environment in accordance with these antecedents may lead to the loss of these valuable members to the next job in their career ascension. It is therefore important for management practitioners to understand the value and ubiquity of career commitment, and to know how to stimulate and retain career committed workers.

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