cathrine's volcanoes

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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VolcanoesBy Cathrine Macaskill

What are Volcanoes?Volcanoes are mountains that open downwards to molten rock under the earths crust. If to much pressure builds up then it becomes an eruption. In the process of the eruption gases and rock shoot out and sometimes fills the air with lava fragments. This explosion can cause tsunamis,flash floods and earthquakes.

Why do they erupt?The earths crust is made up of slabs called plates. These slabs fight like a jigsaw puzzle. Once in a while they move. The friction of the movement causes the volcanic eruption near the edge of the plates. This theory explains the process and gives the name tectonic plates to slabs.

Different typesThere are many types of volcanoes.

The first one is a caldera. This volcano used to be big and strong, but erupted so fiercely that the sides cave down and became a crater. Did you know that Lake Taupo is one of these calderas and it's still active! The second is called a stratovolcano also known as a composite volcano. These volcanoes are made up of many ingredients, such as, hardened lava, volcanic ash, pumice and tephra here are some photos..........

Hardened lava




Volcanic field


How it would affect people?

This photo is people that got turned to stone from a volcano ~> ~> ~>

From my perspective getting turned to stone from a volcano is scarier than presenting my speech in front of the whole school, but what I don't get is that people like volcanologists think it is exciting to be inside a volcano that would erupt at any minute! Volcanoes can also destroy villages and lives. But the benefit is that it gives fertile soil!

Where they occur?Volcanoes occur close to major tectonic plate boundaries and sometimes are located by Earth's plate boundaries. It is very rare to have an eruption in Australia because it's nowhere near the ring of fire. Volcanoes can remain inactive for hundreds to thousands of years!

What is the Ring of fire?

The ring of fire is where the tectonic plate boundaries are. When the tectonic plates hit each other or pulls away from each other or even rubs against each other this very movement can cause all sorts of disasters and can lead to a lot of damage!

Thank you for watching!Hope you learnt some thing new

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