ceres for internet

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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‘Mother Earth Goddess of

Growing and Grieving!’

Looking through old files the other day I came across THIS

I am grieving since my birds flew away.I thought this was relevant so looked up the transits.

Ceres is also called Demeter. Pluto, god of the underworld, stole Demeter’s Daughter Persephone, didn’t he?

Pluto and Persephone

Persephone/Proserpine was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the goddess of harvest. One day young Persephone was picking flowers in the meadow when Pluto/Hades burst out of the ground and carried her away. Where was Persephone? Demeter was devastated - nothing would grow. This did not go down well with Zeus who with Helios the Sun had seen the abduction. But, what to do? The innocent child had eaten the seeds of the pomegranate and was bound to Hades.

But it all turned out ok because Mercury/Hermes (with his silver tongue) was sent down to sort it .Remember Mercury can go anywhere. So Mercury persuaded Pluto to allow Persephone to visit her mother for two thirds of the year (she hadn’t eaten that many seeds) and Demeter was so overjoyed to see her beloved daughter– see pic – everything grew again.

Whew - a close shave with desertification.

So let’s look at what was going on re my BIRDS.



T Ceres 7 T Venus 11

N Ceres 11 N Venus 9

Chart for FIND baby birds?

Mother Chrissy’s

chart.Look at CERES

and Venus

Gemini rules Birds.

Now look at Chiron?

... and Pluto/Venus Yod pointing at T Mercury and

N Chiron


T Chiron 9 Venus 9 Transiting Merc conjunct N Chiron 8

Ceres in Gemini and Transit Mercury 12 conjunct N Chiron 8

... and Yod pointing at

Mercury conjunct N


Note: T SUN 21 and N Merc 21

What about Merc?



Find BirdsInner


They fly away.Outer Wheel

Ceres conjunct Sun and Sun conjunct CeresNodes Conjunct Moon

T Ceres 21N Mercury 21

T Chiron 13Conjunct South Node 12.

Sat square Chiron

Chrissy Natal

FLY away!


And Ceres is particularly relevant at this moment

as the space probeDawn arrives at the asteroid Ceres on

Feb 15 2015. Just over 2 weeks


Nasa have called the space probe DAWN as they believe it will give us information on how life began on Earth.

Image: Artist's concept of Dawn with Vesta and Ceres. Image credit: William K. Hartmann Courtesy of UCL

But I think it is ‘really’ named after this person. (Do you agree?)


White spot?

This is the latest picture. Soon they might know what this white spot is.

Perhaps it is a tear?

That WAS the latest picture, now it’s this. What are these lights?

Are they ice or salt?

Who are we?As part of the NASA Langley Science Directorate, the CERES Science, Data Management, Data Processing and Stewardship Teams are devoted to providing valuable Earth Radiation Budget data to the science community. The CERES experiment is one of the highest priority scientific satellite instruments developed for NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS). The first CERES instrument was launched in December of 1997 aboard NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM), CERES instruments are now collecting observations on three separate satellite missions, including the EOS Terra and Aqua observatories and now also on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) observatory.CERES products include both solar-reflected and Earth-emitted radiation from the top of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface. Cloud properties are determined using simultaneous measurements by other EOS and S-NPP instruments such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Visible and Infrared Sounder (VIRS). Analyses using CERES data, build upon the foundation laid by previous missions such as NASA Langley's Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE), leading to a better understanding of the role of clouds and the energy cycle in global climate change.

Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)

Is this interesting?

And the story has not ended - Grandmother of four-year-old killed in horror crash in Bath remains in critical conditionBy Bath Chronicle  |  Posted: February 11, 2015


Mitzi's grandmother remains in a critical condition Comments (1)The grandmother of the four-year-old girl who died in Monday’s lorry disaster in Bath remains in a critical condition.Named locally as Margaret Rogers, the grandmother of Mitzi Rosanna Steady was walking along Lansdown Lane on Monday afternoon when the pair were knocked over by a tipper truck.

Read more: http://www.bathchronicle.co.uk/Grandmother-year-old-killed-horror-crash-Bath/story-26008269-detail/story.html?ito=email_newsletter_bathchronicle#ixzz3RXWcz7sM Follow us: @BathChron on Twitter | BathChron on Facebook

Mother of Swansea man killed in Weston lorry crash speaks of her grief.Read more: http://www.bathchronicle.co.uk/Mother-Swansea-man-killed-Weston-lorry-crash/story-26013321 detail/story.html?ito=email_newsletter_bathchronicle#ixzz3RXVj4Og3 Follow us: @BathChron on Twitter | BathChron on Facebook Fighting back her tears, Mrs Allen explained how she was no stranger to grief having previously lost two daughters, her husband and a son.She said: “I had one daughter who was still born and another who died after a month because of something with her blood.“I looked after Paul, who was born with Spina Bifida, for 50 years until he passed away five years ago. The only way I could get over that was thinking that he was at rest.“Then my husband, Gerald, dropped dead in front of me with a brain haemorrhage two years ago.” Vowing to try to carry on she added: “We have always been a close family and I will carry on for my daughter-in-law Louise, who is a wonderful person, and two grandchildren and great granddaughter.”Terry Butler said: “She has been though hell and yet she always tries to remain strong for her family but how much more can a human being take? She has been to hell and back losing all her children.”Read more: http://www.bathchronicle.co.uk/Mother-Swansea-man-killed-Weston-lorry-crash/story-26013321-detail/story.html?ito=email_newsletter_bathchronicle#ixzz3RXVPsKIY Follow us: @BathChron on Twitter | BathChron on Facebook

SO WHY BATH? Here is the chart for BANES.

A difficult Mars in Cancer is square Pluto is in Libra

and the Moon is opposing Uranus.Venus is in Pisces and Neptune is opposing Ceres. Chiron is square Saturn, also in


I am not looking at houses as I am not sure of correct


This is the crash chart.








Is this another Ceres incident.?

Here is beautiful tranquil riverside scene but it is in the

way of the council plans to make this area commercially


While this same grand cross was operating these trees

were removed. Of course with Pluto in Libra opposing the Aries Sun and

Mercury on the council chart the hype for this sad

destruction was amazingly positive.

This is the Tree chart.

Conjunct PLUTO


Perhaps Ceres plus Pluto is more than a

sickle – Perhaps it is a chainsaw?

I feel emotionally involved in all this. These trees were my view. One victim of the crash was from Swansea –

near where I was born.Another victim was from Cwmbran: our long term

home. Llansor Mill, was only 10 minutes from Cwmbran?

I am connected perhaps because the Ceres

Pluto conjunction is trine/sextile the Moon’s Nodes on my chart? And

LOOK at the YOD.


SO NOW I KNOW WHO TO BLAME for gaining and then losing my birds and then the

trees!Not forgetting Venus,

and Chiron.

We know that Roman Ceres is Greek Demeter - she is also

Egyptian ISIS!

And here is the latest Revelation.




Egyptian ISIS plus a vengeful Pluto?


This looks

about right.

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