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Multiple Intelligence by Howard Gardner Power Point 2009 by Annie C. Cloutier Graduate Masters General Science Presentation University Massachusetts Dartmouth,MA


“Only if we expand and reformulate our view

of what counts as human intellect, will we

be able to devise more appropriate ways of

assessing it, and more effective ways of

educating it.“

p.4 H. Gardner, FRAMES of MIND

His most notable reasons for investigating MI are:

Examination of how a theory of Multiple Intelligences could impact education.

Improve understanding of the impact of cultural variations on cognitive and psychological development.

Fostering inquiry about how intelligences can be supported in various cultural settings.

1. Potential isolation by brain damage 2. The existence of savants, prodigies, and uniquely

gifted individuals. 3. Possesses an identifiable core operation or set of

operations. 4. Has a distinct developmental history with end

results. 5. Evolutionary history and plausibility. 6. Support from experimental psychological tasks. 7. Support from findings that emphasize or exclude

certain intelligences. 8. Susceptibility to encoding in a system of symbols

(i.e. words, numbers, notes, pictures, symbols etc.)

Biological –DNA / RNA Genetics

Experiences –Development





New Applications and the Transfer of Analytical Processes

Body Movement, Problem Solving Skills,Listening

The Process of Cognitive LearningWhy do we think the way we do ?

Cause & Effects




Bodily Kinesthetic




Naturalistic *

Gardner’s Own Critical Look at Multiple Intelligence

Gardner himself freely admits that his theory of Multiple Intelligences does not address all of the countless unknowns that make up the human mind.

Points not covered in the theory are:

Social psychology



Psychology of affect to feelings

Character development



Human will

Humans are plastic, ever developing, adapting to new situations and evolving.

There are unlimited variations with numerous and still some undiscovered measurable intelligences.

H. Gardner believes that we need to continue to think outside the box.

How we think, how well and diversified we are in the process of thinking, depends on the mixture of Multiple Intelligences we use to learn about our world.

Pangaea broke up, slid along plate tectonic conveyer belt carrying continents off to colder climates, far away from the tropical paradise we first enjoyed.

Since the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago, huge glaciers melted ending this epoch. Homo sapiens (family Hominoidea) were given many new problems to solve in order to survive. Human brains physically grew, nearly doubling in size.

We imagine Gardner would have many concerns about the MCAS and how it is designed and given to all students no matter what type of learner.

The importance of grades over the personal development of the character of youth.

Society needs, ethics and accountability need to be part of curriculum design.

Why the slow incorporation of M.I. theory into today pedagogy and assessments.

Agree ? We firmly believe in

Multiple Intelligences.

More types of intelligence will be identified with greater understanding and technology to collect data.

Disagree ? We feel that there may

be more integration than Gardner claims between the types of intelligence.

On higher levels, biological weaving and interfacing.

What do you think about telepathy/intuition ?

Laptops for all students to use ?

Blending of all cultures, and what happens when they clash ?

Are we headed for a global intelligence ?

Should we be teaching to a global family ?

Can we combine cultures, yet retain identity or, will we be change completely ?

What will artifical intelligence (implant nano chips

into living cells) role be in our future ?

Over arching units can incorporate Differentiated Instruction – D.I. and the forms of assessment should be varied, not all standard types of testing:

Posters with individual or team presentations

Three dimensional modeling

Assessments with color illustrations explaining an essay

Jeopardy Game with teams

Labs with partners

Independent Projects for gifted students

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