cc is now the biggest quagmire

Post on 10-Mar-2015






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My Dear Sahaja Yogis,

It seems our Holy Mother, or should I say The Holy Mother, chose to leave in a way that has stripped away any kind of 'props' we may have tried to use to escape our responsibility to improve and attune ourselves.

I remember in Cabella asking Her in a most concerned way about all the real estate and money that had accrued and was splashed around Her, and the dangers therein!

Her reply is still haunting me and am trying to evaluate it's deep significance, over time as usual. She more or less told me that ' None of these can touch Her'! Little did I realise Her chosen exit strategy, where we would all be left with a quagmire of choices and allegiances to be made.

One thing I also choose not to forget is when Sri Mataji gave me Her Holy Book to safe-keep with the concern that 'people will only use it to make 'Another Religion ''.

Look around and see what is happening, do people put out tables of Sri Mataji's Talks for others to share, do they make Mother's Talks a priority......hardly. How many times have you seen someone talk for ages and then as a form of obligation play Sri Mataji's Talk for ten or so minutes....there are nearly 4,000 Talks, each one better than the other and ALL vital. The World should have immediate access to them....THAT is the only thing that can change the World, people are not stupid and do not need spoon feeding by any of us. What we have gained from Her Talks I am sure many can do better without our confusing input or interpretations.

Now as for all the real estate.....this is the quicksand that will swallow many that come near, be careful my friends, take control of your lives DO NOT GIVE MONEY unless you know exactly what and where it will be used for and that you agree - you will be held accountable for what you finance!

With Great Concern

Your Brother

Tony Kuli

Subject: WORLD DOMINANCE CC IN THE NEWS AGAIN! To: Date: Sunday, 17 July, 2011, 14:02

A VERY GOOD POSSIBILITY THAT MR GREGOIRE OF SWIZERLAND WILL BE ACHIEVING HIS DESIRED WISHES SOON. HEAD OF WORLD DOMINANCE CC. Subject: Fwd: [CountryLeaders] Formation of the Central Committee as instructed by SHRI MATAJI Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Anil Mishra <> Date: July 17, 2011 5:29:22 AM GMT+08:00 To: Gregoire Dekalbermatten <> Cc: Wolfgang Hackl <>, Wolfgang Hackl <>, Zeiss Philipp <>, 'Engelbert Oman' <>, sy leaders <>, Badrinath <> Subject: [CountryLeaders] Formation of the Central Committee as instructed by SHRI MATAJI Reply-To:

Dear Gregoire, Jai Shri Mataji Re: Formation of the Central Committee as instructed by SHRI MATAJI The UAE National Committee supports the formation of the Central Committee (CC) because SHRI MATAJI has proposed its formation. Shri Mataji has instructed you ( Gregoire) to take up the responsibility for the formation of CC. Accordingly you musttake up the responsibility for its formation.You must be an integral part of CC, and take a lead in the cordination of its activities. The UAE Collective strongly desires to be a part in the formation of CC. The UAE National Committee will in due course send its nominations to you . The individual collectives will be responsible for all Sahaj activities in their respective countries however the need and role of the CC is broadly described below. The Central Committee would: 1. Facilitate spreading the message of Shri Mataji for the emancipation of mankind in the countries where Sahaja yoga has not been establised or where Sahaja yoga has not rooted properly by organizing Public Programs , Realization tours …with the help of countries in the close vicinity. 2. Advise and guide the collectives on Sahaj practices…. where asked for. 3. Decide on uniform dates of puja, hosting countries and

venues. 4. Cordinate and implement procedures relating to Sahaj marriages in line with the teachings of Shri Mataji. 5. Look into matters and create awareness against corruption and financial mismanagement, autocratic governance,worship of individuals in collectives, mafia type threats that would exist or arise within any Collective in the future. 6. Review the need for undertaking new projects and subsequent collection of substantial amount of funds from Sahaja yogis. 7. Review matters relating to mismanagement of Sahaj Trusts and Institutions, where this is requested or where the situation would call for and advice corrective actions. 8. Provide advice on legal matters……. where asked for. The Central Committee should be formed on the following lines: 1. Gregoire, as instructed by SHRI MATAJI, shall be responsible for the formation and coordination of CC. 2. The CC shall comprise of 15 to 25 members from countries that will be selected on rotation basis. 3. It must be the Country and not the individual that must be selected. 4. The respective National committees shall propose the name/(s) of individual/(s) representing their country. 5. The tenor of CC shall be for a period of 2 years, and not more than 3 years. 6. Upon completion of tenor, new set of countries will replace the existing countries by rotation. 7. No individual shall remain in the CC for more than one

tenor. 8. The committee shall include a limited number of senior Sahaja yogis who had the benefit of frequent interactions with SHRI MATAJI, which would add experience to the CC. 9. The World may be classified into regions or continents, every continent must be given an equitable representation depending on factors such as size of the region, number and size of collectives within each country in that region. This will also ensure proper understanding of local matters and requirements. Our good wish are with you and all those assisting you in the formation of CC . We will pray that you’ll are assisted with divine guidance .We look forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Our Love and Respects, Anil & Badrinath 

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