certificate iii in horticulture - aro · adelaide hills. aro educational services has designed this...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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AHC30716 – Certificate III in Horticulture

Learn the skills of Horticulture and get an insight into how they will influence the community and the future of

plants in our world and communities - at Adelaide's premier historical garden at Carrick Hill at the foot of the

Adelaide Hills.

ARO Educational Services has designed this course for students interested in acquiring the horticultural

knowledge and experience needed for the creation and development of parks and gardens; and

answering the question of ‘how will horticulturists service community needs now and in the future?’ This

qualification is driven by our team of skilled horticulturists and engaging guest speakers.

The course will be delivered over an 18 month period at the prestigious Carrick Hill heritage house

museum and garden. Our guest speakers bring a combined knowledge of the role of Horticulture in

our changing environment, economy and community needs.

Course starts: TBC

Duration: Delivered over 18 months

Delivery: Weekly on a Tuesday; this includes classroom sessions, guest presentations.

Location: Carrick Hill Historic House and Gardens and Woorabinda bushland reserve, Stirling.

Cost: For WorkReady Approved Students $3050 (GST inclusive) -$550 prior to start

date and balance spread over 18 months

Concession: For WorkReady approved students on a concession $1,457.00 (GST inclusive) -$110 prior to start date and balance spread over 18 months

Book now to secure your place on (08) 8339 1066 or email enquiries@aroeducation.com

ARO Educational Services - NTIS No. 40056

The AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture will be delivered at the prestigious Carrick Hill Gardens where you

will learn and practice your skills under the training supervision of AROs’ excellent

trainers. The AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture will enable you to be employed as a general horticultural

worker who can operate in an unsupervised capacity as a Curator or Horticulturalist in a private or public gar-


This course offers hands on, practical experience through assisting the Carrick Hill staff in planting and estab-

lishing garden displays, bush revegetation, plant propagation and weed and pest control.

Units offered in this course are:

AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals*

AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases*

AHCIRG306 Troubleshoot irrigation systems

AHCNSY301 Maintain nursery plants

AHCNSY306 Implement a propagation plan

AHCPCM302 Provide information on plants and their culture

AHCPCM303 Identify plant specimens

AHCPCM304 Report on health and condition of trees

AHCPGD301 Implement a plant establishment program

AHCPGD302 Plan and maintain plant displays

AHCPGD303 Perform specialist amenity pruning

AHCPMG301 Control weeds

AHCPMG302 Control plant pests, diseases and disorders

AHCSOL303 Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areas

AHCWHS301 Contribute to work health and safety processes

AHCWRK309 Apply environmentally sustainable work practices * Please note - AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases and AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals form the AHCSS00074 Agricultural Chemi-cal Skill Set. These units are delivered at Carrick Hill and delivered over 3 full days.

Entry Requirements

Age Requirements

Students must be 16 years of age or older.

Physical Requirements Students must be able to: Handle and use horticultural equipment, lift and carry some loads using equip-ment, able to access the ground for planting/weeding purposes, able to see well enough for plant and pest identification, and manage outside environments under cold or warm conditions. Horticulturist work includes:

Work outdoors using manually handling tools and equipment.

May be exposed to extremely hot or cold weather while working.

May working very bright or very dim lighting conditions. May work physically near others.

English Language Proficiency Passed the upfront assessment of need short test; or achieve a AQF level II exit pass result on the longer assessment

Academic Requirements Students accessing WorkReady funding: Where a student is unable to provide evidence of minimum entry requirements or their evidence is not at the minimum level, in appropriate circumstances, ARO Educational Services will assess the student towards confirming the minimal level. ARO Educational Services is required under its head agreement with DIS to assess students accessing WorkReady using an upfront assessment of needs. This assessment will be conducted at enrolment using an iPad under the observation of ARO Educational Services student officer. Results will be generated at point of enrolment and where required an extra assessment may need to take place. In the case where extra support is required it will be organised between ARO Educational Services and Madec. Basic computer literacy to the level required to complete qualification studies and vocational requirements.

Fee for services Students: Students are required to be assessed to determine their capacity to meet the programme learning require-ments. ARO Educational Services carried out an LLN assessment task derived from the ACSF Developed by Precision Consultancy. The LLN assessment used is the General Horticulture 2-4 assessment form. Results are passed on to the trainer for determination of extra support and assessment flexibility determina-tion. Basic computer literacy to the level required to complete qualification studies and vocational require-ments.

Prerequisites and Co Requisites

There are no prerequisites or co-requisites for this Qualification.

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