catu critique mary maxim and revival animal health

Post on 22-Feb-2017






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Catalog Critiques

catalogsAn amazing advertising tactic

disrupt delight drive

5Basic Human Truths

1The brain craves EASE & ORDER

1The brain craves EASE & ORDER

cognitive fluency

1The brain craves EASE & ORDER

Catalog implications:Eliminate the unnecessary so the necessary can shine. Don’t overwhelm. Simplify everything.

Humans have limited attention2

Humans have limited attention2

8 seconds


Humans have limited attention2

Deliberate pacing of your catalog can increase readership by 67%

Humans have limited attention2


30,000online users

asked to select favorite ads

Humorous or unconventional ads topped the list at


Nielson’s Global Trust in Advertising SurveyNeuro-Insight Research Firm

Ads featuring people AND humor performed better with higher encoding levels.


Humans have limited attention2

Catalog implications:Thin out products within a category. Make choices clear and easy to understand. Push them online for more.Pace your presentation … democracy is dead!Be BOLD … take risks.

Humans are VISUAL3

Humans are VISUAL3The brain processes visuals 60,0000times faster than the time it takes the brain to decode text.

Humans are VISUAL3We all have a special cluster of cells in our brains that scientists have named "mirror neurons" because they seem to mirror in your brain an experience you SEE.

Mirror Neurons

Humans are VISUAL3Catalog implications:Show rather than tell.Edit copy dramatically to be scan-able. Large images get noticed. People look at faces.Show product being used.

Humans respond to EMOTION4

Humans respond to EMOTION4

Catalog implications:Don’t just sell your products—sell your brand story. Give them something to believe in.Create thematic spreads that hits a nerve.

Humans are attracted to BEAUTY5

Humans are attracted to BEAUTY5

Catalog implication:Design matters. People react to good (or bad)design before anything else.First impressions are everything. Judgments made within the first 7 seconds. Covers are important!


color motifs trends


disrupt delight drive

Key take-aways

• Emotional connection

• More hero’s

• Create pacing throughout

• More organization

• Emotive headlines

• Create thematic spreads

• Drive them online!

Key take-aways

• Emotional connection

• More hero’s

• Less copy; more scan-able

• Include vet recommendations

• Emotive headlines

• Repeat icons (reconsider customer faves)

• Re-consider opening spread

• Assist with options


Got ideas?

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