ch. 21 part 2 the collapse and recovery of europe

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Chapter 21 part 2 The Collapse and Recovery of Europe

Dictators and WWII1914-1970s

Totalitarian Dictatorships•Anti-liberal•Regulate everyone’s life•Aggressive nationalism•Appeal to the masses

Stalinist Communism Fascism


Japanese Authoritarianism

Joseph Stalin

ruled USSR1922-1953

(more on him later)

Kingdom of Italyangry about the T. of V.

Benito Mussolini(1883-1945)Ruled Italy 1922-1945

Italian Fascism• Expansionist

nationalism• Anti socialist,

communist, and liberal• Conformity and the state

valued over individuals

“For if the nineteenth

century was a century of

individualism (Liberalism

always signifying individualism) it may be expected that this will be the century of

collectivism, and hence the century

of the State.”

Manipulated elections and

Violently eliminated opposition

killed Socialist leaders


1924-1926 Established a conservative Fascist dictatorship

“The truth is that men are

tired of liberty.”

1929 Lateran Agreement created an independent Vatican

1935 Italy Invaded EthiopiaAbyssinian Crisis

Failure of the L of N

Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler


NAZI PartyNationalists, racists, militant

1923 Failed coup in Munich

Mein Kampf

Hitler’s Ideas in Mein Kampf-Germany lost the war in 1919 because it had been “stabbed in the back” by Jews and Communists in the civilian government-“If, at the beginning and during the war, someone had only subjected about twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew destroyers of the people to poison gas – as was suffered on the battlefield by hundreds of thousands of our best workers… -- then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain.”

“stabbed in the back” legend

Skilled at using mass rallies and propaganda

“The attention span of the masses is very short, their understanding limited; they

easily forget. For that reason all effective propaganda has to concentrate on very few points and drive them home through simple

slogans, until even the simplest can grasp what you have in mind.”

“You must stick to limiting yourself to essentials and repeat them endlessly.”

-Adolf Hitler

Nuremberg Rallies

1928 Elections12 Nazi members of the Reichstag

1930 Elections107 Nazi members of the Reichstag

1933 Elections230 Nazi members of the Reichstag

1933 Elected


Improved depression

through public works and

military spending

1933 Reichstag


1933 Enabling Act allowedHitler to make laws

“Laws enacted by the government of the Reich

may deviate from the constitution…”

Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation (Enabling Act)

Purged the Nazi party

became the Fuhrer

of the

Third Reich

Militarization and Nationalism

The Empire

of Japan

Cultural Westernization Continued

Labor and Socialist parties

challenged ruling elites

who were the ruling elites?

Depression = Misery and Anger

“As we observe recent social trends, top leaders engage in immoral conduct, political parties are corrupt, … aristocrats have no understanding of the masses, … unemployment and depression are serious … The people are with us in craving the appearance of a vigorous and clean government that is truly based upon the masses, and is genuinely centered around the emperor”

-Cherry Blossom Society, 1930

Nationalist Authoritarianismsilenced democracy and opposition

consolidated power

EmperorShowa (Hirohito)


seen as divine

General Hideki Tojo(1884-1948)

Prime Minister1941-1944

Population growth and economic troubles led to expansionism

Established Manchukuo Puppet State 1932-1945

Former Chinese and puppet Emperor of Manchukuo Pu-Yi

"With the cooperation of Japan, China,

and Manchukuo, the world can be

in peace."

1933 Withdrew for L of NLeague of Nations did nothing

1937 Japan invaded ChinaSecond Sino-Japanese War

China disorganized due

to Civil War

Slaughter and War Crimes

World War II 1939-1945

Long-Term Causes of WWII

French Marshal Ferdinand Foch

"This is not peace. It is an armistice for

20 years."

Green = Allied PowersOrange = Axis Powers

1939 Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact and the division of Poland

“Poland will be depopulated and

settled with Germans. … After Stalin’s death … we will break the Soviet Union. Then there will begin the dawn of the

German rule of the earth ...”

1939 speech to German generals

Sept. 1, 1939 German Blitzkrieg into Poland

UK and France declared war on Germany

1940 Axis Powers

Later joined by Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Thailand

April-May 1940 Blitzkrieg Denmark, Norway, Netherlands,

Belgium, and Luxembourg

May, 1940 Failure of the French Maginot Line

June 22, France surrendered rather than be destroyed

Reasons for German success1. Overwhelming speed of air and amour2. No two front war3. Enemies not fully prepared for war

French Resistance involved in battles in Europe,

Russia, Africa, and Britain

July-October 1940Battle of Britain

“Never give in--never, never, never,

never, in nothing great or small, large

or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good

sense. Never yield to force; never yield to

the apparently overwhelming might

of the enemy”

1941 Lend-Lease

Supplied Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel

1940 draft

The USA was isolationist, but…

June 1941 Hitler

attacked the Soviet


Japanese Expansion

Singapore, Burma,

Indochina, Sumatra,

Philippines Australia and India threatened

December 7, 1941Pearl Harbor attacked

The Grand AllianceUSA, Britain, USSR, and resistance

groups throughout Europe

Allied Advantages Population

Productive capacity


Control of the seas

Good leadership

North African Front

Morocco, Algeria,

Tunisia, etc.

GermanGen. Erwin


British Field Marshal Bernard


Montgomery with his

puppies Hitler and Rommel

1942 Battle of El AlameinBritish defeated Rommel and Axis powers

pushed out of North Africa by 1943

Eastern Front 1942-1943Battle of Stalingrad

Bloodiest battle in human historyCombined casualties above 1,500,000

A Nazi defeat and a turning point

1943 Soviets begin to

push toward Germany

1943 Italian Fascists defeated

1944 Allies took Rome1945 Mussolini Killed

Operation OverlordJune 6, 1944 “D-Day”

Liberate France and push back Germany

Normandy coast

Allies pushed toward GermanyUS & UK from the west and

USSR from the east

Battle of the BulgeDec 1944 - Jan 1945

The Ardennes Forest,


Late April 1945 Berlin surrounded

April 30, 1945 Hitler

committed suicide

May 7 Germany SurrenderedV-E Day May 8, 1945

Pacific Front

Australia, China, Philippines, India, etc. all Fighting Japan

US General Douglas


Naval Warfare and“Island Hopping”

Trinity July 16, 1945

1st Atomic Bomb

Should the USA use the atom bomb?

Pro and Con?


August 6, 1945The Enola Gay

dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima

70,000+ killed instantly100,000+ died later

Photo taken

20,000+ Feet In The Air

August 9, 1945 “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki

40,000+ killed, 25,000+ wounded

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

(1916-2010) Double Survivor

“Ant-walking alligators" who "were now eyeless and

faceless—with their heads transformed into blackened

alligator hides displaying red holes, indicating mouths.

The alligator people did not scream. Their mouths could

not form the sounds. The noise they made was worse

than screaming. They uttered a continuous murmur—like

locusts on a midsummer night. One man, staggering on charred stumps of legs, was carrying a dead baby

upside down.”

"I do not know with what

weapons world War III will be

fought, but World War IV will be

fought with sticks and stones."

Japanese Surrender on the USS Missouri

Aug 14 Japan surrendered

V-J Day Aug 15

US Occupation of Japan 1945-1952Rebuild and Democratic Reform

Japanese “Economic Miracle” (why?)1960s-1990 = 10% growth yearly

• USA: 295,000• UK: 388,000 (62,000 civilian)

• Italy: 410,000 (80,000 civilian)

• France: 810,000 (470,000 civilian)

• Japan: 1,806,000 (300,000 civilian)

• Germany: 7,060,000 (3,810,000 civilian)

• Poland: 6,850,000 (6,000,000 civilian)

• China: 11,324,000 (10,000,000 civilian)

• USSR: 25,568,000 (16,900,000 civilian)

Total Deaths

War Crimes

what is a war crime?

Curtis LeMay(1906-1990)

US Air Force General

“Killing Japanese didn't bother me very much at that time... I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war


Japanese mistreatment

and executions of POWs and


chemical weapons

Unit 731 in ManchukuoBiological weapon research complex

Tojo and 6 others

executed for war crimes

16 given life in prison

The HolocaustThe “Final Solution” to the

“Jewish Question”

1935 Nuremberg Laws removed rights of Jews

Jewish Identification Card

The Poisonous Mushroom

A Children’s Book

“Behind the enemy powers: the Jew”

“He is to blame for the war!”

Kristallnacht Nov 9-10, 1938Germany and parts of Austria

Heinrich Himmler(1900-1945)

Adolf Eichmann(1906-1962)

30,000+ Jews joined armed resistance movements


Total Deaths6,000,000 Jews

5,000,000 “Others”Slavs, Soviet POWs, Roma (Gypsies), Poles, Political Prisoners, Homosexuals, Disabled,

Jehovah's Witnesses, Criminals, etc.

1945-1946 Nuremberg Trials12 sentenced to death, 7 life in prison

Geneva Conventions

updated(1st Draft 1864)

Is “just following orders” a justifiable excuse?

Individual actions and accountability?

Small part of a larger whole?

Adolf Eichmann captured in 1960 in Argentine and executed in Israel in 1962

“The banality of evil”

Jewish Political Theorist Hannah Arendt

Eichmann was not a monster, he was an

average person who did not think for himself

“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”

-Hannah Arendt

The Post-War RecoveryThe Cold War and The Quest for Stability

Occupation and Division of Germany

Western Europe Economic CrisisWe want

coalWe want bread

Fear of increased communist revolutions

1947 Truman Doctrine

contain and stop the spread of communism

provide aid to combat instabilities

1947 Marshall

Plan (ERP)

$17 bil of Europe aidStimulate US


Aid was offered to

Eastern countries

1945 United Nations Formed50 Countries Draft Charter

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Currently 192 Members

1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

NATO today

1955 Warsaw Pact

1957 European Economic Community (EEC)“Common Market”

1993 EEC became European Union

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