central valley church - prospectus content · 2018-08-25 · 1 paul tripp, new morning mercies: a...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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Connection & Relationships…………………………………………………………………. 1

Stats & Stuff……………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Why Church Plant?……………………………………………………………………………. 3

Central Valley Church…………………………………………………………………………. 4

Vision Statement………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Strategies………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-8

Church Planters & Some of the Team……………………………………………………… 9-10

Gospel Partners……………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Timeline………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Budget…………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

What Can You Do…………………………………………………………………………….. 14

What Next?……………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Connection and relationship

We live an age of connection, one that is driven by the internet. Technology often leads us to assume that greater global connection

means we’ll know and understand more, engage more, share more and develop more meaningful relationships. The world is hungering for

meaningful connections that will satisfy and fulfil. Yet this world seems to fail dismally at this. Longing for connection matters because relationships matter.

We ultimately long for relationship. We cannot help it. It is inherent in us, the way God has made us. He made us for relationship with Him and with others.

We are so influenced by our broken world that the forms of connections and relationships we establish are weak, confused, dissatisfying, temporal, selfish or self-

gratifying. It leads to interactions fraught with loneliness, and a disconnect like never before. But the glorious Gospel changes this. God entered into our world to by becoming

one of us, living amongst us, taking upon Himself our sorrow, suffering and redeeming us through His death and resurrection. He gifts us the Holy Spirit into our lives who unceasingly

works in our hearts to transform us. We are saved from sin, death and the reality of hell. Jesus ultimately restores our relationship with God.

This relationship addresses the underlying heart desire of every human being. A relationship that restores our purpose and worth in the world. A relationship that is never temporal but eternal and life-giving. A relationship that brings certain hope in a world that is in darkness and decaying. This is the connection we believe the world is longing for and ultimately needs to find.

the ripley valley: a new community. Community is all about relationships. If relationships are thriving and flourishing in a community then the community itself thrives and flourishes. Paul Tripp puts it best saying:

“...relationships are not a lifestyle option. No, they are an essential piece of God’s calling between your salvation and your final resurrection. Biblical faith is fundamentally relational. It is shaped and driven by two primary communities. First and foremost is the community with God that is the whole reason for our existence. Life is found in community with the Creator. Then there is God’s call not only to live in self-sacrificing love of your neighbour, but also to be a tool of God’s work in your neighbour’s heart and life. You and I just don’t have the choice of opting out. We are relational beings who have been called to lifelong community with God and others.” 1

We want to see people established and thriving in a relationship with God because we are convinced that this is the most joyous, fulfilling and beautiful way to live. We believe this relationship can satisfy even in the midst of the brokenness of our world. We also believe in the

Paul Tripp, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional (Wheaton: Crossway, 2014), August 20.1

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reality of heaven and hell and know that the hope this world has is found in Jesus. Our desire is to lead people into a deep and robust relationship with Jesus that is growing, maturing and fruitful because we believe that a relationship with Jesus ultimately transforms people and community.

This relationship transforms the way a community loves, acts, speaks and supports those around them. A community in relationship with Jesus is also transformed by the way they enjoy and delight in life, like lights in a dark world. A community transformed by Jesus is ultimately motivated and compelled to lovingly and joyfully engage in God’s mission to reach all people with the Gospel so that they too can be in relationship with Jesus.

This is our vision for a new community in the Ripley Valley - Central Valley Church. We want our church community to be centred on God’s Word, motivated by the Gospel, growing in Christ-likeness, loving all people and united in God’s mission while impacting the larger community with gospel-shaped lives.


The Ripley Valley is located approximately 5 kilometres south of the Ipswich CBD. It covers a total area of 4689 hectares. It is a ‘Priority Development Area’ (PDA), and according to the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland Government) the Ripley Valley will provide approximately 50,000 dwellings in order to house approximately 120,000 people. 2

This means in the next 15-20 years there will be massive population increase in the Ripley Valley. According to research the majority of these people will not even know one Christian, let alone have heard the glorious gospel of Jesus.

According to the 2016 Census data there were over 2,100 people living in the Ripley Valley. Since then there has been significant population growth with the development of new housing, with the biggest age bracket comprised of 28-32 year olds. The majority of the population is made up of families (585). The religious landscape in Ripley is varied, but the largest group is listed as being of ‘No Religion.’ 3

So far there are 5 main developments in the area: Ecco (Sekisui), Providence (Amex Corp. & 4

Oliver Hume), Monterea Ripley, Ripley Valley Estate (Satterley) and Hayfield (Goldfields). 5 6 7 8


http://quickstats.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2016/quickstat/SSC32457 AND http://3







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The reality of reaching people with the gospel in our post-modern, post-Christendom world means we cannot rely on

previous cultural trends. We need to be more thoughtful and wise in our approach to evangelism and hospitality. We need to

be more intentional and clear with how we make disciples. It has been said that the advancement of the Gospel in Australia is a bit

like ploughing concrete. In many ways this comment highlights the difficult reality we face in Australia. But a greater reality is that the

gospel has always thrived in difficult circumstances. The early church did not have the support of the government or a sympathetic cultural

heritage, yet in the midst of opposition and persecution the gospel thrived and grew. It has since been going to the corners of the earth. We

want to acknowledge the reality that this is going to be hard work. We will face opposition and even persecution.

But this should not surprise us. Jesus said “blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my

account.” God is not adverse or hindered by these realities so we shouldn’t be 9

either. Our confidence moving forward is found in our sovereign God and the incredible mission He has called us to. We believe we can be committed to ploughing

concrete - doing it wisely, robustly, engagingly and to see the fruit of lives transformed by Jesus because of this gospel reality.


So why church planting? In many ways we are simply doing what the church has been doing for thousands of years. Christianity spread throughout the ancient and modern world via church plants. Established churches were all once church plants. Yet what we think is more crucial than this is the reality that the church is God’s intended vehicle for the spreading of the gospel and the maturing of His people to be more like His Son, Jesus.

This ancient endeavour has not needed a modern re-envisioning for it to bear fruit. Christ is growing His church through church plants. Alongside this truth is the statistical evidence of the effectiveness of church planting. Research has shown that new churches are 5 times better at reaching new people with the Gospel than established churches. Since our desire is to reach more and more people with the gospel it wasn’t rocket science in terms of committing to church planting.

Yet within that desire is a fierce commitment to seeing churches planted wisely, purposefully and for healthy longevity and fruitfulness. So we are committed to equipping, training, resourcing and supporting more churches planted for the sake of God’s glory and His kingdom. This means we are planting with our sights on the next place to plant and the next church plant to support.

Matthew 5:119

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central valley church.

OUR NAME: In short we love the word ‘valley’ because it embodies both the physical location of the area in which we are planting (the Ripley Valley) and also what we are trying to do. The bible occasionally uses the imagery of a ‘valley’ symbolically. In particular Ezekiel 37:1-14 has God placing Ezekiel in a valley with dried up bones and God asks him if they can be brought to life. The dried bones are God’s people. The valley here is a setting of hopelessness and despair, darkness and death. In brief, the bones are restored to life through Ezekiel speaking God’s word and the Holy Spirit breathing life into His people. The valley is no longer full of death but filled with life. It captures so wonderfully the role we have in this world where darkness and death reign. We are called to proclaim the life giving Gospel to people and trust that God through His Spirit would bring His people spiritually from death to life.

We want to be a church that works in the ‘valley’ to bring the hope of the gospel, so that people would be brought from death to life through the work of our glorious God. We want to see our valley filled and flourishing with life. Since the church plant is a ‘daughter’ church from ‘Central Church Ipswich’ we also wanted to acknowledge the legacy we have from them to reach all people with the Gospel of our glorious king, Jesus.

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OUR VISION STATEMENT: To see the ripley valley filled with disciples of

Jesus who are lovingly and joyfully engaging in God’s mission.

Our vision statement captures what we want to see our great God do in the Ripley Valley. It also captures the things we care about. Firstly, that disciples are being made. It is the great commission that Christ gave His church and we believe this is the task that 10

breathes life into church. We also care about motivation. We care about the heart motivation behind the drive ‘to make disciples’ so we use the words ‘joyfully’ 11

and ‘lovingly’ to capture both the willingness and intention of the church to carry out God’s mission. We think love is an important aspect to highlight because 12

it shows others that we are Jesus’ disciples and it sums up the 13

commandments in which we are to grow and mature in. We also think ‘joy’ 14

a crucial characteristic of both the Christian and the church. ‘Joy’ is not merely a sense of happiness but a deep-seated hope in Jesus that governs our actions, emotions and passions. It sees God’s glory as ultimate. Lastly the use of the word ‘mission’ here communicates something really important to us. It captures the biblical and theological idea that our God is a missional God. He had a plan and purpose to bring all things under Christ. And we also 15

believe that the church has an important role in this mission. God’s work and our actions are complimentary. God uses the church to accomplish this mission. The word also captures the multifaceted nature of what God is doing in our world. He is not only transforming lives in making disciples but also growing and maturing them into the likeness of His Son, Jesus. Lastly the phrase captures this idea of movement. The church should never become stagnate or simply inward focused. The church should be both growing and maturing in Christ and reaching all people with the gospel. We will continue in this task until Christ returns.

Matthew 28:16-2010

3 John 411

Luke 24:45-49; Acts 1:7-8; Matthew 28:16-20; 12

Psalm 67:3-5; Ephesians 1:7-10

John 13:34-3513

Matthew 22:37-4014

Colossians 1:15-2015

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OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To make disciples who are growing in their

relationships with Jesus and leading others to Him. Our mission statement is essentially what we are doing (with complete dependance upon God) to bring our vision to reality. We know that our involvement in this vision is so much bigger and robust and vibrant than what a mission statement can convey. But we do think it captures the activity we want to be involved in, the call to make disciples of Jesus. We are also committed to seeing their relationship with Jesus growing and maturing. We think this growth goes hand in hand with leading other people to Jesus through the way we live, speak and act in this world. We believe we are ‘salt’ and ‘light,’ so by the very nature of being disciples we are the ones who will take the initiative to lead people to Jesus. We are to take the initiative in sharing, displaying, witnessing, proclaiming, heralding, exhorting, and teaching others the Gospel. We want the activity of the church to be focused on making disciples, growing disciples and leading other people to Jesus so that they too can become disciples.

OUR LOCATION: We are hoping to meet together on Sundays in the ‘Ecco Community Centre’ in Term 4 of 2018 and onwards into 2019. We are currently investigating other possibilities for the future as we talk with developers and key leaders about a larger space. Please keep praying for this.

OUR STRATEGIES: Something we value highly at Central Valley Church is being meaningful and intentional in our pursuits to reach the people of the Ripley Valley with the Gospel. We are strongly convicted that the whole church should be on mission together, not simply the leaders or gifted evangelists or “mature Christians.” We believe the beautiful biblical picture we get of church is one of the body working together, united in purpose and passion. This means we have worked really hard to intentionally come up with strategies, structures, pathways, training and equipping that will support individual members of the body to be on mission, but more importantly help the whole church to function in this way.

This means we value the introvert who might be too afraid to speak up, or the full-time mum who feels like she’s too exhausted to add more to the load, or the children who are part of our church family, and our desire is to see them involved and participating in God’s mission together. So we have been working hard (and will continue to work hard) at equipping and training the church to function as a body together on mission. A few of our strategies:

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- God’s Word & Mission: We are fiercely committed to the bible and it being preached, taught,

understood and applied faithfully. We are convicted that God’s word is instrumental to the work of God’s mission in engaging and reaching those who haven’t heard of Jesus. Therefore our church will be strongly grounded in the bible while we engage in God’s mission, and we are committed to doing this with clarity and relevance to the time, place and age we live in.

- Understanding the people we are trying to reach: We know that Ripley is a diverse place, with people from all walks of life. Since our desire is to effectively reach all people in the Ripley Valley this means we need to understand who is around and gauge which ministries would best engage and serve them. Currently the largest demographic is families with 1-2 children. We want

to be intentional in reaching them but also in praying for and reaching out to others in different circumstances. We want to love and care for the neighbours, friends, co-workers we have

contact with and minister effectively to people who walk into church regardless of background or status.

- Sign Posts: we know that people hear about Jesus in so many different ways in our technologically-driven age. We want to be intentional and relevant in the way we navigate these different mediums. We want to be aware of the ‘sign posts’ that could potentially point people to the church community such as - a website, social media presence, community involvement and activities, advertising, word-of-mouth etc.

- Evangelism: we are committed to the work of evangelism and understand that there isn’t one simple “silver bullet” method. We are using several sources in order to assist training and equipping the church to do evangelism with intentionality and relevance. One such source we are currently using is Sam Chan’s, Evangelism in a Skeptical World, which has been immensely 16

helpful and insightful in this space.

- Pathways: Thom Rainer & Eric Geiger in their book, Simple Church, say “Churches with a simple process for reaching and maturing people are

expanding the kingdom… Simple churches are making a big impact.” We don’t 17

think that simple means shallow but we do believe that the processes and structures we have in place should be clear, focused and be in alignment with our vision and

mission, so that we can move people into a deep and growing relationship with Jesus. We believe having clear pathways is an important aspect to this approach as we want to

be as effective as possible at reaching people with the Gospel and maturing them in Christ. We are implementing three particular pathways: An Evangelistic Pathway, an Welcoming

Pathway and an Integration Pathway.

- Initial Ministries: We are aware that as a church plant we can’t be and do all that we want to be and do. So we want our initial ministries to be faithful, focused and effective. We don’t want to stretch ourselves to thin and burn people out. Our initial ministries (i.e. Sunday service, preaching, music, kids ministry, pathways etc.) will be the ministries that we see are vital for church growth,

Sam Chan, Evangelism in a Skeptical World: How to Make the Unbelievable News about Jesus More Believable, (Grand Rapids: 16

Zondervan, 2018).

Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger, Simple Church, (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2011), 14.17

page 7

gospel engagement and development. Yet we want to be proactive in looking forward and thinking through what our priority ministries (future ministries that will be essential for growth) will be as we begin to grow and be more engaged in Ripley.

- Hospitality: Biblically speaking we are not only called to show hospitality, but we are 18

expected to be pursuing it and are commanded to not neglect it! Hospitality (which is the ‘love 19 20

of strangers’ or the love of those we don’t know - its all about relationships!) is a vital activity of the church and we think it extremely effective in our time and age to be committed to this call. An important aspect of loving those we don’t know yet (and loving those we do know) is the invitation to share in more than just cuppa at church or causal ‘hello.’ We believe that hospitality is the sharing your lives intimately for the sake of loving and caring for the neighbours and people around you who we do not know. It’s essentially investing in relationships. Culturally speaking Australians haven’t done this well but we think inviting people to share a meal - a fairly mundane yet intimate activity within our homes and families - is important. So we have woven into our church structure hospitality as a key element in our evangelistic and maturing endeavours.

- Being in and for the community: We want our church community to be committed to genuinely and authentically loving, caring, supporting and sharing with the people of the Ripley Valley. That means we are committed to investing our time, energy and resources, to being involved in the life of the community (i.e community events, welfare ministries) without the expectation of getting anything in return. We want to sacrificially love the people of the Ripley Valley.

MINISTRY OUTCOMES: We want to be able to have some helpful measurements in church life and ministries. We think feedback and assessment is an important aspect to the life of the church because we want to excel for God’s glory and at the same time acknowledge the reality of sin and how easy it is for the church to get off track. We have woven through the church structures opportunities for regular feedback and assessment in order to help us stay on mission. We believe a helpful assessor of this for ministry in the church and the believer is found in 5 particular areas:

Magnification - We want to see all of life magnifying God in worship. Ministry - We want to demonstrate God’s love through sacrificially serving and loving Him and others. Membership - We want God’s family committed into our fellowship. Maturity - We are striving to foster growth in God’s people through discipleship. Mission - We want to work hard to clearly communicate the Gospel to all people by using faithful and culturally relevant methods (locally & globally).

1 Peter 4:918

Romans 12:1319

Hebrews 13:220

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Pier and Kathryn live in the Ripley Valley and met over 10 years ago at Macquarie University in Sydney and married in 2009. They have 3 children - Evangeline (6), Joash (4) and Norah (1). Pier being a Peruvian and Kathryn being a small-town country girl has meant that the bringing together of their mix of cultures has been a fun, rich and sometimes eye-opening experience.

Ideal time off would be spent getting outside together as a family, going for a run or enjoying the beaches of the Sunshine Coast at holiday time. They also love having people over and cooking for people. As fairly new Queenslanders they also enjoy exploring the surrounding areas and looking for those delicious food spots.

They first lived in Sydney before moving to Yamba where they spent five years gaining valuable ministry experience as the associate pastor of Yamba Presbyterian

Church before moving to Brisbane in 2015 for Pier to study at the Queensland Theological College. Pier & Kathryn have spent the last few years working at

Mitchelton Presbyterian Church & Coorparoo Presbyterian Church in Brisbane before joining the team at Central Church Ipswich at the start of 2018.

Since hearing about the opportunity to plant a church in the Ripley Valley God has grown in them a deep love for the people of Ripley and a desire to see the Ripley community

filled with new followers of Jesus. They are passionate about reaching people with the gospel and helping them see how it is relevant to every part of life.

A bit about us:We’ve been married just over two years and are kept busy during the week as an electrician (Matt) and high school teacher (Jess). We are very excited to be welcoming our first baby in January 2019. We moved into our home in Ecco Ripley in May 2017 and have loved getting to know our neighbours and wider community, building friendships and connections. When we heard about Central’s plans to plant a church in Ripley we were

really keen to get on board and be part of a church community in our local neighbourhood, investing in our neighbours. God just let it all fall in place, in his perfect timing. We are really

excited about building a community of brothers and sisters in Christ around God’s Word, with a focus on glorifying God and reaching the unsaved in Ripley. We are also looking forward to getting to know our Ripley community more, being part of their lives and shining God’s light amongst our next door neighbours.

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Pier & Kathryn Franchini:

some of the team.

Matt & Jess Reilly

A bit about us: James and Jaime-Lea Greenstreet, both 24, have been part of the Central Church family since 2012. Both growing up in Ipswich and attending Bremer High, James and Jaime pursued a relationship with God together, landing them in the midst of God’s mission at Central Church. After studying Para-medicine, James moved on to full-time study at QTC, falling more in love with evangelism and the gospel. While Jaime, always with a heart set

on Christ, pursued study in counselling with future plans to study at AIFC.

Through much deliberation and prayer, we both got involved because we believe

that God’s message of Jesus death on the cross for our wrong-doings is the authentic, living message, that is worth sharing to the ends of the earth. With a heart for Christ and his word, we got involved because we want to share the Good News of Jesus with the lost in Ripley Valley. We are excited to see many people come to know and grow in the freeing message of Jesus through the church plant. We are also eager and pumped to meet new people, have fun and get alongside those who both love and deny Jesus.

Who am I? On the outside I’m the shopper, housekeeper and cook. Peel back a little and you’ll find a gardener, book reader, caravaner & lover of God’s creation. Another layer deeper is the Ipswich Assist volunteer, friend and one who cares about people.  Delving even deeper inside I am a wife, Mum & Mum-in-law of 5, GG to 9 gorgeous grandchildren, sister, & sister in law. Then right at my core is my faith in God, which makes sense of all the other layers of my life. I consider myself greatly blessed.   Why did I get involved? I don’t believe that I ever made that decision really. James and I moved to Ripley 2 years ago. It was not our plan to settle in the area but the house came up and all seemed to fall into place quickly after that. Once we learnt that Central Church was intending to plant a church in Ripley, we realised that God had planted us there too so we needed to be obedient to whatever He was calling us to do.   What excites me about the church plant? We have an amazing opportunity to bring the word of God to the community of Ripley and to shine light into a world where there is so much darkness. On an individual level we have the chance to love, serve, encourage and care for our neighbours. It scares me on a personal level as I know that it will mean going outside my comfort zone, but God is the one who strengthens me so I’ll step out, work with Pier and the team and trust Him to do His awesome work.

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James & Jaime-Lea Greenstreet:

Glenda (& James) Stewart:

Gospel partners.

The Presbyterian Church of Queensland (PCQ) is a Christian organisation committed to

making known the good news of Jesus Christ and His Claim on our lives, encouraging and supporting individual churches to grow as his


Training gospel-driven leaders for a challenging world.

Geneva Push is an Australian church planting network. Their vision is to see hundreds of new churches

started across Australia that are evangelised into existence. Under God, new churches are reaching

new people with the gospel across the nation.

Central Church's mission is to make followers of Jesus by being followers of Jesus. Our location for this is the greater

Ipswich area and we are thankful to God that our vision to plant a gospel-centred church in the Ripley Valley is being realised in Central

Valley Church.

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Term 4: Central Valley Church will be meeting together, preparing and gearing towards the offical launch in 2019.

Christmas Carols: We will host a Christmas carols in order to serve the community and raise awareness of the official launch in 2019.

Early January 2019: We will be commissioned by Central Church Ipswich.

Late January 2019: We will officially launch Central Valley Church in the Ripley Valley.





2019 & beyond

CVC will be meeting together as a launch team. It will also be a time of

equipping and training in the church’s ministries, strategies and vision.

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Central Valley Church will have its first public event - Christmas

Carols in the Ripley Valley in order to serve the community and

promote the offical launch of the church in 2019.

During this month the soft launch of Central Valley Church will begin.

A time to sort out any teething issues. It will also be a time of

continued training & equipping the church as a whole.

During the year we will seek to implement and assess all our

strategies, pathways, training & equipping to make sure we are

reaching the people of the Ripley Valley.

Offical launch of Central Valley Church

budget. Year 1 Budget

INCOME: Launch Team Support 60,000 Central Church 15,000 External Support 20,000 Genesis Fund 40,000

TOTAL: 135,000

EXPENSES: Church Planter 79,644 21

Ministry Trainee 10,860 22

Facility 15,000 Web design/hosting 500 Marketing/Signs/Printing 2,500 AV & Music Equipment 10,000 23

Community Events 2,000 Training & Resources 2,000 Denominational Costs 2,000 Geneva Push Gift 1,000 Missions 7,000

TOTAL: 132,504

The amount is based upon a full-time ‘Accredited Ministry Worker’ from the ‘Presbyterian Church of Queensland’ (https://pcq.org.au/21


The amount is based upon an ‘FES Placement’ from the ‘Presbyterian Church of Queensland’22

The cost of AV & Music is higher than normal as we need to buy equipment we do not already posses23

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IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS: We want to be partnering in this church plant with many different people for the sake of the Gospel. So after seeing a bit of ‘Our Vision’ and

‘Who we are’ a question remains: ‘What can you do?’ Firstly, ‘Spread the Word’. Who do you know out there who could come join us or support us in this church plant. It could be someone moving into the area or someone already living in the area. It could also be someone that is involved in the Ripley community that may be able to support us in other ways. Networking can be a powerful opportunity during this initial season to provide support and resources. Besides ‘spreading the word’ there are three distinct ways you could be involved.

JOIN: Would you consider joining our church plant? By joining essentially you’re saying, ‘Ok, I am convicted of God’s mission and am excited enough about the vision and direction of this church plant.’ You may still have some reservations, fears and worries, and that is normal. Yet as you consider this you should know that planting a new church can sometimes be uncomfortable, messy and unpredictable. Many things that you’ve come to expect from an established church won’t be there. We know this endeavour comes at a cost. We don’t want to shy away from this reality. We just think the cost is worth it. Jesus is worth our every effort. And making him known to this world and bringing people into a relationship with Him far out weighs any discomfort or messiness or fears. If we are honest, all of our lives are messy and complex. So if you are committed to seeing the Ripley Valley filled with disciples of Jesus and you are committed to lovingly and joyfully engaging in God’s mission then JOIN US! We also think you should be asking deep questions about your motivations and expectations. Why do you want to come? Would the church you’re currently attending recommend you because of your faith and life in Jesus? Would they be saddened to lose you? For some, staying at your current church and being on mission there would be the wiser decision. So pray, ask the deep questions and if God is still moving in your heart to come than please CONTACT US.

PRAY: We want and need brothers and sisters in Christ to partner with us in prayer. We think this is paramount. Not only because we do nothing without our great God but because we think that pray is essential to the life of the church. We want our church plant to be a prayer saturated church. In a world that is always on the move and is busy and complicated, prayer grounds us and brings us back to God. So we want to ask you to consider partnering with us in prayer by joining our ‘Prayer Team’. If you commit to this you will receive regular pray newsletter and we’ll keep you up to date with the life and events of the church so as to bring specific things before God. But we’d also ask that you’d be praying through the scriptures for us as God’s word beautifully reveals the priorities and focuses we should have as a church.

GIVE: We believe that God is going to use Central Valley Church for His glory and so we are looking for people to financially invest in this gospel work as we cannot do it alone. Our hope is that the generosity of our awesome God and the cause of the gospel will motivate people to invest in us. We also hope people will be captivated by the vision and mission of Central Valley Church. If you’re willing could you consider giving financially weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or even with one time gifts over the next 3 years. Or could you support us with other vital resources. No gift is insignificant and our hope is that God would be honoured through your generosity and that His Kingdom would be advanced. We are going to strive to be faithful and fruitful stewards of what He gives us. Account Name: Central Valley Church BSB: 034-189 & Account No: 192688

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WHAT NEXT? CONTACT US: Pier Franchini email: pier@centralchurch.net.au phone: 0437 133 986 office: (07) 3413 1050

GO TO THE WEBSITE: Or go to the Central Church Ipswich website (www.centralchurch.net.au) and click on the ‘Central Valley Church’ banner.

REGISTER YOUR INTEREST: You can register your interest and support by entering your details on this link: https://goo.gl/forms/KWYeP1BUKlqkxgZe2

You can alternatively scan this QR Code:

FACEBOOK: Go to our Facebook page, ‘like it’ and keep updated about future events: - www.facebook.com/centralvalleychurchripley - @centralvalleychurchripley

BANK DETAILS: If you are able and willing then please partner with us in giving. Account Name: Central Valley Church BSB: 034-189 Account No: 192688

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CoNTACT: PIER FRANCHINI email: pier@centralchurch.net.au phone: 0437 133 986 office: (07) 3413 1050

Scan QR Code:@centralvalleychurchripley

BANK DETAILS: Account Name: Central Valley Church BSB: 034-189 Account No: 192688

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