
Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Callan K.

The First Great Thinker

Whenever a baby is born in the beginning place, the baby gets his/her name from what they do in the first year of their life. For example, most baby boys do something like smash a rock or eat a bug. The Ugh Family’s newly born walked outside to the sunlight for the first time. His Mom and Dad watched to see what a suitable name for him could be. He started to walk towards a puddle of mud, until he spotted a patch of pink flowers glowing in the sunlight. As soon as the flowers caught his eye, he waddled over to it, plopped down in front of the flowers and started to pick them.

“That’s it!” Mrs. Ugh exclaimed, “His name shall be Flower-Picker.” And from that day forward, his name constantly embarrassed him and made him the subject of bullying from the other cave kids.

Fifteen years later, Flower-Picker’s name still haunted him. He was just as muscular as all the other cave teens and he had a good sense of humor but his name made a target. All the other cave boys would throw rocks at him and all the cave girls would stay far away from him.

One day, Flower-Picker was just sitting on a hill talking to his best friend Julio the fifth who happened to be a caterpillar. Julio the first and second got squished, the third got eaten, and the fourth was taken away by the other cave boys to meet his fate as well. Flower-Picker was talking to Julio the fifth about the cave girl he liked, Flower-Wearer. Suddenly, Flower-Picker was engulfed in a big, dark shadow. He jerked his head around to see his arch enemy, Rock-Smasher and his pack.

“Hello little Nose-Picker,” he snarled.“That’s not my name,” Flower-Picker growled, giving a distasteful look at Rock-

Smasher’s pack of muscular bullies.“How’s it been to hunt without a pack?” said Rock-Smasher.“Fine,” he lied. “Oh really?” Rock-Smasher persisted. “Or are you really just

sitting in your cave crying about how your old pack kicked you out?”“Shut up!” Flower-Picker yelled as he shot up and shoved Rock-Smasher back

into his pack. Rock-Smasher retaliated by throwing a hook at Flower-Picker’s face. Flower-Picker reacted by ducking but then realized he had been faked out when Rock-Smasher’s foot landed in his stomach. Flower-Picker fell on the ground in pain. He could the group of teens taunting and laughing around him. His eyes were watering and his vision was blurred. He felt the pack of cave boys kicking him. Then suddenly he started spinning. He felt like he was being pelted by a million rocks. When his vision became clear, he was at the bottom of the hill, looking up at the cave boys who were at the top of the hill. Flower-Picker was so confused. How could Rock-Smasher’s pack have kicked him so hard that he ended up all the way at the bottom of the hill.

The next day, Flower-Picker started to wonder how the boys were able to push him down the hill so easily. He hobbled back to the hill and saw that while he was getting beaten up Julio the fifth got squashed.

“Oh man,” Flower-Picker muttered to himself. Flower-Picker started to roll random items down the hill. First he tried a smooth stone from the pond. That didn’t

work. Next, he tried a lopsided rock and that didn’t work either. He was running out of ideas. Then he saw a log lying at the edge of the Endless Forest. Flower-Picker pushed the log to the edge of the hill and slid it down face first. It slid straight down the hill without stopping. This was incredible! This could be a chance to make a new name for himself. But he could not change his name without the approval of the cave people. After thinking things over, he suddenly came up with an idea. He raced into the Endless Forest toward the cave boys’ territory. Flower-Picker entered this area noisily. Trying to get their attention, Flower-Picker shouted and raised his arms. One by one, the pack of cave boys emerged from their dark cave.

They all stared at him angrily. One yelled, “What are you doing here?”Another yelled,” Get out of our territory.” Flower-Picker was scared but he drew up the courage to yell, “ I need to talk to

Rock-Smasher!” Slowly, the cave boys shuffled out of the way revealing the big, ugly oaf that was Rock-Smasher.

“Hello little Nose-Picker, are you here for another beating,” he asked challengingly.

Every bone if Flower-Picker’s body told him to run but he stood his ground. “I challenge you to a race,” he said.

“ Ok, I have always been able to outrun you,” said Rock-Smasher. “But not just any kind of race,” Flower-Picker announced, “You must build a

vehicle that will take you down the hill without pushing it.”“Impossible!” Rock-Smasher announced. “Everything must be pushed for it to

move.”“Not with a little thing I call gravity. If you push something with enough force, it

will keep going until it reaches the bottom.”Rock-Smasher was about to decline but then realized that would make him look

like a chicken in front of his pack. “Fine,” he said grudgingly. And with that Flower-Picker turned around and bolted

into the forest.When he got back to his cave, Flower-Picker started to work. First, he got two

logs and slathered them in mud. Then, he picked up a big stone slab and put it on top of the two logs. Then, he pushed his make-shift sled out into the sun to dry. Feel content with his work, he sat down in front of his cave and took a nap. When he woke up, he found that he had been robbed. Not only was his cave destroyed, along with all his rock furniture inside, but someone had also stolen his sled for the race.

“Dang it!” Flower-Picker screamed and he kicked a rock and it rolled across the ground. Then an idea sparked in his head! With no time to lose, he ran off to gather the materials he needed for his new design.

The next day, Flower-Picker rolled his new vehicle to the race hill. Cave people had assembled on the hill to watch the big race. His new vehicle had four wheels made out of stone connected together with long strong poles he made. On top of that, he put a small stone slab for him to sit on. As he pushed his vehicle towards the slope, cave people started to stare at his vehicle in amazement.

Someone asked, “What do you call it?” Flower-Picker thought about and then said, “A car.”

As he got to edge of the slope, he saw that this hill was far more dangerous than he expected. This hill was on the rim of a volcano and lava pockets were all along it’s sides. Flower-Picker was scared but he couldn’t back down now. He heard yelling from behind and turned to see Rock-Smasher and his pack pushing his make-shift sled up the hill.

Flower-Picker was furious. How dare they cheat! Flower-Picker was about to say something but then bit his tongue. Even is he could prove that they cheated, he couldn’t do anything about it.

They pushed the sled to the starting line and Rock-Smasher climbed on board. “Let’s get this over with so I can rub it in your face when I win!” he yelled. But

before Flower-Picker had a chance to get in, Rock-Smasher pushed off. Flower-Picker got into his car and pushed off as well. His vehicle caught up to Rock-Smasher quickly but just as Flower-Picker was about to pass him, he started throwing rocks at Flower-Picker. Then suddenly, Thunk, Flower-Picker went flying and hit the ground hard. He looked up see his car toppled over and a big rock was near by. He looked down the mountain to see Rock-Smasher racing towards the finish line.

“Noooo!” he yelled. Then, suddenly, the ground from beneath the vehicle Rock-Smasher was riding fell out from beneath him. The whole sled was swallowed by a plume of lave. Rock-Smasher was never seen again.

“Yeah! I won by default”, Flower-Picker exclaimed. From that day forward, Flower-Picker’s name was changed to Car-Creator in tribute to his incredible invention.

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