carrot may 7th mastermind call - becoming a marketing master

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Carrot Mastermind

As Soon As You Have Questions Write Them Down...

In This Call... • What’s NEW at InvestorCarrot?

• Quick Advice For NEW Members

• This Weeks Quick Carrot Lesson

• LIVE Q&A - Hit me with your questions!

• Help resources (, live chat, email)

About MeTrevor Mauch

Founder of InvestorCarrotInvestor and Entrepreneur

Fancy Stats:Generated over 80,000 real estate leads online

Passive real estate investor since 2004.

Passionate about entrepreneurs & created an 8,000sq ft “entrepreneur co workspace” in Roseburg

Love traveling, mountain biking, and hanging out with my beautiful wife and kids


“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read.”

– Mark Twain

But... it’s all about reading and learning the RIGHT

things... and removing the distracting things that don’t


What’s Your Book Shelf Look Like?

Here’s some “must read”

marketing books in my mind... if

you want to truly free yourself from relying on others for your income

ever again...

The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner

Level: Beginner

Why I like it:

It simply and clearly lays out the core elements of creating an “offer” that is compelling and sells.

How to make the offer so irresistible to your prospect that they see immense value in it and want to buy it immediately.

The GoGiverby Bob Burg

Level: Beginner (but an advanced mindset)

Why I like it:

This was the main missing element I had when I first got started as an entrepreneur that when I figured it out (the hard way) it changed my world.

(NOTE: This is one reason I do these mastermind calls free of

charge and give so freely of myself!)

Any Dan Kennedy Bookby... of course... Dan Kennedy

Level: Intermediate to advanced

Why I like them:

Dan tells it like it is and is one of the best direct response marketers and entrepreneurs alive. He cuts to the chase on what will get results without bowing down to what the “experts” say. His stuff is always based off of real world results and really shows you how to deliver marketing messages (and be a more effective person) that work.

Guerrilla Marketingby Jay Conrad Levinson

Level: Intermediate to advanced

Why I like it:

It’s a practical and action based book on specific strategies you can use that are out of the box and get noticed. Stop copying what all of the gurus say... and do something that stands out. Yes, it may take you out of your comfort zone... but going from financially unstable to financially free should take you out of your comfort zone.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini, Ph.D

Level: Advanced

Why I like it:

It’s the best single book I’ve ever read that helps you understand how people think when they make decisions... so you can better position what it is that you sell / offer so it’s more attractive to people to purchase. Yes, persuasion can be used for evil as well as good (think Hitler, some politicians, cults, etc.). So use this wisely.

NOTE: If for no other reason... read this book to understand WHY you’re making the decisions you’re making and what psychology triggers marketers are using on you each and every day.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek to watch it

Critical Concepts You Should Master

1. Understanding Your Customer “Avatar”

1. Understanding Your Customer “Avatar”

- Who is your ideal customer?

- What questions are they asking?

- What problems, fears, frustrations?

- What wants, aspirations, and desires do they have?

1. Understanding Your Customer “Avatar”

1. What are you trying to sell me? (Logic)

2. How much? (Logic)

3. Why should I believe you? (Logic)

4. What’s in it for me? (WIIFM) (Emotion)

Questions Customers Have...

1. Understanding Your Customer “Avatar”

Exercise: Take 15 mins and write down your ideal customers fears, questions, problems, frustrations...

... and their wants, desires, and aspirations.

2. Educate Rather Than Sell

“Join in on the conversation thecustomer is already having in their mind.”

- Robert Collier

2. Educate Rather Than Sell

- Discover your customers biggest problems and roadblocks, and teach

- It’s more fun, it’s less resistance, and builds trust at the same time

- When you’ve done a great job, people will want to buy from you (without you having to push the sale)

3. Offer A CompellingSolution That Helps

Solve Their Problems

3. Offer A Compelling Trustworthy Solution

- What we’re selling

- The cost

- What’s in it for you

- Why should you trust us

Live Your Life.On your own terms.

Open Q&A: Hit Me With Your Questions

START Leveraging Your Carrot System TODAYYou’ve got a powerful Inbound Marketing system at your fingertips... start leveraging it this week!

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