case study large-scale voice & d ata … radio communications network ... alcatel government...

Post on 19-May-2018






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The Customer:U.S. Government Iraqi Railroad Digital

Microwave Radio Communications Network Program

The Challenge:Build a dedicated communications system

to maintain safety and efficiency in a hostile environment



reliable Communications for Safe, Efficient Transportation

A viable, efficient, and safe railway system is a key component of the United States’ efforts to rebuild Iraq’s transportation infrastructure so that goods, people, and raw materials can be moved efficiently across the country. To support this effort, it is essential that a reliable communications system be in place to maintain the safety and efficiency of train operations.

For purposes of this article, references to LGS prior to 2007 refer to LGS predecessor companies: Lucent Technologies Government Solutions and Alcatel Government Solutions.

Multi-National Division — Baghdad Soldiers from A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 11th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, MND-B watch as an Iraqi locomotive sounds its horn in caution as it slowly crosses the threshold into Camp Taji. Photo courtesy of u.s. army, Staff Sgt. Jerome Bishop.

2 L g S i n n o V AT i o n S

When the Iraqi Republic Railroad (IRR) needed a dedicated communications system, LGS was tasked with providing a Digital Microwave Radio Communications Network (DMRCN) consisting of microwave radio base stations, 33 transmission towers across the country, telecommunications equipment shelters, Very High Fre-quency (VHF) Radio Voice Services, UHF Data services, and Wi-Fi Services. LGS was able to use its extensive in-

country knowledge to provide a complete turn-key solution in a challenging—and sometimes hostile—environment.

The primary function of DMRCN is to provide a high-availability backhaul digital data network that supports the safety and performance requirements of the Computer Based Train Control system, or CBTC. The DMRCN also has a Network Management System that is capable of monitor-ing and managing over 20 system components (such as low fuel, tower navigation lights failure, HVAC failure, and intrusion entry).

ChallengesRisk Management in Remote Locations

In order to successfully complete the IRR project, the LGS team overcame major risk factors and incidents, including the prevention of work due to curfews and road-blocks es-tablished by Coalition and Iraqi Forces, damages to the sites caused by truck bombs, and extreme weather conditions (such as excessive heat and sandstorms). LGS successfully managed personnel risk by completing the project in a war zone without injury or loss of life.

As part of this project, LGS was tasked with providing logis-tical support from locations within the Continental United States (CONUS) to project work sites throughout Iraq. LGS minimized transportation and on-site construction risks by engineering and supplying a modularized packaging design—ensuring that the right equipment was delivered to the right site on time and ready to be installed. Network equipment was fully factory-tested prior to shipment and installed in 33 environmentally controlled telecommunica-tions shelters. The modularized systems were delivered and installed as a complete (tested) system adjacent to each antenna tower.

SolutionsRe-Building Country-Wide Communications to Enhance Safety and Security

The IRR DMRCN is a turn-key, wireless voice and data telecommunications system that spans 1,200 miles and interconnects the 33 major sites and stations across Iraq’s railroad system. The project was developed by the Joint Contracting Command–Iraq (JCCI) under the Iraq Recon-

C h A L L E n g E S

» Deliver turn-key voice and data telecommu-

nications deployment to the Iraqi Republic

Railroad (IRR) under the Digital Microwave Radio

Communications Network (DMRCN) Project

» Navigate hostile work environment with limited

existing communications

» Effectively manage logistics, subcontractors,

and changes to the scope of the project

S o L U T i o n S

» Develop in-country partnerships to

Provide customer with overall project man-

agement, engineering, procurement, security

assessments, in-country logistics support,

installation, testing, and operations and


» Deliver network integration services to ensure

existing communications equipment and

services operate with new equipment, and

integrate the DMRCN with the IRR’s Computer

Based Train Control

b E n E f i T S

» Years of in-country experience in Iraq and

Southwest Asia

» A unique risk-avoidance approach that allows

for proactive mitigation of potential setbacks

» Ability to adapt to changing requirements while

keeping the project within the allotted time-

frame and budget

3 L g S i n n o V AT i o n S

struction Management Office (IRMO). LGS and its legacy companies engineered, furnished, and installed a successful system despite the challenges presented by the hostile, war-torn work environment the team encountered in Iraq.

The new IRR Digital Microwave Radio Communications Network needed to be engineered, furnished, installed, and tested to support the rebuilding of the commu-nications infrastructure in Iraq. LGS Innovations was chosen to manage the program, as well as Engineer, Furnish, Install, and Test (EFI&T) the network across Iraq, providing a turn-key wireless telecommunications solution for the Iraqi Railroad.

The LGS team employed a synchronized implementa-tion scheduling and resource management process to, simultaneously, execute site surveys, requirements engineering, ordering, material management, site preparation, and installation, testing, and acceptance activities. Thus, LGS successfully optimized productivity and minimized labor costs at the 33 sites and stations across Iraq.

Providing Ongoing Support for Future Network Sustainability

Because the IRR Microwave Network is the backbone of the new Computer Based Train Control system, it was not only imperative that network engineering meet and exceed standards, but also that the network receive proper ongoing maintenance and support. To ensure optimal system performance, even after the project was complete, LGS provided ongoing opera-tions and maintenance training to the IRR personnel over a one-year operations and maintenance contract.

benefitsExceptional Standards of Operation

As a premium integrator, LGS exceeded the industry workmanship standards expected by the customer. Not only did the LGS team create Site Inspection Forms to ensure that the project could be effectively evaluated at five separate phases of the implemen-tation process (Site Preparation, Tower Foundation Construction, Tower and Antenna Erection, Equipment and Shelter Installation, and Final Equipment Testing), but it also secured an independent quality inspection

company to perform the site inspections that would verify the workmanship against the project specifica-tions and requirements.

LGS’ exceptional performance, customer support, and commitment to finishing this project during continued conflict resulted in the U.S. Government awarding LGS an additional related project for ongoing maintenance, training, and transition support.

Commitment to Customer and Partner Satisfaction

LGS subcontracted a portion of its contract to the U.S. International Development Consortium (USIDC), a U.S. Small Business, to provide civil works, tower erection, and equipment installation and turn-up. USIDC was carefully selected and managed directly and effectively throughout the project by the LGS Program Manager. Additionally, LGS’ commitment to small business was exemplary on this program, with LGS achieving 45% small business participation.

Significant Recognition

An indication of this project’s success was the recogni-tion received by Mafeks International, LLC. Mafeks In-ternational —the Prime Contractor on the IRR DMRCN managed by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration/John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center—was awarded the Small Business of the Year award by the U.S. Department of Transporta-tion in 2009.

Antenna installation at Umm Qasr. Photo courtesy Mafeks International, LLC

4 L g S i n n o V AT i o n S

Howard McCall, CEO of Mafeks International, had this to say about the award, “The main reason for this award was the success of the Iraqi Railroad Project due to the involvement, management, and product support from LGS Innovations.”

Paving the Way

After seven years of work, the completion of the Communication Based Train Control system and the Digital Microwave Radio Communication Network have, according to the U.S. Department of State, provided “the Iraq Republic Railways (IRR) with a state-of-the- art train control system that allows dispatchers to track and control rail movements throughout the IRR network. Railroad operators will know the exact position of every train with significantly greater accuracy than with traditional signaling systems.”

The successful completion of this project will have an impact on safe travel and sales and exports for a long time to come. On July 18, 2012, The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and the Iraqi Republic Railroad (IRR) celebrated the launch of Iraq’s new Computer-Based Train Control (CBTC) and Digital Microwave Radio Communications Network (DMRCN) during a handover ceremony in Baghdad’s Central Rail Station. The project was sponsored

by the U.S. Embassy, through the U.S. Department of Transportation, in coordination with the Government of Iraq as set out by the Strategic Framework Agreement.

The ceremony featured the participation of Deputy Transportation Minister Bangen Rekani; U.S. Embassy Acting Assistant Chief of Mission for Assistance Transi-tion, Brian McFeeters; and members of the Office of Transportation Attaché (OTA) staff and IRR. The event included a presentation of the CBTC system capabili-ties, a tour of the CBTC Operations Center and DMRCN shelter, and a review of the CBTC system onboard an Iraqi locomotive.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. McFeeters stated that “the ownership transfer of the CBTC/DMRCN project represents the culmination of a cooperative effort that began in 2005 and now provides increased opera-tional safety in a critical part of the Iraqi transportation system.” He added, “Iraq’s rail system provides a funda-mental capability to engage not only in the domestic movement of passengers and goods, but more impor-tantly, to promote international trade.”

L g S i n n o V A T i o n S h A D T h E T E C h n i C A L E x p E r T i S E A n D D E D i C A T i o n T o S E r V i C E T h A T w A S

r E q U i r E D T o S U C C E S S f U L LY C o m p L E T E T h i S h i g h LY C o m p L E x p r o j E C T U n D E r D i f f i C U L T

A n D S o m E T i m E S D A n g E r o U S C o n D i T i o n S . L g S i n n o V A T i o n S w A S A L w A Y S r E S p o n S i V E A n D

f o U n D i n n o V A T i V E w A Y S T o m i T i g A T E p o T E n T i A L p r o b L E m S A n D r i S k S .

— j i m L A m o n D , r A i L A n D T r A n S i T S Y S T E m S D i V i S i o n

j o h n A . V o L p E n A T i o n A L T r A n S p o r T A T i o n S Y S T E m S C E n T E r

Staff Sgt. Stephen Turner and Staff Sgt. Brandon Authier, 332nd Expeditionary Communications Squadron cable and antenna systems maintainers, disconnect an antenna from a tower. Photo courtesy U.S. Army, Staff Sgt. Julianne Showalter.

5 L g S i n n o V AT i o n S

An efficient and safe railway system is an essential part of American efforts to help Iraq rebuild its transporta-tion infrastructure to move goods, people and raw materials. The new communications network establishes a state-of-the-art train control system that allows dispatchers to control rail movements throughout the IRR network, and is designed to ensure all the components of the CBTC and DMRCN are integrated properly to successfully transmit the required voice and data information.

Relevant Links:

» U.S. Helps Iraq Build a Safe and Efficient Railway System (

» New Communications Network Ensures Efficient and Safe Railway System for Iraqis (

why LgS?Years of Experience in Challenging Environments

Since 2007, LGS has successfully implemented communications projects and Command, Control, Communi-cations, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems for the U.S. Army, in-country Governments, and Coalition Forces throughout Southwest Asia (Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan). Because LGS has successfully completed multiple projects in this challenging environment, its extensive in-country experience has ensured consistent, efficient deployment of resources throughout the region, allowing for the accurate security assessments, logis-tics support, and project schedule accelerations that our customers need to support their missions.

T h E L g S i n n o V A T i o n S ’ p r o g r A m m A n A g E r U S E D T E C h n i C A L E x p E r T i S E A n D C r E A T i V i T Y

T o A S S E m b L E A n D m A n A g E A U n i q U E D E S i g n A n D C o n S T r U C T i o n T E A m , L E A D i n g T o T h E

S U C C E S S f U L C o m p L E T i o n o f A C o m m U n i C A T i o n S b A C k b o n E p r o j E C T T h A T w i L L A L L o w f o r

T h E S A f E A n D E f f i C i E n T m o V E m E n T o f r A i L w A Y T r A f f i C i n i r A q f o r m A n Y Y E A r S T o C o m E .

— j i m L A m o n D , r A i L A n D T r A n S i T S Y S T E m S D i V i S i o n

j o h n A . V o L p E n A T i o n A L T r A n S p o r T A T i o n S Y S T E m S C E n T E r

L g S i n n o V A T i o n S 13665 Dulles Technology Drive, Suite 301

Herndon, VA 20171

T E L : 1-866-LGS-4243 (1-866-547-4243)

U r L :

LGS, LGS Innovations, and the LGS Innovations logo are trademarks of LGS Innovations LLC. The information presented is subject to change without notice.


AboUT LgS innoVATionSLGS Innovations delivers mission-critical communications products, R&D, and supporting services to U.S. defense, intelligence, and civilian agencies, state and local govern-ments, critical infrastructure operators, and commercial customers around the world. We create advanced solu-tions in wireless communications, signals processing and analysis, optical networking, photonics, routing and switching, and spectrum management.

These solutions drive mission success in Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), cyberspace operations, and network assurance. By incorporating best-in-class commercial and custom technologies with a full suite of offerings in research and development, engineering, integration, and product applications, our solutions improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide an information advantage to our customers.

LGS has a history and culture of innovation, and maintains strong ties to our Bell Labs legacy of inventive develop-ment. Our intellectual curiosity keeps us on the cutting edge of technology and leverages our 75-year history of creating next-generation communications solutions to support critical operations.

LGS Innovations is a U.S.-owned company headquartered in Herndon, Virginia, with offices across the U.S. and overseas. We employ more than 1,000 associates around the world, including 750 scientists and engineers. Do you have a passion for innovation? So do we. Learn more at

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