catalogue 2012 agro eng

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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digestion 2Pectolit plus



stop plus





for calves 5immuno Pover Protect mix

fasterin Milk pro start



MetabolisM 7viPover drink

calbal plus

calcium plus

lacto plus vit


ovulik plus







lactation 11energia plus vit

energia forte

energia plus


Herbatan dry






Mastitis 20elemi ointment

leuca cream

euro mint

euro gel

Helena balm

Helena ointment

Helena gel








MilKing HYgiene 25impregnated cellulose tissues

disposable cellulose tissues

Helena proderm

HP spray dip

Helena dip

Helena iodine

euro dip

euro iodine









Hooves 30blue glue

blue spray

blue spray concentrate

blue bath





coMPleMentarY 33Myco-Stick



silac corn





Herbal 15Hepavit complete

rumenol fast

congelata herbal




bolUses 18Metrispet bolus

invosept bolus




Premium Products 36novelties 36

digestionGroup of products:

Pectolit plus



stoP plus







Pectolit plusA product against diarrhea for calves and lambs

Pectolit plus is multicomponent product which quickly inhibits diarrhea. Pectines included in it swell when absorbing water and form a coat protecting intestines. Easy adoptable food components keep a calf in good condition and electrolytes prevent dehydration.Pectolit plus also provides vitamin and mineral components which have essential meaning to maintain physiological functions of the body and stimulation of immune system. Due to the nice smell and taste it is willingly taken by the calves with diarrhea symptoms.

instruction of proper usage

calves: in case of diarrhea administer twice a day after mixing 100 g of Pectolit plus in 2 litres of warm water (38º C). To serve Pectolit plus for a day or two usually is sufficient. Give for a few subsequent days if needed. Pectolit plus application can be commenced after the administration of colostrum having milk serving stopped. Pectolit plus can be administered in order to protect calves against diarrhea. Preventively serve a quantity of 50g of Pectolit plus dissolved in milk or milk substitute. Pectolit plus in the amount of 3 kg for 25 kg of milk substitutes can be applied in watering machines.

lambs: Give water as much as needed. Pectolit plus dose of 50g for 1 litre of water.

compositionDextrose, flour of the dried pods of carob tree, soya protein concentrate, powdered whey, coco nut oil, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride. This product includes genetically modified soya.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E 672) 25.000 I.U, Vitamin D3 (E 671) 5 000 I.U. Vitamin E 50 mg; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Sulphate, Monohydrate; E 6) 49 mg, Manganese (Mn; Manganese Sulphate, Monohydrate; E 5) 43 mg, Copper (Cu, Copper Sulphate, Pentahydrate; E4) 11,2 mg, Selenese (Se; Sodium Selenate, E 8) 0,5 mg; technological additives: Propyl Gallates (E 310) 50 mg.

available packages100 g (sachet), 1 kg, 3 kg

PectosPeedA product against acute diarrhea for calves and piglets

Pectospeed is a product which quickly stops acute diarrhea and regulates intestines functions. Pectinces included in it work as protection for gastrointestinal mucosa and help to standardize digest flow.Pectospeed strengthens weakened body due to supply of easily digestible source of energy. Addition of electrolytes and betaine prevents dehydration and protects against metabolic acidosis. Product completes lost micro-elements and it is a source of vitamin stimulating immunity. Due to specially selected flavour and taste additives Pectospeed is willingly taken even by calves of the reduced willingness to drink milk due to disease.

instruction of proper usage

calves: in case of diarrhea reject milk or milk substitutes. Mix 100 g of Pectospeed in 2 litres of warm water (38º) and water a calf. In the event of very acute diarrhea Pectospeed should be given again. In the subsequent watering it is the best to use Pectolit plus to the calves. The calves should have access to water all the time.

Piglets: mix 5g in 100 ml of warm water. Feed in dose of 6-7,5 ml per 1 kg of piglet’s weight. Pectospeed should be served 1-3 times during 24 hours depending on the diarrhea intensity. In time of Pectospeed administration the piglets can stay with the sow.

compositionDextrose, psyllium seeds, lactose, Sodium Carbohydrate, Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E 672) 25.000I.U. Vitamin D3 (E 671) 5000 I.U. Vitamin E 150 mg; technological additives: Propyl Gallates (E 310) 50 mg; sensory additives, 2b: Neohesperidine Dihydrochalcone (NHDC; E959) 5 mg.

available packages100 g (sachet), 1 kg



electroPecA product for calves to stabilize water and electrolyte balance

electropec includes specially worked out complex

of electrolytes and substances neutralizing metabolic

acidosis. It also contains glucose and glycine which are

the source of energy very important for the weakened

body. Content of pectines and tannins guarantees

supporting action to inhibit diarrhea.

electropec is a perfect product to be applied during

the heat, tasty and willingly taken by the animals.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of threat, during or after digestive disorders passed (diarrhea). Recommended dose 25 g of electropec for 1 litre of warm water. Serve 2-4 litres of watering 3 times a day. electropec can be

administered subsequently for a few days. The product should not be used directly after milk feeding. The calves suffering from diarrhea should receive it between Pectolit watering.

compositionDextrose (glucose), dried carob, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bihydrate, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Sulphate.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin E 300 mg; technological additives: Cytric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Colloidal Silica, Propyl Gallates (E 310) 50 mg; sensory additives, 2b: Glycine, Neohesperidine Dihydrochalcone (NHDC; E959) 5 mg.

available packages100 g (sachet), 1 kg, 3 kg

stoP plusHerbal product against diarrhea for cows and heifers

stop plus anti diarrhea properties result from high

content of tannins in oak bark and rhizome cinquefoil.

The tannins prove strong constrictive properties. They

cause protective cover formation on the surface of the

mucus to restrict water penetration to the intestine

lumen and inhabit ingest dilution. A product affects

nerve endings inhabiting pain reactions and intestine

motility. Additionally it seals blood vessels which inhibits

bleeding which occurs parallel with diarrhea symptoms.

Moreover it acts as anti-bacterial item by microbial

protein denaturation and inhibits inflammatory reaction.

Calamus root essential oils included in it stimulate

appetite and digestive juices and in this way affect the

improvement of nutrients absorption.

instruction of proper usage

individually: the product should be given to the cows with diarrhea by pouring to the mouth just after mixing the sachet in 1 litre of warm water. Serve by the period of 1-3 days, 1-2 times a day.

collective: Use product in the quantity 100 g per piece mixed with food. stop plus can be added to TMR [Total Mixed Ration].

Do not serve to calves.

compositionOak bark, herbs processing products (calamus, cinquefoil, chicken herb).

available packages100 g (sachet)

for calves

for calvesGroup of products:

iMMUno Pover Protect mix

fasterin Milk pro start




For calves

iMMUno Pover Protect mixSpecial blend of strengthening the calves

Immuno Pover Protect mix is a food mixture worked out for calves requiring special care due to their genetic potential or immunosuppressed ones. It is perfect for calves after difficult delivery or fed with a colostrum of low quality. It includes immunoglobulines, which strengthen a calf’s immunity efficiently reducing the cases of diarrhea and respiratory tract disorders during the rearing. Due to application of selected raw materials submitted to specialized technological process, Immuno Pover Protect mix guarantees high growth and rapid development of rumen. Exceptional digestibility of product assuring efficient use of nutrients was achieved due to accurate imitation of cow’s milk. It enables a calf to prove his growth potential in full and contributes to stimulation of compound food intake. As a result proper rumen development takes place and time of milk feeding is shortened.

instruction of proper usageIn order to receive substance to drink it is recommended to dissolve 1 kg of imuno Pover Protect mix in 9 litres and for the weak calves in 7-8 litres of water in temperature 45-55ºC. Calf should be given a watering in temperature 40-42ºC. In calves watering stations a dose amounts to 143 g per 1 litre of water. imuno Pover Protect mix is assigned for calves from 4 days till 4 months life.

compositionWhey concentrate, palm, coco-nut oil, powdered whey, partially delactosed whey, wheat gluten, powdered milk

additives (in 1 kg)Zootechnical additives, 4b: Probiotic Lactiferm (E 1708) Enterococus Faecium NCIMB 11181 2,95 x108 jtk; 4d: Immunoglobulines 2,5 g; nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E 672) 40 000 j.m., Vitamin D3 (E 671) 4 000 j.m, Vitamin B3 20 mg, B 5 20 mg, Vitamin B2 10 mg, Vitamin B1 6 mg, Vitamin B6 6 mg, Vitamin K3 4 mg, Vitamin B9 0,48 mg, Vitamin H 100 µg, Vitamin B12 50µg; 3b: Iron (Fe; Iron Sulphate; Monohydrate E 1) 100 mg, Zinc (Zn, Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate E 6) 75 mg, Manganese (Mn Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate E5) 80 mg, Copper (Cu; Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate; E4) 15 mg, Cobalt (Co; Cobalt Sulphate Heptahydrate) 2,0 mg, Iodine (I; Potassium Iodide, Anhydrous E2) 1,2 mg, Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenate, Anhydrous, E 8) 0,3 mg, 3c: Lysine 2,0%, Methionine 0,7%; technological additives, ia: Citric And Phosphoric Acid, Calcium Formate, Salt Of Butyric Acid.

available packages5 kg

fasterin Milk pro startFull ration milk substitute in granular form for calves

fasterin Milk pro start is an innovative approach to rearing of calves which includes entering milk substitute in a form of granulate to nutrition system. It enables faster calf ’s adjustment to constant feed intake and restricts use of traditional milk substitutes. Application of fasterin Milk pro start brings to significant time savings necessary to water the calves. It allows to eliminate evening calves watering (in the third week of rearing) and it is possible to stop milk feeding already in the 4th week of rearing. Calves feeding with fasterin Milk pro start means not only labour reduction but also a risk of food diarrhea and higher growth after having a period of milk feeding completed.

instruction of proper usagefasterin Milk pro start administration should take place from the third day of calf ’s life initially in a quantity not larger than 100 g. Preparation intake grows gradually day by day. Each day a pan should be cleaned and used fresh part.fasterin Milk pro start in a quantity adjusted to previous day intake. In the event a calf does not find the pan with fasterin Milk pro start a product should be given of hand.From the moment when a calf gets 250 g. of fasterin Milk pro start (about 15 days) one should resign of one milk feeding (i.e. in the evening). fasterin Milk pro start is administered just after morning watering and a dose is increased by 50 g a day. From the moment a calf is given 500 g fasterin Milk pro start (18-25 day) milk feeding should be stopped.In the moment when calf takes 1 kg of food of starter type (40-45 day) fasterin Milk pro start administration should be stopped.

compositionWhey powder, soya beans, oatmeal, coconut oil, potato protein, brewery yeast.

This product contains genetically modified soya (MON-04032-6).

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E672) 40.000 I.U., Vitamin D3 (E 671) 5.000 I.U.; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Oxide E 6) 75 mg, Iron (Fe, Iron Sulphate Monohydrate, E I) 50 mg, Copper (Cu; Copper Sulphate, Pentahydrate; E4) 8 mg; zootechnical additives, 4b: Enterococcus Faecium NCIMB 11181(EI708) 1,25 x 109 CFU.

available packages6 kg


MetabolisMGroup of products:

viPover drink

calbal plus


lacto plus vit

calciUM plus




bUffer-Stim 10

ovUliK plus 10



viPover drinkEnergizing postpartum drink

viPover drink is a product to be used in the form of drinking substance to the cows just after calving. It speeds up regeneration of the body and stimulates metabolic activity. This preparation returns the hydro-electrolyte balance and compensates energy loss suffered during delivery. viPover drink supplies Calcium and many other vitamins and mineral components. Due to this reason a risk of postpartum residual is reduced and prevents retention of placenta. Yeast included in viPover drink works as probiotic on rumen microorganisms and stabilizes fermentation process.viPover drink also supports immune system functions and affects limitation of mastitis and metritis occurrance. Special selected taste of product preferred by the cows encourages to drink which means reduction of risk of the abomasum displacement.

instruction of proper usageMix 1 kg of viPover drink in 20 litre of warm water. Administer to a cow just after calving.

compositionDextrose, whey, wheat starch, lactose, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Magnessium Oxide.

additives (in 1 kg)Zootechnical additives, 4b: 20 z 109 KGB/kg Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM 1-1077 (4a 1711); nutritive supplements, 3a: Vitamin A (E 672) 300 000 I.U., Vitamin D3 (E 671) 36 000 I.U., Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol Acetate) 4 000 mg; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Sulphate, Monohydrate; E 6) 900 mg, Manganese (Mn; Manganese Sulphate, Monohydrate; E 5) 720 mg, Copper (Cu, Copper Sulphate, Pentahydrate; E 4) 100 mg, Iodine (I; Anhydrous Calcium Iodate; E 2) 14 mg, Cobalt (Co; Cobalt Carbonate, Monohydrate; E 3) 7 mg, Selenium (Se, Sodium Selenian; E 8) 3,5 mg.

available packages 1 kg

calbal plusCalcium-vitamin complex product preventing postnatal paralysis

calbal plus returns proper Calcium level in blood and prevents postnatal paralysis. The product provides easily absorbed Calcium which absorption is spread in time due to application of two forms: pantothenate and chloride ones. It ensures extended prevention of reduction of Calcium concentration in blood. calbal plus includes Magnesium and D3 Vitamin which too low consumption can be a reason of hypocalcaemia. The product provides Phosphorus as well. This is very important as Calcium balance disorders are often connected with hypophosphataemia.calbal plus due to the content of niacin and vitamins of B group, helps the liver and stimulates energy metabolism.

instruction of proper usageIn order to reduce a risk of milk fever administer by pouring to the mouth directly after calving. Repeat the action in 24 hours after delivery. Single dose amounts to 200 ml.

compositionGlycerine, Calcium Chloride, Propylene Glycol, Magessium Chloride.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) 15 mg, Calcium Pantothenate 10 g, Vitamin E (3a700) 2500 mg, Vitamin D3 (3a670a) 2500 I.U., Pantothenate Acid 190 mg, Vitamin B1 180 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 170 mg, Vitamin B2 165 mg, Vitamin B12 600 µg; 3b: Cobalt (Co; Cobalt Sulphate Heptahydrate; E 3) 105 mg; technological additives, i a: Hydrated Trisodium Citrate (E 33l) 75 mg, Lactic Acid (E 270) 20 mg; sensory additives, 2a; sunset Yellow (E 110); 2b: mixture of flavouring compounds.

available containers 200 ml, 5 l



calciUM plus

calcium plus completes Calcium shortages caused by lactation commencement. High Calcium digestibility from gastrointestinal tract is determined by addition of D3 Vitamin. The product also supplies Magnesium which low level in blood is a reason of hypocalcaemia. In this way calcium plus prevents the occurrence of postnatal paralysis and retaining placenta especially in high yielding and multiparous cows.Simultaneously this item is efficient in ketosis prevention as it contains glycerine which is glucose precursor and vitamins of B group stimulating energy metabolism.

instruction of proper usageIn order to reduce risk of milk fever, administer in a form of pouring into the mouth directly after calving. This action should be repeated during the first 24 hours after calving. Single dose amounts to 500 g.

compositionCalcium Chloride, Glycerine, Magnesium Chloride, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additive, 3 a: Vitamin E (3a700) 2500 mg, Vitamin D3 (3a670a) 2500 I.U., Pantothenic Acid 190 mg, Vitamin B1 180 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 170 mg, Vitamin B2 165 mg, Vitamin B12 600 µg; technological additives, ia: Hydrated Trisodium Citrate (E 331) 75 mg, Lactic Acid (E 270) 20 mg; sensory additives, 2a: sunset Yellow (E 110).

available containers500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg

lacto plus vitSweet product against ketosis

lacto plus vit guarantees efficient aid to the cows with ketosis symptoms as it is considered to be a serious source of energy. It is a composition of substances which are glucose precursors. It brings to its level increase in blood. Addition of niacin affects a stored fat burning and causes the reduction of ketone compounds concentration and free fatty acids in the blood a well as it works protectively on the liver. Vitamins of B group stimulate the energetic metabolism supporting restriction of harmful results of negative energy balance by raising glucose level in blood. Selenium and vitamin E efficiently stimulate immunity preventing mastitis.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of threat or ketosis administer in a form of pouring into the mouth. Daily dose amounts to 300-500 g.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3 a: Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) 3000 mg, Vitamin E (3a700) 2500 mg, Vitamin D3 (3a670a) 2000 I.U., Vitamin B12 480 µg, Pantothenic Acid 152 mg, Vitamin B1 144 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 136 mg, Vitamin B2 132 mg; 3b: Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenian; E 8) 4 mg; technological additives, ia: Sodium Proponian (E 281) 50 g, Hydrated Trisodium Citrate (E 331) 60 mg, Lactic Acid (E 270) 32 mg, Potassium Sorbate (E 202), 20 mg; ib: BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene, E 321) 2,4 mg, BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole, E 320), 2.4 mg; sensory additives: mixture of flavouring compounds.

available containers500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg

Calcium-magnesium product preventing postnatal paralysis



bUffer-StimPH stabilizing product for cows with rumen acidosis

buffer-Stim is an innovative product in the scope of fighting rumen acidosis and indigestion. It quickly returns the balance of rumen environment due to raising and stabilization of pH action. It neutralizes lactic acid collected in rumen because of potassium bicarbonate content. Salts of malic acid contained in buffer-Stim stimulate the growth of bacteria Selenomonas ruminantium which use lactic acid and it additionally decreases its concentration in rumen. Polyphenols included in buffer-Stim support the immunity and aluminosilicates bind the endotoxines released from decaying masticatory bacteria. In this way buffer-Stim protects animals against the development of laminitis and works protectively on the liver as well as makes it secure against reduced immunity, mastitis and reproduction disorders.

instruction of proper usagebuffer-Stim is used in a dose 100 g per day after having it dissolved in a water and pouring into the mouth. It is particularly recommended for high yield cows. In order to reduce risk of rumen acidosis one should remember to balance the daily food ration including fibre and easily fermentable carbohydrates content as well as take care of the proper structure of the ration to prevent its sorting.

compositionPotassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin C 120 000 mg; technological additives: Sepolit (E 562); ia: DL-Malic Acid (E 296); sensory additives, 2b: a mixture of flavouring compounds.

available packages100 g (sachet), 1 kg

ovUliK plusSupplementary feed mixture, fertility stimulating

ovulik plus affects improvement of cows’ reproduction rates among the other reduction of inter-calving period. It contributes to apparent signs of oestrus and increases insemination efficiency. This product activates enzymes crucial for embryo implantation and increases their survival. Ovulik plus completes energy, eliminates β-carotene deficiency as well as vitamins and microelements affecting hormone synthesis. It also reduces ovary cyst formation. This item enables individual approach do the individual animals’ needs in order to avoid reproduction disorders.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of mineral and vitamin shortages which contribute to the deterioration of reproduction indexes, administer it pouring into the mouth in a quantity of 500-1000g daily.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E 672) 75 000 I.E., Vitamin D3 (E 671) 21 000 I.E, Vitamin E (3a700) 550 mg, β-carotene (E 160a) 500 mg; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Chloride Monohydrate; E 6) 1500 mg, Manganese (Mn; Manganese Chloride,Tetrahydrate; E 5) 1250 mg, Copper (Cu; Copper Chloride Dihydrate; E 4) (375 mg), Iodine (Anhydrous Calcium Iodate E 2) 20 mg, Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenian; E 8) 7,5 mg, Cobalt (Co; Cobalt Sulphate, Heptahydrate; E 3) 2,5 mg; technological additives, i a: Sodium Benzoate (E 700) 4g, Potassium Sorbate (E 202) 2 075 mg.

available containers500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg


lactationGroup of products:

energia plus vit

energia forte



energia plus




Herbatan dry 14



energia plus vitVitamin energy liquid product

energia plus vit is a special source of energy for dairy cows in the initial lactation phase. It enables to reduce the deficit in the period of negative energy balance. energia plus vit is characterized with sweet taste preferred by the cows and this is a reason feed with its addition is willingly eaten. Smaller loss of cows’ body weight after calving is the visible result. Addition of vitamins stimulates energy metabolism bringing to smaller frequency of ketosis. Due to its hygroscopic characteristics energia plus vit prevents drying and heating food in the trough.

instruction of proper usageFill the feed car or pour the food given. Daily dose amounts to 250-300 g. Recommended time of application: from 2 weeks before calving and in lactation period.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin E (3a 700) 1 000 mg, Vitamin D3 (3a670a) 1 000 I.U, Pantothenic Acid 76 mg, Vitamin B1 72 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 68 mg, Vitamin B2 66 mg, Vitamin B12 240 µg; technological additives, ia: Hydrated Trisodium Citrate (E 331) 30 mg, Lactic Acid (E 270) 8 mg; sensory additives, 2b: a mixture of flavouring compounds.

available containers5 kg, 20 kg

energia forteEnergy liquid product with Vitamin E, Selenium and niacin

instruction of proper usageenergia forte should be administered to the cows in the amount of 250-300 per piece daily for minimum 100 days of lactation. Feeding can be started 2 weeks before calving. Fill the feed car with feed mixture supplement or pour the feed given.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) 1500 mg, Vitamin E (3a700) 250 mg; 3b: Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenian; E 8) 2 mg; technological additives, ia: Sodium Sorbate (E 202) 10 mg, Lactic Acid (E 270) 8 mg; lb: BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene; E 321) 1,2 mg, BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole, E 320) 1,2 mg; sensory additives, 2a: sunset Yellow (E 110); 2b: mixture of flavouring compound.

available packages250 kg, 1200 kg

The objective of energy forte application is to cover energy needs and due to that a reduction of negative energy balance. This product. is also recommended as an element of anti-ketosis prevention as it reduces excessive mobilization of body fat reserves and affects reduction of ketone bodies in blood. Because of vitamin E and Selenium energy forte prevents immunity reduction in crucial period of early lactation as well as improves reproduction indexes. Feed with addition of energy forte is willingly eaten due to product taste arising from properly selected ration of glycerine content to propylene glycol.



energia plusLiquid energy product

energia plus is a purified vegetable glycerine suggested to be used as energy addition in feeding of high producing dairy cows in particular when the energy balance is negative. Due to sweet taste it increases food intake which results in growth of milk productivity. Simultaneously it completes shortage of energy on the rumen level and reduces fat mobilization from the body reserves. In this way energia plus ensures maintenance of proper cows condition, prevents metabolic diseases as well as affects improvement of reproduction parameters.

instruction of proper usageFill the feed car or pour the feed given. It should be administered 2 weeks before calving and minimum for 100 days of lactation in the amount of 250-300 per piece daily. In case of ketosis symptoms energia plus should be given in a form of pouring into the mouth. Energetic value of energia plus for dairy cows (NEL) amounts to 16,8 MJ in 1 kg.


available packages250 kg, 1250 kg

toxisorbSupplement binding mycotoxins in food

instruction of proper usageRecommended dosage depends on the sort of mycotoxins and level of impurities and it amounts from 1 to 4 kg per 1 ton of feed. toxisorb should be given through the whole period of using the contaminated feed or suspected contamination. toxisorb can be added to animal feed from birth to the slaughter and does not require a waiting period.

dodatek technologicznyBentonite Montmorillonit (E 558).

available packages25 kg

toxisorb is a natural product preventing mycotoxins absorption from gastrointestinal tract. Bentonit successfully captures and binds mycotoxins from feed which enables their fast excretion from the body. Extremely important feature of toxisorb is its selectivity of binding - product application does not restrict absorption either nutritients or vitamins from the feed. toxisorb can be distinguished from other detoxicants as raw materials used for its production are submitted to surface modification. This process supports efficiency of mycotoxins binding due to increasing active surface and the stability of the adsorption bond. toxisorb works regardless what type of feed is the source of mycotoxins.



Herbatan dryStrengthening product. It reduces number of somatic cells in milk

Herbatan dry is a mixture of natural active substances

so it proves immune-stimulating and bacteriostatic action

to cause a reduction of somatic cells in milk.

Chestnut tannins included in Herbatan dry produce

complexes with feed proteins reducing their degradation

in rumen. It is reason of higher milk yield and higher

protein content in milk while reducing toxic ammonia

action. Moreover Herbatan dry reduces development

of pathogenic flora while stimulating development

of symbiotic rumen microflora. It also accelerates toxins

elimination from the system and due to the content

of clove oil has disinfecting impact on the gastrointestinal


Cinnamon oil stimulates the secretion of saliva as well

as digestive juices and bile. As a result Herbatan dry

prevents digestive disorders. At the same time extract

of clove buds increases the production of propionic

acid, which can be used for the synthesis of lactose. This

is reason of increased milk productivity and ketosis risk

is reduced. Cinnamon oil also increases genital blood

circulation and Zinc activates enzymes crucial for embryo

implantation leading to improved rates of reproduction.

It also prevents the udder and hooves diseases as well

as rumen parakeratosis.

instruction of proper usageAdminister after having mixed with feed 2 weeks before calving and for minimum 100 days of lactation in the amount of 50 mg per piece daily. Product proves strong action intensified in time. Minimum recommended period of application amounts to 3 months. This item can be used throughout the year without limitations related to animals health condition.

compositionBrewery yeast, spent brewing grain.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3b: Zinc (Zn; Amino Acid Chelate; E6) 100 mg; sensory additives, 2b: complex of selectively chosen aromatic / herbal substances including cinnamon bark, clove oil, chestnut tannins.

available packages20 kg

HerbalGroup of products:

rUMenol fast

HePavit complete 16

congelata herbal





rUMenol fastProduct stimulating rumen motility and counteracting its atony

rumenol fast stimulates rumen motility due

to rhizomes of veratrum activity. It reduces digestive

disorders, increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile.

rumenol fast stimulates appetite and also works as anti-

inflammatory product. Due to special and selected

herbs composition the product is efficient in the event

of impairment of the gastrointestinal tract. So, rumenol

fast is recommended to administer it to this animals

in which rumen disorders occurred and reduction of feed

intake as well as in case of indigestion and acidosis


instruction of proper usageServe in a form of pouring into the mouth in a dose of 500 g daily to the cow in which rumen work disorder occurred as well as reduced feed intake.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)sensory additives, 2b: Sweet Flag, Angelica, Wormwood Artemisia, White Hellebore.

available packages5 kg

HePavit completeProduct to support liver de-fatting and stimulating its metabolic functions

Hepavit complete supports metabolic liver functions

and reduces risk of liver cells degradation as well

as protects them from impact of toxins. Addition

of protected methionine and artichoke extract supports

fat metabolism as well as removal of triglycerides excess

accumulated in the liver. This product provides also

glycerine and niacin and because of that it completes energy

and reduces stored fat burning. Due to the milk thistle

extract it supports liver regeneration damaged because

of medicines action and disease processes. Hepavit

complete administration is recommended in particular

for high yield animals or excessively fat ones because of large

liver overloading which occurs from intense metabolism.

available packages5 kg

instruction of proper usageAdminister in a form of pouring into the mouth in a dose of 500 g daily to the high yield cows, excessively fat, and at risk of hepatic steatosis.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) 12 g, Vitamin B1 25,5 mg, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 25,5 mg, Vitamin B2 10,5 mg; 3c: Methione (HMBI; 3.1.8) 38 g; technological additives, ia: Potassium Sorbate 300 mg; sensory additives, 2b: Milk Thistle, Artichoke, Dandelion, Medical Fumitory, Schizandra Chinese.



congelata herbalDraying off facilitate product

congelata herbal supports drying off high yield cows

in which milk production is maintained in spite of milking

stopped as well as feeding reduced. A preparation inhibits milk

secretion, stimulates epithelial regeneration and supports

immunity. Proper period of drying off influences on gaining

a strong and healthy calf and preparing a cow to the high

milk production in the following lactation.

instruction of proper usageAdminister it to the high yield cows in time of drying them off in a form of pouring into the mouth. In a dose 500 g daily.

compositionGlycerine, Propylene Glycol, Lactose.

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) 57 g, Vitamin B6 (3a831) 12 mg, Vitamin B2 4,5 mg; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Oxide; E6) 310 mg; technological additives, ia: Potassium Sorbate 2,3 mg; ik: Sodium Benzoate 4g; sensory additives, 2b: Sage.

available packages5 kg

bolUsesGroup of products:

MetrisePt bolus

invosePt bolus





MetrisePt bolus

Metrisept assists the uterus cleaning process after

delivery and in case of metritis. It stimulates constrictive

activity and prostaglandin secretion which stimulate dilation

of the cervix allowing to remove lochia and reduce the risk

of inflammation states of the uterus. Metrisept reduces

consequences arising from the detention of the placenta.

It supports regeneration of the endometrium as well

as timely involution of uterus. Due to this cows oestrus

symptoms appear before the 45th day of lactation, and high

efficiency of the first insemination improves the ratio

of breeding.

instruction of proper usageAdminister 1 bolus to the cow or to the first calf heifers (into the rumen) in 10±5 day after delivery. Recommended in particular after long and difficult delivery or in case of detention of the placenta. In the event a cow did not receive Metrisept bolus after delivery it can be administered after having observed uterus inflammation. Time of decomposition and action amounts to 21 days.

compositionFatty Acids (Stearic Acid), Vegetable Oils and Fats (Hydrogenated Linseed Oil), Salts of Fatty Acids, products of the plants processing (Marigold, Clove, Cinammon).

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol: 3a700) I 700 I.U.; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Oxide; E6) 266 700 mg, Manganese (Mn; Manganese Oxide; E5) 83 400 mg; Copper (Cu; Copper Sulphate, Pentahydrate; E4) 33 300 mg, Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenese; E 8) 3 340 mg; sensory additives: mixture of aromatic compounds.

available packages 10 pcs

invosePt bolusBolus to facilitate childbirth and to avoid detention of placenta

invosept prepares animal for delivery facilitating its

course and preventing detention placenta. It also affects

greater vitality of newborn calves. This preparation

includes plant extracts regulating the contractile activity

and making the tissues more flexible as well as it provides

amino acids and micro elements which are precursors

of endogenous hormones invosept supports timely

expulsion of the placenta and uterus involution preparing

a cow to the next breeding.

instruction of proper usageAdminister 1 bolus to a cow or heifer (into the rumen) from 60 to 45 days before foreseen calving term.

compositionFatty Acids (Stearic Acid), Magnesium Oxide, Salts of Fatty Acids, products of the plants processing (Actaea Racemosa, Caulophyllum Thalictroides).

additives (in 1 kg)nutrition additives, 3a: Vitamin A (E672) 1 000 000 U.I.,Vitamin D3 (E 671) 100 000 U.I., Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol; 3a700) 250 U.I.; 3b: Zinc (Zn; Zinc Oxide) 183 400 mg, Manganese (Mn; Manganese Oxide; E 5) 83 400 mg, Iodine (J; Anhydrous Calcium Iodide; E 2) 16 700 mg, Copper (Cu; Copper Sulphate, Pentahydrate; E 4) 11 000 mg, Selenium (Se; Sodium Selenate; E 8) 3 300 mg, Cobalt (Co; Alkaline Cobalt Carbonate, Monohydrate; E 3) 1 500 mg; 3c: Arginine (3c3.6.1.) 200 mg, Tryptophan (3.4.1) 100 mg; technological additives, ic: Glyceryl Ricinoleic Polietylo-Glycol (E 484) 40 000 mg; sensory addtives, 2b: mixture of aromatic compounds.

available packages 10 pcs

Bolus assisting the uterus cleaning after delivery

MastitisGroup of products:

eleMi ointment

leUca cream


eUro gel

eUro mint




Helena ointment

Helena balm 23

Helena gel





eleMi ointmentOintment for mastitis of udder with no withdraw period

elemi is an ointment intended to be used in case of occurrence of udder mastitis symptoms. Herbs in its composition prove very wide scope of action. elemi ointment has anti-inflammatory properties and so it reduces the number of somatic cells in milk. Active substances included in elemi ointment inhibit growth of bacteria (Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus sp., Escherichia Coli, Enterobacter Aerogenes, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Klebsiella Pneumoniae), viruses (Hermes simplex virus-virus of teats infection) and Blastomyces (Candida sp.). Moreover they stimulate work of immune system. Camphor and Japanese ginko addition warms and improves circulation. Due to form of ointment, elemi has elasticity properties , as well as moisturizing and nourishing ones. It works as an anaesthetic and speeds up bedsores healing.

instruction of proper usageIn occurrence of mastitis rub elemi ointment into udder skin twice a day after milking for a few days until the changes caused by mastitis removed.

compositionElemi Resin, Camphor, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Echinacea Herb, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Oil Of Sea Buckthorn, Amfobase.

available packages225 g, 450 g, 4,5 kg

leUca creamCare and udder diseases prevention cream

leuca cream is intended to be used for every day care in order to maintain proper look and functions of the skin and the udder health. Active herbal substances included in composition of the leuca cream prove anti-inflmmatory activity and they reduce number of somatic cells in milk. They also inhibit growth of bacteria (Staphylococci, Streptococci and E.coli), viruses (virus of teats inflammation) and blastomyces (Candida sp.). Moreover leuca cream usage reduces the udder swelling, accelerates regeneration of skin after sunburn, works as insect deterrent and it reduces inflammation after their bites. It also improves circulation and healing results in veins diseases. As a leuca cream oils, moisturizes and improves elasticity of the skin as well as it is a relief for rheumatic pains in joints and muscles.

instruction of proper usageEvery day after milking rub leuca cream into udder skin.

compositionMarigold Anthodium, Arnica Anthodium, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Oil Of Sea Buckthorn, Amfobase.

available packages450 g



eUro mint

euro mint is a balm for udder of warming and antiseptic activity. It improves blood circulation of udder and works as a relief in inflammations speeding up the reduction of somatic cells number. A balm is an alternative for the antibiotics usage. Due to the content of natural herbal substances it enables treatment the mastitis without necessity to observe withdraw period. euro mint works in an antibacterial and regenerating way. It speeds up udder swelling removal occurring in mastitis and moisturizes teats skin preventing its cracking.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of mastitis use after each milking until symptoms are resolved. Preventively lubricate the udder and teats skin once or twice a week.

compositionJapanese Peppermint Oil, Camphor, Glycerine, OW base.

available packages225 g, 450 g

eUro gelGel with peppermint and camphor

euro gel is a product for the udder of warming, anti-swelling and care activity. It supports mastitis treatment due to combined activity of Japanese peppermint, camphor and marigold. euro gel stimulates circulation in the udder, works antibacterial and soothes irritation. Addition of moisturizing substances ensures maintaining teats skin elasticity and a form of light gel enables fast oils absorption.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of mastitis use after each milking until symptoms are resolved. Preventively lubricate the udder and teats skin once or twice a week.

compositionJapanese Peppermint Oil, Marigold Extract, Camphor, Glycerine, Gel Base, Dyestuff.

available packages450 g

Balm with peppermint and camphor



Helena ointment

Helena ointment is a product to be applied in case

of mastitis. It works antibacterial and reduces number

of somatic cells in milk. Peppermint oil included

in it stimulates blood circulation in the udder and marigold

supports anti-inflammatory activity. Addition of bee

propolis intensifies its anti- bacterial and anti-virus activity

and gives it an exceptional colour. Helena ointment

proves strong analgesic properties. It softens the skin

and the same protects it from cracking.

instruction of proper usageIn the event of mastitis use after each milking until symptoms are resolved. Preventively lubricate the udder and teats skin once or twice a week.

compositionJapanese Peppermint Oil, Marigold Extract, Menthol, Propolis, Glycerine.

available packages450 g, 4,5 kg

Helena balmBalm with Japanese peppermint oil and marigold

Helena balm is a preparation with no withdraw period

and intended to lubricate the udder while mastitis

occurred. Its application causes fast relief in inflammatory

state. Peppermint oil included in balm works antibacterial

and antiseptic as well as marigold addition protects udder

skin from drying.

The product reduces udder swelling which occurs in time

of mastitis and in perinatal period. Moreover Helena balm

reduces udder pains and speeds up glandular tissue


instruction of proper usageIn the event of mastitis use after each milking until symptoms are resolved. Preventively lubricate the udder and teats skin once or twice a week.

compositionJapanese Peppermint Oil, Marigold Extract, Menthol, Glycerine.

available packages450 g, 4,5 kg

Ointment with Japanese peppermint oil, marigold and propolis



Helena gel

Helena gel is a product with no withdraw period

efficiently supporting to fight mastitis. Gel properties arise

from the content of natural herbal substances. Essential oils

from Japanese peppermint have strong antiseptic activity

and also stimulate own immunity of the body. Addition

of camphor warms and improves udder blood circulation

and active substances included in marigold extract work

anti-bacterial. Helena gel reduces udder swelling which

occurs during mastitis and in the perinatal period.

instruction of proper usageIn the threat situation or in case of mastitis rub into the udder and teats

skin after each milking until the changes are resolved.

compositionJapanese Peppermint Oil, Marigold Extract, Menthol, Camphor, Glycerine.

available packages450 g, 4,5 kg

Gel from Japanese peppermint with marigold and camphor

HYgiene of MilKingGroup of products:

impregnated cellulose tissues

disposable cellulose tissues


Helena dip

Helena proderm




Helena iodine

HP spray dip


eUro iodine

eUro dip




Higiene of milking


impregnated cellulose tissues

Moistened tissues, closed in a bucket, are cellulose sheets soaked in a disinfecting solution which efficiently washes and takes care of the udder. This solution does not irritate or dry the skin and so that it can be used regularly. Tissues soaking level allows easily to wash and disinfect the udder. There is no need to dry the teats before teat cups putting on. Using disposable towels we have a guarantee of cleanness. Moreover they are ready to be used and the same they shorten time of udder disinfection. Thanks to hermetic bucket the tissues do not lose their properties.

instruction of proper usageTissues for external use. Biodegradable.

A roll contains 1000 sheets of the sizes 22x25 cm soaked in disinfecting solution and closed in a bucket.

Material100% Cellulose.

composition of disinfectantAnionic and amphoteric active surfactants, disinfectant and antibacterial substance, glycerine, complex compounds, fragrance, water.

available packages1000 sheets 22x25 cm

disposable cellulose tissuesFor washing the teats before milking

Tissues of high absorption for udder washing before milking. Made of cellulose they are strong and resistant so that they cannot be torn when used and due to their structure they stimulate the udder when wiped replacing pre-milking massage. They efficiently allow to remove dirt and dry the teats before milking cups putting on. This tissues can be used dry or after having them moistened. Using separate sheet for each cow prevents pathogens transmission among the animals.

instruction of proper usageTissues for external use. Biodegradable.

A roll contains 1000 sheets of the sizes 22x25 cm.

Material100% Cellulose.

available packages1000 sheets 22x25 cm

For pre-milking udder disinfection

Higiene of milking


Helena prodermConcentrate for pre-milking udder disinfection

Helena proderm proderm is exceptionally efficient

concentrate combining perfect washing properties

with strong anti-bacterial activity. A product quickly

and efficiently softens dirt and enables its quick removal.

Regular usage of Helena proderm decreases risk

of the udder infection and excellent moistens the teats

skin. This concentrate should be used for any kind of pre-

milking hygiene. It is superb to udder washing cloths

disinfect and additionally it does not reach milk.

instruction of proper usageBefore milking prepare working solution in concentration related of washing and udder disinfection method. Washing with cloths and towels: 0,5%. Spraying the udder: 5%. Foaming the teats: 40%.

compositionAnionic and amphoteric active surfactants, disinfectant and antibacterial substance, glycerine, complex compounds, dye-stuff, fragrance, water.

available containers1 l, 5 l, 20 l

HP spray dipProduct for after milking machine-made teats disinfection

HP spray dip is after milking teats disinfecting product.

Recommended for usage during milking works. Due

to content of hydrogen peroxide, it has got strong

disinfecting abilities, which protect the udder against

infection. A product proves particular efficiency against

anaerobic bacteria, as well. Addition of glycerine provides

moisturizing and protective properties to the product,

taking care of teats skin.

instruction of proper usageDirectly after milking spray the teats with it. This spray should not be either dissolved or mixed with other chemicals.

compositionHydrogen Dioxide, Glycerine.

available containers20 l

Higiene of milking


Helena dipThick liquid for dipping on the basis of lactic acid

Helena dip proves antibacterial and anti-mycosis

properties. It does not drip and creates visible protective

coat against penetration of bacteria through the teat canal.

It reduces risk of udder infection and therefore it is safe

in use. Helena dip contains lactic acid which is included

in natural moisturizer (NMF) responsible for binding

water in the skin and its mechanic protection against

external factors. Due to that the loss of water from

the skin is reduced and it becomes more elastic. High

content of chestnut extract guarantees anti oedematous

and constrictive activity preventing micro trauma which

take place during milking. Marigold extract regenerates

and protects teats skin against drying.

instruction of proper usageUse directly after milking or after medicine administration to each teat by dipping them in liquid using special dipping cups.

compositionLactic Acid, marigold extract, chestnut extract, glycerine, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, dye-stuff, cellulose derivatives, water.

available containers1 l, 5 l, 20 l

Helena iodine

Helena iodine due to particularly high concentration

of active iodine (5000 ppm) disinfects quickly and strongly.

Bacteria do not become resistant to its activity.

It is characterized with wide spectrum of activity, efficient

against bacteria as well as viruses, fungi and mould.

Moreover this liquid creates visible coat on the skin

surface which is a barrier for pathogens. Glycerine

included in Helena iodine moistens teats skin increasing

its elasticity. Organic iodine does not dry teats skin even

after long time of Helena iodine usage.

instruction of proper usageUse directly after milking or after medicine administration into the teats.Spread Helena iodine on the teats by dipping in the liquid and using special dipping cup.

compositionPVP-iodine, care, complex and thickening substances, water.

available containers1 l, 5 l, 20 l

Thick liquid for dipping on the basis of organic iodine complex

available also in winter versionIt does not freeze up to temperature -18°C

available also in winter versionIt does not freeze up to temperature -18°C

Higiene of milking


eUro dipAntiseptic dippping product

euro dip is a product of disinfecting properties used

for post-milking teats dipping. It ensures excellent

disinfection efficiency due to chlorhexidine content.

It proves vast anti-fungal, anti-virus and anti-bacterial activity

(it efficiently eliminates staphylococcus and streptococcus

infections) activity. Marigold extract contained in it takes

care of teats skin and addition of moisturizing substances

gives its elasticity. Due to thick consistency euro dip

is kept on the teat. This in connection with chlorohexidine

guarantees prolonged disinfecting activity.

instruction of proper usageUsing special cups for dipping, it should be spread on the teats directly after each milking. Product is ready to be used without dilution.

compositionChlorhexidine Digluconate, Marigold Extract, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, solubilizant, thickening substance, dye-stuff, water.

available containers1 l, 5 l, 20 l

eUro iodineIodine product for dipping

euro iodine is a product for post-milking dipping

disinfection of the teats. Due to high iodine content

(5000 ppm) it works extremely fast, inhibiting pathogens

development. euro iodine efficiently prevents infections

caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and mould as well

as supports struggle against increased level of somatic

cells. euro iodine is kept long on the teats and care

substances contained in it moisten and prevent teats

against skin cracking.

instruction of proper usageUsing special cups for dipping, it should be spread on the teats directly after each milking. Product is ready to be used without dilution.

compositionNon-organic iodine complex, care, complex and thickening substances, water.

available containers1 l, 5 l, 20 l

available also in winter versionIt does not freeze up to temperature -18°C available also in winter version

It does not freeze up to temperature -18°C

HoovesGroup of products:

blUe glue

blUe bath


blUe spray 31

32blUe spray concentrate




blUe glueGel for hooves’ wounds

blue glue is a gel to be used during treatment of hooves

diseases and to put the dressing on sickness affected areas.

Blue glue efficiency is based on Copper and Zinc chelates.

They prove strong anti-bacterial properties and increase

hoof horn hardness and do not cause the drying.

The product prevents spreading a contamination to other

animals as well as supports process of skin regeneration

and hooves reconstruction. Excellent adhesion of blue

glue as well as forming the coat protecting pathologically

changes tissue affect the successful treatment.

instruction of proper usageblue glue should be put on cleaned and dry hoof. One should wait to set the animal free until gel is dry. If there is a wound on the hoof, a dressing of Blue tape bandage should be put on. Dressing should be left on the hoof for 5 days. After having it taken off, lubricate the injured place with gel blue glue can be applied on the hooves after correction in order to cover micro-traumas suffered during the treatment in this way protecting them against pathogenic bacteria penetration.

compositionCopper Chelate, Zinc Chelate, Organic Acids.

available containers300 ml

blUe spray

blue spray is used for spraying the hooves during

the diseases’ treatment of different background. It

proves anti- bacterial activity, eliminates inflammatory

states, hardens hoof horn and regenerates dermal tissue.

blue spray is particularly efficient in footrot therapy

(dermatitis digitalis) and interdigital dermatitis (dermatitis

interdigitalis). Usage of spray enables local application.

Thick consistency ensures prolonged contact with a hoof

and due to blue colorations creates visible coat.

instruction of proper usageSpray with blue spray pathologically changed places after having a hoof cleaned. Repeat the treatment until resolution of the disease. Product should be used for disinfection and regeneration of a hoof horn preventively.

compositionCopper Chelate, Zinc Chelate, Organic Acids, binders.

available containers500 ml

Liquid for hooves disease treatment in spray



blUe bathLiquid for hooves bath

blue bath is concentrated solution used to prepare

hooves bath. Its regular usage eliminates inflammatory

states and does not allow them to be repeated again.

blue bath is characterized by wide scope of disinfection

activity due to Copper chelate content. blue bath has got

vast scope of disinfection activity due to Copper chelate

content. This form of Copper proves strong anti-bacterial

activity and increases horn tissue hardness as well.

This liquid used in bath time has got a contact with all

hoof surface reducing diseases occurrence. Contrary

to the Copper sulphate blue bath is not harmful

for health and it is biodegradable.

instruction of proper usageOn the base of blue bath concentrate prepare 4-5% solution and fill the bath. Prepared solution should not be used longer than for 2 days or for not more than to 150 animals. Treatment should be repeated every 2 weeks.

compositionCopper Chelate, Citric Acid, Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride, Ethanol, Glycol Acid, Propan 2-ol.

available containers5 l, 20 l

blUe spray concentrateLiquid for prevention and hooves diseases treatment

blue spray concentrate should be used for hooves

preventive baths and for area lesions spraying. Product

proves antibacterial activity and brings to removal

of inflammatory states as well as tissue reconstruction.

blue spray concentrate strengthens the hooves horn

simultaneously increasing its elasticity. It efficiency arises

from the Zinc and Copper content in a form of chelates,

which protects the elements against inactivation. Due

to thick consistency blue spray concentrate creates

permanent film on the hoof which perfectly adheres

to it and therefore it extends time of product penetration.

instruction of proper usageOn the base of blue spray concentrate prepare 2% solution and fill the bath. Prepared solution should not be used longer than for 2 days and for not more than 150 animals. Treatment should be repeated every 2 weeks. Spray cleaned hooves with solution of 20% or 50% depending on the advancement of disease process.

compositionCopper Chelate, Zinc Chelate, Organic Acids, Binders.

available containers5 l

coMPleMentarY Group of products:




silac corn








Myco-Stick is an innovative product against skin mycosis.

It contains very efficient, patented, nanoparticle Copper

colloid of a very strong antifungal activity. It also supports

skin regeneration and coat growth. Myco-Stick is enriched

with tea tree oil of antiseptic activity and propolis, which

protects pathologically changed places against infection

and speeds up the healing process. Myco-Stick does not

irritate skin, works as ’natural anti-biotic’ and strengthens

immunity system.

instruction of proper usageProduct should be sprayed on pathologically changed place. This action should be repeated 2-3 times a day until symptoms resolution.Myco-Stick can be used for all kinds of animals. It is safe for young animals and its application does not require a withdraw period to be observed.

compositionNonionic, Nanoparticle Colloidal Copper, tea tree oil, propolis, solubilizant, thickener, de-mineralized water.

available containers500 ml

ran-StickProduct to speed up wound healing

ran-Stick is a product to speed up wound and skin

damages healing i.e. injuries, abrasions and chafes. It contains

patented, nanoparticle colloidal silver of outstanding anti-

bacterial and anti-fungal properties. ran-Stick disinfects

perfectly but it neither irritates nor causes allergic reactions.

Addition of Allatoin supports anti-inflammatory activity

and stimulates wound granulation.

ran-Stick does not contain alcohol and for that reason

there is no burning to be felt.

instruction of proper usageProduct should be sprayed on pathologically changed place. This action should be repeated 2-3 times a day until symptoms resolution.ran-Stick can be used for all kinds of animals. It is safe for young animals and its application does not require a withdraw period to be observed.

compositionEosine, Nonionic, Nanoparticle Colloidal Silver, Tea Tree Oil, Allatoin, Glycerine, thickener, de-mineralized water.

available containers500 ml

Product for skin mycosis



silacProduct for ensiling

silac is a modern bacterial product (inoculant)

for production of high quality silage from grass, legumes

(alfalfa, clover), cereals (GPS), corn (whole plants, CMM,

grain) and sugar beet pulp.

Unique composition of carefully selected bacterial

strains contributes to produce oxygen stabled silage

of high nutritive value. Milk fermentation strains have

an exceptional ability to produce lactic acid and inhibit

yeast production as well as mould in silage. Bacteria also

increase digestibility of the silage produced due to synthesis

of enzymes decomposing cellulose and amylose (among

the other α-amylase, xylanase and endo-1,4-betaglucanase).

compositionsilac contains a mixture of 4 bacteria strains in the quantity of 1x109 j.t.k. Bacteria used in product were selected from the plants grown in Poland.Homofermentative strains: Lactobacillus plantarum KKP/788/p, Lactobacillus plantarum KKP/593/p. Heterofermentative strains: Lactobacillus brevis KKP/839/p, Lactobacillus buchnerii KKP/907/p

available packages250 g

silac cornPreparation for corn ensiling

silac corn is a bacterial concentrate used for corn ensiling

(whole plants, corncobs, and grains). It includes mixture

of mixture of bacteria strains homo- and heterofermentative

which decides of proper fermentation processes handling.

Large content of bacteria Lactobacillus buchneri ensures

high oxygen stability of the silage. A preparation also

contains special, selected strains of the ability of cellulolytic

and amylolytic. Enzymes produced by them bring to partial

decomposition of structural carbohydrates increasing

digestibility of the nutrients of ensiled plants.

instruction of proper usagesilac corn is a granular product for use in the form of water solution. Preparation of working solution: content of the package add to about 50 litres of water and mix until completely dissolved. Working solution resistance amounts to 8 hours. Working solution can be used in the field through applicator installed on the equipment or during silage production by sprinkling successively applied layers. 250 g is sufficient to ensile 50 tons of raw material.

compositionsilac corn contains a mixture of 4 bacteria strains in the quantity of 1x 109 j.t. Lactobacillus buchnerii KKP/907/p, Lactobacillus plantarum KKP/788/p,Lactobacillus plantarum KKP/593/p, Lactobacillus brevis KKP/839/p.

available packages250 g

Pectolit plus PectosPeed stoP plus

calbal plus bUffer-Stim eleMi ointmentHePavit complete

energia forte MetrisePt bolus invosePt bolus

impregnated cellulose tissues

disposable cellulose tissues


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