celebration of women's day on 12th march, 2015 at boi training centre among the women...

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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The uniqueness :By Dr Rupa Talukdar,

presented in association with Susmita Mukherjee,Sunita Singhi

Women’s Day: Is it necessary?

Someday ago…………

Situation changes a lot: Now we will talk on it

Common concept about WOMEN Multi-tasking

More of a mother than a professional

Motherhood brings change of Career: break in Career

Extremely Anxiety prone

Few women are stable in nature, but their

number is very low.

It is not the compliment, it is the truth of WOMEN

Male and female both are under stress –it is consequence of present lifestyle: but women’s stress is unique in nature: e.g.,

Child care is a STRESS but it develops a special skill that every woman has which is generated in her hormonal set-up-this part is physiological.

In later phase of life after the end of child care the STRESS may turn into Obsession, Cleanliness, Re-check, Repeated thought process, Over possessiveness and Extreme fearful if family members do not conscious about it-females suffer mostly.

Women are unique in nature: they really

need to be conscious about the design of

their physiological and psychological


The Status of Women worldwide:

The status of women as a whole is poor till date; there is no onewho thinks her position family wise; they are the soft target offamily torture; actually female has no position –they are necessaryfor giving a healthy child to the nation.

Enabled parts of society have little concern of their welfare, theirfrustration, depression, low mood and many more which are notat all beneficial to the family, child and herself also-as a resultfamily breaks up, rate of divorce increases, restlessness in childrenbecomes skyrocketing-as a whole nation suffers a lot.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the intervention of Govt.

Govt. should take initiatives with Public-Private venture to uplift the status of women inthe society, family and profession



So Women! Know your STRESS

(Eustress Vs. Distress)

Stress is not always a bad. Stress is simply the body'sresponse to changes that create taxing demands.

Eustress, which is a term for positive stress &

Distress, which refers to negative stress

Eustress Vs. Distress

Eustress Vs. Distress

Uniqueness because of OXYTOCIN

Men and women react differently to STRESS is HORMONES:


When stress strikes, hormones raise a person's blood pressure and lowersthe effectiveness of the immune system.

Production of cortisol and epinephrine same between men and women. Butthe secretion of oxytocin differs-the cause of uniquness in women.

In women, when cortisol and epinephrine rush through the bloodstream in astressful situation, oxytocin comes into play. It is released from the brain,countering the production of cortisol and epinephrine, and PROMOTINGNURTURING AND RELAXING EMOTIONS-at certain level they enjoyto be involved.

While men also secrete the hormone oxytocin when they're stressed, it's inmuch smaller amounts.

Stress Increases Empathy in Women, Decreases It in Men

Men respond to stress in a fight-or-flight manner, conserving theirenergy for the confrontation

Women on the other hand, take a"tend-and-befriend" approach.

So women are good in BABYCARE and Service OrientedIndustry.

No barrier in Profession: Women are everywhere

It is the proven fact that equal opportunity givesequal scope to achieve what s/he wants to be…..

Women now in profession in which she feelscompetent.

S/he has equal stress in life.

Who’s Under More Stress?-Statistics

Women undergo lots of stress from

their lifestyle

You are the sufferer specially after

giving birth a Child

Know your stress:

Various modes are there-be the part of it. We invite you to take part in some

activitiesI like to call Suismita Mukherjee to organize next


WOMEN!Be careful in managing your STRESS

By Picture Analysis

Be social with all: Draw this way when you get time: Scribbles

Choose your PICTURE

WOMEN!Be careful in managing your STRESS

Know it from your handwriting:

Get Ready to be under HANDWRITING ANALYST Just to know how to handle it

Sunita Singhi advises you

How to proceed

Session on handwriting: Most easy way to spot your Stress


It helps you to go along with your environment:

Family wise Profession wise

Keeping your STRESS under control & Making you Agreeable with


Thank you!

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