cbse class xii computer project report (body)

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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.: About The Project :..: About The Project :.

The software Jabberwocky is a quizzing management software which is suited for a wide range of users – end users wanting to participate in quizzes, quizmasters who want a quizzing software during stage events, and quiz database administrators who want an easy way to manage large databases. To achieve this, the program offers the following user modes, with different feature sets:

➔ Normal User Mode: Anyone can use this mode, which allows a user to attempt questions in the included database. Questions are presented in a multiple-choice format, with automatic scoring. After the user chooses to exit the session, he / she is presented with extended statistics about his / her quizzing session.

➔ Administrator Mode: An authenticated mode, it allows the user to carry out advanced functions like managing question and / or user database, accessing overall statistics about all users, searching users by different criteria, and changing current administration password. It also offers a Quizmaster Mode, intended to be stage-round specific mode for a quiz, which allows the authenticated user to view the correct answer along with the questions and their options.

Jabberwocky – The Quizzing Software also provides a help file accessible providing introductory information to users about its different features. Users have the option to use any one of the two versions of the program – a text-mode version, and a graphics-mode version dependent on the Borland Graphics Library. Both the versions are bundled with a demo question and user database, and also with the necessary graphics libraries for the graphics-mode version.


.: Source Code :..: Source Code :./* Jabberwocky v1.2g - The Utterly Weird Quizzing Software */

#include <fstream.h>#include <conio.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <process.h>#include <graphics.h>#include <dir.h>

fstream file, temp; // For file manipulationint flag, r1, r2, r3, ich;char cch, check[42], name[42];

int gd = DETECT, gm; // Detecting graphics driver (gd)

void border() // Create a border using C++ Graphics Mode - specific to Turbo C++{

settextstyle(GOTHIC_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 6);const int xres = getmaxx(),yres=getmaxy();line(0, 0, xres, 0);line(0, 5, xres, 5);line(0, yres, xres, yres);line(0, yres-5, xres, yres-5);gotoxy(1, 2);


class ques // Defining the class to store questions{

private:char q[200], a[100], b[100], c[100], d[100];int ans;

public:int retans() // Return private data member 'ans'{

return ans;}


void getq() // Function to enter question details{

clearviewport(); // Equivalent of clrscr()border();cout<<endl<<"Enter the question: "<<endl;gets(q);cout<<endl<<"Enter the options: "

<<endl<<"Option One: "<<endl;gets(a);cout<<endl<<"Option Two: "<<endl;gets(b);cout<<endl<<"Option Three: "<<endl;gets(c);cout<<endl<<"Option Four: "<<endl;gets(d);cout<<endl<<"Number of the correct option: "<<endl;cin>>ans;

}void showq() // Display question{

cout<<endl<<"Question is..."<<endl<<q<<endl<<endl<<"Options are..."<<endl<<"1. "<<a<<endl<<"2. "<<b<<endl<<"3. "<<c<<endl<<"4. "<<d<<endl;

}} q1, q2;

class user // Class to store user details{

private:char nm[42], sex;int age;

public:int score, pass;float perc;void getuser() // Get data about the user{

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"DON'T PANIC!"

<<endl<<"Enter username: ";gets(nm);cout<<endl<<"Enter age: ";cin>>age;cout<<endl<<"Enter sex (M/F): ";cin>>sex;


if (sex == 'm') // To standardise the databasesex = 'M';

else if (sex == 'f')sex = 'F';

score = 0;pass = 0;perc = 0.0;

}void showuser() // Show data about the user{

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Displaying Player Details..."

<<endl<<"Name: "<<nm<<endl<<"Age: "<<age<<endl<<"Sex: "<<sex<<endl<<"Score: "<<score

<<endl<<"Passes: "<<pass <<endl<<"Percentage Accuracy: "<<perc<<endl;

}char *retname() // Return private data member 'nm'{

return nm;}int retage() // Return private data member 'age'{

return age;}

} u1, u2;

void deluser() // Delete a particular user from the records{

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Enter username of user whose record needs to be

deleted: ";gets(check);"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);"temp.dat", ios::out|ios::binary);flag = 0;while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

strcpy(name, u1.retname());if(strcmpi (check, name) == 0)

flag = 1;else temp.write((char*)&u1, sizeof(u1));



if (flag == 0)cout<<endl<<"Username you searched for does not

exist!"<<endl;else cout<<endl<<"User with username "<<check<<" has been

deleted."<<endl;cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();file.close();temp.close();remove("user.dat");rename("temp.dat", "user.dat");


void edituser() // Edit records of a particular user{

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Enter username of user whose record needs to be

edited: ";gets(check);"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);"temp.dat", ios::out|ios::binary);flag = 0;while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

strcpy(name, u1.retname());if(strcmpi (check, name) == 0){

flag = 1;cout<<endl<<"Enter new details for user "<<name<<endl;u2.getuser();u2.score = u1.score; // To prevent reset of scoreu2.pass = u1.pass;u2.perc = u1.perc;temp.write((char*)&u2, sizeof(u2));

}else temp.write((char*)&u1, sizeof(u1));

}if (flag == 0)

cout<<endl<<"Username you searched for does not exist!"<<endl;

else cout<<endl<<"User with username "<<check<<" has been edited."<<endl;

cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();file.close();temp.close();remove("user.dat");rename("temp.dat", "user.dat");



void searchuser(){

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"User Details Search"

<<endl<<"Search by"<<endl<<"\t1. Name"<<endl<<"\t2. Age"<<endl<<"Enter your choice (1-2): ";

cin>>ich;"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);switch(ich){

case 1 : // For searching by namecout<<endl<<"Enter username to be searched: ";gets(check);flag = 0;while(*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

strcpy(name, u1.retname());if(strcmpi (name, check) == 0){

flag = 1;u1.showuser();cout<<endl<<"Press any key to


}}if (flag == 0){

cout<<"Username you searched for does not exist!"<<endl;

cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


case 2 : // For searching by agecout<<endl<<"Enter the age to be searched in

records: ";cin>>r1;flag = 0;while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

r2 = u1.retage();if (r1 == r2){

flag = 1;u1.showuser();cout<<endl<<"Press any key to




}if (flag == 0){

cout<<endl<<"Age you searched for does not exist in any record!"<<endl;

cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


default : cout<<endl<<"You entered an invalid choice! Press any key to continue...";



void highscore() // Display highest score achieved till now{

clearviewport();border();"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);*)&u1, sizeof(u1));cout<<endl<<"Display High Score According To Selected Criteria"

<<endl<<"\t1. Actual Score"<<endl<<"\t2. Accuracy Percentage"<<endl<<"Enter your choice (1-2): ";


case 1 : r1 = u1.score;while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

r2 = u1.score;if (r2 > r1)r1 = r2;

}cout<<endl<<"High Score is: "<<r1<<endl

<<"Details of user(s) with high score: ";file.close();"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

if (u1.score == r1){

u1.showuser(); cout<<endl<<"Press any key to

continue..."; getch();





case 2 : float p1, p2;p1 = u1.perc;while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

p2 = u1.perc;if (p2 > p1)

p1 = p2;}cout<<endl<<"Highest Accuracy Percentage is: "

<<p1<<endl<<"Details of user(s) with high score: ";

file.close();"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);while (*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

if (u1.perc == p1){

u1.showuser(); cout<<endl<<"Press any key to

continue..."; getch();



default : cout<<endl<<"You entered an incorrect choice! Press any key to continue...";



void playquiz() // Normal mode playquiz{

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Jabberwocky Normal User Mode"

<<endl<<endl<<"Rules" <<endl<<"\t1. Each correct answer gets you +42 points" <<endl<<"\t2. Each incorrect answer gets you -21 points" <<endl<<"\t3. No points / penalties for a pass";

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Get ready to play the quiz! Press any key to continue...";

getch();r3 = 0;ich = 0;"ques.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);while(*)&q1, sizeof(q1))){


r3++;clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Question Number "<<r3;

q1.showq();cout<<endl<<"Enter your answer (1-4; 5 for a 'pass'): ";cin>>r1;r2 = q1.retans();if (r1 == r2){

cout<<endl<<"Correct answer! You get 42 points!";u1.score += 42;ich++;

}else if (r1 == 5)


u1.score -= 21; cout<<endl<<"Wrong answer! Correct option is

"<<r2<<"."; }

cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to finish quiz)...";

cch = getch();if (cch == '0')

break;}u1.perc = ((float)ich / r3) * 100;cout<<endl<<endl<<"You scored "<<u1.score<<" points with "

<<u1.pass<<" passes out of a total of "<<r3<<" questions"<<" resulting in an accuracy of "<<u1.perc<<" percentage.";

file.close();"user.dat", ios::app|ios::binary);file.write((char*)&u1, sizeof(u1));file.close();cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void countq() // Count the number of questions in database{

r3 = 0;"ques.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);while (*)&q1, sizeof(q1)))



void addq() // Add new questions to database{


clearviewport();border();"ques.dat", ios::app|ios::binary);cout<<endl<<"Enter new questions in the question database";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();do{

q1.getq();file.write((char*)&q1, sizeof(q1));cout<<endl<<"Question added to database"<<endl

<<"Do you want to enter another question? (Y/N) : ";cin>>cch;

} while (cch == 'y' || cch == 'Y');file.close();


void editq() // Edit existing questions in database{

adminedit:clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Enter question number to be edited (0 to exit): ";cin>>r2;countq();if ((r2 < 0) || (r2 > r3)){

cout<<endl<<"Sorry, record number you requested does not exist!";

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();goto adminedit;

}r1 = 0;"ques.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);"temp.dat", ios::out|ios::binary);while (*)&q1, sizeof(q1))){

r1++;if (r1 == r2){

q1.showq();cout<<endl<<"Is this the question you want to edit?

(Y/N): ";cin>>cch;if (cch == 'y' || cch == 'Y'){

cout<<endl<<"Enter new details for question";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();q2.getq();temp.write((char*)&q2, sizeof(q2));



cout<<endl<<"Question has not been edited.";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();file.close();temp.close();goto adminedit;

}}else temp.write((char*)&q1, sizeof(q1));

}file.close();temp.close();remove("ques.dat");rename("temp.dat", "ques.dat");


void delq() // Delete existing questions in database{

admindel:clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Enter question number to be deleted (0 to exit): ";cin>>r2;countq();if ((r2 < 0) || (r2 > r3)){

cout<<endl<<"Sorry, record number you requested does not exist!";

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();goto admindel;

}r1 = 0;"ques.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);"temp.dat", ios::out|ios::binary);while (*)&q1, sizeof(q1))){

r1++;if (r1 != r2)

temp.write((char*)&q1, sizeof(q1));else{

q1.showq();cout<<endl<<"Is this the question you want to delete?

(Y/N): ";cin>>cch;if (cch == 'n' || cch == 'N'){

temp.write((char*)&q1, sizeof(q1));


cout<<endl<<"Question has not been deleted";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue";getch();file.close();temp.close();goto admindel;


cout<<endl<<"Question has been deleted.";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


}file.close();temp.close();remove("ques.dat");rename("temp.dat", "ques.dat");


void qmmode() // Quizmaster Mode - For viewing all questions with answers{

cout<<endl<<"Entering Quizmaster Mode"<<endl<<"This displays all questions in the database along with the answer";

r3 = 0;"ques.dat",ios::in|ios::binary);while(*)&q1, sizeof(q1))){

r3++;clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Question Number "<<r3;q1.showq();r1 = q1.retans();cout<<"Option number "<<r1<<" is correct"<<endl

<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to exit QM mode)...";

cch = getch();if (cch == '0')



void viewusers() // To view details of all users till now{



cout<<endl<<"Showing records of all users till now...";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();"user.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);while(*)&u1, sizeof(u1))){

clearviewport();border();u1.showuser();cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to exit this

mode)...";cch = getch();if (cch == '0')



void proghelp() // Program help{

clearviewport();border();r1 = 0;"proghelp.txt", ios::in);while (!file.eof()){

r1++;cch = file.get();cout<<cch;if ( (r1%930) == 0){

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to exit this mode)..."<<endl<<endl;

cch = getch();if (cch == '0')


}file.close();cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void aboutus() // About the Jabberwocky Project{

clearviewport();border();r1 = 0;"aboutus.txt", ios::in);while (!file.eof()){


r1++;cch = file.get();cout<<cch;if ( (r1%720) == 0){

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to exit this mode)..."<<endl<<endl;

cch = getch();if (cch == '0')


}file.close();cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void zaphod() // Easter egg{

clearviewport();border();r1 = 0;"zaphod.txt", ios::in);while (!file.eof()){

r1++;cch = file.get();cout<<cch;if ( (r1%1000) == 0){

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue (or '0' to exit this mode)..."<<endl<<endl;

cch = getch();if (cch == '0')


}file.close();cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void pwdchk(){

clearviewport();border();cout<<endl<<"Jabberwocky Password Authentication"

<<endl<<endl<<"Enter current password: ";for (int i = 0; ;i++){

check[i] = getch();


if(check[i] == '\r')break;

cout<<"*";}check[i] = '\0';"pwd.dat", ios::in|ios::binary);*)&name, 42);file.close();flag = 0;if (strcmp (check, name) == 0){

flag = 1;cout<<endl<<"Authentication confirmed"<<endl;

}else cout<<endl<<"Sorry! Invalid password!";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void pswd() // Password manipulation{

pwdchk();if (flag == 1){

pwdchange:cout<<endl<<"Enter new password (alphanumeric): ";for (int i = 0; ;i++){



}check[i]='\0';cout<<endl<<"Confirm new password: ";for( i = 0; ;i++){



}name[i]='\0';if (strcmp(check,name) == 0){"pwd.dat", ios::out|ios::binary);file.write((char*)&name, 42);file.close();cout<<endl<<"Password has been changed successfully!";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();




cout<<endl<<"Sorry! Passwords do not match! Try again!";

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();goto pwdchange;



void admin() // Options for administrator mode{

clearviewport();border();pwdchk();if (flag == 1){

admenu: // To maintain uniformityclearviewport();border();settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4);outtextxy(64,1,"Jabberwocky Administrator Menu");gotoxy(1,4);cout<<endl<<"\t1. Quizmaster Mode"<<endl;cout<<endl<<"\tQuestion Database Options"

<<endl<<"\t\t2. Add Questions To Database";cout<<endl<<"\t\t3. Edit Question Currently In

Database"<<endl<<"\t\t4. Delete Question Currently In Database"<<endl<<"\t\t5. Count Number of Questions In Database"<<endl;

cout<<endl<<"\tUser Database Options"<<endl<<"\t\t6. View Users"<<endl<<"\t\t7. Search User Records";

cout<<endl<<"\t\t8. Edit User Record"<<endl<<"\t\t9. Delete User Record"<<endl<<endl<<"\t10. View High Score";

cout<<endl<<"\t11. Change Administrator Password"<<endl<<endl<<"12. Help"<<endl<<"0. Exit Administrator Mode"<<endl<<endl<<"Enter your choice (0-12): ";


case 0 : goto end;case 1 : qmmode();

break;case 2 : addq();

break;case 3 : editq();



case 4 : delq();break;

case 5 : countq();cout<<endl<<"The database has "<<r3<<"

questions";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to


case 6 : viewusers();break;

case 7 : searchuser();break;

case 8 : edituser();break;

case 9 : deluser();break;

case 10 : highscore();break;

case 11 : pswd();break;

case 12 : proghelp();break;

case 42 : zaphod();break;

default : cout<<endl<<"You entered an invalid choice!";

cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";

getch();}goto admenu;

}end:cout<<endl<<"You are about to exit Jabberwocky Administrator

Menu"<<endl<<"Press any key to continue...";getch();


void main(){

char *p = searchpath( "Graphics" );initgraph(&gd, &gm,p); // Initiating graphics modesetlinestyle(DASHED_LINE,0,NORM_WIDTH);menu:

clearviewport();border();outtext(" Welcome to Jabberwocky!");gotoxy(12,9);cout<<"1. Normal User Mode";gotoxy(50,9);cout<<"2. Administrator Mode";


gotoxy(35,15);cout<<"0. Exit";gotoxy(12,21);cout<<"3. Help";gotoxy(50,21);cout<<"4. About";gotoxy(1,24);cout<<"Enter your choice (0-4): ";cin>>ich;switch(ich){

case 1 : u1.getuser(); // Get user detailsplayquiz(); // Allow user to start playingbreak;

case 2 : admin();break;

case 3 : proghelp(); // Program helpbreak;

case 4 : aboutus();break;

case 0 : exit(0);case 42 : zaphod(); // An easter egg

break;default : cout<<endl<<"You entered an invalid

choice!";cout<<endl<<endl<<"Press any key to


}goto menu;



Output Screens (Output Screens (JabberwockyJabberwocky Text-Mode Text-Mode Version) Of Major FeaturesVersion) Of Major Features

Main Menu

Administrator Menu


Normal User Mode

Quizmaster Mode


Add Questions To Question Database

Edit Questions In Question Database

Delete Questions In Question Database


Viewing User Database

Search Users By Username

Search Users By Age


View High Score (Actual Score)

View High Score (Accuracy Percentage)

Change Administrator Password


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