celebration assembly - westminster cathedral catholic

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Westminster Cathedral Catholic Primary School

19th June 2020

Founded by The Jesuit Fathers Circa 1849 Celebration Assembly

On my journey home yesterday, I watched a man approach a la-dy, hold out his hand and ask for money. The woman stopped, turned to him and said “I don’t have any money on me but you

can have this loaf of bread I have just bought” The man nodded, took the bread, said thank you and walked away.

Why do you think the woman offered him a loaf of bread? Why

didn’t she just ignore him? What made her choose to respond in this way?

I think she must have wanted to help him, perhaps she thought he might be hungry. Perhaps she thought about how he must be feeling, to have to ask a stranger for money.

I have decided that this weeks word is


Compassion means we care about others, treat them with kindness and feel a strong desire to help people

in need. Compassion is empathy in action.

For some of you, compassion might look like giving a hug, making a card, or saying something kind to help a friend or family member who is feeling sad or upset.

Showing compassion for people around us is very important. If we treat people as we would like to be treated ourselves, we are showing compassion. The woman in our story showed compassion to a stranger.

It isn’t safe to go up to strangers, especially on our own, but with people here in our school community,

friends and family members, we can try hard to feel what it’s like to be in their shoes. Perhaps that will

change the way we behave towards them.

Can you think of a time when you showed compassion? What did you do? Why did you show this compassion?

Compassion is the way to put ourselves in other peoples shoes and imagine what it was like to be them. Compassion helps us imagine how we would like to be treated if we were in someone else’s situation.

If you needed help, what would you like others to do?

This week I would like you practice compassion towards your family and friends.

Compassion is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more it is practiced.

Enjoy the following good news

Miss Smith

In the Gospel on Sunday, Jesus told us that he is the living bread which has come down from heaven. That anyone who eats this bread will live forever. He goes on to say that the bread he gives is his flesh. Whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood lives in him and he lives in them.

What do you think this means? We can’t eat Jesus can we?

Every time we come to Mass, the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Jesus. We come to share in it, even if we only have a blessing, welcoming Jesus into our lives.

Why do you think Jesus chose to talk about bread?

Bread is a very important food. It is a basic food eaten by people all over the world. It is an everyday food that all Jesus’ lis-teners would have recognised and understood.

When was the last time you had some bread? How often do you eat bread? Every day, once a week or just on special occa-sions?

How many different types of bread can you name? (eg. brown, white, baguette, pitta, naan, chapati, tortilla, rolls etc). How many different types of bread have you tried?

Bread is very important in the lives of many people around the world today. In fact, it can be life-changing.

Normally after liturgy we would go back into Mass and share in Communion. So we remember now how very special the bread at Mass is, because it becomes Jesus’ body. We look forward to the time when we can go back to church and take part in this special meal again.

So we pray for all the people who make sure that we have bread to eat every day. The people who grow the ingredients, who make the flour. We pray for all people who make bread around the world. The people who sell the bread and who buy it for us to eat. Let’s also pray especially for people who are struggling to get enough food to eat at this time.

Let’s find out who has been awarded certif-

icates this week. Thank you to all the chil-

dren who have been sending work and try-

ing really hard with their learning. It is nev-

er easy to choose only one child.

Please rest assured that we will be doing

certificates every Friday and your work is

not going unnoticed.


This week's Golden Certificate winner is Jacob. Jacob has bought me so much JOY over the last two weeks since his return to school. He has come back and has shown great kindness towards his friends, he has impeccable manners and he has clearly been working hard at home as he has improved in many areas of his learning. Keep it up Jacob. Superstar!

Year 1

I am really proud of all the work Yael has produced this week, which includes learning about making good and bad choices in RE, finding equal groups in maths and making a pirate hat in English. However, the reason the golden certificate is awarded to Yael is because of her beautiful smile which brings me joy. Well done!

Year 2

Thomas has been working so hard in Maths. As well as his Maths, he has been having lots

of fun doing experiments at home.

Year 3

The golden certificate the week goes to Riley. Riley has shown a great understanding of time and he is able to tell the time using both digit and the 24 hour clock. Along with doing his school work, I have also been im-pressed with his cooking skills and showing that he is balancing fun with school work.

Year 4

Well done Archie! I am so amazed that Archie has completed home learning tasks despite living in a very busy household

with 2 other siblings. He has also been participating in Year 4’s life learning skills and has helped mum at home by hoover-

ing and setting 3 wash loads going in just one day! Archie has been participating in a mixture of Miss Lee’s learning sug-

gestions and his own home learning ideas. I loved seeing the photograph of his fruit zombie- how creative! Well done

Archie and mum. You make a great team. Thanks for your commitment to home learning

Year 5 This week, I would like to give my golden certificate to Eva. She always puts 100% effort into all her learning. She has been working so hard at home since the schools closed in March and now has made an excellent start back to school. Her confidence has also blos-somed and it's so great to see! I'm so, so proud.

Year 6

This week I would like to award Franek with the golden certificate. He has continued to work so hard and I can see that he is still pushing himself to achieve his absolute best. This is just a sample of the work he has completed so far this week. Keep up the fan-tastic work. I am so proud!

Finally let’s say happy birthday to all the children and adults who have celebrated their birth-day this week or who will be celebrating their birthday on the weekend.

Happy birthday to Seren, Samantha, Betty, Elmer and Sebastian.

I hope you have/had a lovely birthday.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe,

Miss Simmons

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