c:\fakepath\gregg vs georgia[1]

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Gregg vs. Georgia
    BY: Scott Perlenfein
    Matt Brechlin

2. Background Info (Crime)
Troy Gregg and Floyd Allen were two hitchhikers
The intended to rob the two men
Ended up murdering Fred Simmons and Bob Moore
Who were later found dead in a ditch with a .25 caliber pistol
3. Constitutional Issues
Gregg was sentenced to death
But Gregg said that it was cruel and unusual punishment.
The significance was that no one has ever appealed the death sentence as cruel and unusual
4. The Decision
In the end after many arguments by Greggs lawyer to protect him from death
The court held their decision for death penalty
Therefore the death penalty was not cruel and unusual in the eyes of the court
5. Lasting Impact
This case affected the argument against the death penalty
There has always been a debate if the death penalty was acceptable
This case escalated this and proved that if you deserved the death penalty you will receive it
6. The death penalty?

  • What has happened in this cartoon?

7. What does this say about innocent people who are proved innocent after theyre dead? 8. Do you support the death penalty?

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