carnival in civita castellana

Post on 03-Mar-2017






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Carnival in Civita Castellana

Carnival period the year before Lent (the name comes from the Latin carnem upbeat "do away the flesh"), whose start date is, according to some, the day of St. Stephen, but for the 17 January. Not infrequently the party is limited to the last three days, or even to Fat Tuesday, before Ash Wednesday and closes the carnival. In the Ambrosian rite churches, however, the carnival ends on the first Sunday of Lent, and thus covers four days more (Carnevalone). The carnival is usually celebrated with dances and masquerades. Customs are generally survivals of ancient rites (possibly continuation of the Roman Saturnalia), all connected to a ritual of purification, as witnessed, for example. the staging of Carnival funeral., a big man lying on the coffin accompanied by a procession, which often characterizes the parade of midnight last night.Carnival. this is where the old year dies and takes away the sadness and the evils of the past.Around this character you are crowded then the local masks, helping to make the representation of a folkloric among the most relevant. In Italy the carnival had lavish traditions in Venice, Florence, Rome, which continue today, especially in Venice and in tourist destinations such as Viareggio. Abroad, particularly famous is the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro


- 500g made with flour

- 120g of sugar

- 60g of butter

- 3 eggs

- ½ glass of white wine

- grated peel of 2 orange

- grated peel of 1 lemon

- 1 pinch of salt

- 1 teaspoon vanilia

- icing sugar

- fry oil


To prepare the talk, sift the flour together with the baking powder and pour into a planetary with leaf. Add sugar (1), salt, beaten eggs above (2) and brandy (3). Work to mix the ingredients well.Replace the leaf with the hook (4), add the seeds of the vanilla bean and butter (4), then continue to knead for 15 minutes until a homogeneous mixture (5) must be supported but malleable enough. If necessary you can add 5/10 grams of water. Transfer the dough on a work surface, and handle it quickly to give it a spherical shape (6).Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes (7). After this time, divide the dough into portions of about 150 g and start working each individually. Flatten slightly with a first portion of your palm (8), flour it and roll it out with tirapasta set to the larger thickness (9).

Folded towards the center of the short sides of the paste obtained strip (10), then pull it again by setting the tirapasta each time on an increasingly smaller thickness, up to reach 2 mm (11). Perform the same procedure on all the portions of dough. Let stand a few minutes the pastry rolled out and in the meantime bring the oil to a temperature of 150-160 °. With a cutting wheel scalloped proceed by shaping rectangles of about 5x10 cm and practicing each of the two central cuts, parallel to the long side (12).As soon as the oil has reached the right temperature soak 2-3 rectangles of dough with the help of a skimmer (13) and cook, turning them on both sides until it does not brown. Drain on paper towels and the sheets, once cold, impiattatele and sprinkle with plenty of sifted icing sugar (14).Your talk are ready (15).

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