catholic church in ireland

Post on 15-Jul-2015



News & Politics



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I made this powerpoint of the Child Abuse Report -

to make it spread to more places. A file like this can be spread on the web and via email.

I’ve been unable to finish documenting all of this in slide format as it gets too depressing. I’m hoping others will take this model and make more powerpoints from the report.

Catholic Church in Ireland

Excerpts from the Child Abuse Report

Record of abuse (male witnesses)

413 witnesses made 482 reports of abuse regarding the four types of abuse

There were 474 reports of physical abuse involving 26 Schools given in evidence by 403 male witnesses (98%)

One day it was ...visitor’s day... they used to pick about half a dozen lads. You would be called to the hall. I was picked once and they would actually show the ...visiting student Brothers... how to do the hiding.

The Brother who was in charge of the playground, mostly Br ...X... or Br ...Y... would show them how it’s done, they would give you a hiding to show them and then they would have a go, with the black jack ...(leather)... with loops of lead in it or steel.

A witness reported that while he was being beaten the leather split apart and coins fell out. Two (2) others reported being marked by the key sewn into the end of the leather strap.

I’ll never forget the cat-o’-nine-tails, 10 tongs ...(thongs)... it used to have knots across the bottom. Observing other boys stripped and the blood running down as they were being flogged across the body, it was terrible.

There were 232 accounts of being hit or beaten with a variety of sticks, including


ash plants

blackthorn sticks


broom handles

hand brushes

wooden spoons



chair rungs

yard brushes


hay forks


and pieces of wood with leather thongs attached.

One hundred and eighteen (118) witnesses reported being beaten with canes and 37 with hurleys.

Other implements described included

bunches of keys

belt buckles

drain rods

rubber pram tyres

golf clubs

tyre rims

electric flexes

fan belts

horse tackle


metal rulers

butts of rifles


gun pellets

and hay ropes.

Twenty two (22) witnesses described various means by which they were physically abused by burning and scalding;

all the incidents reported were isolated and

included being burned with matches and cigarettes, having fingers put into electric sockets and having scalding water thrown at them while working in the kitchen.

‘They’d leave the leathers out on the window sill for the night, you know in the frost, to get it hard.’

Two hundred and twenty four (224) reports were heard of

injuries including: breaks to ribs, noses, wrists, arms and legs, injuries to head, genitalia, back, mouth, eye, ear, hand, jaw, face and kidney.

Sixty four (64) witnesses reported being left unable to walk, sit, stand or lie down as a result of those injuries.

Other injuries included burns, dog bites, lacerations, broken teeth, dislocated shoulders, injuries to the soles of feet, and burst chilblains.

I lost my 2 front teeth because of a whack like that ...demonstrated strike of the hand... out in the yard. If you got too near him...(Br X)... he would just whack you, he’d flatten you. ... A few days later I was sent to the doctor because my mouth was all up

Fr ...X... laid me out cold for talking; he walloped me so fast

I couldn’t see it coming. He broke my nose, I had to go to hospital. He knocked me clean out. I had 2 big black eyes and the nurse sent me to the hospital.

I saw one boy ...named co-resident... battered on the bog,

he got such a beating from Br ...X... that his back was broken and he was shifted off to hospital in

...named town....

My bed was near the medicine cabinet, there was this thing called horse iodine that they put on cuts the pain of it was unbelievable. ... I saw these 3 boys lining up and Br ...X... he painted their backside and legs with this stuff. I will never forget them jumping around and screaming in pain, it was just terrifying

and he gave him an unmerciful beating, an unmerciful beating. I’m telling ye he did not stop with that leather strap.

To this day it haunts me, the whole place was full and he was left lying. Br ...X... cleared the place out, you all had to get out of the refectory, I was even told to get out of the kitchen.

That was the last time, the very last time, I seen ...named co-resident....

I think it was 3 days afterwards I heard he was dead.

There are far worse accounts further down this webpage:

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with the words Catholic Church Ireland

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