cassava as animal feed in ghana: past, present and · pdf file · 2013-09-05cassava...

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Kwame Oppong-Apane - Chief Executive Officer, Oporhu Agricultural and Rural Development

Consultancy Limited, P.O. Box CT 1738, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana


Berhanu Bedane Cheikh Ly Harinder P.S. Makkar

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Accra, 2013

Animal Production and Health

Officer, FAO Sub-regional

office for West Africa (SFW),

Accra, Ghana

Animal Production and Health

Officer, FAO Regional Office

for Africa (RAF), Accra, Ghana

Animal Production Officer,

Livestock Production Systems

Branch (AGAS), FAO, Rome,







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Recommended citation: Oppong-Apane, K. 2013. Cassava as animal feed in Ghana: Past, present and

future. Edited by Berhanu Bedane, Cheikh Ly and Harinder P.S. Makkar, FAO, Accra, Ghana.



1: TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... iii

2: LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................................................. v

3: LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................................................ vi

4: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................................................... vii

5: FOREWORD........................................................................................................................................................ ix

6: LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................... x

7: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................... xi

1. INTRODUCTION: GHANA.............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Geographical location.................................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Human population trend............................................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Contribution of agriculture to food security and economy................................................................ 3

2. LIVESTOCK IN GHANA.................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Livestock population.................................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Socio-economic value of livestock............................................................................................................ 3

2.3 Livestock farming systems........................................................................................................................... 4

2.3.1 Non-ruminant farming systems......................................................................................................... 5

2.3.2 Ruminant farming systems.................................................................................................................. 6

2.4 Livestock feeding systems........................................................................................................................... 7

2.4.1 Non-ruminant feeds and feeding....................................................................................................... 7

2.4.2 Ruminant feed and feeding.................................................................................................................. 10

3. CASSAVA............................................................................................................................. 12

3.1 Description......................................................................................................................................................

3.2 Importance and uses......................................................................................................................................

3.3 Nutritional profile..........................................................................................................................................

4. CASSAVA PRODUCTION.................................................................................................





4.1 Global Production of Cassava...................................................................................................................... 15

4.2 Production of Cassava in Sub-Saharan Africa ......................................................................................... 15

4.3 Production of Cassava in Western Africa............................................................................................... 16

4.4 Production of cassava in Ghana................................................................................................................. 17

5. CASSAVA SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION FOR FOOD.............................................. 22

5.1 Global supply and consumption of cassava as food.............................................................................. 22

5.2 Supply and consumption of cassava as food in Ghana.......................................................................... 22

6. THE USE OF CASSAVA AS ANIMAL FEED................................................................... 24

6.1 Global use of cassava as animal feed......................................................................................................... 24

6.2 Cassava as partial or total substitute for other energy sources........................................................ 25

6.3 Different forms of cassava for animal feed.............................................................................................. 26


7. THE USE OF CASSAVA AS ANIMAL FEED IN GHANA..............................................


7.1 Use of cassava in its different forms for animal feeding in Ghana.................................................... 28

7.2 The current level of use of cassava as animal feed in Ghana............................................................. 28






RUMINANTS IN SUB-SAHARA AFRICA...........................................................................


10.1 Non-ruminants............................................................................................................................................ 33

10.2 Ruminants..................................................................................................................................................... 37

11. RESEARCH IN CASSAVA FOR ANIMAL FEED IN GHANA.................................... 40



A-VIS OTHER FEED COMPONENTS USED IN GHANA...................................................


12.1 Feed components used in Ghana............................................................................................................. 42

12.2 Cassava products and by-products for non-ruminant feed................................................................ 43

12.3 Cassava products and by-products for ruminant feed........................................................................ 44





14. SWOT ANALYSIS............................................................................................................ 46

14.1 Strength......................................................................................................................................................... 46

14.2 Weakness..................................................................................................................................................... 46

14.3 Opportunities.............................................................................................................................................. 47

14.4 Threats.......................................................................................................................................................... 47

15. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................. 49

16. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 51



Table 1: Human population trend................................................................................................................2

Table 2: Livestock population trend ...........................................................................................................3

Table 3: Farming systems by ecological zones...........................................................................................5

Table 4: Major agro-industrial by-products production by ecological zones.....................................8

Table 5: Average wholesale prices for maize and cassava in Ghana....................................................9

Table 6: Some agro-industrial by-products and non-conventional feed resources used

for pig in Ghana and Nigeria........................................................................................................9

Table 7: General composition of pig diets in Nigeria.............................................................................10

Table 8: Main feed sources for cattle by ecological zones....................................................................11

Table 9: Main sources of feed for sheep and goats by ecological zones............................................11

Table 10: Chemical composition of cassava (% DM) except gross energy (MJ/kg DM)…...........13

Table 11: Mineral content of cassava (g/kg DM) except Zinc, Copper and Iron (mg/kg DM)....14

Table 12: Global, Africa and Western Africa production of cassava..................................................15

Table 13: Top cassava producing countries in 2010...............................................................................16

Table 14: Global, Africa and Western Africa production of cassava..................................................16

Table 15: Production and area planted to cassava..................................................................................17

Table 16:Cassava varieties released in Ghana .........................................................................................18

Table 17: Global cassava food supply in 2010..........................................................................................22

Table 18: Estimated consumption of cassava............................................................................................22

Table 19: Average rural wholesale price (GH¢) Per tonnes (2002 basic Prices)........................... 23

Table 20: Use of cassava as animal feed world, Africa and Western Africa......................................24

Table 21: Top countries using cassava as animal feed in Africa in 2009............................................25

Table 22: Cassava Production and utilization for animal feed in Ghana.............................................29

Table 23: Responses of non-ruminant livestock species fed cassava products in Ghana...............40

Table 24: Responses of ruminant livestock species fed cassava products in Ghana.......................42



Figure 1: Administrative map of Ghana.................................................................................1

Figure 2: Agro-ecological map of Ghana................................................................................4



The author of this publication, Kwame Oppong-Anane, is immensely grateful to the FAO Sub-

regional Office for West Africa (SFW) for commissioning this important study. He further wishes to

thank the editors, Berhanu Bedane, Cheikh Ly and Harinder Makkar, who reviewed the initial draft

and provided valuable comments and suggestions.



Despite its huge potential as employer of large proportion of the rural population, significant

contributor to national GDP and valuable source of foreign exchange, the livestock sub-sector in

West Africa is facing numerous challenges. Lack of clear policies and strategies as well as the

absence or limited private and public investment are among the main ones. In addition to the more

general challenges related to policy and investment, poor production levels, availability and

accessibility of inputs and services are constraining the livestock sub-sector from attaining its full

potential. In particular, the lack of quality feed in desired quantity throughout the year is a major

hurdle for increasing livestock production. Cognizant of this fact, FAO has embarked on conducting

national feed assessments in West and Central Africa with the ultimate goal of determining the

availability, accessibility, demand for and use of crop residues and agro-industrial by-products for

policy formulation.

In addition to the above, FAO commissioned a study on the use of cassava as animal feed in Ghana.

This study, conducted in line with the FAO Regional Initiative for the Strategic objective SO3

“Reduce rural poverty” is a contribution of the livestock team to the multi-disciplinary approach of

the Regional Initiative applied to the cassava value chain in Ghana. The study on cassava as animal

feed is also an additional effort of FAO in exploring feed availability for increased livestock

production and productivity. The publication shares findings of the study with those interested

specifically in cassava as animal feed.

Berhe G. TEKOLA,

Director, Animal Production and Health Division

FAO Rome


Deputy Regional Representative

FAO RAF and Officer in Charge of

Sub-Regional Office for West Africa



ADG Average Daily Gain

AIBP Agro-Industrial By-Product

ARI Animal Research Institute

CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

DM Dry Matter

EG Economy of Gain

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

g Gram

GFMA Ghana Feed Millers Association

GDP Gross Domestic Product

HA Hectare

HCN Hydrocyanic acid

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

IU International units

kg Kilogram

LU Livestock unit

ME Metabolizable energy

MOFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture

mg Milligram



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The study on the use of cassava as animal feed in Ghana was commissioned as part of FAO’s

initiative supporting poverty reduction in northern part of the country. Cassava (Manihot esculenta)

is one of the main staple food crops grown by almost all farming families in Ghana, contributing to

large proportion of daily calorie intake of the population. It is used to prepare fufu, the local popular

dish, and considered as the poor man’s food. Ghana is the fourth largest cassava grower in Africa,

after Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola. In 2010, Ghana produced 13.5 million

tons of cassava. Available information suggests that, cassava is cultivated by over 90 percent of the

farming population and contributes to 22 percent to the agricultural GDP, making it the right target

for the fight against poverty in the country.

The multi-purpose use of cassava as food for humans and animals, making various industrial

products, including its use as input for breweries, attracted many projects and programmes working

on its value chain in Ghana. These projects, particularly the IFAD funded Root and Tuber

Improvement Programme, introduced improved varieties for better yield, reduced post-harvest

losses, improved agro-processing and better access to markets, etc. The various interventions

enhanced production and marketing of cassava in the country improving income of producers and

other actors involved in the value chain and generating more employment for women and youth,

contributing in this way to poverty reduction.

FAO, with its comparative advantage of promoting agricultural and food production and rural

development, is supporting poverty reduction initiatives in Ghana. In particular, FAO through its

Strategic Objective three is implementing an initiative targeting reduction of rural poverty in

Northern Ghana. One of the expected outputs of this initiative is to better equip beneficiaries

create viable markets through agro-related livelihood activities linked to the cassava value chain.

Among the activities contributing to this output, the livestock team has targeted linking livestock to

the cassava value chain for poverty reduction, on which this study is based.

Cassava, in its different forms, has been used as animal feed in many parts of the world. Cassava

foliage (leaves and stem), peels and particularly the root; fresh, dried or in silage form; alone or

mixed with other feed is used in feeding different species of animals. Dried cassava roots are

processed into pellets, chips and meal, mainly for poultry and pig industries.

Several studies conducted in West Africa showed that cassava in its different forms has large

potential as animal feed. In countries like Ghana where livestock production is largely constrained

by lack of good quality feed, the availability of alternative source of feed like cassava is important.

The main ingredient for producing feed for non-ruminant animals raised in intensive production is

maize. Ghana produces maize but as the quantity is not adequate to cope with the year-round

demand, from time to time, the country is obliged to import it. The fact that animal feed is

produced with high cost, mainly due to the elevated cost of maize, makes poultry and pig

production very expensive, constituting between 60 and 75 percent of the total cost of production.

Because of high cost, many farmers, particularly pig producers are shifting towards using agro-

industrial by-products. Although cassava is an ideal partial substitute of maize as source of energy,

livestock producers have not yet exploited this potential to the fullest. This can be attributed to the

high moisture content of the cassava tuber, which makes handling, transportation and storage

difficult. The poor content of cassava in protein, vitamin and some minerals could be another factor,

which might have contributed to its low usage as animal feed in Ghana.

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The high moisture levels of cassava which reduces its shelf-life and the high content of cyanogenic

glycoside which releases toxic Hydrocyanic acid, detrimental to the health and productivity of

livestock as well as its low protein content are challenges which need to be addressed for the

efficient use of the crop as animal feed in Ghana. Cassava roots can be sliced to appropriate

thickness and dried using solar dryers, reducing in this way the moisture levels responsible for

mould infestation and mycotoxin production. Slicing and drying cassava, in addition to extending its

shelf life, reduces also the level of Hydrocyanic acid to safe levels for animal feeding.

Lessons learned from projects implemented in the country in the past assist in setting up easy and

affordable methods of slicing and drying cassava. The limitation of cassava due to its low content of

protein, some vitamins and minerals, leading to rating it inferior to maize can also be corrected

through proper balancing. In order to enhance the demand and supply of cassava based feed in

Ghana it is necessary to develop viable intermediaries acting as secondary processors or bulking

agents in the value chain and ensuring a consistent supply of raw and processed materials. The

private sector can and should participate actively in this regard. Therefore, effective sensitization of

the actors involved in the cassava value chain on its potential and policy measures enabling its use as

animal feed is required. The use of cassava as animal feed in Ghana can reduce the current high cost

of feed, increase livestock production and create job opportunity.

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Ghana, officially the Republic of Ghana and formerly the Gold Coast, lies within latitude 4o 44’N and

11o11’ N and 3o 11’W and 1o11’ E. The Republic of Togo borders Ghana on the east, Burkina Faso

on the north-west and north and Côte d’Ivoire on the west. The Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic

Ocean lies south of the country, forming a coastline 550 km long (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Administrative map of Ghana

Source : (Accessed on 13.03.2013)

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Table 1 shows the population trend of Ghana from 2006 to 2012. The rural population was lower

than urban population since 2008.

Table 1: Human population trend

Value expressed in 1 000 inhabitants




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Total 22 171 23 712 23 264 23 824 24 392 24 966 25 546

Rural 11 541 11 524 11 631 11 736 11 837 11 935 12 028

Urban 10 756 11 189 11 633 12 088 12 555 13 031 13 518

Agricultural 12 149 12 397 12 640 12 884 13 129 13 375 13 622

Source: FAO (2013)


Agriculture contributed 30.2 percent of Ghana’s GDP with Real GDP Growth of 4.8 percent in

2010. Agriculture accounted for over 40 percent of export earnings while at the same time

provided over 90 percent of the food needs of the country. The food balance sheet showed that

domestic food (crop) production available for human consumption was 21 343 133 tonnes while

the estimated national consumption was 12 220 963 tonnes leaving a net surplus of 9 123 197

tonnes. Maize is a major feed ingredient in livestock feed, and in particular that of the non-ruminant

animals, and constitutes about 50-60 percent of non ruminant feed. Cassava is increasingly being

used to partially replace maize in livestock feeding, therefore making it an important input into the

national food security. The estimated national cassava, maize and meat consumption for 2010 were

152.9, 43.8 and 7.1 kg/capita/annum (MOFA, 2011).

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Population of the various species of livestock increased gradually from 2006 to 2010 at an annual

growth rate of 1.13 to 10.08 percent for cattle and poultry respectively (Table 2).

Table 2: Livestock population trend

Values expressed in 1 000 animals


Year Annual growth rate %

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2006 -2020

Cattle 1 392 1 407 1 425 1 438 1 454 1.13

Sheep 3 314 3 420 3 471 3 642 3 759 3.36

Goats 3 997 4 196 4 305 4 625 4 855 5.37

Pigs 477 491 520 521 536 3.09

Poultry 34 030 37 038 39 816 43 320 47 752 10.08

Source: FAO (2013)

The annual growth rate of livestock population expressed in livestock unit (LU) from 2006 to 2010

was 4.2 percent. The highest and lowest growth rates were recorded for poultry and cattle

respectively (Table 3).


The livestock sector, including poultry, is an important component of Ghana’s agriculture, and

contributes, in direct products, about 6.1 percent to agriculture GDP with a growth rate of 4.7

percent (MOFA, 2011). This amount does not include the value of secondary products, such as

manure, animal traction and transport which are provided to the crop sector. Livestock supplies

not only meat, milk and eggs as a source of animal protein to enhance the nutritional status of the

human population but also provides skins, bones, blood and horns for various uses. Manure from

livestock is now an invaluable resource to crop and vegetable farmers for the maintenance of soil

fertility and structure. The use of bullocks for land preparation in the Sudan and Guinea Savannah

ecological zones allows farmers to crop larger areas than would have been possible in view of the

high cost involved in using tractor power and occasional unavailability of tractors. Agriculture

provides employment opportunities to a large part of the population, particularly in the rural areas.

It offers prospects for wealth creation, income enhancement and improvement in rural livelihoods

(Oppong-Anane, 2010). Out of 2.7 million farm families in 2006, 1.5 million kept livestock. Because

crop farming in Ghana is rain fed, income from crop farming is only seasonal and poverty among

food crop farmers is very high. Livestock provides the cash resource during the non-farming season

and a safety net of capital assets to face grave financial difficulties.

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Ghana has five agro-ecological zones (Table 3; Figure 2). Ghana’s agriculture is predominantly

smallholder, traditional and rain-fed, and the farming systems vary with agro-ecological zones.

However, certain general features are discernible throughout the country. The bush fallow system

prevails wherever there is ample land to permit a plot to be rested enough to recoup its fertility

after one to three year cultivation. Staple crops are often mixed-cropped while cash crops are

usually mono-cropped. Although the majority of rural households keep some sort of livestock,

livestock farming is adjunct to crop farming. Commercial poultry production predominates in the

south, while cattle production is concentrated in the Savannah zones. Sheep and goat production is

generally widespread throughout the country.

Figure 2: Agro-ecological map of Ghana

Source: Map produced by editors based on data compiled by SRDA (2001)

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Table 3: Farming systems by agro-ecological zones

Ecological Zone

Farming system

Crop Livestock Crop - livestock

Sudan 5 5 90

Guinea 16.8 1.8 81.5

Derived 38 0 62

Forest 28 8 64

Coastal 21 9 70

National 21.8 4.7 73.8

Source: Oppong-Anane et al. (2008)

The major farming system practiced nationwide is mixed farming (crop-livestock system) where

about 74 percent of the rural households cultivate crops and rear some livestock (Table 4). This

system is more prevalent in the northern Savannah zones, for instance in 2008 only 5 percent of the

households in the Sudan Savannah zone undertook livestock rearing or cropping alone, while over a

third of the households in the Derived Savannah zone practiced only crop farming (Oppong-Anane

et al., 2008).

2.3.1 Non-ruminant farming systems

Poultry: Various species of poultry are kept mainly in the rural, and a few in urban households

under semi-intensive production system for home consumption and the surplus is sold.

Management is rudimentary and inputs, in the form of feed and health care, are minimal with not

much provision made for housing and breeding. High mortality of birds in this system results mostly

from viral diseases. Intensive or commercial poultry keeping, the best organized livestock enterprise

in the country, operates mainly in the peri-urban areas in the Coastal Savannah and Forest zones

(Oppong-Anane et al., 2008). There are two major lines of the commercial poultry industry, namely

layer production for eggs and broiler production for meat. Both are highly intensive high capital

outlay, and demand efficient and effective management, proper feeding and effective disease

prevention and control to succeed. The poultry industry consumes about 30 percent of the locally

produced maize and relies heavily on imported inputs, such as fish meal, soymeal, mineral and

vitamin premixes, drugs and vaccines whose prices are determined by the exchange rate. Large

volumes of yellow maize are also imported to augment local supply. High costs of inputs coupled

with high interest rates on bank loans have resulted in locally produced poultry not being able to

compete favourably with imports (Oppong-Anane, 2010).

Pigs: Semi-extensive pig production pertains under the traditional smallholder practice in the rural

areas. The system is based mainly on the indigenous Ashanti Black pig, which is found throughout

the country and constitutes about 70 percent of the national pig population. Crosses between the

indigenous and exotic breeds are also used in this system. The pigs are kept in pens and are given

minimal feed based on household leftovers, and in particular fresh and boiled cassava and cassava

peels. In some cases, the pigs are allowed to scavenge for food (Oppong-Anane, 2010).

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Intensive pig production system is based mainly on the exotic Large White and Landrace breeds and

their crosses. The system is practiced mainly in the southern areas of the country. This system is

commercialized and may be classified as small, medium or large scale. The growth of the intensive

system appears to fluctuate with the most rapid increases occurring when there is a shortage of

maize and some poultry producers switch to pig farming (Oppong-Anane, 2010).

2.3.2 Ruminant Farming Systems

Sheep and Goats: Extensive sheep and goat farming system, also known as traditional small

ruminant production system consists largely of free grazing village flocks of Djallonké sheep and

goats normally exhibiting poor productivity. Diseases, mostly helminthiasis and peste des petits

ruminants, are the main causes of poor productivity and high mortality among the animals. This

system is progressively changing into semi-intensive system throughout the country (Oppong-

Anane, 2010).

In the sheep and goat semi-intensive farming system simple pens are provided for the animals within

or attached to the owner’s house. The system is based on cut and carry of forages, and the use of

household wastes, mainly cassava pellets and peels, and plantain peels. Various other crop residues

and crop by-products are also used. The intensive system is similar to that of the semi-intensive

except that in the former all the feed is provided in the pen. This system is commonly practiced in

the peri-urban areas, and in particular the ‘Zongo’ communities comprising mainly by people of

Hausa and northern Ghana extract. The system supplies fattened rams and bucks for the urban

market, particularly during religious festivities. Crossbreeding of the Djallonké sheep and goats with

the long-legged and larger Sahelian sires is common in the intensive system (Oppong-Anane, 2010).

Cattle: The extensive beef cattle farming system is the main cattle production system practiced in

the country and is based mainly on extensive grazing by smallholder herds. It is linked with milk

production system whereby milk is shared between the herdsman and the calf, with the surplus

going to the market. In this system, settled farmers whose main occupation is crop cultivation own

cattle. Ownership may be direct, personal and individual, or in the form of trusteeship for family

property. Where a large herd is found, the family groups owning them may be several, varying

widely in size and in relationship. Commercial cattle farming is mainly practiced in the Coastal and

Derived Savannah zones with varying levels of management which are higher than that of the

extensive system. The cattle are owed mainly by professionals and businessmen living elsewhere

with little or no involvement in the management of the animals. A few farms belonging to state

institutions also fall under this system. In this case, cattle may graze on sown pastures as well as

natural pastures, which are often improved with forage legumes (Oppong-Anane, 2010).

Over 90 percent of the domestic milk production comes from agro-pastoral herds. Milk off-take

from the herds is low, about 0.8 and 0.4 liters/cow/day in the rainy and dry seasons respectively.

The local breeds of cattle used in this system have limited genetic potential for milk production and

remain mediocre producers even when the best possible feeding and husbandry conditions are

available. There are about a hundred households keeping between one and six dairy cows at their

Page | 7

backyards on commercial basis, and using Friesian - Sanga crossbreds or Jersey cows in the peri-

urban areas of the Greater Accra and Eastern regions in the Coastal Savannah zone (Oppong-

Anane, 2010). A household that had been in the dairy business for over 15 years using Friesian -

Sanga crossbreds fed the cattle on forages, wheat bran, palm kernel cake, cassava peels and cassava

leaves. The cows produced on the average 2 700 kg of milk per lactation in 2007 (Oppong-Anane,



2.4.1 Non-Ruminant Feeds and Feeding: Non-ruminant livestock production in Ghana has

been severely constrained by lack of feed of good quality and consistency. It is only in the intensive

systems of commercial poultry and pig production that livestock tend to be fed adequate rations for

satisfactory productivity. Acute shortage of feed occurs in the intensive rearing systems due to

escalating prices of maize and other major feed ingredients, including agro-industrial by-products

(Table 4), thus raising the cost of poultry and pig production (Oppong-Anane, 2010). Commercial

feed millers, falling under the Ghana Feed Millers Association (GFMA), supply poultry feed mostly to

the medium- and small-scale poultry producers because the large-scale producers make their own

feed. Only a few of the pig farms obtain their feed from the commercial feed millers, having

switched to on-farm feed production to cut down on feed cost. The commercial feed millers

produced mainly mash feed, a few produced concentrates, and one feed mill produced pellets feed

in 2009. Most small- and medium-scale poultry producers prefer feed concentrates because it is

cheaper, convenient and less bulky for transportation. About 90 percent of feed produced by

commercial feed millers is layer feed. Broiler feed is primarily purchased by small-scale backyard

poultry producers. However, there is a seasonal feed demand from the larger producers who raise

birds for the festive seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Poultry feed accounts for about 70

percent of the total feed produced in Ghana (Oppong-Anane, 2010). GFMA was formed in 1984

with 27 members and headed by a Chief Executive. The GFMA aimed at providing the livestock

industry with premium quality and affordable feed. The membership of the GFMA declined to 16 by

2012 as a result of poor patronage of their feed resulting from the folding up of a number of the

medium and small scale farms as they could not compete with the low priced imported poultry

products amounting to 72 418 tonnes in 2012.

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Table 4: Major agro-industrial by-products production by ecological zones

Feed Resource Sudan









Wheat bran * *

Rice bran * * * * *

Maize bran * * * * *

Millet mash * * *

Pito mash * * *

Brewers spent grain * *

Spent yeast * *

Oil seed cakes * * * * *

Coconut chaff *

Cassava tuber & peels * * * *

Cottonseed cake * *

Source: (Oppong-Anane, 2010). Blanks indicate non use of Agro-Industrial By-Product (AIBP) as a

major feed ingredient.

In the northern Savannah zones, pito mash, a by-product of millet brewing, forms the bulk of pig

rations, while wheat bran is the mainstay of most commercial pig units in the Forest and savannah

zones. Maize and rice bran are available in all the ecological zones. Though cassava tuber and peels

are used in all the zones for feeding pigs, its utilization is lower in the Sudan Savannah zone

(Oppong-Anane, 2010).

The major cost item in non-ruminant intensive system is feed; conservatively this has hovered

between 60 and 75 percent of the total production cost. The main ingredients for non-ruminant

feed, maize, is locally produced, though inadequate to meet the year-round demand of the industry.

Therefore yellow maize is regularly imported to augment local supply (Okai, 2010). Maize forms

about 50-60 percent of the compound feed with poultry industry and consumes about 30 percent

of all maize produced in the country. Feed prices in Ghana have been rising, primarily due to the

rising cost of maize, which is higher than cassava (Table 5). As a result of the scarcity and high cost

of white maize the government periodically approves of the importation of yellow maize. Attention

is now being focussed on the use of AIBPs as alternative to the expensive maize as energy source in

livestock feeding. This is particularly so with pig farmers. Surprisingly, cassava which has been shown

to be a suitable partial substitute to maize in livestock feed is not being fully exploited for feeding

non-ruminants in Ghana. This could be attributed to the challenges associated with the high water

content in cassava tuber which render preservation, transportation and handling difficult. The low

protein content and high crude fibre of the cassava tuber also contribute to its low usage as

livestock feed in the country.

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Table 5: Average wholesale prices for maize and cassava (GH¢)

Commodity Unit of sale (kg) 2006 2007 2008 2009

Maize 100 23.6 27.5 48.2 55.9

Cassava 91 12.7 12.8 16.5 20.1

Source: MOFA (2010); GH¢/US$: 1.4 -2009; 1.1 -2008; 0.95 -2007; 9,175* -2006; *Exchange rate prior to GH¢ devaluation (CIA, 2010)

Some AIBP and non conventional feed resources commonly used in both Ghana and Nigeria are

shown in Table 6. Properly formulated and compounded feeds tend to be the norm only in the

research stations, universities and large-scale commercial farms. In Ghana, the latter are very few

indeed (Okai, 2010). A typical pig diet in Nigeria may contain the ingredients shown in Table 7. In

Ghana however, the chemical composition may be similar but sorghum and the addition of palm oil

to diets has not gained popularity as may be the case in Nigeria (Okai, 2010). Most of the

commercial; feed mills also include some AIBPs in their formulations in an attempt to produce low

priced diets.

Table 6: Some agro-industrial by-products and non-conventional feed resources used

for pigs in Ghana and Nigeria

Brewers spent grains (wet/dried) Mucuna (raw, cooked, processed)

Cassava (foliage, peels and tuber) Oil palm sludge

Citrus pulp Palm kernel meal

Cocoa pod husk Pawpaw peels and foliage

Copra cake Rice bran

Groundnut cake Rubber seed meal

Groundnut skins Sheanut cake

Maize bran Sorghum or Guinea corn

Mango kernel meal Watermelon rind

Molasses (fresh/dried) Wheat bran/ offal

Source: Okai (2010)

Page | 10

Table 7: General composition of pig diets in Nigeria

Ingredient Quantity of ingredient (kg) required per

tonne of feed

Sow Weaner Grower

Maize 550 510 250

Sorghum 150

Cassava 150 200

Groundnut cake 100 100

Palm kernel cake 30

Soybean meal 50 100

Cottonseed meal 20 45

Blood meal 15 55 45

Fishmeal 80 25

Wheat offal 125 65 70

Rice bran 65

Brewer spent grains 50

Bone meal 30 30 30

Salt 3 3 3

Vitamin-mineral premix 2 5 5

Palm oil 15 15 15

Source: Fagbenro and Adebayo (2005)

2.4.2 Ruminant Feed and Feeding: Sustenance for cattle in Ghana, and to lesser extent small

ruminants, is almost entirely dependent on grazing of natural pastures and rangeland, comprising of

Savannah woodlands and unimproved pastures which constitute 45 percent of the total land area

(MOFA, 2011), with extreme seasonal variation in quantity and quality. Some farmers practice

supplementary feeding, using crop residues including cassava peels and cassava leaves as well as cut-

forages particularly during the dry season. In the more humid areas, livestock have access to crop

residues but their availability is irregular and also they become scarce during the dry season. Where

opportunities of sales during festivities arise, ruminant stocks are fattened with additional feed

inputs. The bulk of the feed in the extensive production systems lack adequate nutrients for

satisfactory productivity. Supplemental feeding is critical in these systems. In some communities

where cropping is undertaken, mainly in the immediate environs of settlements, sheep and goats are

let loose only after the crops have been harvested to avoid damage to crops. Otherwise they are

tethered and graze in limited areas. They are, however, moved to different areas daily to ensure

access to adequate forage (Oppong-Anane, 2010). Tables 8 and 9 show main feed sources used by

cattle and sheep/goats respectively in 2007.

Page | 11

Table 8: Main feed sources for cattle by ecological zones

Feed source

Percentage respondents indicating feed item as main feed

source for cattle in the ecological zones







Forest Coastal


Natural pasture 100 85.2 94.6 73.3 100

Shrubs 3.7 5.4 20.0

Cassava peels/leaves 7.4

Pito mash 3.7

Source: Oppong-Anane et al. (2008). Blanks indicate feed items not being major feed sources.

Table 9: Main feed sources for sheep and goats by ecological zones

Feed source Percentage of respondents indicating main feed source for sheep and goats in

the ecological zones







Forest Coastal


Sheep Goats Sheep Goats Sheep Goats Sheep Goats Sheep Goats



100 100 64.1 71.4 71.7 52 38.1 39.7 46 36

Shrubs 6.1 3.6 11.5 11.4 8.2 6.3 32.3 8.7

Wheat bran 2 1.8 3.8 2.9 3 4.3

Rice bran 10.2 5.4 2.4 2.4 1.6 2.3 2.2

Maize bran 2 5.2 1.3 17.1 22.2 12.8 1.2 1

Pito mash 2 3.6 2.9

Cassava peels* 10.4 3.6 5.4 5.7 26 30 15.2 47.8



3.2 5.4 3.9 2.9 2.8 4.8

Plantain peels 2.7 2.7 4.8

Source: Oppong-Anane et al. (2008) and *Field Data, Cassava as animal feed in Ghana: Past, Present

and Future (2013). Blanks indicate feed items not being major feed sources.

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Cassava, Manihot esculenta is a native of South America, and widespread throughout the tropics and

subtropics, including Sub-Saharan Africa. Cassava is a perennial woody shrub with an edible root

(Heuzé et al., 2012b). The main production areas are within latitudes 30°N and 30°S of the equator,

at elevations of not more than 2,000 meters above mean sea level. Optimal growth conditions are

annual average temperature over 18-20°C, annual rainfall ranging from 500 mm to 3,500 mm, high

solar radiation and light, and well drained and acid soils. Cassava may withstand light frosts in

altitude and cloudy conditions in the hot humid lowland equatorial belt (Heuzé and Tran, 2012).


Cassava provides the livelihood to up to 500 million farmers and countless processors and traders

around the world (FAO and IFAD, 2001). It is the staple food of many people in the tropical and

sub-tropical belt and also raw material for numerous industrial applications. In Sub-Saharan Africa

cassava is mainly a subsistence crop grown for food by small-scale farmers who sell the surplus

(IFAD, 2012) for cash to meet family and other needs. As a perennial crop, it can be harvested as

and when required and its wide harvesting period allows it to act as a famine reserve (Stone, 2002).

The leaves are eaten as a vegetable, and the starchy root is eaten raw or cooked, or processed into

flour and other derivatives (IFAD, 2012). Prominent among its industrial applications are the use for

glue, pharmaceutical products, confectionery, spices, paper cartons, animal feed, pastries, textile,

dry cell batteries, toothpaste and biodegradable products. The demand for cassava by bioenergy

sectors has emerged as a significant driver in the expansion of cassava utilization for production of

ethanol. In effect, about 280 litres of 96 percent pure ethanol can be produced from one tonne of

cassava (UNCTAD, 2012).


The principal parts of the mature cassava plant expressed as a percentage of the whole plant are

leaves 6 percent; stem 44 percent and storage roots 50 percent. The roots and leaves of the

cassava plant are the two nutritionally valuable parts, which offer potential as a feed source. There

is considerable variation in the chemical composition of cassava root and leaves according to

variety, age of plant and processing technology (Smith, 1988).

Cassava root: Cassava roots contain sucrose, maltose, glucose and fructose in limited levels. The

raw starch of the cassava root has a digestibility of 48.3 percent while cooked starch has a

digestibility of 77.9 percent. Cassava root is a poor source of protein. However, the quality of the

protein is fairly good as far as the proportion of essential amino acid as a percentage of total

nitrogen is concerned. The amino acid level of cassava roots show high levels of lysine and

tryptophan in its true protein fraction. Methionine and cysteine are, however, limiting amino acids in

Page | 13

the root. Peeling results in the loss of a part of the valuable protein content of the root because the

peel contains more protein than the root flesh. The lipid fraction of cassava flour is 2.5 percent and

is 50 percent extractable with conventional solvents. The extractable lipids are mainly polar in

nature, the principal group being galactosy/diglycerides (Smith, 1988). The cassava root is a

relatively poor source of crude protein (Table 10) and minerals (Table 11).

Cassava leaf: Cassava foliage is a potential source of high and good quality crude protein for

livestock feeding (Table 10). Cassava leaf blades are especially rich in protein (average 30.5 percent)

and the protein content reduces to 13 percent for whole foliage. Essential and non-essential amino

acids can be found in good levels in cassava leaves. The leaves are low in methionine with values of

1.7 g/100 g of crude protein. Lysine content is high in the leaves (7.2 g/100 g crude protein). A

major proportion of the leaf carbohydrate is starch; the amylose content of the leaf starch is in the

range of 19-24 percent. The crude fibre content of cassava leaves is low which makes it palatable as

poultry feed. However, when harvested with the tender stem the fibre becomes as high as 13.9-

16.9 percent. The leaves are rich in calcium but low in phosphorus compared with maize and

sorghum. Cassava foliage meal contains as high as 56 000 IU of vitamin A as compared with 14 200

IU in alfalfa meal, 66 IU in ground yellow maize and 264 IU in wheat flour. This high content of

vitamin A is significant in the pigmentation of egg yolk and skin of poultry. The annual yield of

cassava foliage has been reported to be as high as 90 tonnes fresh leaves/ha if harvested three times

a year (IFAD and FAO, 2004).

Table 10: Chemical composition of cassava parts (% DM) except gross energy (MJ/kg


Constituent Foliagea Peelb Tuberc

Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean

Crude protein 17.2-29.3 24.9 3.7-5.9 4.8 1.4-4.6 2.6

Crude fiber 10.3-24.8 17.7 10.3-31.8 21.0 2.0-5.7 3.7

NDF 24.0-58.8 42.3 15.8-35.5 19.6 0.8-3.2* 1.4*

ADF 18.1-36.4 27.2 15.6-18.6 17.1 5.3

Lignin 6.5-11.8 9.4 4.0-12.1 7.2 1.6

Ether extract 5.0-9.0 6.8 0.0-3.3 1.3 0.4-1.5 0.8

Ash 4.9-9.6 7.4 3.4-8.0 5.7 2.1-4.8 2.8

Gross Energy 49.8-22.0 19.9 16.4-17.7 17.7 17.1

Sources: aINRA et al. (2012a); bINRA et al. (2012b); cINRA et al. (2012c); *Smith (1988).

Dry matter (% as fed) Mean: Foliage22.5; Peel 28; Tuber 37.6

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Table 11: Mineral content of cassava (g/kg DM) except Zinc, Copper and Iron (mg/kg


Constituent Foliage Peel Tubers

Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean

Calcium 7.4-18.4 11.9 0.1-3.3 1.7 1.0-2.0 1.6

Phosphorus 2.3-6.2 3.7 1.0-3.2 2.1 0.2-1.9 1.2

Potassium 8.7-22.2 12.5 0.3-12.5 6.4 5.2-11.7 7.7

Magnesium 3.2-10.3 7.3 0.2-0.9 0.6 0.8-1.5 1.1

Sodium 0.5-0.7 0.6 0.3

Zinc 20-29 25

Copper 29-30 29

Iron 15

Source: INRA et al. (2012c).

Cassava peel: This is an important source of energy in ruminant feeding systems, serving either as

the main basal diet or as a supplement. Cassava is rarely fed fresh because of the high level of

cyanogenic glycoside. Sun drying, ensiling and fermentation are used to reduce the concentration of

the glycosides to tolerable levels (Smith, 1988). Cassava peels are highly digestible products, with

reported values of 78 percent and 81 percent for DM and OM total tract digestibility respectively.

Dry matter degradability is also high, with reported values higher than 70 percent (Heuzé et al.,


Toxic factors in cassava: The cyanogenic glycosides of cassava (linamarin and lotaustralin) on

hydrolysis release hydrocynic acid (HCN). The concentration of the glycosides varies considerably

between varieties and also with climatic and cultural conditions. The normal range of

cyanoglucosides content in fresh roots is from 15-400 mg/kg fresh weight. There are varieties with

very low HCN content of 10 mg/kg or very high HCN content of 2 000 mg/kg. Cassava is often

classified as “bitter or sweet” according to the amount of cyanide present. However, the bitterness

or sweetness could not be exactly correlated with the level of cyanogenic glycosides (IFAD and

FAO, 2004). Safety limit for cyanide in cassava food is 10 mg/kg dry weight and levels below 100

mg/kg dry weight are considered safe in cassava chips for feeding to different classes of livestock

(FAO and IFAD, 2004).

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Global production of cassava increased from 223 818 045 tonnes in 2006 to 230 265 639 tonnes in

2010 (Table 12). Africa contributed 52.8 percent of the global supply, with Nigeria contributing 30.8

percent of African production amounting to 37 504 100 tonnes. Cassava production in Nigeria, the

highest producer globally, was 156.8 percent of that of Indonesia, the second top producer (FAO,

2013). Whereas cassava production in Africa is mainly for food, Asia encourages the development

of cassava crops for industrial and energy purposes. In Latin America and the Caribbean, cassava

production reduced from 36 443 530 to 32 997 971 tonnes between 2006 and 2010. Brazil

dominated with 24 496 300 tonnes which was 74 percent of the regional production in 2010 (FAO,


Table 12: Global, Africa and Western Africa Production of Cassava (1 000 tonnes)

Region/Country Group 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Global 223 818 226 344 232 111 235 040 230 266

Africa 119 017 116 428 121 071 120 434 121 661

Western Africa 63 249 62 244 66 030 58 621 60 141

Source: FAO (2013)


The African production of cassava (121 661 234 tonnes) is almost exclusively from the sub-Saharan

Africa, bordered by Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan to the north and extending to the

southern tip of the continent, (Table 13. It is not an important crop in the northern Africa sub-

region which produced a mere 13 500 tonnes in 2010. Cassava plays a major role in alleviating the

African food crisis because of its efficient food energy production, year-round availability, tolerance

to extreme climatic conditions and suitability to present farming and food systems. In spite of net

food importation in Africa since early 1970s and food production growing at half the population

growth rate from 1970 to 1985, cassava production in Africa has increased tremendously since then

with the continent producing over half of the global production, and Nigeria replacing Brazil as the

leading cassava-producing country in the world (IFAD and FAO, 2004). In 2010 the major

producers of cassava in Africa were Nigeria, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo, the

fourth largest producer (15 049 500 tonnes), then Angola (13 858 700 tonnes), Ghana (13 504 100

tonnes) and Mozambique (5 700 000 tonnes) holding the fifth, sixth and tenth highest producers

respectively globally (FAO, 2013).

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Table 13: Top cassava producing countries in Africa, 2010

Rank Country Production value (US $

1 000)



1 Nigeria 3 917 790 37 504 100

2 Indonesia 2 448 414 23 918 100

3 Thailand 2 298 781 22 005 700

4 Democratic Republic of the Congo 1 556 394 15 049 500

5 Angola 1 447 721 13 858 700

6 Ghana 1 410 678 13 504 100

7 Brazil 1 280 935 24 524 300

8 Viet Nam 890 199 8 521 670

9 India 841 950 8 059 800

10 Mozambique 595 439 5 700 000

11 Uganda 551 773 5 282 000

12 Cambodia 443 698 4 247 420

13 China 440 434 4 684 000

14 United Republic of Tanzania 437 926 4 392 170

15 Malawi 417 955 4 000 990

16 Benin 375 648 3 596 000

17 Madagascar 314 317 3 008 890

18 Cameroon 284 306 3 024 000

19 Rwanda 248 330 2 377 210

20 Côte d'Ivoire 240 979 2 306 840

Source: FAO (2013)


In 2010 five out of the 20 top producer countries of cassava were from Western Africa. The sub-

region experienced a decline in production of 2.2 percent from 2006 to 2007, an increase in 2008,

and a decrease again by 0.5 percent from 2008 to 2009 (Table 14).

Table 14: Global, Africa and Western Africa production of cassava (tonnes)

Region/Country 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Global 223 818 045 226 344 016 232 111 249 235 040 287 230 265 639

Africa 119 016 937 116 428 335 121 070 978 120 434 212 121 661 234

Western Africa 63 248 727 62 243 992 66 030 324 58 621 144 60 141 497

Source: FAO (2013)

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Ghana was the sixth highest cassava producer country globally and the fourth highest producer in

Africa in 2010 (FAO, 2013). In the same year, Ghana produced 13 504 000 tonnes of cassava,

making it the most highly produced agricultural commodity in the country in terms of quantity and

value. Cassava production increased progressively from 2006 to 2010 (Table 15). Cassava is second

to maize as the most widely grown crop by area (875 000 ha). It is grown by most farming

households. The mean cassava yield (13.8 tonnes/ha) was 28.34 percent of the achievable yield of

48.7 tonnes/ha under rain-fed condition (MOFA, 2011). The yield of cassava in the country is

estimated to be 20-30 percent higher than the global and African averages, and has a potential for

greater yield with improved agronomic practice, mechanization and the use of improved cassava

varieties. The characteristics of the cassava varieties released in the country since 2005 are

presented in Table 16.

Table 15: Production and cassava planted area in Ghana



2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Area planted (‘000 ha) 790 801 840 886 875

Production (‘000 tonnes) 9 638 10 218 11 351 12 231 13 504

Source: MOFA (2011)

IFAD has been one of the main institutions directly involved as a sponsor of the programmes in

cassava production, processing and marketing in Ghana. At the production level, one of the most

innovative features of the IFAD-supported national programme, Root and Tuber Improvement

Programme, has been its focus on testing and distributing new varieties of cassava (IFAD, 2012). It

successfully developed new and better varieties of cassava and created an effective multiplication

and distribution system thereby increasing the availability of planting materials for smallholders

(IFAD, 2004). Through the programme, about 760 000 farmers have planted new varieties, and

many have participated in farmer field schools that the programme set up across the country. These

schools teach groups of farmers, most of them women, on how to plant the new varieties.

Participants are encouraged to pass on their knowledge to other farmers in the community. A new

phase, entitled the Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme, is focusing on

improving market linkages between producers and consumers to improve poor rural farmers'

incomes (IFAD, 2012).

Page | 18

Table 16: Cassava varieties released in Ghana

Name of

variety &


Year of






Distinctness, uniformity, stability Yield & Use



TMS 270


Forest, coastal

and forest-



Petiole colour: purple, Stem

colour: greyish brown. Mean ht:

219.5 cm. Root skin colour:

deep brown

Potential yield: 45 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 36%, Resistant to Cassava

Mosaic Disease, good for flour, starch

and fufu (pounded boiled cassava)

CRI, Kumasi






Forest, coastal

and forest-



Petiole colour: yellowish green,

Stem colour: light brown, Mean

ht: 210. 5 cm, Root skin colour:


Potential yield: 40 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 33%, tolerant to Cassava

Mosaic Disease, good for flour, starch

and bakery products

CRI, Kumasi



TMS 498

2010 Forest, coastal

and forest-



Petiole colour: yellowish green,

Stem colour: greyish brown,

Mean ht: 205 cm, Root skin

colour: brown.

Potential yield: 40 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 36%, tolerant to Cassava

Mosaic Disease, good for flour and

starch production.

CRI, Kumasi



TMS 396

2010 Forest, coastal

and forest-



Petiole colour: yellowish green,

Stem colour: grey, Mean ht: 189

cm, Root skin colour: brown.

Potential yield: 35 tonnes/ ha, Dry

matter 39%, tolerant to Cassava Mosaic

Disease, good for starch and flour


CRI, Kumasi

Page | 19

Name of

variety &


Year of






Distinctness, uniformity, stability Yield & Use



97/ 4962

2005 Forest,

coastal and




Petiole colour: purple, Stem

colour: greyish brown, Growth

habit: no branching, Root skin

colour: greyish yellow.

Potential yield: 50.8 tonnes/ha, 24.4%

starch and good for starch and gari

(grated and fried crispy cassava

product) production

CRI, Kumasi




97/ 4414

2005 Forest,

coastal and




Petiole colour: yellowish green,

Stem colour: light brown,

Branching habit: high branching,

Root skin colour: pale orange.

Potential yield: 48 tonnes/ha, 21%

starch, and good for fufu, bakery


CRI, Kumasi




97/ 4414

2005 Forest,

coastal and




Petiole colour: purple, Stem

colour: brownish orange,

Branching habit: low branching,

Root skin cololur: greyish orange.

Potential yield: 48 tonnes/ha, 21%

starch and fufu, and good for bakery


CRI, Kumasi




97/ 4489

2005 Forest,

coastal and




Petiole colour: yellowish green,

Stem colour: light brown,

Branching habit: intermediate

branching, Root skin colour: light


Potential yield: 45 tonnes/ha, 24%

starch and good for starch production.

Page | 20

Name of

variety &


Year of




Characteristics Institution

Distinctness, uniformity, stability



Selection out

of 514 local


made from

Central and


Regions of


2005 Savanna





rain forest

Purplish petioles.

Young stem is green with

purplish stripes. Mature stem

is light brown. The skin of the

root is dark brown, the rind is

light purple, and the flesh is


It is resistant to the cassava

mosaic virus disease.

Quite early maturing, within 8-12


High yielding (20-64 tonnes/ha).

Roots are mealy all year round. Starch

yield is relatively high (above 25%).

It is good for fufu and ampesi (boiled

cassava), gari , flour, and agbelima

(cooked fermented cassava mash) and

industrial starch production.

University of

Cape Coast

Bankye Botan

Selection out

of 514 local


made from

Central and


Regions of


2005 Savannah





rain forest

The young leaves are purplish

in colour; the older leaves are

green, while the petioles are

light green. Height of first

branching is usually above 150


Roots: The skin is dark grey,

while the rind is light grey, and

the flesh is white. It produces

seeds profusely.

Early maturing. Root yield is between

20 - 60 tonnes/ha.

Roots are mealy only for a short

period during the dry season. Good

for gari, flour for bread and pastries

kokonte (dried and powdered cassava

cooked meal), and for industrial starch


University of

Cape Coast

Page | 21

Name of

variety &


Year of




Characteristics Institution

Distinctness, uniformity, stability


TMS 30572

1993 Selection

from open-


seed collected



Petiole colour: yellowish

green, Stem colour: light

brown, Branching habit:

intermediate branching.

Potential yield: 33 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 30%, and good for fufu,flour

and gari and kokonte

CRI, Kumasi



TMS 4(2) 1425

1993 Forest,

coastal and




Potential yield: 33 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 30%, good for fufu, flour,

kokonte, flour and gari

CRI, Kumasi



1993 Potential yield: 50 tonnes/ha, Dry

matter: 20%, good for gari.

CRI, Kumasi

Source: CSD (2013).

CRI: Crop Research Institute

Page | 22



Africa and West Africa supply of cassava as food in 2009 were significantly higher than global supply

(Table 7) in 2009. The Sub-Saharan Africa cassava food supply was the same as for Africa since

Northern Africa value was negligible (FAO, 2013). It is expected that human consumption, industrial

and livestock use of cassava will continue to increase with concomitant increase in production in

the near future.

Table 17: Global cassava food supply in 2009

Region/Group/Country Food supply quantity

kg/capita/year kcal/capita/day

Global 14.3 37

Africa 58.7 152

Western Africa 92.2 233

Ghana 219.0 649

Source: FAO (2013)


Cassava supply as food in Ghana was 219 kg/capita/year in 2009 (Table 19). It was significantly

higher than both the African and Western Africa supplies. Ghana’s supply increased gradually from

2006 to 2009, reaching 152.9 kg/capita/year, which was significantly higher than the global average

(FAO, 2013). The total cassava production available for human consumption in Ghana was 9 452

860 tonnes, with estimated net consumption of 3 703 697 tonnes in 2010, leaving a net surplus of 5

749 164 tonnes which could have been used for industrial production and animal feed (MOFA,


Table 18: Estimated consumption of cassava in Ghana


1980 1985 1990 1995 200O 2005

145.2 146.3 148.0 149.7 151.4 152.9

Source: MOFA (2011). Estimates are based on food available for human consumption from both

domestic and import sources.

Page | 23

Per capita consumption of cassava in Ghana has been increasing over the years and rose from 145.2

in 1985 to 152.9 kg in 2010 (Table 18; MOFA, 2011), which is 191 percent of that of Africa. The

consumption accounted for annual intake of 649 kcal/capita and 1.9 kg/capita protein in 2009 (FAO,

2013). The demand for cassava in Ghana is expected to continue to grow strongly due to its wide-

ranging applications; in addition to being a key component of the Ghanaian diet, it is also being used

by breweries and can be used as a replacement for wheat flour in pastries as well as its increasingly

use for livestock feeding (Anon, 2012). A major brewery producing beer from cassava projected

using 1 500 tonnes of cassava to be supplied by 1 500 to 2 000 farmers in 2013.

The economic production values of cassava in Ghana, which is the amount available for

consumption was positively correlated with the wholesale prices; gives high positive coefficient

values of 0.8 (Sagoe, 2006). Nominal weighed average rural wholesale price of cassava increased by

107 percent from 2006 to 2010, while the real average rural wholesale price increased by 33.8

percent for the same period (Table19; MOFA, 2011). Prices are, however, not stable in view of the

highly perishable nature of the crop and the preferred form of purchase. Processing the crops

would ensure a higher sale price for the farmer (Sagoe, 2006).

Table 19: Average rural wholesale price (GH¢) per tonne (2002) as the basic price

Parameter 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Nominal weighed 108.0 111.3 152.8 189.5 223.6

Real 57.3 53.9 64.2 68.9 76.6

Source: MOFA (2011)

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Since the early 1930s cassava has been known and used in livestock feed as a substitute of grains.

Initially cassava as a substitute for grains became possible because of its cost effectiveness relative

to grains (especially maize) and later because of the increased demand of maize for human and

other industrial uses such as in textiles, breweries and pastries. The first large-scale commercial

users of cassava as a livestock feed resource were livestock farmers in the European Union. The

major users of cassava as animal feed, in the form of dried chips and pellets, are Brazil and

Colombia in Latin America, the Caribbean, Nigeria in Africa, Thailand and China in Asia and the

Netherlands and Spain in Europe (FAO, 2008).

Table 20: Use of cassava as animal feed (‘000 tonnes) in world, Africa and Western


Region/Country Group 2006 2007 2008 2009

World 75 813 76 922 72 151 78 997

Africa 35 001 33 986 36 577 36 983

Western Africa 24 685 23 546 24 685 24 258

Source: FAO (2013)

In 2006, 34.4 percent of the global cassava production of 75 813 000 tonnes was used as animal

feed (Table 20). The usage increased 4.20 percent by 2009 at an annual growth rate of 1.5 percent.

In 2009, a total of 36 983 000 tonnes of cassava, comprising 46.8 percent of global usage was

accounted for by Africa, while Asia accounted for 27 442 000 tonnes, 34.7 percent of global usage,

and Southern America, the Caribbean and Central America used 13 971 000, 171 000 and 50 000

tonnes respectively (FAO, 2013). Cassava plays a minor role as a livestock feed ingredient in Africa,

with the exception of Nigeria and Angola (Table 21) despite the high production of cassava in the

region. In Western Africa, Nigeria is the only country making significant use of cassava as livestock

feed, which accounted for 54.7 percent of the sub-region use in 2009. However, the quantity

cassava used as livestock feed in Africa is probably underestimated because cassava roots and leaves

are fed to sheep, goat and pigs on small-scale farms in the cassava producing areas, either in fresh or

cut-and-dried form. Cassava production and livestock rearing in such places are highly

complementary because cassava processing is carried out around homes; and sheep, goats and

chicken feed on by-products of cassava processing (IFAD and FAO, 2004)

Page | 25

Table 21: Top countries using cassava as animal feed in Africa in 2009

Country ‘000 tonnes

Nigeria 20 239

Angola 7 140

Ghana 2 762

Malawi 2 200

Uganda 1 718

Mozambique 613

Tanzania, United Republic of 570

Madagascar 120

Other African countries 1 621

Source: FAO (2013)



Energy sources constitute between 15 and 60 percent of compound livestock feeds and

concentrates respectively. Presently, maize constitutes the bulk of the energy source in such

rations. The difficulty in obtaining foreign exchange in many African countries has considerably

reduced the imports of maize and other cereals. At the same time local production of cereal grains

remains grossly inadequate for human food and animal feed industries. The shortages of grains have

therefore resulted in astronomical increase in their price, particularly in a few months before

harvest. Cassava production has been rising steadily in many African countries and its availability has

only to be matched with competitive pricing to make its use in livestock feeds feasible. In places

where it is a cheap carbohydrate source, it can supply adequate calories and therefore offer great

potential as animal feed. However, due to limitations such as its low content of protein, vitamins

and some minerals, lack of sulphur and amino acids such as methionine, it is often rated as inferior

to maize. However, when properly balanced in proteins, vitamins and minerals, its suitability as an

energy source in compound rations will be fully acceptable.

Other factors that need to be considered in formulating balanced cassava rations include:

oil supplementation or pelletizing in order to reduce its dustiness (powdery nature) and the

latter to improve the starch utilization. Also addition of fats and molasses or pelletizing have

been found to improve palatability of cassava diets;

adequate supplementation of non-ruminant rations with sulphur amino acids to detoxify

residual hydrocyanic acid and supply enough for productive purposes;

synchronize the release of nitrogen from forage with energy from cassava in ruminant

rations in order to obtain favourable productive responses; and

Advantage of non-protein nitrogen in the form of urea nitrogen or poultry droppings to

provide cheap nitrogen in cassava feed for ruminant animals (IFAD, 2004).

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There are various forms of cassava products and by-products used as animal feed with cassava

foliage, cassava peel, cassava chip, cassava pellet, broken cassava root , cassava pomace and cassava

whey as the major ones. The cassava by-products are generally found in the vicinity of factories

where cassava tubers are processed into starch or flour.

Cassava foliage (leaves and stems): Cassava foliage (stems and leaves) is a valuable fodder for

livestock, yielding more than 6 tonnes of crude protein/ha/year if proper agronomic practices are

directed toward foliage harvesting (Heuzé and Tran, 2012). Cassava foliage is a premium choice

supplement in scarce conditions. The main characteristic of cassava leaves is their high protein

content (24.9 percent DM) with a good amino acid profile except methionine, which is deficient.

They are good sources of minerals (Ca and trace elements) and natural pigments (xanthophylls)

although P and Na contents are rather low (Heuzé and Tran, 2012).

Cassava peel (fresh, dried, boiled or ensiled): Cassava peels can be used as a roughage and as

an energy feed in ruminant diets. However, sun drying, ensiling and fermentation should be used to

prevent HCN poisoning when using bitter cassava varieties. Cassava peels should not be fed alone,

as their protein and mineral content cannot support optimum microbial synthesis in the rumen. Its

optimal utilization requires sources of readily fermentable protein and by-pass protein as well as

micronutrients including sulphur, phosphorus, and vitamin B. Cassava peels are valuable feed, and

significantly increases animal performances when added to ruminant diets. Cassava peels are highly

degradable in the rumen (81 percent dry matter degradability) (Smith, 1988).

Cassava pellets: Cassava pellets are obtained from dried and broken cassava roots by grinding

and hardening into a cylindrical shape. The cylinders are about 2-3 cm long and about 0.4-0.8 cm in

diameter, and are uniform in appearance and texture. Pellets are produced by feeding dried cassava

chips into the pelleting machine, followed by screening and bagging. Powdered chips which fall down

during pelleting are re-pressed into pellets. There is usually about 2-3 percent loss of weight during

the process. Pellets have the following advantages over chips: quality is more uniform; they occupy

25-30 percent lesser space, thus reducing the cost of transport and storage; handling charges for

loading and unloading are also lower; they usually reach their destination sound and undamaged,

while a great part of a cargo of sliced chips get damaged in long-distance shipment because of

sweating and heating. The pellets are also resistant to insect infestation (IITA, 2005).

Cassava chips: Cassava chip is the most common form in which dried cassava roots are marketed.

The chips are dried irregular slices of roots, which vary in size but should not exceed 5 cm in length so

that they can be stored in silos. Processing chips consists of peeling, washing, chipping the cassava

roots, and then sun drying the slices or chips. The recovery rate of chips from roots is about 20-40

percent depending on the initial dry-matter content of the cassava roots and the final moisture of the

chips (IITA, 2005). Cassava chip for use in livestock feeds should preferably be white or near white in

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colour, free from extraneous matter, moulds, insect infestation and damage and possess no peculiar


Broken cassava roots: Broken cassava roots are similar to chips in appearance, but generally thicker

and longer, often 12-15 cm long and of varying thickness. They are produced mainly in Africa where

local processors prefer longer roots because of the domestic demand mainly for products suitable for

human consumption, as cassava is a part of the staple diet. Once processed into chips the product

becomes inedible for humans (IITA, 2005).

Cassava meal: Cassava meal is the powdered residue of the chips and roots after processing to

extract edible starch. It is generally inferior in quality to chips, pellets and broken roots. It has lower

starch content and usually contains more sand. The demand for this product is especially by small-scale

farmers who produce their own feedstuffs. Since cassava meal does not require grinding, it can be

readily mixed with other feed ingredients (IITA, 2005).

Cassava pomace (also called bagase, bran or pulp): During the processing of cassava starch, the

residual pulp separated in the screening process is also used as an animal feed. It is usually utilized in

the wet state (75-80 percent moisture content) in the neighborhood of the processing factory but is

sometimes sun dried before use. This product is considered a by-product of the cassava starch industry

and represents about 10 percent by weight of the cassava roots (IITA, 2005). Cassava pomace

contains less cyanogenic glycosides than the peels. It can be dried or ensiled. In order to

be ensiled, cassava pomace is ground and added either 0.5 percent salt (on fresh weight

basis) or rapidly fermentable carbohydrates such as ground maize or molasses before

being placed in anaerobic conditions (in pits or plastic bags). Urea and minerals may also

be added. Cassava pomace has a lower feeding value than cassava roots but can be

included in ruminant diets (Heuzé et al., 2012a). Cassava pomace is a highly variable by-product as

its composition is determined by starch extraction technology used in the processing plant. Its protein

content is very low (< 4 percent DM, sometimes as low as 1 percent). Starch content can vary

between 15 and 50 percent and NDF content may be higher than 35 percent on dry matter basis

(Heuzé et al. 2012b).

Cassava whey: Cassava whey is the liquid pressed out of the tuber after it has been crushed

mechanically. The whey and the pomace may be mixed together and form an effluent (Heuzé et al.,

2012b). The proximate composition (g/100 g DM) of cassava whey is: crude protein 2.46, ash 1.88,

and nitrogen free extractives 95.7. Crude fibre and fat are undetectable. The DM content of whey is

3.34% (Aro et al., 2010).

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It is estimated that 2 762 000 tonnes of cassava was used as feed in 2009 (FAO, 2013). Historically

and presently cassava plays a minor role as an ingredient in commercial livestock feed in Ghana.

Nevertheless, feeding cassava in its different forms as foliage (leaves and stems), peels (fresh, boiled,

or dried) and tuber (chopped) to pigs, sheep, goats and cattle is common in the smallholder

livestock farming system. Cassava peels are sometimes considered as waste, and are disposed off as

rubbish or collected by other people free of charge. The cassava used for both smallholder and

commercial livestock feeding, was higher than maize (774 000 tonnes), the major ingredient in

commercial livestock feeds.

The use of cassava peels as the main feed source for small ruminants was highest in the Coastal

Savannah ecological zone where about 48 percent of farmers fed the peels to goats. The highest use

of cassava peels for sheep feeding was in the Forest ecological zone (30 percent). The higher of use

of cassava peels in these two ecological zones might be associated with high availability of cassava

residue in the zones rather than the importance attributed to it as animal feed. Feeding the peels to

small ruminants was uncommon in the Sudan Savannah ecological zone. Although a few farmers fed

cassava foliage to small ruminants in the country it was not considered as a major feed for small

ruminants in the Sudan and Coastal Savannah ecological zones (Oppong-Anane et al., 2008). In the

semi-intensive system cassava peels, chopped tuber and pellets are common for fattening rams and

bulls for the urban market. The practice of feeding cassava (fresh and boiled chips and peels) to pigs

is common among smallholder famers throughout the country. Cassava is currently not being used

in the preparation of poultry and pig feed in commercial feed. Cassava peels and foliage were major

feed items for cattle only in the Guinea Savannah ecological zone.

From 1991 to 1996 GAFCO, a major feed miller in Ghana successfully exported cassava chips to

the European Union for use as livestock feed. During that period cassava flour was used in the

feeds for various livestock species. Though the feed was highly patronised by farmers, production

ceased when the export ended.


Cassava used for animal feed in Ghana estimated at 4 percent in 2000 (Nweke, 2003) rose sharply

to 18.8 percent in 2006 and then to 22.6 percent in 2009 (Table 22). The use for animal feed

increased by 931 000 tonnes, from 2006 to 2009, an increase of 50.8 percent (FAO, 2013). The

phenomenal usage increase of 22.8 percent from 2008 to 2009 could be partially attributed to the

technology transfer efforts on the use of cassava by-products to mainly smallholder livestock

farmers by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture extension agents. However, the technology needs

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to be further improved by delivering appropriate information tailored to the different livestock

species and extended to more livestock farmers and commercial feed millers.

Table 22: Cassava production and utilization for animal feed in Ghana (‘000 tonnes)


2006 2007 2008 2009

Total cassava production 9 638 10 218 11 351 12 231

Cassava used as animal feed 1 831 1 963 2 249 2 762

Percentage utilization for animal feed 18.8 19.2 19.8 22.6

Source: FAO (2013)

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There are a number of limitations to the widespread use of cassava for livestock feed. The short

shelf life of cassava due to high moisture content in products could lead to spoilage during storage if

measures are not taken to reduce moisture content or ensiled within a short period after

processing. The high water content in the cassava tuber makes preservation, transportation and

handling difficult. The low protein content and high crude fibre of the cassava tuber also contribute

to the low usage of cassava as livestock feed for monogastrics.

Managing the large amounts of waste produced from cassava processing, such as cassava pulp, into

livestock feed is often done at high cost. Also cassava by-products require further processing if they

are to be incorporated into commercial feed thus adding to the cost of the feed. Perhaps the

greatest constraint to feeding cassava to animals is the problem of cyanide toxicity which can be

rectified through processing (see Section 9).

A major constraint to the use of cassava products and by-products for livestock feeding in Ghana is

the problem of obtaining sufficient amounts especially for large herds. Quiet often, the by-products

are not produced in sufficiently large quantities at accessible spots for easy collection and feeding to

livestock on a large scale. At present, they can only be used by small-scale livestock farmers.

Lack of appropriate knowledge on the use of cassava products as livestock feed by farmers has

continuously led to their underutilisation in the country. The use of cassava leaves, particularly in

ruminant diets is growing. However, not much is known about the effect of frequent foliage harvest

on root yields. Information from other countries should be used while local trials are on-going.

The presence of cyanogenic glycosides in cassava chips meant for feed, if not properly eliminated

through thorough drying, could put a limitation to cassava use in non-ruminant feeds. Elimination of

the toxic glycosides is therefore a prerequisite to the acceptance of cassava as a major ingredient in

commercial feed in Ghana.

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Various methods are used to detoxify or reduce cyanogenic glycosides and phytate content in

cassava products and by-products in order to make them safe for consumption and preserve their

nutritive quality. Different processes have been found to be effective in reducing cyanogenic

glycosides: sun-drying, soaking, fermentation, ensiling and combination of processes such as soaking

followed by sun-drying. The problems related with cyanogenic compounds are overcome by the use

of sweet varieties and / or proper post-harvest treatments as simple as sun-drying on a concrete

floor. Other processes as boiling and fermentation have also been found to be efficient.

Drying: The dehydration process results in substantial reduction on the content of cyanogenic

glycosidein cassava products. Drying can be carried out using solar radiation (sun-drying), electricity

or fuel depending on economic viability (Tewe, 1992).

Peeling: Many methods of processing cassava commence with peeling. Fresh cassava peels contain

higher amounts of cyanogenic glycosides than the pulp. They also contain and phytates. Removal of

peels therefore reduces the cyanogenic glycosides considerably in the cassava tuber and also

removes phytates. Peeling can effectively reduce the cyanide content by at least 50 percent in the

cassava tuber (Tewe, 1992).

Soaking: Soaking of cassava roots in water provides a suitable medium for fermentation,

converting cyanogenic glycoside to cyanide and allows extraction of the soluble cyanide into the

water. The process removes about 20 percent of the free cyanide in fresh cassava chips after 4

hours (Tewe, 1992). Water-soaking fresh peels for 1 to 5 hours followed by sun-drying

also significantly reduced cyanogenic glycosides in amounts proportional to the duration of soaking

(Shoremi et al., 1999 cited by Heuzé et al., 2012a). The water used should be discarded since it

contains cyanide.

Boiling: As with soaking, the free cyanide in cassava chips is rapidly lost in boiling water. About 90

percent of then free cyanide is removed within 15 minutes of boiling fresh cassava chips. Boiling

destroys the enzyme linamarase (Tewe, 1992). After the treatment the water used should be


Fermentation: Fermentation reduces the cynogenic glycosides to relatively insignificant levels.

Fermented cassava products have better shelf life and are often low in cyanide content (Tewe,

1992). Fermentation of a mixture of cassava peels and wastewater from fermented cassava pulp

with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus spp. resulted in a product with a higher protein

content, lower cyanogenic glycosides and lower phytate content. Fermentation can slightly reduce

phytate content down to 0.7 percent (Heuzé et al., 2012a.)

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Ensiling: Cassava pomace contains lower cyanogenic glycosides than the peels. It can be dried or

ensiled. For ensiling, cassava pomace is ground and added either 0.5 percent salt (on fresh weight

basis) or rapidly fermentable carbohydrates such as ground maize or molasses before being placed

in anaerobic conditions (in pits or plastic bags). Addition of urea and minerals is also possible

(Heuzé et al., 2012a). Ensiling cassava peels also reduce cyanogenic glycosides content (Larsen et al.,

1976). Ensiling seems to be as efficient as sun-drying (or even more efficient) to detoxify cassava

peels and the resulting products can be used safely to feed livestock (Heuzé et al., 2012a).

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Cassava peels


Cassava peels are a good feed for pigs, but they must be supplemented with sources of protein and

lipids in order to improve their palatability and digestibility. The fibrous nature of the feed may also

limit its inclusion in pig diets. Typical inclusion rates are about 30 percent though rates up to 60

percent have been found economically sustainable due to the lower price of cassava peels

compared to that of maize, for instance. Cassava peels could be introduced at up to 30 percent in

piglet diets without affecting growth performance. In older pigs (35 kg), up to a 57 percent level of

inclusion had no deleterious effect on daily weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and

carcass characteristics and the use of cassava peels as a partial replacement for maize in young pig

diets was shown to be cost effective. Cassava peel meal could be included in the diets of growing

pigs up to level of 30 percent to reduce feed costs without any detrimental effect on performance,

or up to 60 percent (total replacement of maize) when maize cost is high. In growing pigs, inclusion

of cassava peel meals up to 38 percent with 5.4 percent palm oil gave a better economic

performance than other combinations of peels and palm oil (Heuzé et al., 2012a).

Several methods have been tested to enhance the feeding value of cassava peels for pigs. In pigs fed

a diet containing 30 percent cassava peels, adding an enzyme cocktail enhanced diet utilization,

resulting in better performance comparable to pigs fed with the maize-based control diet.

Biodegradation of cassava peels with Trichoderma viride resulted in a higher protein content (16

percent) but was not found to be more expensive without significantly improving performance

(Heuzé et al., 2012a).


Cassava peels can be used for poultry feeding after sun-drying, as well-processed peels contain

HCN levels that are acceptable for poultry. Fermentation of cassava peels has been tested by

several authors, either to lower HCN or fibre content or to increase crude protein content (Heuzé

et al., 2012a).


In some experiments, growth performance was maintained with broiler diets containing up to 15

percent cassava peal meal. Feed intake is generally not highly affected but depends on the feed

formulation (iso-energetic diets or not). However, in other experiments performance decreased

with five percent cassava peal meal in diets. This can be due in part to problems in feed formulation

since there is evidence that performance is adversely affected with inadequate protein

complementation. There could be an advantage in feeding fresh cassava peels for slow growing

chickens. The recommendation for broilers is to limit the incorporation of cassava peel meal to 5-

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10 percent depending on its quality, with appropriate feed formulation. Higher levels could be used

in slow growing chicken or in situations where depression in growth performance is

counterbalanced by a lower feed cost (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


Sun-dried cassava peels at 10 to 40 percent inclusion rates resulted in significantly lower productive

performance in layers. Fifteen percent of the layers had lower egg production when 20 percent

cassava peel meal was included in the diet. The effect on feed intake was not constant in these

studies. Different processing techniques were tested to alleviate the negative effect of cassava peels:

ensiling or boiling resulted in improved performance, but the egg production was always lower than

for the maize control. These results suggest that cassava peel meal should be used carefully in layer

diets, with low inclusion rates of about 5 percent (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


As a source of energy and replacement of maize dried cassava peels can be incorporated up to 30

percent in balanced feeds for growing rabbit. Water-soaked cassava peels allowed growth and

carcass characteristics identical or significantly better than those obtained with the control diet

containing 20 percent maize. On the other hand, a diet based on dried cassava peels (totally

replacing maize) showed poor performance in growing rabbits compared with those fed the non-

extruded diet Agunbiade et al., (2001) cited in Heuzé et al., (2012a).

Cassava pomace


Growing and finishing pigs

Cassava pomace was found to be detrimental to the performance of growing pigs at levels as low as

seven percent. Likewise, a diet containing 10 percent of cassava pomace had negative effects on the

average daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio of weanling pigs though it did not affect feed

intake. However, a 15 percent inclusion rate was found to be non-detrimental to piglets. Generally,

older pigs seem to be less sensitive to the detrimental effects of cassava pomace: up to 30 percent

cassava pomace in the diets of finishing pigs did not affect performance. It is likely that the value of

cassava pomace for young pigs depends on its fibre content. Cassava root waste (included at 25

percent in the diet) could completely replace cassava root meal provided that the diet includes five

percent catfish oil. This diet significantly improved growth performance without affecting carcass

quality, and resulted in the highest economic benefit (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


Dried cassava starch residue could be included at 30 percent level in the diet of gestating sows

without any effect on the reproductive performance of both gestating and lactating sows (Heuzé et

al., 2012a).

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Cassava pomace is rich in fibre with a quite variable composition but small amounts can be included

in broiler diets. With correctly energy-formulated diets, cassava pomace did not

significantly decrease broiler performance when included at four percent and eight percent, while

performance was depressed at 12 and 16 percent respectively (Heuzé et al., 2012a).

Cassava sievate


In Nigeria, cassava sieviate (by-product of garri production was used successfully in layers, causing

only a minor decrease in egg production when 15 percent sievate was included in the diet.

Fermentation with Aspergillus slightly improved the rate of la y (Heuzé et al., 2012a). In another

experiment, feed intake and performance decreased with 10 percent pomace in the diet. Laying

performance was improved by avizyme and dried pure yeast addition (Aderemi et al., 2006)


Cassava sievate introduced up to 18-20 percent in growing rabbit diets (replacing the corresponding

amount of maize grain) resulted in growth performance similar to or slightly better than that

obtained with the maize-based control diet. A higher inclusion level (40 percent) reduced growth

rate by nine percent in comparison with that with the maize-based control diet, but the unit cost of

feed to weight gain remained in favour of sievate utilisation (Heuzé et al., 2012a).

Cassava root

Cassava root as feed includes cassava meal residue, a mixture of cassava roots unsuitable for human

consumption and of root tips from the pre-processing cleaning stage. Its composition is close to

that of the roots, with a high starch level (64 percent). The cassava meal residue may be added up

to 26 percent to the diet of growing rabbits from weaning to slaughter, replacing completely maize

without any impairment in performance and carcass characteristics (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


Due to their high starch content, cassava roots are an excellent source of energy for pigs and can

be used in fresh, ensiled or dried forms. Because cassava peels are more than twice as fibrous as the

root pulp, peeling improves energy digestibility and energy content. For growing-finishing pigs, it is

possible to include up to 60 percent of dried cassava root in the diet. The inclusion rate depends on

the growth stage of the pig. The maximum intake of cassava is about 100 g/kg DM W0.60 for dried

ground cassava. Cassava root meal is a palatable ingredient in the diets of young pigs. The main

concern about the use of cassava roots in pigs is the presence of HCN, especially in bitter cultivars

and there is a negative relationship between HCN content and cassava root intake (Heuzé et al.,


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Dried cassava tubers can be efficiently used in poultry feeding. However, grinding cassava results in

high levels of fine particles which can cause lower feed intake and possibly irritation of respiratory

organs. Pelleting reduces dust and increases the bulk density, favouring feed intake especially in

young animals. The protein content of cassava is low, which requires good protein sources in feed

formulation. In particular sulphur amino acids (methionine and cystine) have to be supplied in high

enough amounts because they are involved in metabolic detoxification of HCN. The metabolizable

energy (ME) value of good cassava meal (72 percent starch) is equivalent to that of maize. Lower

quality cassava (lower starch, higher fibre) hase lower ME value, and the ME of unpeeled cassava

meal is about 85 percent of that of maize. (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


In well-formulated diets, good quality cassava can be used at high levels without reducing

performance. For instance, the inclusion of 50 percent pelleted cassava results in performance

comparable to that obtained with maize diets. In addition > 30 percent unpelleted cassava meal in

the diet could reduce feed intake, resulting in a non-significant decrease in growth while maintaining

feed efficiency. Feed consumption can be affected in young animals at high inclusion rates (50

percent) while older animals maintain their performance. While there is no fixed limit on the

inclusion level of high-grade cassava in pelleted diets for grower-finisher broilers, the low protein

content of cassava limits its inclusion to 30-40 percent due to formulation constraints. When diets

are fed in meal form, inclusion of cassava should not be higher than 20-30 percent, particularly for

young animals. Lower grade cassava root products, such as dusty, unpeeled, or high-HCN roots or

roots processed with little or no quality control should be used with caution and the inclusion rate

should not exceed 20 percent of the diet (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


High levels of cassava meal can be used in layer diets when the HCN level is low and the diet is well

balanced for protein, energy, minerals and vitamins. Up to 50 percent cassava did not significantly

decrease production, feed efficiency and body weight. Water consumption increased when cassava

was fed in meal form, while this effect was not observed on feeding pelleted form. Egg mass

produced was also improved on feeding pelleted meal. Unpeeled cassava meal could be included at

30 percent, completely replacing maize grain in the diet without adverse effects, including on egg

quality. However, the low carotenoid content of cassava requires supplementation with natural or

artificial pigment sources if the egg yolk colour has to be maintained. Good quality cassava meal can

be used in layers without limit provided that the diet is properly balanced for nutrients. As for

broilers, lower quality cassava should not exceed 20-30 percent of the diet (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


Sun-dried cassava chips are used by traditional farmers in tropical countries such as Ghana,

Tanzania, Uganda and Nigeria. Cassava root slices are also a common ingredient for complete rabbit

feeds in many hot-climate countries such as Cameroon. The inclusion level is generally 25 to 30

percent of the diet. Several studies have investigated the ability of sun-dried cassava root meal to

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replace cereal grains such as maize or barley, or other concentrate ingredients in rabbit diets.

When experimental diets are correctly balanced, no differences are observed in growth or

reproductive performance using usual inclusion levels up to 20-30 percent. Also, including cassava

roots in the diet does not affect the quality of rabbit meat (physico-chemical composition and meat

acceptability). Levels up to 45-50 percent have been tested experimentally without any adverse

effects in growing rabbits or breeding doe. The main issue when formulating balanced rabbit diets

with cassava roots is their very low protein content, a problem that is usually addressed by

increasing the proportion of soybean meal in the diet. Cassava roots, even when sliced and dried,

have a mild goitrogenic effect, as evidenced by the low levels of serum thyroxin and cholesterol and

by enlarged thyroid glands. However, rabbits fed a 25 percent cassava root diet had a growth rate

better than that of the control group, which indicates that the goitrogenic effect could be negligible

in growing rabbits (Heuzé et al., 2012a)


Cassava peels

Cassava peels can be used as a roughage and as an energy feed in ruminant diets. However, sun

drying, ensiling and fermentation should be used to prevent HCN poisoning when using bitter

cassava varieties. Cassava peels should not be fed alone, as their protein and mineral content cannot

support optimum rumen function and productivity in ruminants, and their optimal utilization

requires sources of readily fermentable protein and by-pass protein as well as micronutrients

including sulphur, phosphorus, and B vitamin. Cassava peels are a valuable feed, and significant

increases of animal performances have been reported when they are added to ruminant diets

(Heuzé et al., 2012a).


In Ghana, weight gains of 0.29 or 0.33 kg/day (vs. 0.07 kg/day for the unsupplemented group) were

recorded with cross-bred bullocks grazed and supplemented with dried or ensiled peels Because of

their high degradability, cassava peels have also been used as a energy supplement in cattle: cassava

peels could partly replace (30 percent of total dry matter intake) energy concentrates, with no

influence on the intake, digestibility, microbial efficiency, and nitrogen retention (Heuzé et al.,



Many trials have been carried out with sheep in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana, Djallonké lambs lost

weight after consuming only cassava peels, and supplementation with Ficus exasperata leaves

resulted in weight gains and in a significant increase in cassava peels DMI (from 44 to 58 g W0.75). In

Cameroon, sheep fed 0, 35, and 70 percent of the diet as cassava peels (and respectively 70, 35 and

0 percent Pennisetum purpureum), with cottonseed cake as the protein source, gained respectively

45, 107 and 227 g/d. Dry matter intake, digestibility and growth rate increased linearly with

increasing dietary levels of cassava peels. Sheep may use ensiled cassava peels better than sun-dried

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peel. In Nigeria, sheep fed a diet containing 80 percent ensiled cassava peels had higher daily gains

(81 vs. 59 g/d) than those fed sun-dried peels (Heuzé et al., 2012a).


In Nigeria, a 60:20:20 ensiled mixture of grass-legume (guinea grass and tropical kudzu Pueraria

phaseoloides), cassava peels and poultry excreta fed to West African Dwarf goats resulted in

favourable consumption and digestibility, as well as normal rumen and blood metabolites, and it was

recommended to use cassava peels as an energy supplement particularly in the dry season when

digestable energy content of forages is low In Red Sokoto goats, ensiling cassava peels with

Pennisetum purpureum had beneficial effects on silage properties, intake and digestibility, and it was

proposed that cassava peels form at least 30 percent of silage made from Pennisetum purpureum to

improve productivity during the dry season (Heuzé et al., 2012a).

Cassava root

Both fresh and dried cassava roots are consumed by ruminants in different forms (chips, ground,

pelleted). Cassava starch has a high amylopectin content (70 percent) making it a suitable energy

source for ruminants when combined with non-protein nitrogen in feeds. The use of fresh cassava

roots of bitter varieties is limited by their HCN content. When properly processed, they may serve

as a basic energy source for intensive cattle feeding. Dried cassava roots have given satisfactory

results as the principal energy source in the ruminant productions. Studies indicate that the

inclusion of cassava to partly replace cereal grains (maize, barley, sorghum) with up to 30-40

percent in diets gave satisfactory animal performance and no negative effects on animal heath in

finishing beef, dairy cattle, growing goats and lamb. When cassava tubers are supplemented with

non-protein nitrogen, minerals, vitamins, and roughage, high performances have been registered

with dairy and beef cattle, sheep, and goats. Palatability can be enhanced by the addition of molasses

if pelleting is not possible (Heuzé et al., 2012b).

Dairy cattle

In some experiments, replacing maize with cassava resulted in lower milk yields but also lowered

production costs. However, milk yield increased in other feed trials. Using cassava as an energy

supplement in grazing cows had a positive effect on milk yield (increased milk by 20 percent).

Supplementing a fresh or ensiled sugarcane-based diet with cassava did not change milk production

(Heuzé et al., 2012b).

Beef cattle

In beef cattle, including cassava pellets up to 65 percent do not seem to affect health, carcass quality

or overall performance when the diets are carefully balanced for nutrients. There were no

significant differences in the performance of Holstein-Friesian male calves (180 kg) fed a mixed diet

containing 80 percent concentrate when 40 percent of the grain was replaced by cassava, except for

a small increase in DM intake. The average daily weight gain was 1 200 g and the energy conversion

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efficiency into live weight was reduced by 8 percent depending on the nature of the protein source

(Heuzé et al., 2012b).


Substitution of maize cobs with cassava (20 percent) in sheep fed pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha)

hay improved digestibility, body weight gain, and rumen function (Smith, 1988). Supplementation

levels from 20 to 80 percent increased the digestibility of a rice straw-based diet but reduced the

digestibility of a molasses-urea-based diet (Heuzé et al., 2012b).


In goats, replacing maize grain by cassava roots reduced performance at substitution levels of 40

percent and 60 percent (Smith, 1988). Supplementation of Gliricidia sepium with cassava roots at 30

g/kg DM W0.75 improved digestibility and digestible dry matter intake, but reduced growth rate

(Smith, 1988). Improved digestibility and no decrease in growth rate reported with Gliricidia and

Leucaena (3 : 1) supplemented cassava root at 15 and 30 g/kg DM W0.75. This discrepancy between

the two last studies was attributed to energy-nitrogen synchronization in the rumen (Heuzé et al.,


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Numerous studies have been undertaken on the use of cassava for animal feeding globally, and in Nigeria in particular with respect to Sub-

Saharan research. Research on cassava as animal feed in Ghana is minimal, particularly for ruminant livestock, and the results are

summarised in Tables 23 and 24.

Table 23: Responses of non-ruminant livestock species fed cassava products in Ghana



Role and level of cassava in diet Response Reference



15% inclusion of sun-dried cassava peels

meal in ration

Growth performance was satisfactory. Osei et al., 1988;

Osei, 1992

Broilers 15% inclusion of fermented cassava peels Birds on cassava diet consumed significantly more feed

and had higher rate of gain than those on control diet.

Osei et al., 1986

Broilers and


Sun-dried cassava peel meal incorporated

at 150 g per kg diet.

No influence on feed consumption, liveweight gains and

efficiency of feed utilization. Carcass parameters were not


Osei et al., 1989

Broilers Fermented and non fermented whole

cassava meal in replacement of 15% maize

No difference in weight gain. Agudu and

Thomas, 1980


Maize was partially replaced by 15%

fermented cassava peel meal

Higher feed intake and weight gain on cassava peel meal


Osei et al., 1886



Cassava peels and corn cobs as partial

replacement of maize as major energy


Feed conversion efficiency, average daily weight gain, time

to slaughter (80 kg) and carcass characteristics did not

differ between cassava based and maize diet.

Ampadu et al.,


Page | 41



Role and level of cassava in diet Response Reference

Weaners 10, 20 and 30% of sun-dry homogenous dry

mixture of bovine blood, milled cassava peels

and water at ratio of 6: 2.5: 4 as partial

replacement of maize

No significant differences between daily feed intake,

daily weight gain and final body weight.

Mettle et al., 2009

Weaners 5, 10 and 15% cassava foliage meal as

replacement of maize

No adverse effect on the growth rate, feed

conversion efficiency. Feed cost tended to decrease

as the level of cassava meal increased.

Okai, 1981

Growers 10% cassava meal (+ 40% cocoa husk meal


40% cassava meal + 10% CHM

Pigs on 40% cassava meal and 10% CHM had higher

daily weight gain than those on 10% cassava meal and

40% CHM.

Feed conversion efficiency was significantly lower in

the 40% than the 10% cassava meal diets (3.3 vs


Barnes and Oddoye,



weaners, and



Total replacement of maize with AIBP

containing cassava and cassava peels on

smallholder farms

Average daily gain and days to slaughter of the pigs

on AIBP and maize diets were similar. Economic gain

by pigs on the AIBP diets was better than those on

maize diet.

Rhule et al., 2007


Table 24: Responses of ruminant livestock species fed cassava products in Ghana



Role and level of cassava in


Response Reference


Lambs 0, 15 and 30% sun-dried

cassava pulp as a substitute for

cassava peels diet.

Haematology, carcass weight,

principal organ weights and

growth rate were similar.

Otsina et al.,


Lambs Ficus exasperata leaves

supplementation with cassava


Weight gains increased in lambs

supplemented cassava peels.

Baah et al., 1999




Grazing supplementation with

dried or ensiled peels

Significant difference in weight

gains, 0.07, 0.29 and 0.33 kg/day

for the control, dry and ensiled

peels diets respectively.

Larsen et al.,






While maize constitutes the major energy source in non-ruminant diets in Ghana, fishmeal and

soybean meal are the main sources of crude protein in the diets. Other oil seed cakes, such copra

cake and palm kernel cake are also used as sources of both energy and crude protein. Cassava is

mainly used as energy source by small-scale farmers. Maize typically forms from 50 to 70 percent of

the total feed formulation. The inclusion level of oil seed cakes ranges from 10 to 25 percent in

poultry diets. With the exception of maize, almost all the other ingredients are imported and are

not always available. Yellow maize is imported at times to supplement local supply. The main

ingredients used as sources of various nutrients in non-ruminant feed may be classified as:

Energy source

Cereals (mainly maize), cereal by-products such as wheat bran, rice bran, maize bran


Vegetable oils

Plant protein source

Soymeal, copra cake, palm kennel cake, cotton seed cake

Animal protein sources

Fish meal

Mineral supplements

Dicalcium phosphate, bone meal, shell grit

Page | 43

Trace minerals premixes

Sodium chloride


Vitamin supplements

Crystalline amino acids (methionine, lysine, threonine)

Non nutritive feed additives

Enzymes, antibiotics, probiotics


Foliage: Cassava foliage can be included in poultry and pig diets as a source of protein. With CP of

about 24 percent it has a higher value than maize (nine percent) which is the most expensive

component of non-ruminant diet in Ghana. The amino acid profile is comparable to that of

soyabean meal, one of the major sources of CP in non-ruminant diet. However, its use is limited

due to the inadequacy of the material and lack of information on its use. Use of a feed ingredient by

the feed industry required that it is available regularly and in large quantities. The disadvantage with

the use of cassava foliage is that it is harvested only at the time of uprooting the tubers by which

time there is a reduction of the biomass as well quality. The foliage contains HCN and must be

detoxified. The high crude fibre content also puts a limitation on the inclusion level in the diet.

Although cassava foliage has a high carotene content which gives a good yolk colour, grinding the

dried foliage for use in the feed produces a lot of dust which is hazardous to the health of


Chips/Pellets: Chips and pellets are high energy sources for non-ruminant animal feeding. The

energy value is similar to that of maize which they replace in the diet. The disadvantage of cassava is

that it has moisture content which makes storage difficult in the natural form. It requires further

processing which adds to costs leading to high prices. The cost of drying cassava to moisture

content of 12 percent for storage can be very expensive depending on the method employed. To

go round this, very simple and rudimentary techniques have been used. A disadvantage with the use

of cassava chips/pellets for livestock feeding may be the availability of adequate or required

quantities of the material to achieve the set targets of operations. The other disadvantage is that

HCN in the cassava has to be detoxified. Nevertheless cassava is a highly digestible source of

energy for pig feeding in Ghana.

Cassava pulp: It is a by-product of starch extraction, with a high fibre content compared to maize.

Cassava pulp can be considered a good source of energy for poultry and pigs. The method of

extracting starch requires large quantities of water. The material therefore has a much higher than

normal level of water compared to the cassava root and maize. Pulp decomposes very easily and

produces very offensive odour. The challenge in using the pulp is the high moisture which has to be

dried. The pulp has to be used not far from the production site as high transportation charges are

incurred if used at places far away from the production site.

Page | 44

Since pigs are fed wet with a feed to water ratio of two to one, there is an advantage in feeding

cassava pulp in locations having shortage of water. It can be best used fresh and wet or ensiled.

Cassava peels: Cassava peels can be used for poultry feeding after sun-drying, ensiling or

fermentation to prevent HCN poisoning. Growth performance could be maintained with broiler

diets containing up to 15 percent cassava peal meal. Feed intake is generally not highly affected but

depends whether the feed is iso-energetic or not. However, in some experiments performance

decreased with 5 percent cassava peal meal in diets. This can be due in part to problems in feed

formulation since there is evidence that performance decreases with inadequate protein

supplementation. It is recommended that inclusion level of cassava peel meal is limited to 5-10

percent depending on its quality, with appropriate feed formulation when fed to broilers. Higher

levels could be used in slow growing chicken or in situations where depression in growth

performance is counterbalanced by a lower feed cost and increased profit. Cassava peel meal

should be used carefully in layer diets, with low inclusion rates (e.g. five percent). Cassava peels may

be fed fresh to chicken under semi-intensive and extensive systems.


Foliage: Cassava foliage could efficiently serve as a protein and roughage supplement in ruminant

diets but it is difficult to get sufficient amounts to feed sheep, goats and cattle and in particular on a

large scale. Small-scale farmers tend to feed cassava foliage to sheep and goats albeit in small

quantities. Cassava foliage has higher digestibility than grasses normally grazed by ruminant animals.

It could be considered a good source of nitrogen required for rumen microbial protein synthesis.

Cassava peels: Cassava peels is a valuable feed, and gives satisfactory performances when fed as a

supplement to ruminants. The peels can be used as a roughage and as an energy feed in ruminant

diets. However, sun drying, ensiling or fermentation should be used to prevent HCN poisoning

when using bitter cassava varieties. Cassava peels should not be fed alone, as their protein and

mineral content cannot support optimum rumen function and productivity, and their optimal

utilization requires sources of readily fermentable protein and by-pass protein as well as

micronutrients including sulphur, phosphorus, and B vitamin. The disadvantage with the peel as a

source of energy is its high degradability but a very low nitrogen content. Peels must therefore be

fed with a source of nitrogen which is equally rapidly released during fermentation. In the rumen it

is necessary for the efficient utilization of energy and nitrogen. The nitrogenous source may,

however, be a non-protein such as poultry manure.

Cassava chips and pellets: These are not normally fed to ruminants. The high digestibility of the

starch and sugars present may eventually upset the rumen pH and the micro flora. Microbial

synthesis and energy utilization may be adversely affected. Cassava tuber meal from chips and

pellets could be incorporated into multinutrient blocks containing urea, molasses, vitamins, minerals

and by-products such as brans. Such a block would represent a vast source of low-cost nutrients

Page | 45

that could address the nutrient deficiencies in ruminants especially during the dry season when

protein and energy contents in forages are low.

Page | 46




Cassava, its parts and by-products have the potential to be a major ingredient of livestock feed in

Ghana. In West Africa, and in particular Nigeria, the crop is well known as a viable poultry feed

ingredient, but the level of utilization in Ghana, particularly that of the cassava chips and pellets has

been low, due to a number of constraints. Cassava based non-ruminant feed used to be patronised

by poultry and pig farmers in the country when the feed was produced by GAFCO. It is expected

that livestock owners would again patronise cassava based feed if the necessary awareness is

created and the quality and availability of the cassava products are assured. The steps needed to

realise sustainable and successful use of cassava based feed resources in Ghana include:

Research scientists should formulate appropriate diets for various types of livestock using

information from other countries. However, it may be necessary to undertake on-farm

trials for the benefit of farmers and feed millers and the findings diffused to all stakeholders.

Feed millers should be informed to use appropriate cassava based feed formulations in

order to produce quality feed at lower cost thereby improving income of the farmers as

well as theirs.

Appropriate technologies and machinery for the production of cassava products of

guaranteed quality that meet the nutritional needs of fast growing non-ruminant livestock

should be introduced to stakeholders and they should be encouraged to use them.

An enabling environment should be created to entice farmers and entrepreneurs to take up

production of good quality feed-standard cassava products in large quantities.

Strategic awareness programme, including workshops and presentations in the media,

should be undertaken by the extension services on the potential and economic benefits of

using cassava for livestock feed.

Future research and development issues for expanding the use of cassava based products for feed in

Ghana include:

Dynamics of cassava and livestock products traded across seasons.

Modernizing cassava production and development of cost effective technologies to enhance

productivity and quality of products and by-products for livestock feeding.

Establishment of pilot projects to demonstrate feasibility of cassava-based feeding systems.

Evaluation of the feeding value of cassava products and by-products and the development of

appropriate feeding systems or packages based on these products to ensure optimal


Agronomic studies (e.g. planting density, fertilizer and water requirements and cutting

intervals etc.) on the production of cassava foliage for livestock feeding.

Increase the crude protein content of cassava and by-products by inoculation and microbial


Page | 47

Design appropriate silos for storage of cassava products and by-products using locally

available materials.

Entrepreneurial development of the value chain for cassava products and by-products for

livestock feeding.


In view of the improvement in the production and productivity of cassava in Ghana and sub-Saharan

Africa in general there is a need to maximize the use of cassava and its by-products as animal feed

for the benefit of all stakeholders in the value chain. There is a need thereforeto evaluate the

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with using cassava and cassava by-

products for feeding livestock in Ghana.


Cassava can be substituted as a feed ingredient for maize and/or other grains in livestock


The standards required for using feed grade cassava products are not as stringent as for

cassava food products.

Competitive pricing of cassava products for feed can be achieved through reduced

processing cost such as the use of whole unpeeled storage roots to eliminate peeling costs.

The presence of HCN makes cassava products insect-resistant and easy to store. Adding 15

percent cassava root meal to a concentrate feed improve its resistance to pests.

Cassava is a drought resistant crop capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions

and survives on marginal and not very fertile soils.

Crop production in Ghana is rain-fed making the cultivation of crops such as maize used as

feed ingredients seasonal. Cassava on the other hand is available throughout the year

maintaining a high quality.


Unreliable supply of cassava by-products (pellets and foliage) during the fattening period in

the peri-urban areas for feeding of livestock.

Excessively fine (powdery) nature of cassava meal influences the feed intake negatively and

diminishes consumption of cassava meal.

Lack of and inadequate appropriate processing equipment.

Contamination with sand and mould during drying of by-products.

Feeding cassava products to livestock above recommended levels affect performance.

Cassava has a short shell life due to its high moisture content and must be processed soon

after harvesting to avoid deterioration.

Page | 48


With animal protein consumption projected to increase in the continent, there is tremendous

potential for increased usage of cassava in animal feed.

Availability of maize, which is the main energy source in compound livestock feeds, is being

threatened as many developing nations cannot afford importation of maize due to its high cost.

Cassava products can fill this gap.

Local production of maize is hampered by escalating costs of fertilizer and unfavourable

weather conditions. The need for cassava as an alternative energy source becomes imperative

in order to ensure adequate energy supply in livestock feed.

The increased use of cassava in livestock feed will generate employment opportunities for the

youth leading to alleviation of poverty.

There is a high potential of using of cassava peels as supplement in livestock diet.

Cassava has a potential for greater yield than other starchy crops, particularly with improved

agronomic practices, mechanization and improved cassava varieties.

Cassava is high yielding and a good substitute of cereal in feed industry. It would mean less

land for cultivation and reduced pressure on land.

Government policies can influence the use of cassava as a livestock feed by putting restrictions

on the importation of maize.

There will be a high demand for cassava products and by-products for livestock feeding

following drought and unusual rainfall patterns, as a result of ongoing global warming, that

would affect productivity of maize.

Ghana has corps of highly-trained animal scientists whose expertise will be employed in the

feed formulations and management of cassava in feeding livestock.

Currently the by-products from cassava processing, peels and pulp are left at the production

sites to rot and their use in livestock feeding will minimize environmental pollution.

Cassava leaves have very high protein levels and these could be exploited for the nutritional

improvement of cassava meal as livestock feed.

Manure from increased livestock production as a result of increased cassava feed use will

improve soil fertility of farmlands.


Cassava processing produces large amounts of waste, which is generally considered to

contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Cassava wastes are left to rot away or

burnt off to create space for the accumulation of new generation of waste heaps emitting

carbon dioxide and producing a strong offensive smell.

The large scale processing of cassava to meet the demand for animal feed could exert

pressure on land as farmers clear more land to produce more cassava.

Polyethylene sheets used in drying of cassava chips and pellets for livestock feed can lead to

environmental pollution.

Page | 49

Unpredictable weather makes sun-drying of cassava unreliable.

Cassava production in Ghana depends mostly on the use of low efficiency technology

leading to low yields, and increasing market price.

The bulk of cassava is produced by small-holder farmers in 0.5 to 2 hectare plots in rural

areas. Roads to the production areas are nonexistent and with an aging workforce bulk

supply for continuous feed production will be a challenge.

The conservative attitude of feed millers towards the use of cassava for livestock feed

Other industrial use of cassava such as production of starch for export may increase market

prices making cassava use for livestock feeding uneconomical.

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Cassava is a staple food of Ghanaians and is the most highly produced crop in the country in terms

of quantity. Production of cassava has increased over the last decade and there is a potential for

higher yield and production. Studies undertaken in West African on the use of cassava, its products

and by-products for livestock feeding have shown the potential of the crop as a major feed

ingredient and in particular, for partial replacement of maize in commercial feed. However, the use

of cassava in the past and present as commercial livestock feed ingredient in Ghana has been low. It

is important that an advantage is taken of the vast potential of cassava as livestock feed to cut down

on the use of the more expensive maize as the main energy source particularly in non-ruminant

diets. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture, agricultural extension agencies, professional livestock

societies, livestock farmer associations and non-governmental organisations ought to create

awareness among stakeholders on the need to use cassava, its products and by products in

livestock feed for economic gain of farmers and other actor in the value chain. Commercial feed

millers should be encouraged to use cassava in the formulation of livestock feed so that farmers

obtain quality feed at affordable prices while feed millers also increase sales and profits from

increased demand for feed. Government policies should influence the use of cassava as a livestock

feed by putting restrictions on the importation of maize while ensuring that the action does not

affect livestock production.

For interventions to be effective in increasing the use of cassava for livestock feeding in Ghana, the

two major challenges which are the high moisture level in cassava which reduces the shelf life of

products to about 2 to 3 days, and the high content of cyanogenic glycoside which releases toxic

HCN detrimental to the health and productivity of livestock will have to be fully addressed. The

high moisture in the cassava products results in mould infestation and mycotoxin production. The

traditional methods of sun-drying meant to address these problems have not been very effective

especially during the rainy season when most cassava is harvested. The problem is aggravated

particularly in the humid zone of the country. A method envisaged for reducing HCN and moisture

in cassava products is by the use of solar dryers. Cassava tubers could be sliced to appropriate

thickness using mechanical cutters for effective drying in solar dryers within a few hours. The

moisture level will be reduced for storage while at the same time reducing the HCN to safe level

for livestock feeding. There is therefore a need to revisit a DFID funded project in the early 1990s

which developed a system of drying chips for food consumption and animal feed in Ghana, based on

tray and polyethylene sheet for drying of mini-chips that produced a high quality product after two

days. The mini-chipper developed in that project reduced the processor's discomfort and

physiological strain and allowed a faster work rate. Locally available materials could be utilized for

manufacturing of the peelers, and fabrication of the mini-chippers and solar dryers. The local

artisans could be trained to construct chippers and dryers of varying capacities to suit different


The cassava based feed value chain involves actors in the production of the product (farmers),

processing into chips and pellets, collection and bulking, feed milling, marketing of prepared feed

Page | 51

and livestock farming, as well as their relationships as they move cassava and its products and by-

products from the fields through to the end markets. There is a major role for the private sector,

farmers, co-operatives and entrepreneurs in the value chain by going into collecting of cassava

products and by-products for value addition. The key to enhancing the demand and supply of

cassava based feed in Ghana is to develop viable intermediaries acting as secondary processors or

bulking agents in the value chain and ensuring a consistent supply of raw and processed materials.

Page | 52


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Compiled and published by The Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Sub-regional Office for West Africa (SFW) Contact Sub-regional Office for West Africa Gamel Abdul Nasser Road P.O. Box GP 1628 Accra, Ghana Tel. : +233 - 302-7010930 e-mail : Website :

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