cdc teachers workshop professional development presentation

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Buoyancy: Applying Archimedes’ Principle

Teacher/Coach’s - Professional Development Workshop

Levelle Burr-AlexanderCenter for Pre-College Programs

New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNewark, New Jersey

October 20109:00am – 2:45pm


• Engineering Design Process

• Design Constraints & Criteria

• Attributes for Consideration

• Archimedes’ Principle

• Engineering Design Activity

• Questions & Answers

What is Engineering?


The “development of ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of humankind”.Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

The art of applying scientific, technological, and mathematical principles, experience, judgment, and common sense to make things that benefit people.

What is Engineering?

ENGINEERING examples are ….

Physical Objects, e.g. cell phones, and buildings, cars, computers and network systems, pacemakers, television, and everything else around you.

Networks, e.g. roadways, highways, and wireless/celluar communication networks

Processes, e.g. facilities for recycling or manufacturing/packaging

What is Engineering Design?


A decision-making process using available resources (material and people) to meet a desired, measurable goal (usually resulting in a product or system).

To meet the desired goal, the design process combines:– Basic sciences (chemistry, physics, biology) – Mathematics (algebra, geometry, calculus) – Engineering sciences (aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil,

computer, electrical, industrial, manufacturing, mechanical, etc.)

Engineering design used to:• Establish new solutions or innovations to problems

Research the Problem –Gather


Research the Problem –Gather


Analysis of the Problem

- Design Constraints Gathering

Analysis of the Problem

- Design Constraints Gathering

Communicate Final Design

e.g. Presentation

Communicate Final Design

e.g. Presentation

Identification of the Problem

Identification of the Problem

Testing and Evaluation


Testing and Evaluation


Modeling “Best” Solution

Modeling “Best” Solution

Brainstorm Alternative Design


Brainstorm Alternative Design


Refine and RetestModel/Prototype

Refine and RetestModel/Prototype

EngineeringDesign Process

The Cyclic Design Process

Engineering Design Process“Defining and Understanding the Problem”

• Identify the Problem– What does the customer need?

– What problem needs to be solved?

– Not always clear

• Analyze the Problem – Design Constraints– What preliminary information is provided in the

presentation of the design problem?

– What limitations or parameters or constraints, if any, are required for the physical design? Performance? Cost? Human Resources?…

Engineering Design Process“Defining and Understanding the Problem” – cont’d

Remember to constantly & consistently…

Document! Document! Document!

Use the Panasonic CDC - Engineer’s Logbook

Engineering Design Process“Defining and Understanding the Problem” – cont’d

• Research the Problem – learn as much as you can– What background information is needed before we can

start developing possible solutions?

– What sources do we need to obtain that information

– How reliable are those sources?

– What previous work has been done on this or similar problems that could be used?

Engineering Design Process “Analyzing the Problem and Brainstorming”

• Design constraints– Technology, economic, human interface problems,

government regulations, usability, conversation of energy

• Develop initial specifications - design constraints

• Discuss ground rules and conduct brainstorming

• Design the alternative solutions and analyze each to determine its fit within the requirements of the design problem– Simulation vs. real product model or mock-up

– Many times this is just feasibility, thus not final design

• From previous step, determine best solution– Which alternative design has “best” fit to the

requirements?– Need constraints and initial specifications to determine

why best solution

• Model selected solution, and determine if the choice is the “best” from a design perspective– Calculations, computer simulation, physical model

• Iterative step – might not have picked the best solution initially– Might not know this until next step

Engineering Design Process “Selecting the Best Solution”

Engineering Design Process“Testing, Evaluating, and Refining the Design”

• Develop more detailed design specification and test protocol– Test for failure, not success

• Build and test prototype– May not be final production methodology– Might not work (pick alternative solution) or cancel

project• Redesign and retest until satisfied

– Need establish a finite end• Now, closer to real production product than early

prototype– Alpha vs. beta testing

Engineering Design Process“Communicating the Final Design”

Remember to constantly & consistently…

Document! Document! Document!

Use the Panasonic CDC - Engineer’s Logbook

Engineering Design Process “Communicating the Final Design”

• Engineering Documentation– Requirements document, specifications document,

testing documents (supported by Engineer’s Logbook)

• Technical material– Schematics, blueprints, operating and technical manual

– Service manual

• Marketing material– Why the product is terrific!

• Sales presentation material– Cost, distribution, availability

Design Constraints & Criteria

Design Criteria

• Integrity– Ex. Design does not fall apart

• Accuracy– Ex. Functions precisely

• Functionality– Ex. Performs functional tasks

• Repeatability– Ex. Conducts the same function on

repeated attempts

Design Criteria

• Reproducibility– Ex. Conducts the same function in any

environment or by any person• Ergonomic

– Ex. Interface between human-device is easy to use

• Efficiency– Ex. Minimal waste (energy), maximum


Design Characteristics

• Strength– Ex. All components connect securely

• Speed– Ex. Motors’ axle rotates as quickly as needed

• Power– Ex. Motor’s axle rotates to transfer energy in

a given amount of time• Minimalism & Agility

– Ex. Least # of components for performance

Design Characteristics

• Compactness

– Ex. Efficient use of space for components

• Stability

– Ex. Center of gravity prevents tipping over

• Robustness

– Ex. Performs in diverse environments

• Modularity

– Ex. Design has subunits to form whole device

Things to Consider: Product Attributesin Engineering Design

• Power. The amount the product produces or consumes.

• Speed. How fast does it operate? How long will it take to manufacture?

• Cost. The price to the consumer to purchase, the cost to the company to manufacture, and the cost its implementation will have on society in general.

• Reliability. How well does it operate? How long will it last? Is it a quality product?

• Safety. Are there any health risks?

• Functionality. Does it perform the desired tasks effectively?

• Ease of use. Can the customer operate it easily and intuitively?

• Aesthetics. Is it pleasing to see, feel, touch, or hear.

• Ethics and social impact. Will it benefit or harm people and the social or physical environments in which they live?

• Maintainability. How easily and cost-effectively can it be kept in good working order?

• Testability. How easily and effectively can it be tested by the manufacturer prior to volume production for the market?

• Manufacturability. What issues must be addressed in the manufacture of the product?


Archimedes Principle

Archimedes’ Principle

“An object partially or wholly immersed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object.”(TOPICTutor Available at http


“Any fluid applies a buoyant force to an object that is partially or completely immersed in it: the magnitude of the buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid that the object displaces.” (Physics Help. Available at

Archimedes’ Principle

Archimedes' Principle explains why steel ships float



Archimedes’ Principle


The “upward” force acting on an object due to the displaced fluid (such as


Buoyancy: Engineering Design Process & Application of Archimedes’ Principle

How can the Engineering Design Process be applied to create a device that will complete the

“Wildfire Response & Rescue” Challenge by having “Buoyancy” in water for “Crossing the River”?

Types of Boat Hulls

Flat Bottom Boat

Vee Bottom Boat

Round Bottom Boat

Multi-hull Boat

Engineering Design Challenge Activity

“Paper Boat Buoyancy” – A Science/Engineering Lesson

Paper Boat Buoyancy – Design Challenge

Design a paper cardstock boat that floats in water with the following design criteria:

- The boat must be less than 10 cm wide, 20 cm long, and 5 cm deep in dimensions.

- The boat must be designed to have buoyancy in water for the longest period of time while holding 10 pennies in addition to the weight of the boat’s materials.

Q & A

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