c:\fakepath\microsoft power point owbc chapter 15-1-3.ppt

Post on 20-May-2015






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Hello and welcome to chapter 15 ½.

Yes I mean ‘15 ½’. This is not a proper OWBC chapter because none of the sims from the main OWBC household are involved in

this little mini-story.

Firstly I’d better introduce the main characters:

Alicia is the daughter of Joel Thomason(ex-Greek House placeholder) and Uni-townie Melanie King.

Mediocre is the alien daughter of AveragegamerO (simself).

Chisel Jersey is the daughter of Olf Pinch(1st gen. Bad Apple spare) and Caffie (simself).

Bower is the youngest son of Sanjay and Priya Ramaswami.

Fry is my simself’s son, his dad is Brandon Lilliard. (Yeah, I have a thing for men in kilts)

Bit is the son of Bushel Pinch(1st gen. spare) and Meadow Thayer.

Now; let the story begin!

“But I shan’t be put off, there must be another way to get what I want.”

From chapter 15

*tweet tweet*


“... …..”

“Hey, papergirl, why did you go all the way up there? I was waiting for you here at the gate.”

“Sorry kiddo, it’s just the way I am programmed.”

“Stupid papergirl, and here I was trying to make life easier for her.”

“And there are still no puppies for sale. Ugh!”

“Eat up Chisel Jersey, your mum just learnt how to make pancakes yesterday and the least you can do to show your appreciation is to eat them.”

“Bye Chisel Jersey, have a nice day at school.”

“Hey CJ, why so glum? Did you get out of the wrong side of bed?”

“Do me a favour Fry and at least spare me the clichés.”

“Children! Lessons will start in five minutes, come in and take your seats.”

“Come on CJ, tell me what’s up. Maybe I can help?”

“It’s just… I want to get a puppy, but I don’t think my dad wants to have animals in the house, so I have to secretly get it myself somehow.”

“The pet adoption agency won’t let me adopt one because I’m too young, and I’ve looked in the paper everyday for weeks but there

aren’t anyone in Greenhill with puppies for sale.”

“Alright, that sucks. But don’t worry CJ, I’ll help you.”

“Uuh let me see. Your house has a garage, hasn’t it? We could try and get a male and female stray to live there and see if you can get them to mate.”

“Then they’ll have puppies and you can keep one for yourself and sell the rest and earn some Simoleons!”

“Yeah well….”

“Is it a puppy you want, Chisel Jersey? My neighbour has three puppies and I know he isn’t keeping all of them for himself; he might let you have one.”

“Who is your neighbour Mediocre, is it a simself?”

“No, it’s Mr. Roseland, he’s a sim-bin sim who became a playable when he was hosting a chapter. That’s ages ago, long before we were born.”

“We can all go over and speak to him after school if you like, and see if Chisel Jersey can have one of the puppies. I know Bower is really keen to

see the puppies too.”

“Mediocre! You’re brilliant. I didn’t know you could think as excellently as that with your little green head.”

“It’s ok Fry, I’m just happy to help my friends.”

“But we aren’t taking Alicia, she is just too weird to take anywhere.”

“OK, settle down all of you. Chisel Jersey, go to your seat please, and you too Fry. First up today is Maths. I hope you all practiced your 5

times table over the weekend.”

(“Butterflies - a daisy meadow, sweetie pies and poppies yellow…”)

“Mediocre, do Mr. Roseland’s dogs bite?”

“I shouldn’t think so Fry, only if you’re a burglar or a baddie.”



“Hello Mediocre, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Hi Mrs. Roseland, my friends and I were wondering if we can come in and see the puppies?”

“Of course you can, come in come in.”

“Porthos and Suzie love to show off their adorable offspring.”

“OK Bit? You remember your part if we have to go to plan ‘B’?”

“Sure, I’m not stupid Fry.”

“They are brown; just what I want!”

“Look Mediocre, I’m holding one. I think it’s my friend now.”

“Hmm, that’s nice Bower. Hey, hello Suzie, your babies are getting so big. Hope you don’t mind my friends and I coming to see them.”

“Ha ha, nothing in this hand and nothing in that hand. This hand – that hand. Ha ha ha! What a stupid dog.”

“Mr. Roseland, I really want to get a puppy, can I adopt one of yours?”

“Sure you can, you just need to get your parents to call me so we can arrange it.”

“But my mum and dad are too busy to call. They recently became fully controllable and now they are always skilling, and when they

are not skilling they are spending their time fulfilling the wants they roll, so you see, they don’t have time to call you, and if I want a

puppy I have to arrange it myself.”

“Unfortunately I can’t let children adopt the puppies, that would be irresponsible ofme. You will have to get your mum or dad to call me to arrange it.”

“But, it would be so much easier if I could just have one now. I don’t want to have to hassle my mum and dad about this. In fact, they will

be proud of me if I do this all by myself”

“I’m sorry, you are just too little for such a big responsibility.”

“Excuse me, I am not little; I am definitely big enough to look after a puppy.”

“Well, perhaps you’re not that little, but you are still too young to adopt a puppy by yourself. I’m sorry, no can do.”



“Right Bit, plan B is in action. You know what to do.”

“No problem Fry, easy-peasy.”

“Mr. Roseland, do you want to see how awesome I am at doing a head-stand?”

“Alright, let me see.”

“Erm, I think we’d better go out in the hallway, I don’t want to accidently break something in here.”

“Bower. You really want to see Bit’s headstand too, don’t you?!”

“N..no, I want to stay and play with the puppies…”

“Scram Bower, out in the hallway with you!”

“Alr...alrigt Fry.”

“Is the coast clear CJ?”

“Yep, they are all watching Bit.”

“Wow! You really are amazingly good at head-standing.”

“Come here you. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt.”

“Woops I have to hurry up, Bit has finished his head-stand already.”

“Better take a bone for him to eat too.”

“CJ, come on. We’re leaving now.”

“Goodbye Mrs. and Mr. Roseland, thank you for letting us see the puppies, I think my friends really enjoyed it.”

“You know Fry, you really are my best friend.”

“Sure I am CJ, but you’d better get home before that puppy pees on your homework.”

“Annie, have you seen Icarus anywhere?”

“I wonder what is keeping Chisel Jersey? Perhaps I should give Shadey a call. … Olf? Are you listening?”


“Oh nevermind, here she is.”

“There you are young lady, why are you so late?.”

“Oh I was just playing with Fry.”

“You should have called us, we were getting worried about you.”

Yeah, you were so worried you had to sunbathe and drink wine.


“Did you hear that Olf? If that’s another stray digging up the garden I’ll…”

“Don’t worry darling, I’ll go and check.”

“Crikey, you nearly got me into trouble there, you must learn to stay quiet.”

“You are beautiful though and I forgive you. What shall I call you? How about … Broom? Yeah? You like that?”

“Woah, haha, you can jump! Are you a hungry little Broom?”

“Lookie here, a bone just for you.”

“… … oh, can’t you eat bones?”

“Don’t worry, you just stay here on my bed while I go and get you something.”

“Left-over Chilli con carne? That should do, it’s got meat in it.”

“Aww, he has gone to sleep.”

“Better let him get a rest, he can have this when he wakes up.”

“Just hope mum and dad won’t ever find out about him.”

“Mum, dad, I think it’s high time I got a puppy, especially now that CJ has one.”

“What?! Chisel Jersey has been given a puppy?”

“Olf never mentioned that to me when I spoke to him earlier.”

“Oh but he doesn’t know anything about it, CJ stole it from Mr. Roseland.”

“I wonder if Uncle Olf will spank her when he finds out?”

“Don’t be silly Bit, you know sims can’t spank their children.”

“But she actually stole the puppy? That’s terrible.”

“I must speak to my brother.”

*Beep-beep beep-beep-beep.*

*Diiiip-diiiip… Diiip-diiip… Diiip-diiip… *

*Diiiip-diiiip… Diiip-diiip… Diiip-diiip… *

> Ring-ring… Ring-ring… Ring-ring… <

“Oh Olf, how wonderful that you had enough aspiration points to purchase a love tub.”

“Hmm isn’t it, Caffie darling. When I saw that purple want you rolled I wanted to fulfil it in a special way.”

“Hm. Better give the Roselands a call then.”

“Hello, Mr Roseland? This is Bushel Pinch. I believe you had a visit from some of my son’s school friends today?”

“Yes, I had some children over here, can I ask you what this is about?”

“I am calling because my son has just told me that he witnessed one of the children, Chisel Jersey, take one of your puppies.”

“So that’s what happened to Icarus. We have been searching for him everywhere.”

“The girl in question is actually my niece and I have tried contacting my brother but there is no answer at the house.”

“Thank you for letting me know about this. Any chance you can give me your brother’s address? …. 42 Green Close? Thank you

for your help Mr Pinch.”

*Beep-beep beep-beep-beep.*

> Ring-ring… Ring-ring… Ring-ring… <

”Hello? GamerO house, Average speaking.”

”Hello Average, Cyd here. I’m calling to let you know that the puppy you were going to pick up today has unfortunately been stolen, but I know

where it is and I was wondering if you and Mediocre would come with me to fetch it, I can then hand it straight over to you without having to put it

through the stress of taking it to my house first.”

”Hm, alright. We’ll come over right away.”

”Right Mediocre; put your book away, you’re coming for a little walk with me.”

“A walk dad? Where are we going?”

“I have a little surprise for you.”

“A surprise? Wow, let me just get my bookmark.”

“I hope this novel of mine will sell well once I get it finished, I have just rolled a want to write a best seller.”

“I’m sure it’ll sell well Caffie sweetie, you’re a very smart simself. Oh look, someone is coming.”

“Hello Mr. Pinch, I’m sorry to disturb you like this but I have reason to believe that your daughter has taken one of my puppies without permission.”

“You have a nerve to come here with accusations like that, you...”

“Olf dearest! Let’s go and ask Chisel Jersey if she knows anything about it.”


“WHAT?!! You do have a puppy in here?! Explain yourself at once!”

“Dad… I…

“Did you steal it from Mr Roseland’s house?! What were you THINKING?!”

“I can’t believe a daughter of mine would DO such a…”

“Hush Olf! Chisel Jersey, that puppy isn’t yours, you must give it back to Mr Roseland immediately.”

“The puppy belongs to Mr GamerO now, he bought it a a few weeks ago and he was due to come and collect it today.”

*sniff* “Here you are Mr. GamerO.”

“Actually, the puppy isn’t even for me...”

“It’s for Mediocre, she gets so lonely when I am at work.”

“…oh… here you are Mediocre… *sniff* … here’s your puppy.”

“…. I named him Broom.”

“Oh dad, that’s what the surprise was! Is this puppy really all mine?”

“It sure is Mediocre.”

“Thank you so much dad, he is lovely, but…”

“… if he is all mine, then he is all mine to give away. Chisel Jersey, I want you to have this puppy, I know how much you want him.”

*gasp* “Do you mean that? Can I have him after all?”

“You can – if your dad agrees.”

“Do you agree Mr Pinch?”

“… Err, well… yes… yes I suppose so. Thank you.”

“Well Mediocre, that was very kind of you but, I thought you would have loved to have a puppy?”

“I really do appreciate it dad, but the truth is…”

“… I’d rather have a kitten.”

All together now: “Awwwwww.”

“That’s it! Hope you enjoyed that little story.

Now all there is left is to say cheerio for now and keep a look out for the proper chapter 16 of A Measure of Things which should be up in

about a couple of weeks.”

“Mum, you haven’t told the readers the moral of the story.”

“Oh, what do you suggest that should be Fry?”

“OK listen here: If you want something, just take it. You are never going to get it by just asking politely.”

“Fry! That’s a terrible moral, I can’t tell the readers that! Away you go outside to play.”

Kids eh? What can you do?

Many thanks to the creators of the CC I use, both the seen and the unseen, and thank you to my dear readers, old and new, who make the

simming community a wonderful and fun place to be.

See you all very soon. Until then – happy simming.

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