cccaa letter granucci sanctions 2-29-2016 docx

Post on 10-Jul-2016






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Word from California athletics association


Office of the


835 College Avenue

Kentfield, CA 94904 415 . 485 . 9400

Kentfield Campus

Indian Valley Campus

February 29, 2016

Carlyle Carter, CCCAA Executive

Delivered via email

Dear Mr. Carter:

College of Marin is in receipt of your February 9th memo denying the appeal regarding men’s basketball

player eligibility. While we have no choice but to accept this decision, thus ending the College of Marin

basketball season early and impacting most teams in the Bay Valley Conference, I am writing today to ask

again for clarification on your rationale for imposing no sanctions on David Granucci.

Mr. Granucci targeted out-of-state and international student athletes, most of whom were recruited by non-

CCCAA institutions able to provide scholarships and other assistance. When Mr. Granucci gave these

players a ‘cost sheet’ for COM, it did not state that there would be assistance from the College or its agents.

Instead, the sheet simply listed what the promised costs would be to the players. Since it is the determination

of the CCCAA that these players are ineligible due to the financial benefit gained by Mr. Granucci’s

misrepresentation of costs, then Article 7 of the CCCAA Constitution clearly gives the CCCAA the

authority to impose sanctions on Mr. Granucci (emphasis added):

7.3.2 Sanctions for violation of the Constitution and Bylaws or conference policies and

procedures may be imposed upon member colleges, coaches, student athletes, college employees,

and/or college representatives….

Additionally, the specific nature of that authority is outlined in 7.3.3 (emphasis added):

7.3.3 Sanctions may include:

C. Players and/or coaches may be suspended or banned from participation.

F. Other penalties may be imposed by the conference commissioners, conferences, conference

appeals board and/or the CCCAA Board.

Vice President Eldridge and Athletic Director Berringer spoke with you by telephone on January 19, 2016

to obtain clarification on the appeal process. During that conversation Mr. Eldridge asked you about the

absence of sanctions relating to Mr. Granucci. You responded by saying that the fear of litigation was a

primary factor. Mr. Eldridge asked if this means Mr. Granucci can obtain employment by another CCCAA

member institution and coach there without any penalty. You responded that this was, indeed, the case.

Mr. Carter, with all due respect, Article 7 clearly grants the CCCAA the authority to tell Mr. Granucci that

based on his actions while coach at College of Marin, if he obtains a coaching position with another CCCAA

institution he will either be suspended for a period of time, banned from participation for a period of time,

and/or face other penalties.

During that same phone conversation I understand you showed no concern for those five players not

implicated in Mr. Granucci’s wrongdoing. In fact, when Mr. Eldridge recounted Commissioner Baskin’s

email asking COM to not cancel the season despite the College’s concern at that time that potential

sanctions might lead to the five non-implicated players using a season’s eligibility for a forfeited season,

your response was one of indifference. When Mr. Eldridge asked you if they were ‘out of luck’ with regard

Mr. Carlyle Carter

February 29, 2016

Page 2

to their eligibility, you replied, ‘I guess so.’ If you have no concern for litigation from these players, who

likely would have made very different choices if not for the Commissioner’s urging, then why would you

be concerned about litigation from the person whose actions you know precipitated all of this in the first

place? You also personally contacted both the Marin County District Attorney’s Office and the College of

Marin Police Department about Mr. Granucci and his actions. With that level of conviction, why would

you not be seeking every possible avenue in your power as CCCAA Executive to levy consequences

afforded you by the CCCAA Constitution?

Article 1 of the CCCAA Constitution states that the Association is a student-centered organization whose

mission is to advocate for the overall well-being of student athletes. More specifically (emphasis added):

1.4.3 Values–The CCCAA believes in student health and welfare, academic and athletic success,

ethical conduct, accountability, recognition of academic and athletic excellence, and an inclusive

culture that fosters equitable participation.

Failure to take action regarding Mr. Granucci while imposing sanctions that dramatically impact all COM

basketball players, including those without any connection to Mr. Granucci’s actions, directly contradicts

the CCCAA’s stated values. Your stance is neither student-centered, nor advocating for those students’

well-being. And it certainly does not send the message to Mr. Granucci that ethical conduct and

accountability are values he needs to concern himself with as far as the CCCAA is concerned.

Thank you for your consideration.


David Wain Coon, Ed.D.


cc: Jonathan Eldridge, Senior Vice President of Student Learning & Student Services

Steve Berringer, Interim Director of Athletics & Kinesiology

Shirley Baskin, BVC Commissioner

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