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may/jun 2015mCI (P) 078/02/2015

Celebrate the Buddha’s Enlightenment

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Vesak Day falls on 1st June this year. What is the significance of Vesak and what is the most meaningful way to celebrate the day? Here is how Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi explained

“The Significance of Vesak Day” at Vesak Celebration 2014.

Amitabha Buddhist Centre is a centre for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism, based on the tradition of Lama Tsong Khapa, in the lineage of Lama Thubten Yeshe and our Spiritual Director, Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

OUR VISIONLearn to Be Happy

Courage to cherish allWisdom to see the truthFaith in Buddha’s peace

Follow Our Four-fold PathInspire

Connect Learn


SPIRITUAL DIRECTORKyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

RESIDENT TEACHERKhen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi



Ven. Tenzin Gyurme



OPERATIONS - Denis KwanRETAIL - Serene Tan

OFFICE HOURSOpen daily except Mondays

Tuesdays – Saturdays: 10.30 am – 6 pm

Sundays: 10 am – 6 pm(Hours extended to 7.30 pm when

evening sessions are scheduled)


Singapore 388244Tel: 6745 8547 Fax: 6741 0438


The Best Way to Celebrate Vesak Day

Today is Vesak Day, the day Buddha came to this world. Today is the Buddha’s birthday.

Today is the day Buddha became fully enlightened. Also, today is the day Buddha showed passing into parinirvana. Three things happened on this day.

Buddha is reminding us that we have to take rebirth and we also have to die. Once you take rebirth you have to die. In between, we must do good things. This is what Buddha said: we take rebirth and we have to die. Therefore we must do good things during the period of life.

Vesak Day is all about that. Always remember that we took rebirth and we have to die one day, so therefore, do virtuous things. When you are still alive, when you are healthy, when you have everything within you, must do good things. That is celebration of Vesak Day.

Today is the day to remind oneself to practise virtue, remembering Buddha, to remind oneself to do some virtuous action. Today is a special day because it is the Buddha’s birthday. It is also the day Buddha got enlightened. Because of the power of the Buddha, so whatever offering you make, whatever you pray, your virtues become a million times greater than on a normal day. Once a year we have just this one day. Make sure on Vesak Day you create some virtuous action. It is extremely important to

remember that this is the best way to celebrate Vesak Day. It is the best way to repay the Buddha’s kindness. It is the best way to repay your parents’ kindness. If you like Buddha then always remember the advice. Buddha gave very simple advice to everyone.

Buddha said: “Do not create any negative action.”

That was one advice he gave to us. Why did he say that? It is because all the negative actions brings only suffering. You don’t want suffering so

therefore Buddha said do not create any negative action. Whatever we suffer, unhappiness, suffering, pain, everything, sickness, comes from our own negative actions in the past.

Then Buddha advised: ”Accumulate perfect virtues.”

Because we want happiness, therefore all the happiness, all the good fortune comes from virtuous actions. Therefore Buddha said if we want that, we must create virtuous actions.

To all TASHI DELEK readers and ABC members and friends:

May your celebration of the Buddha’s day of birth, enlightenment and parinirvana be

blessed and wish fulfilling!

President Tan Hup ChengFirst Vice-president Ven. Tenzin DrachomSecond Vice-president Benny SohHonorary Secretary Sandra Chen

Assistant Hon. Secretary Tan Chun How Treasurer Lee Whye YeeAssistant Treasurer Toh Su FenCommittee Members Vincent Koh, Ng Swee Kim, Wee Geok Hua

Ven. Tenzin Gyurme, as Spiritual Programme Coordinator, and Koh Zi Yen, as the Centre Manager, also sit in board meetings.

“The Heart of Our Happiness”, our Silver Jubilee commemorative video that documented ABC’s development through 25 years, can be viewed at last on our YouTube channel. The YouTube version has been slightly re-edited with new opening and closing theme tracks (a surprise!), keeping the entire production original and all in the “family”. The first cut that was screened at last year’s 25th anniversary celebration featured music for which a required public performance licence had been obtained. Now, we are pleased to share “The Heart of Our Happiness” with the public at www.youtube.com/user/ABCFPMT

Whether it is Vesak Day or the Saka Dawa 15th as observed on the Tibetan lunar calendar, make this a meaningful occasion to pay homage to the Buddha in thought and deed. If you find yourself

in need of information or inspiration for your practice, then look no further than the articles featured in this issue. From “The Best Way to Celebrate Vesak Day” by Khen Rinpoche to “Eight Good Reasons to Celebrate Vesak with Us”, you will find the ideas and answers right here.

The Annual General Meeting on 25th April may not be an event that stirs up excitement, but still, as a registered society that has entered its 26th year, the protocols of the AGM function to ensure our continued existence. And who are the ones who quietly helm the centre and keep it running on a smooth and steady track? For the benefit of those who don’t have a clue, the members currently serving in ABC’s Executive Committee are:

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Then Buddha said the third line: “Subdue your mind.”

Subduing your mind means to be a kind person, a loving person, a good-hearted person. What is the reason for being good-hearted? That is because if you are good-hearted, loving and caring, you can give so much happiness to other sentient beings. By doing that, you become the happiest person in the world.

Whenever you celebrate Vesak Day, it is good to remember these three lines:

“Do not create negative actionsCreate perfect virtuesSubdue your mind.”

Remember this on Vesak Day especially, but on normal days, you should also remember this advice and try to live as much as possible according to the advice. It is extremely important to remember the advice in daily life. This is how we should

In one way, merit and virtue are the same. In general, virtue is virtuous karma, for it is a

cause of happiness. The fruitional effect of virtue or virtuous karma is happiness. As such, it is called virtue or virtuous karma. That thing which results in suffering is non-virtue or non-virtuous karma.

As for accumulating merit, I would think that refers to doing something to accumulate merit and then an imprint is left in the mind. So I would think accumulating merit means that.

In the discussion in the lam-rim, there are three or four possibilities or permutations between karma that is created and karma that is accumulated. In the case of accumulating merit, one

creates merit. If it becomes an accumulation, then something is left on the mental continuum. Whether it is accumulating the collection of merit or accumulating the collection of wisdom, the mind is of primary importance because something has to be left on the mental continuum.

Whether it is accumulating prostrations or doing refuge, for there to be a real impression or for something to be left on the mind, for karma to be accumulated, as is mentioned in the lam-rim, it has to be done with strength and it has to be done over a long period of time. Then a real impression, something is left on the mind, an imprint. This applies to whatever merit or virtue you are accumulating.

The collection of merit results in the Form Body. The collection of wisdom results in the Truth Body. For it to be an accumulation or the collection of merit, what has to happen and what we need to do is to make sure that a real impression, a real imprint, is left on the continuum. I would think that the meaning of the word accumulate here in the phrase “accumulate the collection of merit” means doing something over and over again such that a real impression or an imprint is left on the mind. That is the meaning of “to accumulate”.

From the transcript of Basic Program: “The Sublime Continuum”, Lesson 6 (26 February 2015) taught by Khen Rinpoche in Tibetan and translated into English by Ven. Tenzin Gyurme.

What Is Merit and How to Accumulate It?

Eight Good Reasons to Celebrate Vesak with Us

Sponsor and Dedicate Pujas

Five different pujas will be held over the three days, conducted by Khen Rinpoche and monks from Kopan Monastery of Nepal. Each of the pujas relies on a specific deity and invokes their respective qualities:

• TaraPujafortheswiftfulfilmentof one’s wishes

• YamantakaPacifyingFirePujatoeliminate obstacles

• NamgyalmaPujaforlonglife

• Medicine Buddha Puja andVajravidarana Purifying Ritual for good health and purification

• WhiteDzambhalaWealthDeityPuja to generate abundance and prosperity

As the pujas are performed in relation to the merit field of the Buddhas, vast merit is created and further compounded with the prayers being done by the sangha who hold the ordination vows. Everyone is

welcome to sponsor any of the pujas and to dedicate the merits towards one’s own wishes and aspirations.

Make Skies of OfferingsNumerous opportunities are at hand to pay homage to the Buddha with an array of offerings. These include the offering of bath to the

infant Buddha, applying gold leaf to a statue of Buddha, presenting tokens to the 21 Taras, as well as the offering of oil lamps, lotus candles, fresh flowers and fragrant incense to the entire merit field.

Circumambulate Holy Objects

Our magnificent 50 by 30 foot thangka of Amitabha Buddha Pure Land will once again form the centrepiece at our Vesak event. It is said that anyone who merely sees the image of Amitabha accumulates vast merits and collects positive imprints. Even greater is the merit that one accumulates by offering to and circumambulating a holy object. Join us in our nightly procession of circumambulation with light offerings, where one will benefit not only from circumambulating Amitabha Buddha, but all the holy objects that will be on-site.

celebrate Vesak Day, to create virtues as much as possible. When you are healthy, when you are not sick, when you have all the opportunity, then you must create virtue as much as possible.

Vesak Day is about how Buddha got enlightened. He put up with so much hardship for the practice. He even sacrificed his own life for other sentient beings. He manifested as different animals, as a tiger, a turtle, a deer. He manifested in different forms and sacrificed his life for other sentient beings. He put so much effort into helping others. Through this practice he became enlightened. Vesak Day is to remember Buddha’s life, how he became enlightened. Remembering that, we should try to practise as much as possible.

Today is a special day so even if you make a small light offering, you create numberless merits because of the Buddha’s enlightenment.

Therefore, try to make even a small offering. One thing that is good to remember, as Buddha mentioned in sutra, even if you make one light offering, by remembering Buddha, when you make one light offering, you create so much merit. The result of the merit is even when you get enlightened, Buddha mentioned, you won’t complete experiencing the result of that good karma. Therefore your coming here and making a small offering to a holy object, like for example, offering to Amitabha Buddha, is extremely fortunate. Always be happy and joyful. Whatever you make as offering, create a sense of joy and happiness always.

Transcribed and lightly edited by Ven. Tenzin Tsultrim from an audio recording of a talk given by Khen Rinpoche, in English, on “The Significance of Vesak Day” at Vesak Celebration 2014.

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“The Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras (Stainless Crown Pinnacle, Secret Relic, Stainless Beam, and Ornament of Enlightenment) are a sacred relic. They are the highest relics of Buddha, relics of the Dharmakaya. Other relics, the ones that we normally see, such as relics of the robes or parts of Buddha’s holy body, are secondary relics. These four mantras are the highest relic. After I learned about the unbelievable benefits of each of these mantras, then I had them written down and then, we printed many. These are normally what we should put inside stupas, statues,

and so on. These very special mantras give unbelievable power. If you have put these mantras inside a statue, then devas will come to worship that holy object three times a day.

By putting these mantras inside a stupa, then even a bell that is offered to the stupa brings unimaginable benefit. For example, all sentient beings who ever hear the sound of that bell, their negative karma gets purified. They are liberated from the lower realms. Their negative karma gets purified, and they receive a good rebirth. So, in that

way, there’s unbelievable benefit. It makes it so easy for sentient beings to purify negative karma and reach enlightenment.

Also, if you circumambulate a stupa even one time that has these mantras inside, it purifies the negative karma that causes you to be reborn in all the eight hot hells. All the eight hot hells, from the lightest down to the unbearable, the heaviest suffering hell realm—the negative karma that causes you to be born in all the eight hot hells is completely purified by going around a stupa with these mantras inside just once.”

Receive Auspicious Blessings

There will be daily blessing sessions for the public by our resident teacher and the abbot of Kopan Monastery and Nunnery, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi. All visitors, including family pets, can come to receive a

personal blessing on this auspicious occasion.

Hear the DharmaThose who would like to hear the Buddha’s teachings can attend the talks to be given by Khen Rinpoche each night. The first is about “How to Obtain a Good Rebirth” while on

the second evening, Khen Rinpoche will give a preliminary explanation on “Taking Refuge and Five Precepts” before the refuge-taking ceremony. Mandarin translation will be available.

Take PreceptsIt is said that the best way to please the Buddha is by our practice. What more virtuous practice than to live by the Buddha’s precepts of adopting virtue? On Vesak Day itself, Khen Rinpoche will confer the Eight Mahayana Precepts before dawn. Besides taking these one-day vows, there is also the opportunity to take the lifelong commitment of Buddhist refuge and the Five Lay Precepts at a ceremony held in the evening, with Khen Rinpoche as the Refuge Master.

Engage in PracticeTake part in the unique activity of tracing the sacred words of the Buddha. Visitors can sit down at our Sanghata Sutra Tracing Stall with traceable copies of the holy Sanghata Sutra and inscribe passages from the

Four Powerful Mantras

text with gold ink, an incredibly meritorious activity and a great practice for mindfulness where even children can get involved.

Sponsor Mini StupasLast but not the least, we will be launching a new series of our popular Kadampa stupa at Vesak Celebration 2015. 800 miniature stupas will be available for sponsorship. Each 13-centimetre tall stupa contains microfilm rolls bearing thousands of the Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras, mantras so powerful they can purify the heaviest negative karma (see the next article, “Four Powerful Mantras”). To sponsor and take home one or more of these stupas that symbolise the Buddha’s holy mind, is auspicious indeed at Vesak.

For details of our Vesak Celebration programme turn to the back page.

An explanation by our Spiritual Director and Guru, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, on the inconceivable benefits of filling stupas and statues with the Four Dharmakaya Relic Mantras.

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How to Be Born in Amitabha Pure Land

Our magnificent thangka of Amitabha Buddha Pure Land will be on display once again for Vesak Celebration 2015. Besides being a spectacular specimen of traditional Buddhist art, the tapestry is an actual portrayal of Amitabha Pure Land. What, or where, is this pure land and why is it

important to us? Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi provides valuable insights in this discourse.

If you were to ask the question, where is

Amitabha Pure Land, how to go there, and why do you need to go there? In Buddha Shakyamuni’s text, he said, in one of the sutras, the sutra called “Piling of the Jewels” he mentioned what Amitabha Pure Land is. Also in Buddha’s teachings, ‘tengyur’, in the same sutra, he mentioned there is another pure land, Akanishtha. Actually there are so many pure lands. Each of the Buddhas has their own pure lands.

Where Is Amitabha Pure Land?In Buddha’s sutra it also mentions that from our world in the western direction, many continents, universes, many thousand universes away, is Amitabha Pure Land. Buddha mentioned that. In the sutra, it describes what Amitabha Pure Land looks like. It is very, very far away from this world, many different universes, thousands,

millions of universes away. It is not possible to go there with an aeroplane, with a rocket to that pure land, too far.

There, in the land called Amitabha Pure Land is where Amitabha Buddha lives. That place is a very beautiful place, not with high and low, the kind of hills that we see

in this world, not with different types of trees, like what we have in this world—a very, very beautiful place, very smooth place. It even describes what kind of trees they have. All the trees are made of diamond, jewels and crystals. What we call expensive stones, what we see in this world, all these expensive stones like coral, ruby, diamond, gold, silver, all the trees are made like that, it is mentioned. Even on the trees, all the precious trees, there are a lot of different kinds of ornaments—necklaces, bracelets. Whatever ornaments you like to have, you can get from the trees. Whatever you like, just by wishing, you can get from the trees. When you see the

trees in Amitabha Pure Land, immediately just by seeing or touching the tree, you feel great bliss. When the wind moves in the trees, the sounds becomes music to your ears, becomes very, very pleasant music from the trees. Also it is mentioned, in the trees there are many different types of birds, different beautiful types of birds.

They are not actually birds. They are actually manifestations of the Buddha. In reality, it is Buddha. Whenever the birds make noise, it makes the very pleasant sound of the Dharma. Everything is encouraging you to practise. Also mentioned, in the pure land there are very, very beautiful water ponds with different types of lotuses. But the lotuses are not small. They are very huge lotuses, different types of lotuses. Each of the lotuses gives so much radiant light. Miles of light come from the lotuses. This is how it is described. Of course there is much more detail, but this is a rough idea of what Amitabha Pure Land looks like.

There are many different beautiful palaces. In Amitabha Pure Land, there are only human beings and god beings. Of the six realms there are only two, human beings and god realm, in Amitabha Pure Land.

How to Go to Amitabha Pure Land?The next question, how to go there? How to go to Amitabha Pure Land? One of the causes is you must have strong desire, you must have a strong wish, you must have strong intention, you want to go to Amitabha Pure Land. The very first thing is one must have this idea: “I want to go to Amitabha Pure Land!”

Amitabha Pure Land is such a nice place, beautiful place, where you can practise Dharma, where you can get enlightened. Such a wonderful place so, “I must go there, I want to go there.”

You must have this strong wish all the time. It is the same thing for example as, in this world, if you want to go to a particular place, you would like to go to some country, you say: “Oh, this country is beautiful! I want to go!”

You must first have this wish. You must hear that this place is nice. After that you must have this wish, “I want to go there.”

That is one of the causes for you to go to that place. Just having this thought, just having this wish of wanting to go that place is not enough to be able to reach that place. You must have another cause to reach there. So Buddha Shakyamuni mentioned in the sutra called “Piling of the Jewels” that one must remember Amitabha Buddha all the time. Also, one must remember what Amitabha Pure Land looks like. You must remember this again and again in your mind on top of the wish to go there. After that the second cause, the important cause to get there is to accumulate merit as much as possible, accumulate virtuous merit, as much as possible. In our daily life, remember Amitabha Buddha, remember Amitabha Pure Land, then collect the merit, such as doing prostrations, making offerings to Amitabha Buddha.

Think of Amitabha Buddha in front of you, then generate the motivation to get enlightened quickly to benefit sentient beings, and think: “Therefore I am going to make prostrations to Amitabha Buddha.”

That’s one thing. Think of Amitabha Buddha all the time, then do prostrations, as many as possible. That is one way to create merit. Second, make extensive offerings: by remembering Amitabha Buddha in front of you, then make extensive offerings. It is also important to think of loving kindness, to always meditate on loving kindness.

Another important practice is purification practice. While remembering Amitabha Buddha, do prostrations, make offerings, visualise that nectar comes from Amitabha Buddha into our own selves, purifies all our negativities. Here, the idea is to collect merit as much as possible, having this wish to go to Amitabha Pure Land, and then accumulating merit as much as possible to go there. At the end, you dedicate whatever merit you have collected. You strongly dedicate for that: “All this merit I collect becomes

the cause to be born in Amitabha Pure Land.”

You single-pointedly dedicate your merit for that cause. If that happens in your life, I think if you live your life like that, definitely you can go to Amitabha Pure Land.

As I gave in the example, in this world you have the strong wish to go to a very beautiful place: “I must go.”

After that if you want to go there you must have money, you must save money. You save money to go there: “Whenever I have money, I make sure I will save up to go to that place.”

So then, with whatever money you save, you will reach that place. It is the same thing here, going to Amitabha Pure Land. When you live your life like that, thinking of Amitabha Buddha all the time, thinking of Amitabha Buddha, always having the strong wish to go to Amitabha Pure Land, then whatever good things you do, whatever you do is for that. If that happens, then at the time of death, before you die, you are able to see Amitabha in that moment. At the time of death you are able to see Amitabha. It is mentioned, you will be able to see Amitabha Buddha and all his entourage. You will be able to see and be able to develop single-pointed faith in Amitabha Buddha. You die with single-pointed faith in Amitabha Buddha. Then you are definitely able to go to Amitabha Pure Land.

How do you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land? There is no father or mother. There are no parents in Amitabha Pure Land. You take rebirth inside the lotus. From the lotus you appear in Amitabha Pure Land, born from the lotus itself.

It is also mentioned in the sutra that having done a lot of practice, wanting to go to Amitabha Pure Land, but you develop some kind of doubt, “Oh, maybe I can or cannot go to Amitabha Pure Land.”

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Putting Our Prayers into Action

The charitable spirit of helping others was out in force once again at JINPA for Our Community, ABC’s food distribution project, held on Saturday, 4th April. 186 volunteers, comprising members with

friends and family in tow, had a field day loading up, driving and delivering basic groceries to 247 needy homes across the island.

This marks the third year and the fifth JINPA food drive that we have organised in conjunction with the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC). Our efforts in coordinating this project and the enthusiastic support of the volunteers and those who donated to the fund demonstrates our common desire to reach out to the less fortunate, to have the opportunity to put compassion and generosity into practice.

When interviewed, one participant said: “As Buddhists, we normally pray for all sentient beings to be well and happy. By taking part in the JINPA charity drive, we actually have the chance to put our prayers into action. And the feeling is great! I often feel shy to offer help to strangers so, participating in the drive helps to break the barrier. And I believe that with familiarity, it helps build up the confidence in me to approach more strangers in the future.”

A team of three volunteers also shared their experience: “We were told not to expect much from the beneficiaries as some might not be in a good state of mind to receive us. It was a good reminder that the people we were delivering to are in need of some cheer in their lives. And we did indeed manage to see some cheerful faces and that made our day. Those whom we did not cheer up, we were thankful that they gave us a chance to serve. Giving is not always easy at first but doing more will help us get better at it.”

then I think this is the best place to go. Also, it is not that difficult to go to Amitabha Pure Land. It is not difficult. As I mentioned, always remember Amitabha Buddha day and night. Whatever you do, offerings, prostrations, helping others, making light offerings, always remember Amitabha. Make offerings to Amitabha Buddha, then while remembering, chanting his name, having single-pointed devotion to Amitabha, whatever you see, think it is Amitabha Pure Land. You can train in this way. Then really at the time of death, you will immediately see Amitabha Pure Land in your mind. With that devotion, when you wake up after death, you will be in Amitabha Pure Land.

It is as simple as that. Just do good things in your life, don’t create much negative karma, but create virtuous karma as much as possible. Whatever action you do, always dedicate: “May I be born in Amitabha Pure Land and quickly get enlightened to help numberless sentient beings.”

We all can practise in this way. Always meditate on Amitabha Buddha and recite his name, then dedicate your merit in that way. This is quite easy to do if you wish to go to Amitabha Pure Land. Here, you must understand, some people might think that just by praying and thinking, one can go to Amitabha Pure Land. That is not possible. There must be a cause. One must have good heart, must practise virtue and avoid non-virtues as much as possible. Then with your wishes, your prayers, you can go. But if you don’t practise, create so much negative karma, just wishing to go to Amitabha Pure Land, I think that is impossible.

Transcribed and edited by Ven. Tenzin Tsultrim from an audio recording of “How to Be Born in Amitabha Pure Land”, a talk given in English by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi in May 2014 at Amitabha Buddhist Centre’s Vesak Celebration 2014.

Even if you have some doubts, still it is mentioned, you are able to take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land. It is mentioned, having collected so much merit and thinking of Amitabha Buddha, but still you have some doubt, “Oh, can I go or not?”

You can still take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land, but you will be inside the lotus for five hundred years, it is mentioned. For five hundred years you don’t have the opportunity to hear Dharma. You are inside the lotus.

Therefore, not a single doubt, you should have this single-pointed belief: “I am sure, Buddha said that when I die, I did practice, so I will definitely go to Amitabha Pure Land.”

Then you are able to go to the pure land, immediately able to take rebirth inside the flower.

What Is Life Like in Amitabha Pure Land?Then what happens? Immediately you have so many different types of power: your eyes can see every single type of atom, your ears have power

to hear every different type of sound, able to hear million kinds of distant sounds, able to hear that way. Also, you have miraculous power when you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land. You can manifest in many different types of bodies and you can travel to different types of pure lands where you are able to receive the teachings.

Buddha mentioned: ordinary beings like us can go to Amitabha Pure Land. It is mentioned that in Amitabha Pure Land there are many ordinary beings. There are also many who have entered the path, like hearers, solitary realisers and bodhisattvas, in Amitabha Pure Land. It is also mentioned that once you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land you will never take rebirth in the lower realms. You will never take unfortunate rebirths from then on. Also, once you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land there is no suffering. It is mentioned that there is no suffering at all in Amitabha Pure Land.

But it is mentioned that in Amitabha Pure Land, the ordinary beings might have delusions. Attachment may be possible there, but not strong like what we have here. The attachment is not powerful at all but very, very weak. It mentions that if a man sees a goddess in our world there will be attachment, but in Amitabha Pure Land the attachment will be reduced immediately, not increase but be reduced immediately. When you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land, our delusions are not powerful but very, very weak. Therefore, once you are reborn there you don’t create much negative karma. You don’t create powerful negative karma there at all, only virtuous karma. So then, in that pure land you become enlightened.

When you take rebirth in Amitabha Pure Land, our life will be infinite—infinite life span there. It is a wonderful place to go! If you don’t have confidence in your future life, when you have to die, believing in future lives, that you will take rebirth,

Born from an extremely

beautiful, superlative lotus

In this joyful land, the

Buddha’s magnificent


May I receive a prediction

of my awakening

Directly from the Buddha


– King of Prayers

Prayers for Our Founding FatherAmitabha Buddhist Centre offered prayers and expressed deepest

condolences on the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, joining in the national mourning of Singapore’s founding father and first Prime

Minister. Mr Lee passed away on 23rd March. On 24th March, the Basic Program class was cancelled and a prayer session was promptly arranged with more than a hundred people in attendance. Khen Rinpoche led prayers focusing on “Confession to the 35 Buddhas” and “King of Prayers”. In consultation with Khen Rinpoche, these prayers were deemed most beneficial. A Guru puja held on 29th March and a recitation of the Golden Light Sutra during the merit-multiplying lunar eclipse on 4th April were also dedicated to the late Mr Lee.

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follow what Lama Zopa Rinpoche would like.” That’s how my decisions were made!

The eight smaller stupas and auspicious signs around the pedestal came from Garrey’s workshop at the Garden of Enlightenment. The crates of stupas, rolls of mantras and auspicious signs from Nepal and Australia arrived October to November 2014.

The courtyard we have is quite deep to step into from the corridor. My contractor suggested we raise the ground by over a foot to make stepping into the courtyard to circumambulate easy from any point. I showed Lama Zopa Rinpoche all the plans during his visit, which he approved. Rinpoche also suggested building a pavilion over the courtyard to protect the stupa from the rain. Renovations took two-and-a-half months to complete.

Khen Rinpoche then arranged for two experienced Kopan monks, Geshe Lhundrup Sherab and Ven. Rabjor, to come to Singapore to assemble and fill the stupa. It was unexpected and auspicious that causes and conditions came together for both Yangsi Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche to consecrate the stupa together during Yangsi Rinpoche’s teaching tour [in March].

I never asked anyone for anything so I was deeply moved and astounded

when Ven. Tenzin Namjong from Sera IMI in India generously presented the stupa with three blood relics of Shakyamuni Buddha, three hairs from H.H. 16th Karmapa, and a piece of yellow robe from the previous Ling Rinpoche. Ven. Sarah Thresher also generously sent over small statues, stones, twigs and earth from holy places she had been to in Bodhgaya, Sarnath, Rajgir, and Maratika, and blessed rice from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Friends and family made generous offerings too. Nano reels with millions and millions of the Four Dharmakaya Relic mantras made by a supplier in Arizona were also put in. A set of the short, medium and extensive Prajnaparamita sutras also went into it. ABC’s Executive Committee generously offered twelve miniature

Kadampa stupas. Hup Cheng offered 25kg of semi-precious gemstones. I included twelve sets of the Kangyur and Tengyur nano disc sets available at ABC.

One of the ingredients required was soil from the houses of holy and rich people. I shared my dilemma with Denise Macy, centre director of Land of Medicine Buddha, who is building a replica of the Mahabodhi Stupa there. She kindly sent me a package of mixed soil she had received from many holy places including the houses of rich Google executives in California!

Reflecting on the kindness of so many people—family, friends, Sangha—who contributed to the stupa really makes me deeply feel a sense of gratitude and understanding that this stupa is really not “mine”, but that everyone involved since its inception has helped to make the stupa what it is.

From the very start, my motivation and dedication for building this stupa has been single-pointedly directed to the very, very, very, healthy, stable and extremely long lives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, for all their holy wishes to be fulfilled, for the flourishing of the Dharma and for the benefit of all sentient beings. It is my heartfelt offering to them and how auspicious that it is completed in time for His Holiness’s 80th birthday in July. 

The Stupa That Tara Built

In the courtyard of a family home in central Singapore now stands a gleaming life-sized stupa of the long-life deity, Namgyalma. The golden 1.6 metre tall stupa is surrounded by eight smaller white Enlightenment stupas. This

unique collection of holy objects belongs to Tara Melwani, ABC member and Coordinator for FPMT centres in Southeast Asia. The Namgyalma stupa has come into being through advice that Tara received from Lama Zopa

Rinpoche. A stupa, which represents the holy mind of the Buddha, holds inconceivable benefits. That a large-sized stupa has emerged in a private courtyard is a great blessing for its residents as well as the community. What does it

take to create a stupa of this scale from scratch in one’s own home? Tara shares her story with us.

A few years ago, our precious holy guru was in the living

room of my home. He started talking about the benefits of building a stupa. He spoke at length then walked to the courtyard, pointed, and said it would be very beneficial to invite a Namgyalma stupa there. I sincerely thought Rinpoche was joking! In my deluded mind, only Dharma centres build stupas, not homeowners!

About a year later, Ven. Roger, Rinpoche’s secretary and CEO of FPMT Inc., wrote to me to say that Rinpoche found it strange, that I hadn’t written to him to share any updates regarding the stupa. My heart stopped. I thought: “This is serious.” In a flurry, I apologised profusely to Rinpoche via Ven. Roger and promised to get on it immediately. Ven. Roger suggested I contact Garrey Foulkes, manager of the Garden of Enlightenment at Chenresig Institute, Australia. Garrey was very kind and extremely understanding of the daunting task ahead and assured me that he would look after the project for me. Garrey came up with the drawings for the

site, the size of the base pedestal and the size of the stupa.

I was worried how my mother would react to Rinpoche’s advice about inviting a stupa at home. After all, she is Hindu and I live in her house. To my immense relief and gratitude, she replied that if Lama Zopa Rinpoche thinks it’s beneficial, then go ahead!

Simultaneously, I turned to Hup Cheng [ABC’s president] for advice on where to order the stupa. He suggested I see Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi personally and seek his advice. Khen Rinpoche was very kind and contacted Ven. Tenpa Choden, Kopan Monastery’s manager, and placed the order through Ven. Tenpa Choden based on Garrey’s measurements. The stupa order was in a queue and took over a year to build and complete.

From time to time I would receive e-mails from Ven. Tenpa Choden asking what materials I would like the stupa to be built of. I replied: “If Lama Zopa Rinpoche were ordering the stupa, what material would

he like?”

He asked me too, how many precious stones would I like on the stupa? I replied: “As many as Lama Zopa Rinpoche would like!”

He also asked, how would I like the stupa finished? I asked him: “If it were Lama Zopa Rinpoche, how would he like it finished?” He replied, fully plated gold. So I replied: “Let’s

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“Wheel of Sharp Weapons”Module 7 of the Basic Program commences on 30th June with the mind training (‘lo-jong’) text, “Wheel of Sharp Weapons”. Composed by Dharmarakshita, this classic text explains how to transform the mind through understanding the workings of karma, developing the mind of enlightenment, and cutting the root of ignorance. Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi teaches this advanced level class in the ongoing Basic Program, which is into its fourth year.

Discovering BuddhismThose who are new to Buddhism and would like an introduction to key concepts, beginning with the idea of rebirth, future lives and karma, can attend this series of classes taught by Ven. Tenzin Gyurme, starting on 6th June. The course will run over at least eight sessions every Saturday morning.

TASHI DELEK editorial team

Chinese Lam-rim 静 心 静 修 1.30pm

Confession and Purification Practice 4pm

Animal Liberation 10am

Tara Puja 4pm

Dharma for Seniors 10.30am

Medicine Buddha Puja 4pm

Discovering Buddhism 10.45am

Stages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Discovering Buddhism 10.45am

Stages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Guru Puja 7.30pm

Discovering Buddhism 10.45am

Stages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Discovering Buddhism 10.45am

Stages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Chinese Lam-rim 静 心 静 修 1.30pm

Tara Puja 4pm

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Basic Program – Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum (Discussion) 1.30pmChinese Lam-rim 静心静修 1.30pmConfession and Purification Practice 4pm

Chinese Lam-rim静心静修 1.30pm

Tara Puja 4pm

Vesak Celebration 2015

Vesak Celebration 2015

Vesak Celebration 2015

Animal Liberation 10am

Dharma for Seniors 10.30am

Chinese Lam-rim 静心静修 1.30pm

Tara Puja 4pm

Meditation for Beginners (3/5) 10amMerit, Purification and Blessing (8/10) 10.45amStages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Meditation for Beginners (4/5) 10amMerit, Purification and Blessing (9/10) 10.45amStages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Meditation for Beginners (5/5) 10amMerit, Purification and Blessing (10/10) 10.45amStages of the Path to Enlightenment 2.30pm

Medicine Buddha Puja 4pm

New Classes in June

Buddha’s Enlightenment and Passing Away into Nirvana (100 Million Merit Multiplying Day)Recitation of Golden Light Sutra 1.30pmShakyamuni Buddha Puja with 1,000 Offerings 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Wheel of Sharp Weapons 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Tsog Offering 9pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Guru Puja 7.30pm

Basic Program - Chapter 1 of Sublime Continuum 7.30pm

Stay ConnectedTASHI DELEK is a free publication of Amitabha Buddhist Centre.Subscribe: Call our office at 6745 8547Online: Download our full-colour edition directly from www.fpmtabc.orgAll events and dates published are up-to-date at the time of printing.For the latest schedule and on-going updates, subscribe to our e-mail or SMS updates, or visit us online: www.fpmtabc.org OR www.face-book.com/fpmtabc

Editor Ven. Tenzin Tsultrim (Vivian Seah)

Spiritual Programme Ven. Tenzin Gyurme

Design & Layout Kennedy Koh

Photography Chung Qihan Ng Keng YongTan Seow KhengVen. Tenzin TsultrimYew Kim GuanJoey Yu

PrinterHighlight Printing Services

Meditation for Beginners (2/5) 10am

Vesak Day

Vesak Celebration 201530 May – 1 June 2015


Saturday 30 May4.00 pm Tara Puja

5.30 pm Blessing for the public by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

7.30 pm “How to Obtain a Good Rebirth” by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

8.30 pm Light offering and circumambulation

Sunday 31 May10.00 am Yamantaka Pacifying Fire Puja

3.00 pm Namgyalma Puja with 1,000 Offerings

5.00 pm Blessing for the public by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

7.30 pm Taking Refuge and 5 Precepts with Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

8.30 pm Light offering and circumambulation

Monday 1 June - Vesak Day6.00 am Taking the 8 Mahayana Precepts with

Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

8.00 am Bath Offering Ceremony

9.00 am Medicine Buddha Puja and Vajravidarana Puja for Pacifying Sickness and Contamination

11.00 am Blessing for the public by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

11.30 am Free vegetarian lunch

3.00 pm White Dzambhala Wealth Deity Puja

4.30 pm Blessing for the public by Khen Rinpoche Geshe Chonyi

7.00 pm Light offering and circumambulation

8.00 pm Final dedication of merit

Return of magnificent Amitabha Buddha Pure Land thangka! All welcome to view, make offerings, circumambulate and receive vast merit

Puja sponsorship open to all! Up to 29 May: visit our office / 30 May - 1 June: on-site at our Vesak fairground OR donate online at www.fpmtabc.org

Saka Dawa 15th


1.30 pm Golden Light Sutra Recitation

7.30 pm Shakyamuni Buddha Puja with 1,000 Offerings

Merit-multiplying day: The 15th day of Saka Dawa [Tibetan for 4th month, Sanskrit: Vaishaka] marks the Buddha’s day of enlightenment, a most auspicious day where all virtue accumulated is magnified 100 million times as stated in the Vinaya text, “Treasure of Quotations and Logic”—and even ONE BILLION times according to some sutras!

Contribute to extensive offerings for the Shakyamuni Buddha Puja: Cash donations can be made at our office from 14 May.

Join Us in Celebrating the Buddha’s Enlightenment

“As dawn broke on the fifteenth of the Vaishakha month, he manifested the attaining of Buddhahood. Thereupon the gods scattered flowers knee deep, the earth shook, and all realms were filled with light.”

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