carmel pine cone, april 11, 1918the manzanita club. the or ganization spared no expense established...

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Z\)ZYear. $1.50 ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY 1Devoted to the interests of Carmel-by-tbe-Sea, Pebble Beach, Carmel Highlands, Carmel Valley

A P R I L 11, 1918 C A R M E L - B Y - T H E - S E A . C A L . V O L . IV , N U M . 10

W h i l e You A r e R e g u la r ly {

E m p lo y ed— a n d ca n s a v e a

l i t t le m o n e y e v e r y

m o n th , w h y not

p rep a re fo r the in . e v i t a b le " ra iny d a y ’ b y h a v i n g an ac ­

count w i t h the


B A N K ?A l l fu n d s so in

vested n o w w i l l b e ­com e a s a fe g u a r d

a g a in s t the u n c e r ­

t a in ty of the fu tu re

4 P E R C E N T P A I D On In te rest accounts

First National I


Under U. S. G o ve rn ­ment Supervision

F u n d s f o r Red C r o s s

The money box of Carmel’s Red Cross chapter is well re­plenished as the result of Sat­urday’s masque ball, given by the Manzanita Club. The or­ganization spared no expense to insure everyone in attend­ance an enjoyable time.

With the exception of the masks worn, the affair was more in the nature of a fancy dress event than of a repre­sentation of characters. Mrs.H. M. Bremner, as a Spanish cigarette-seller, was awarded the lady’s prize, and "Bob” Leidig and "Scotty’’ Graham, as a bear and his master, took the gentleman’s prizes. The prizes were in the form of Thrift Stamps.

The committee in charge is indebted to Mrs. E. K. de Sabla for able assistance.

Pine Cone advertising pays.

Results o f Our Municipal Election

Mrs. E. K. de Sabla, present incumbent, received the highest vote 161 —for City Trustee; next came Willinm T. Kibbler, with 144; incumbent D. W. W. Johnson and Court- land J. Arne each polled 112 votes for third place.

With 131 votes, to 72 for J. E. Nichols, Mrs. Grace P. Wickham was elected City Clerk, and L. S. Slevin, without opposition, succeeds himself.

The law provides that the Board of Trustees call a special election to decide a tie, and this will probably be done shortly.


A n c ien t H is to ry M o dern H is to ryA. P. Fraser - - - 163 M rs. E. J. DeSabla - - l f i l

137 D. W . W . Johnson - - 112128 W . T . Kibbler - - -77 C J. A rne - 11276 74 66 66 58 48 29

Peter Tay lo r G. F. Beardsley - Mrs. E. J. DeSabla D. W . W . Johnson M. J. Murphy W . T . Kibbler - Miss E. Harrington Perry N e w b e r ry - Mrs. M. E. Hand Miss M. D. Morgan

J. E. Nichols J. W . Hand - H. P. Larouette

L. S. Slevin - J. E. Beck -

F O R C L E R K74 Grace P. W ickham 57 J. E. Nichols 54

F O R T R E A S U R E R117 L. S. Slevin - 72

1 3 1

7 2

1 7 3

9ine TieedkdCarry On ! The Monterey

County Board of Supervisors have purchased $50,000 of the Third Liberty Loan bonds.

Mrs. A. V. Cotton, who has been in southern California for some time, plans to return to Carmel this month.

Phil Wilson Jr. is another Carmel boy in the military service of Uncle Sam. He has joined the Coast Artillery and is located near Galveston, Texas.

Fred Search came down from Mare Island to visit his folks, and to be among these present at the masque ball.

The first Third Liberty Loan bond sold in Carmel was pur­chased at the Pine Cone office on Saturday.

Joseph Hitchcock Sr. will leave shortly for Dos Palos, Merced county, whero he will be employed by the Miller & Lux corporation.

Walter Hass, well-known S.F. candy man, with his wife and child, came to Carmel for a brief stay last Saturday.

Miss Kate M. Miles, who has resided here for a number of years, will shortly leave for Cleveland, Ohio, there to make her home. Her large circle of friends here will miss her.

"Fighting Starvation in Bel­gium” is the title of Professor Vernon Kellogg’s book just is­sued by Doubleday, Page.

The local school trustees, remembering than they were cnce kids themselves, declared a holdiday last Tuesday, to allow the children to attend the circus.

Mrs. P. C. Stohr and her daughter, artists, former Car­mel sojourners, are again here for a visit. They occupy the Parkes-Vlncent cottage.

I f y ou read it in the P in e Cone you m ay safe ly repeat it.

A l l A m e r ic a n s

Can S e r v e

Every mtfn, woman and child in this country, who wants to serve the coun­try, can serve it and serve it in a very simple and ef­fective way, says Secre­tary McAdoo.

That service is to lend your money to the gov­ernment. Every 25 cents loaned to the government is a help at this time and practically every man, woman and child, by making some trifling sac­rifice, some denial of a pleasure, or giving up some indulgence, can ren­der the government that support.

W e se l l U . S. T h r i f t an dW a r A a v in g s S t a m p s

B a n k o f M o n t e r e y

M o n t e r e y S a v . B a n kS n m aH lti’ g Sam e

H e lp f o r B e l g i a n B a b i e s

Saturday’s local flower sale to raise funds for the Belgian babies was a great success. Headquarters for supplies were established at the Pine Cone office, and from 1 till 6 o'slock the little lassies fairly "but­ton-holed everyone in towr. The receipts were ober $50. Miss Cora A. Burns, in charge of the affair, was ably assisted by a number of ladies.

Schoo l for Y io lii?FOR TFRM S, CONSULT

M iss F r a n c e s c a b e n d e k eBoK® House, Sai\ta Lucia Boulevard

arjd Dolores Street, Carrie!

The last installment of 1917 State and County taxes are due Monday, April 29. I f not paid by that lime a penalty will be added.

Liberty Loan Rally at Manzanita Theatre Tomorrow Lveninfc

/T]u5i<;al Jfotes

T h e com ing o f M icha E lm an to 3au Francisco for tw o concerts on the 14th and 21st o f this month, calls attention to the arriva l m this country o f Leopo ld A lter, tu to r o f “ wonder ch ild ren .” m usi­cal gen iuses — E lm an,. Z im balis t Jascha H e ife tz , and to one o f our “ m e ltin g -p o t” wonders o f N e w lo rk s East S ide, the litt le R um an­ian Jew, M ax Rosen, A u er has offered to g iv e lessons to K arl K ristiansen , M iss Francesca Ben- deke s pup il, i f he is a llow yd to enter Am erica, our ports hav ing been closed tw o days a fter Auer sailed from N orw ay.

Tt was this same K a rl w ho p layed for Jacques Th ilm ud , and fo llo w ­in g upon this, Th ib an d advised M iss B endeke to w rite up her m ethods, which resulted in t h e ' lady ’ s sojourn in Carm el, for that particu lar purpose.

a— -aCesar Cu i, b e lon g in g to the

ea ily school o f Russian com posers, has d ied w ith in the month. H is father was a F rench o fficer who was le ft in M oscow fo llo w in g the retreat o f N apo leon . T o m any o f u& Carm elites he is knouu bv E l­m an ’ s or Z im b a lis t ’s records o f the | “ O rien ta l? ,” or possib ly we have heard F rederick Preston Search p lay it as an encore. T o the you n ger C arm el music students the name Cn i is ind issolub ly linked with M oth er C a rrin g ton ’s studio.

“ A Night O f f ”Graciously and patriotically

the Arts a n d Crafts Club, which had selected the night of April 12 for the production of Augustin Daly’s comedy “A Night Off,” gave way for the Liberty Loan Rally. Friday evening, April 19, at the Mai.- zanita Theatre, is now the time and place for the show. ! Artists Morgan and Vachell have about completed the new scenery which is to be used.

$1.50 pays for the Pine Cone for a year. Send it to a rela -; tive or a friend who is inter, ested in Carmel and its doings-!

W hat Our Library is DoingT h e fo llo w in g report fo r M arch

is m ade by M rs. Sydney Ya rd , L ib rarian :

B(x>ks entered , 12— by purchase 5, by g i f t 7.

Tota l num ber o f vo lu m es in tlie L ib ra ry , 3747.

N ew card holders added, 14.C ircu la tion — Fiction , 560; non

fiction , 85 ; Juvenile , 152 ; mamr ziues, 125 ; tota l 922.

What Does War Time" Mean To YonAre you complaining be­cause “war time” means coalshortage; less sugar in your coffee; bad business; less money than you think you ought to make?

W hat about the boys who are fighting for you in France?

For you—a little economyand deprivation. For them the trenches; the piti !CoS storms of rain and sleet; the ceaseless deafening bombard­ment of the guns; hunger, cold and fever; wounds and death.

That you may dwell inpeace, plenty, and security, theysacrifice everything, give everything, brave everything, and face a nameless grave with a smile and a song.

What are yen doing, or giving, or sacrificing for them?

The Third Liberty Loanis your opportunity to prove the patriotism t h a t is in your heart and on y ou r lips.

Y cu r opportunity toshow yourself w orthy o fthe heroism, the devotion, the self-renunciation o f you r so l­diers and sailors.

Your opportunity toshare, in some small degree, the sufferings o f those w h o stand ready to m ake the s u ­prem e sacrifice for you.

AII you can do is littleenough. Y o u simply lend you r money. D o it, and be glad that you can do so m u ch and sorry y ou can do no more.


A Number of Patriotic Carmel Men and Women

O ur M oneyThe March report of County

Auditor A. G. Winckler and ! Treasurer James Taylor shows the following amounts on hand: i Sunset school bonds, 8682.49; |Carmelo road fund, $--------- ;|Sanitary expense, 81189.53; I Sanitary bond, 82241.73.

C A R M E L R E A L T Y CO .




Lost something? in the Pine Cone.

Put an Ad

Saturday, Apr 1 3 -Marie Doro in “ Lost and Won.”

Saturday, Apr 20—George Be­han in ‘ ‘His Sweetheart. ”

Saturday, Apr 27— Vivian Mar­tin in ‘‘The Wax Model.”

Patronize the home stores.

Day- l ight High and 1 Tides at Carmel

L o w F t . IH m a4 :28 p 1 3 11:15 5 :30 a — 1.2 [12:15 6 :22 a - 1.2 1 :17 7 :15 a — 1.1 2:218:11 a — 0.8 3:29 9 :10 a — 0.5 4:34

10:11 a — 0.1 5:32

A p r 11 1213141516 17

Pine Cone advertising pays.

(&#*$ ""!$'% ""'*(""" """""" ""*!""" ""!%"!" ""!'$% """!"!" !

Karmel Pine C o n ePUBLISHED W E E K LY

ESTABLISH ED FE BR U AR Y, 1915 Entered as seaomlelass matter Feb­ruary 10, 1915, at tlie post office at Carmel, California, under the Act o f darcli 3, 1879.

W. L. OVERSTREET,Editor and Publisher PH O N E 0 0 2 W 1

[ S c h w e n in g e r ’s IG R O C E R Y


A P R I L 11, 1918

Official Paper of the City

W E E K L Y G R E E T IN GI t is noi enough that v ie are truth­

fu l: hoe must cherish and carry cut high purposes to be truthful about.


Let theleast do something about put­ting Ocean Avenue in shape.

H . .... ■M.||

Tim Reardon, President of the Board of Public Works of San Francisco, has nothing on Tom Reardon. Recorder o f Carmel-by-the-Sea. B y the way, Tom held Court in the barber shop the other day.

U mm i n n — m .n

Prof. V. L. Kellogg’s book tells, among other things, how

Best Goods

F resh Goods

R ig h t P r icesF re e A u to D e liv e ry


Christian Science Services

Sunqay, / t A .M . , Sunday School, 9:45 A . M .

Wednesday, 8 P. M . Church Ed ifice—Monte Verde Street,

on block north o f Ocean Avenue

G arrick ’s- Tem ple Is T o Be •a Dramatic C lub

G arr ick ’s v illa at H am pton , E ng- J laud, w h ich is to be converted in

! to a d ram atic c lub a fter the war, is

ja bouse w ith a history, j I t was purchased in 1745 by I D avid G arrick , who com m issioned R obert Adam , the arch itect, to de-

City T r u s t e e s a t sign a new fron t and en la rge the front.. G arrick occupied the v illa until his death in 1779. A fte r that his w idow continued to reside there W hen she d ied , in 1822, the v illa passed in to other hands.

A m on g its more recent occupants has been S ir C lifton Robinson.

D u r in g G a rr ick ’s life tim e the v illa was fam ous for its social part­ies and entertainm ents. M ost o f the g t#a t authors, actors and art­ists of the period met, at some tim e or other, w ith in its w alls. D octor Johnson was enchanted w ith the house, and once said to G arrick :

“ Ah , D avid , it is the leav in g of -n- 7-. , • r a such p laces that makes a deathbed

ten million Belgians were f e d U , te rr ib le .”at th e rate of eight cents per W ith in the grounds, and on ly a day a person. k '" ' rcet from the river frontage,

„ M ; is the sm all rotunda still known as

No « , has a rie ht to seek j ,S‘. I Telection to the Legislature this j m oria l to Shakespeare, and a fitafcue y e a r without declaring himself io f Shakespeare, by R ou b ilia c , wason fV.,7 i? „ i i a j , p laced w itlun it. Som e years ago on the Federal A m e n d m e n t statlie wa8 renl0Te(1 tlie han

101 Prohioition. T e l l State of the British M u seu m .— E x.

Legislatures have already rati- j --------------------------tied. What will California do?What will Monterey County]do? Speak up, Mr. Martin.

O u r W e e k l y Rec ipe


I Goin ’ H ish in ? I


j S I N K E R S j

jat Ben L e id i g ’s jLICENSES ALSO \


A p p le S a u c e C a k eM ake a p lain unsweetened app le

sauce, and strain. T o one cup o f hot sauce add J cup o f butter and

□ J cup o f sugar. S et it aside to f i cool. W hen coo], add oue cup o f

stem m ed and seeded raisins cut in two, cups o f s ifted flour, 1 leve l teaspoon o f soda, 1 teaspoon o f cinnam on, \ teaspoon o f c love, a litt le nu tm eg, a p inch o f salt. Bake in m oderate oven.

NewsTelephone It- lcemsand Advertisem ents may be given the Pine Cone by phone. 602 W 1.


De l i c iou s a n d A p p e t i z i n g A s k Y o u r G r o c e r f o r It

fi l l S a in t s ^ p is< ;o p a l

S E R V IC E A T 4 P .M . E V E R Y S U N D A Y ,


W H E N S E R V IC E IS HE1.D, A T 11 A.A1.

Sunday School 10 A .M .

W A L T E R C. M O F F A T , Rector

Carmel Drug StoreHas a fine line o f

B BenSa by

C L O C K SA lso S t a t i o n e r y , T o i l e t A r t i c l e s , a n d R u b b e r

S u n d r i e sColum bia Graphophone and

Records for Sale

Red Cross Shipments

March 20 5 sweaters, 6 pairs socks, 4

mufflers, 4 helmets.March 29

200 tri angle bandages, 50 T bandages, 150 4-tailed band­ages, 10 abdominal bandages; 15 8x12 abdominal pads; 900 gauze 8x4 gauze compresses; 4000 2x2 wipes; 1000 4x4 gauze wipes; 6 sweaters; 6 pairs socks; 1 muffler; 1 helmet. 3 pairs wristlets.

For Belgian and French re­lief: Men and boys, 119 ar tides; women, 78 articles; in­fants and girls, 144 articles: miscellaneous, 10 articles.

pnr Pent REM INGTON1 I I \ C l l l No 7 T Y P E ­W R IT E R ; i l l g o o d con d ition ; reasonable ; w ill d e liver. P iu eC o n e office.

S t o r a g e — Trunks, packed goods, suit cases, small arti­cles stored. Inquire Pine Cone office.

$ 2 0 FOR S A L E -B u g g y and harness, good condition.

Inquire at Pine Cone office.

K ilchen Utensils and Stovefor sale. Inquire at Pine Cone office. adv

Carmel Highlands Stage

Leaves Highlands —8:00 a.m. for Carmel

10:30 a.m. for Carmel and Monterey

4:30 p.m. for Carmel and Monterey

Leave Carmel for High­lands—9:00 a.m.

Leave Monterev 12:00 m. and 6:00 p.m. stopping at Carmel

Fare: Carmel to Highlands, 25c.Highlands to Monterey, 50c.

Packages called fo r and delivered, 10c.

Special Day and Night Trips by Arrangement.

Carmel Booking O ffice at Devel­opment Co. O ffice

The Household Wood supply

p i N E - Pitch Kindling Fireplace

O A K - Stove Roots Fireplace

Ed. R om an d iaC A R M E L

Pine Cone advertising pays.

J. E . B E C K , M . D .Office at C arm el-by -the-Sea

Pharmacy, Carmel, Cal.

Z. T . S P E N C E RMonterey, opp. Postoffice


We also make over mattresses and repair Furniture

Phone 638

Statements o f the O w n er­ship, Management, Etc.

Of the Carmel W eek ly Pine Cone, published at Carmel, Cal.

Editor, M anaging editor, Business manager, Publisher and Owner, W . L. Overstreer, Carmel, Cal.

Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, m ortgages or other secur­ities: None.

W - L. Overstreet Sworn to and subscribed before

me this 1st day of April, 1918.J. E. B E C K ,

Notary Public in and for the County o f Monterey, State o f California.M y commission expires N ov. 1,

1921.(Sea l)


P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e s E v e r y W e e k

Saturday, April 13 Marie Doro and a

a fine cast in

“ LOST and WON ”And a Comedy Reel

Be Kind to Animals Week, April 15 to 20 Humane and Red 5tar Sunday, April 21

La Playa News Notes

T he departure of Mrs. Blake and children, with their governess, leaves a void at La Playa. Mrs. Blake w ill spend a couple of weeks in B erke­ley with Miss head before leaving for her M iliis., Mass. country home.

Mrs. H . W . Savage, the w ife of a prominent Boston real estate man and who is also well known in the theatrical world, has engaged the L og Cabin for three months in 1819.

Mrs. Frank Tasker and Haroldare leaving for their home on L on g Island. Mrs. Tasker !s interested in art.

J Climax Furniture Co. |T h e Big Store in M onterey on Franklin Street

$ i s To o o s t c d c d k




■I E c o n o m y SatisfactionG R EEN TR AD ING STAMPS

»nn ■■»»»■■■ .- im ■ hu— . mi— , h - a — , m i—... ■ mi— — mi ■■ ■ mu-1

Dr. ar.d Mrs. David A . Robertson and Daniel Allan are spending a few days with friends at the D e l M onte Rancho before going to Berkeley— thence to Chicago.

Mrs. Agnes J. M cD onald and Miss Ruth are leaving for a brief stay at Los Gatos before reaching home. Mrs. ^McDonald is very proud o f her art collection, one of the largest in Spokane, and has formed a warm admiration lor the works of artists Silva, Vachell, and Watts.

Mr. A lex. L og ie returned to Ber­k e ley last M onday, but w ill again be with us in a fortniget. Miss Log ie be our guest until that tim e. Both love Carmel.

Financial Statement oj Manzanita Club B a ll for R e d Cross Chapter

RECEIPTSHall donated by Carmel Hail Orchestra


- - - - $ 20.00Labor—Removing and

replacing chairs, clean’g hall, wax­ing floor - - -

Ribbon and pins

Association.Lemonade donated by Mr. D.

Curtis.Prizes donated by Mr. A. E.

Donnelly.Badges made by Miss Stella J. Cedarsweepand soap -

Guichard. Floor wax ‘P r in t in g d o n a te d .

Tickets sold - - - $108.50 •' -Lemonade sold - - 4.60Cigareltes sold - - 3.05

In the Superior Court o f th e State o f Californ ia, in and fo r the County o f Monterey'.

In the m atter o f the e s ta te of M argaret L . P erry , deceased.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N by the undersigned, M arga re t P . Taylor, adm inistratrix o f the esta te o f Mar­ga re t L . Perry, deceased, to the creditors o f, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to file th tm , w ith the necessary vouchers, in the office o f th e Clerk o f the above-entitled C ourt, o r to exhib it them, w ith the necessary' vouchers, to the said M arga re t P. Taylor, at the L aw O ffic es of Messrs. Hudson, M artin & Jorgensen, in (he O rdway Bu ilding, jn the C ity o f M onterey (th e sam e beinf the p lace fo r the transaction o f the business o f said e s ta te ), i n the County o f M onterey, S ta te o f Cali­fornia, within fou r i4) m on th s a fte i the first publication o f this n o t ic e

Dated this 8th day o f M a rc h A.D. 1918. ' ’

M A R G A R E T P. T A Y L O R - # — Adm in istra trix o f the E s t a t e of

M arga re t I,. P erry , deceased Hudson, Martin & J o rg en sen At­

torneys fo r Adm in is tra trix Date o f first publication March

14th, A . D. 1918. ’ MdrcC

R ecen t arrivals:

Oakland — Mrs John Stillwell, M r and Mrs Oscar Jones, Miss Marian Jones, M r and Mrs H L ee , Dr and Mrs Frank M Selsby.

Ch icago— Dr and Mrs David M Robeitson, D avid A Robertson, Mr and Mrs H M Motz.

Cleveland, O - M r and Mrs F W G ehricg Misses Emma and Nettie Gehring.

San Francisco— M r and Mrs L R ebele and sons, Mrs F Darby, Mr and Mrs G E Granthorne, E thel Birkmaier, Geo L Birkmaier, F G H olden , J H Pierson and nephew.' P iedm ont — Miss C H Playter,

M r and Mrs M L Johnson, Elizabth Johnson.

B erkeley— Mrs Z Z H atch , M iss I L og ie , A lex Log ie , M r^ n d Mrs A T Hatch, Mrs G E Raum.

M onticeflo, N Y — Miss Harriet Jones.

Palo A lto — Mrs E B Tow ne, Miss H e len Tow ne.

N ew Y o r k -M r s Frank Tasker, H arold Tasker.

Seattle Mrs N S Colegrove.Des Moines. Ia — M iss Callie G


Georgetown, Colo — M rs Frank Graham.

M artinez — M r and M rs M W Joost, B illy Joost.

Concord M rs E J Hutchinson.Cambridge, Mass— M rs H W !

Savage, M iss Savage.

Marshfield H ills, M a s s -M rs E H Batcheler.

R K C E I P T S - - -

E X P E N S E S - - -

N E T P R O C E E D S -

" 811G.1”2 o .9 ” 9 2 .2 0


Edward B. Dunham Missing

Edward Boyd Dunham o f Berkeley,

Western manager of the Pacific Cotton

M ills o f New York, with offices in the

Postal Telegraph Building, San Fran

cisco, disappeared a fter taking the ten

o’clock train at Monterey on Wednesday

moming) March 27th.

I t is presumed that he went through

to San Francisco, arriving there at four

o’clock, thence taking the ferry to Sau-

salito, wher he posted a letter to his wife.

Mr. Dunham was on a ranc h in Men -

terey county, slowly recovering from a

[ nervous breakdown which he suffered

last August. I t is feared that he may

have been stricken with amnesia, and

that he may be wandering about some­

where iu California, or that he may pos­

sibly have taken the train for Portland

or Salt Lake City.

Mr. Dunham is middle aged, short of

stature, weighing about 140 pounds; is

bald and slightly grey at the temples

and smooth shaven. He has brown eyes,

l ie wore a dark blue suit, black shoe-

g-reen fedora hat and a grey overcoat.

Mrs. Dunham has asked the aid of

the police in finding her husband.

Anyone having information as to his

whereabout please notify the Carmel

Pine Cone, Carmel-bv the-Sea, Calif.


P r o p e r t y T r a n s a c t i o n sDeed: Marie D. Gray et vir

!o Antoinette E. Murphy. Lots 12 and 13, Pebble Beach.

Deed: Dan Murphy et ux to Marie D. Gray. 0.195 acres,0.272 acres El Pescadero Ro.

Deed: Carmel Dev. Co. to Lillie B. Hanson. Lot 6, Block EE, Add. No. 3, Carmel-by- the-Sea.

Deed: Carmel Dev. Co. to i Bessie I. Cole. Lot 5, Bleck 116, Carmel-by the-Sea.

! Deed: Lillie B. Hanson to Carmel Dev. Co. Lot 5 and west 25 feet Lot 1. Block 72, Carmel-by-the-Sea.

iiimiiuniiiiiiiiiiiitjmiiiiiiuiamiimiiii Jiiiiiimmammnn

I For information j As to Property

In end About

C A R M E La d d k k s

I C a rm e l3

j D ev l o p m e n t C o m p a n y

mioimiii . ——------------------ " " " ‘ Ulllwimr

I T E M S O F I N T E R e S t

Registration for the and state electionhas be£w sumed here at the Pine o rC and J. W. Hand offices. ° n<

For S a le ,M<g-cra.tain Stretcher

Call at El Cajon cottage, Do­lores st., near’Eleventh ave.

W a n te d woman forii o u s e w o r k

several hours each morning. P. 0. Box 173, Carmel.

“ Book of theiltgh Romance”

B y M ic h a e l W i l l ia m s

W ill be on sale when issuedC A R M E L N E W ’S C O .

If your business is in Carmel nave your Printing done at the Pine Cone Press.

The Beardsleys left on Mm day for Fruitvale. They vv return this coming Saturday

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. PufFo are charmed w i t h Car,™ Highlands. They may aequir property there.

The Car-mel Garage has ac quired the Warren interest it the Highlands stage route, and will shortly announce sev- innovations.

Food Administrator D. W. Johnson has given notice that all reports of excess flour on

I hand must be filed before May1. Avoid the penalty.

The Boys’ Club elecled the following officers on Monday night: President, PaulStoney; vice-president, Gordon Greene; secretary, Harry Gates. .|

j W a n t e dI general house work. P. 0. Box i 173. Carmel.

top related