carmel college extended project course information

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Carmel College Extended Project Course Information




Extended Project Qualification(Level 3)

Why do an Extended Project Qualification?EPQ Level 3 is an additional qualification that you can opt to take if you have a genuinepassion for a subject area and would enjoy the opportunity of researching it to undergraduatelevel standard and experiencing university style supervisions. All our students who havecompleted EPQ have said they would strongly recommend it to you as it has helped them tosecure offers from prestigious universities whilst simultaneously allowing them to indulge inresearch in their chosen field.



You will have the opportunity to choose anarea of research you want to study. Youcomplete a logbook to document theprocess and the decisions you have madealong the way. You plan, research and carryout your project and then prepare apresentation to share the outcomes. Alongthe way you are supported by yoursupervisor who will advise you and act as asounding board but you make thedecisions, justify them and then evaluatethe whole learning experience at the end.You will become more critical, reflective andindependent learners.

The finished product can take a variety offorms such as a traditional dissertation butreally it is only limited by your imagination.

Universities look very favourably on EPQ asthey know it develops the higher level skillsthey are looking for and some of our Carmelstudents have had offers for medicine,veterinary science and from Oxford, forexample, and feel that the EPQ really gavethem a distinct advantage in their personalstatements and at interview. The EPQ alsoattracts UCAS points.

EPQ is also an excellent option for you ifyou simply have a passion for a certain fieldand would relish the opportunity ofspending time indulging in researching atopic of your choice.


To complete the course you need to submita product, which is based on your research,a production log which has recorded theexperience and a presentation.


Wade Deacon

Studying: Extended Project, Biology,Chemistry, English Language, Maths

Taking part in the Extended Projecthas given me the chance toundertake activities such asindependent research into a subjectof my choice, something I couldn’tdo in my other subjects. I haveenjoyed studying at Carmel. I’vemade new friends, the study facilitiesare really good and the tutors arevery supportive and offer extra helpif you need it. When I leave Carmel Iam going to Kings College Londonto study Medicine and eventuallywant to become a doctor.

CAROLE WILLIAMS Centre Co-ordinator

Other tutors are also involved as Supervisors, including thePrincipal and one of the Assistant Principals.

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St Gregory’s

Studying: Extended Project,Chemistry, Geography, Maths,Physics, Critical Thinking

Extended Project gives you thefreedom to find out more aboutsomething you are very interested inand develops your research skills.You get the chance to findinformation and investigate differentvariables to come to conclusionswhich is very satisfying and helpsimprove knowledge in your chosensubjects. I like studying at Carmelbecause it has a really friendlyatmosphere and there are so manyopportunities here. Staff always goout of their way to help you maximiseyour potential and do well. When Ileave I hope to study Earth Scienceat Oxford University.

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