case study in port planning -port of hay · pdf filecase study in port planning-port of hay...

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Presentation to Ports Australia 44Presentation to Ports Australia 44Presentation to Ports Australia 44Presentation to Ports Australia 44thththth Biennial Conference, Biennial Conference, Biennial Conference, Biennial Conference,

Perth, October 2014Perth, October 2014Perth, October 2014Perth, October 2014

Presented by Steve Lewis, CEO, NQBPPresented by Steve Lewis, CEO, NQBPPresented by Steve Lewis, CEO, NQBPPresented by Steve Lewis, CEO, NQBP

Presentation Overview

� Overview of North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP)

� Importance of effective port planning

� Port of Hay Point description

� Development of a Master Plan for Port of Hay Point

� Conclusions

North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP)

� Port Authority at four ports in Queensland, Australia:– Hay Point

– Mackay

– Abbot Point

– Weipa

� One of largest port authorities by tonnage throughput in Australia

� Responsible for establishing cost-effective and efficient port facilities and services in its ports

� Established Environmental Management System externally certified to ISO 14001:2004

� Seeks to incorporate ‘triple bottom line’ sustainability into all activities and projects

Effective Port Planning

� Ports in Queensland are essential to the function and

growth of its four pillar economy based on tourism,

agriculture, resources and construction

� New port facilities could be operating for 50 – 100 years.

Effective planning is critical to ensure sustainable


� Port planning needs to address the environmental and

social issues of the area to provide appropriate


� State and Commonwealth policies for ports guide port


– National Ports Strategy

– Queensland Ports Strategy (2014)

� Best practice guidelines for Port master planning

published by Ports Australia for new Master Plans being


Abbot Point - 1982

Abbot Point - today

Port Planning Challenges

� Utilising port land as efficiently as possible

� Protecting site environmental values while

maximising development area

– Protecting critical habitat and minimising loss

of vegetation

– Providing large community buffers

� Meeting community expectations for minimal


� Establishing the real needs of project proponents,

including supporting infrastructure

� Ensuring proposals of one proponent do not lock

out other potential proponents

Port of Mackay

� NQBP Ports have existing Land Use Plans approved

by the State Government

� Developed 30 Year Long Term Port Development

(LTPD) Plans for all NQBP Ports in past year:

• The best Port Master Plans from overseas ports were

considered in preparing the plans

• LTPD Plans were developed to fully meet requirements

in Ports Australia’s “Leading Practice: Port Master


� State Government & Qld Port Authorities will now

jointly prepare statutory Port Master Plans for six

Priority Port Development Areas – NQBP ports will be

based on LTPD Plans already prepared

NQBP Port Master Planning

Case Study - Port of Hay Point

� One of the largest coal export ports in the world

� Two coal terminals in the port – DBCT and HPCT

� Exported over 108 million tonnes of coal in


� Combined terminal capacity will be 140 mtpa by end of 2014, with completion of the HPCT expansion

� Significant land is available for further expansion, with 1400 ha of undeveloped port land at Dudgeon Point

� Sensitive local environment:– Offshore facilities are in a World Heritage Area

– Part of the port waters are in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

– A number of small local communities are close to port

� Requires high environmental standards from any new development



Hay Point Coal


Dalrymple Bay

Coal TerminalTug Harbour

Port of Hay Point



Half Tide

Louisa Creek





Tug Harbour




Steps in preparing Hay Point

Long Term Port Development (LTPD) Plan 1. Whole of port environmental values determined

� Collated from years of studies and documented in Environmental Management Plan

2. Environmental and land suitability studies carried out of new port development area at Dudgeon Point including:

– Geology

– Rail studies

– Coastal processes

– Climate change

– Flora, fauna, seagrass etc

– Approx. two year process

3. Published a Draft Development Master Plan for Dudgeon Point:– Provided a site layout for development, including designation of protected


4. LTPD Plan was then prepared:– 30 year time frame

– Considered Port Master Plans from overseas ports for content/ presentation

– Followed Ports Australia’s Leading Practice: Port Master Planning

Inputs / Outputs from LTPD Plan

Hay Point LTPD Plan preparation

� Prepared as an internal document

� Achieved in nine months because of earlier work already undertaken for Dudgeon Point (two years of studies)

� Consulted Community Reference Group early in development of Plan regarding issues with port development

� Existing infrastructure capacity was analysed

� Historical port growth was studied and trade forecasting was undertaken

� Consulted industry stakeholders regarding needs for new industries

Hay Point LTPD Plan preparation cont.


� Coal will remain the principal export of the port over the next 30 years

� Additional coal capacity will be required in the port, with additional capacity of 100 – 130 mtpa required over the period

� Few opportunities for new trades in the port

� No significant demand for additional land for support industries, which are better serviced in the adjacent Port of Mackay (20 km north of Hay Point)

� Additional infrastructure needs were identified –additional tug berths; minor deepening of departure path

� Ship management system recommended to avoid a need for new anchorages

Final Steps in Master Plan Preparation

� Waiting on new Ports legislation and State Government guidelines for statutory master planning

� LTPD Plan will be the basis for preparation of a draft statutory 30 year Master Plan

� Extensive community and stakeholder consultation will occur on draft Master Plan

� Draft Master Plan to be revised as necessary based on consultation outcomes

� Final Master Plan submitted for approval by the State Government


� A rigorous, structured approach is needed to prepare a Port

Master Plan

� Need to have a thorough knowledge of environmental and

social values before preparation of the Master Plan

� Stakeholder consultation is a critical element, in particular

industry input is essential

� Ports Australia’s master planning guidelines were a valuable

tool in preparing the NQBP plans

� Master Plan preparation is a major undertaking, requiring

dedicated resources for a significant period of time

NQBP Ports - Open for

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