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Carmen adapted by Kirill Ole Thompson from “Carmen” by Prosper Mérimée

I am a French archaeologist. I traveled in Spain in 1830 to search for Munda, the place

where Julius Caesar defeated rival Roman armies in 45 B.C.E. I have figured out where the

battle site is. But, before I reveal the spot, I want to tell you a little story.

During my travel in Spain, I saw a man resting near a pond. The man looked strong and

athletic. I thought he had the look of a smuggler or a robber. I had read about a local robber

named Don José. This man matched his description: “blond hair, blue eyes, large mouth, and

good teeth.” I shared my lunch with the man by the pond. Later, we went to an inn to spend

the night. When we entered the inn, the innkeeper called the man, “Don José.” After supper,

we went to bed. Soon, my guide awakened me; he

wanted to get the police to arrest Don José. I let him

go, but then I awakened Don José to warn him.

When Don José was ready to leave, I gave him some

cigars before he fled. Six horsemen arrived two

hours later, and I told them that Don José was gone.

A few months later, I met a lady by the river

wall in Cordova, Spain. We started to talk. She told

me she was Carmen, a gypsy, and she offered to tell

me my fortune. She was pretty, so I asked her to take

me to tell me my fortune. At her home, Carmen got

a deck of tarot cards to read my fortune. Soon, a

man entered the room; it was Don José. Don José

looked unhappy and took me outside. He advised

me to leave because Carmen would steal my money,

wallet, and watch. Sadly, I returned to the inn, where

I found out that my watch was missing.

Several months later, I was taken to see poor Don José in prison. I brought him some

cigars, and he thanked me. Then, he told me about several sad incidents that had taken place

since I last saw him.

His full name was Don José Lizarrabengoa; he was Basque. The Basque are

hard-working country folks in Spain with their own language and culture. In youth, Don José

became friends with some soldiers. Admiring them, he joined their unit. He had the

makings of a good soldier.

Don José first saw Carmen when he was guarding a factory where she worked. She

looked stunning in a short skirt, white silk socks, and red shoes, and she swayed her hips as

she walked. The next time on guard duty, he saw her again. They exchanged glances, and she

teased him. Don José began to love her.

After Carmen had stabbed another female factory worker, Don José was ordered to take

her to prison. On the way to the prison, she begged him to let her escape and told him a plan.

Following the plan, she pushed him down and ran away. Don José could not catch her in the

crowded alleys. Later, blaming and demoting him for her escape, his commander sent him

to jail for one month.

After Don José was released from prison, he spent the whole day with Carmen. They

bought many fruits, candies, and a bottle of wine. They ate, drank, sang, and danced all day.

When it was time for him to go back to the unit, she begged him to stay. He spent the night

with her, and they parted the next morning.

Some time later, Don José was sent to guard a town gate that was near a breach in the

town wall. That evening, Carmen approached and said, “Some people will be coming with

bundles. Let them pass through the breach.” At first, Don José refused, but Carmen begged

him to let them pass. That night, he let five gypsies passed through the wall, carrying English


Don José didn’t see Carmen again for a while. One night at a friend’s place, he saw her

walk in with a lieutenant from his unit. He and the lieutenant stared at each other, and then

the lieutenant ordered him to get out. Don José hesitated, so the lieutenant shook him and

they both drew their swords. The lieutenant swung his sword and cut Don José’s forehead.

Then, he charged at Don José but ran straight into the tip of Don José’s sword, and he died.

Carmen helped Don José escape from the city and join a band of gypsy smugglers. By

smuggling, Don José started to have money, and Carmen became more affectionate. Still, she

told Don José to keep their relationship secret from the gang members.

It turned out that Carmen had a husband in prison. She helped him to get out and

brought him to the gang. Don José was jealous because the man was married to Carmen, and

he thought Carmen’s husband was a nasty person. So, Don José planned to kill him. One

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night, playing innocent, he asked Carmen’s husband to play cards. In the second game, Don

José accused him of cheating and threw the cards at his face to provoke a fight. They both

rose and drew their knives. They fought, and Don José stabbed Carmen’s husband to death.

Carmen knew a rich English lord and his friend in Gibraltar, and she persuaded Don

José and another gypsy to steal their shirts, money and watches. Afterward, the gypsy said to

Don José, “You lost your head over a pretty girl, and for her you killed a man and became a


Carmen next met a rich Spanish merchant from Málaga, and she intended Don José to

rob the merchant as he had robbed the English lord. Don José thought she was going too far

and took her off before she could carry out her plan. She became enraged and quarreled

with him. Finally, she told him, “I feel I don’t care for you like I did before.”

Soon afterward, Don José was shot and seriously wounded when some soldiers attacked

the gang. He sought shelter in the woods, and Carmen came to take care of him for two

weeks. Then she sent him to a friend’s house in Granada, where he rested for over six weeks.

He thought about his life and planned to change his ways. He suggested to Carmen that they

start an honest life in America, but she was not interested and started making new plans for

the next crime.

Next, Carmen met a handsome picador named Lucas. She told Don José she wanted to

befriend Lucas and then to steal money from him—or to enlist him in the gang. Don José

got angry and told her not to speak to Lucas again. She got angry, and they quarreled; Don

José lost control and hit Carmen. She cried bitterly. He felt sorry, but she was inconsolable

and left. Later, she returned in a happy mood,

and their love was rekindled.

Finally, Don José saw Carmen with Lucas

again, and he dragged her away. Feeling furious,

Carmen told Don José that she didn’t love him

anymore. Heartbroken, Don José offered to do

anything she wanted if only she would love him

again. In a fit of anger, she shouted, “That’s not

possible!” Half crazy, he drew his knife to

frighten her, but she boldly threw away the ring

he’d given her. In a fury, he stabbed her twice.

Suddenly silent, she fell to the ground. Her eyes

grew dim and shut as she died. Sadly, Don José

buried her in a grave and then went to the

police to confess.

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Reading Comprehension

( ) 1. What is the second paragraph mainly about? (main idea)

(A) How Don José first met Carmen. (B) How the narrator first met Don José.

(C) Where Don José first met Carmen. (D) Where the narrator first met Carmen.

( ) 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (supporting details)

(A) The narrator is an archaeologist. (B) Carmen had blue eyes and blond hair.

(C) The narrator first met Don José in prison. (D) The name of Carmen’s husband was Lucas.

( ) 3. Who does “them” in the last sentence of the second paragraph most likely refer to? (reference)

(A) A group of gypsies. (B) A group of horsemen.

(C) Don José and his commander. (D) Carmen and the picador, Lucas.

( ) 4. By which can the word “stunning” in the sixth paragraph be best replaced? (words in context)

(A) Shocking. (B) Surprised.

(C) Attractive. (D) Attracted.

( ) 5. Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage? (tone)

(A) Angry. (B) Critical. (C) Humorous. (D) Objective.

Open Questions:

� If you were Don José in the story, what would you do?





Vocabulary and Phrases

1. figure out phr. 弄明白,弄懂

2. gypsy [δΖΙπσΙ] n. [C] 吉普賽人

3. deck [δΕκ] n. [C] (紙牌的)一副

4. sway [σωε] vt. 擺動,搖擺

5. commander [κ1µ8νδ2] n. [C] 指揮官,司令官

6. lieutenant [λυτΕν1ντ] n. [C] 中尉

7. affectionate [1φΕκΣ1νΙτ] adj. 充滿愛意的

8. nasty [ν8στΙ] adj. 惡劣的,令人討厭的

9. lose one’s head phr. 失去理智

10. go too far phr. 做得太過火

11. dim [δΙµ] adj. (目光等)朦朧的

Words for Recognition

1. archaeologist [&ΑρκΙΑλ1ΓΙστ] n. [C] 考古學家

2. tarot [τ8ρο] n. [U] 塔羅牌

3. have the makings of phr. 具備成為…的條件

4. demote [δΙµοτ] vt. 將…降職

5. breach [βριτΣ] n. [C] (城牆等的)裂縫,缺口

6. enrage [ΙνρεδΖ] vt. 激怒

7. picador [πΙκ1&δΟρ] n. [C] 鬥牛士

8. befriend [βΙφρΕνδ] vt. 和…成為朋友

9. enlist [ΙνλΙστ] vt. 爭取…的參與或幫助等

10. inconsolable [&Ινκ1νσολ1βΛ] adj. 傷心欲絕的

11. rekindle [ρικΙνδΛ] vt. 重燃,重拾(熱情等)

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Did You Know?

French writer Prosper Mérimée was born on September 28, 1803. His novella, Carmen, published in

1845, was the basis of the famous opera of the same title by Georges Bizet.

Prosper Mérimée was also a noted historian and archaeologist. He studied law in college but had passion

for literature. He often visited salons and made friends with a number of writers in Paris. Besides French, he

mastered several foreign languages, including English, Spanish, and Russian. He had some long trips, which

provided material for much of his writing. For example, his travel to Spain helped his writing of Carmen.

Prosper Mérimée’s Carmen was adapted into an opera by Georges Bizet, and the opera was first

performed in Paris on March 3, 1875. There are some differences between the opera and the novella. Based

mainly on the third part of the novella, the opera omits many elements. For example, Carmen’s husband

doesn’t appear in the opera. However, several female singing roles other than Carmen in the opera do not

have counterparts in the novella.

The following is a list of some related words:

novella 中短篇小說

adapt 改編

opera 歌劇

premiere 首演;首映

composer 作曲家

librettist (歌劇等的)詞作者

crime of passion 情殺

For more information, scan the picture with COCOAR2, or visit https://goo.gl/gNJFFY.

閱讀測驗解答:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D (圖片來源:Shutterstock、Depositphotos)

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我是一個法國考古學家,1830 年時在西班牙尋找西元前 45 年凱撒擊敗敵對羅馬軍隊的地方——孟




























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