ch. 4 growth of new nation

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Ch. 4 Growth of New Nation. 1783-1860 By Matthew Pippin. Act that stated that the land area from Ohio River to Mississippi River would be made into new states. Land Ordinance of 1785. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Ch. 4 Growth of New Nation

• 1783-1860• By Matthew Pippin

Act that stated that the land area from Ohio River to Mississippi River would

be made into new states.

• Land Ordinance of 1785

This ordinance allowed for the creation of three to five states in the Northwest Territory

on land west of Ohio River and east of Mississippi

• Northwest Ordinance

President Thomas Jefferson purchased from Emperor Napoleon of France to double the size of U.S.

• Louisiana Purchase of 1803

Expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to find a water route to

the Pacific Ocean.• Lewis and Clark


• This led to the rapid migration of settlers to the Pacific Northwest.

Indian women that served as translator and guide for Lewis and

Clark expedition.

• Sacajawea

The national unity and optimistic mood during James Monroe’s


• Era of Good Feelings• Under Monroe, states

cooperated with one another in the construction of interstate canals and railroads.

Doctrine that said U.S. would stay out of foreign affairs and Europe

would stay out of the west

• Monroe Doctrine

Man that invented the Cotton Gin and the idea of interchangeable

parts• Eli Whitney

With the invention of this machine, cotton became the main crop of the


• Cotton Gin

With his steam power ship the Clermont, he showed that people could use steam engine

as a source of transportation.

• Robert Fulton

With his steam locomotive the Rocket, he stimulated the growth of

trains and railroads.• George Stephenson

Henry Clays system that proposed a Protective Tariff, Internal Improvements, and

a Strong National Bank.

• The American System• he hoped his plan

would bind the U.S. together economically and make it self-sufficient in war and peace.

Elected in 1829 as president, he was first man to rise from childhood poverty to the

office of President

• Andrew Jackson

Name given to Jackson’s presidency because property qualifications for voting

white males was dropped.

• Jacksonian Democracy

Doctrine Promoted by John Calhoun that said if Congress passes a bill that is very harmful to a

particular state, that state is not obligated to enforce the federal law.

• Doctrine of Nullification

Forced removal of five Indian tribes of the Southeast to present day


• Indian Removal Act• Andrew Jackson

responsible for this act.

• Jackson sympathized with white settlers who where hungry for land and gold.

Forced 800 mile march of the Cherokees to lands in Oklahoma.

• Trail of Tears

Texas Independence

In 1822 he brought a group of settlers to Texas which was still a

part of Mexico.

• Stephen Austin

• By 1830 more than 20,000 settlers in Texas

In 1834 he assumed dictatorial power over the Mexican government and tightened

Mexican control over U.S settlers in Texas

• General Antonio Santa Anna

He led the settlers in Texas in their fight for independence.

• Sam Houston

Four days after Texans had declared their independence, Santa Anna massacred all

the Texans at this old Spanish Mission.

• The Alamo

On April 21,1836 Texans defeated Santa Anna and took him hostage

at this battle.• Battle of San Jacinto• In exchange for his

freedom Santa Anna promised to recognize the Republic of Texas.

The Mexican-American War

Belief that it was God’s will for the U.S to expand and eventually posses the

entire continent. • Manifest Destiny.• Newly elected

President James Polk was a strong believer in Manifest Destiny.

Name the California settlers called themselves when they declared their

independence from Mexico.

• Bear Flag Republic.

Mexican-American War and its outcome

• 1. President Polk sends John Slidell to Mexico to purchase California and New Mexico.

• 2.Mexican Pres. Refuses to see Slidell ,so Polk orders General Zachary Taylor to move his troops into disputed territory.

• 3. In response Mexican troops cross the Rio Grande and attack Taylor’s forces.

• 4. Polk and Congress declare War.

• 5. Mexico surrenders when U.S. marches into Mexico City. Mexico gives up ½ its land selling California and New Mexico to U.S.

Published the first American Dictionary of the English Language.

• Noah Webster

Perfect communities that where formed during westward expansion that would

show the world how to live.• Utopian Communities

• Ex. Amish, Mennonites, Shakers, and the Quakers.

An American educator who advocated the education of both men and women

through public funding.• Horace Mann

Strived to improve mental institutions and prisons and influenced the creation of institutions in 20 states and Canada.

• Dorothea Dix.

Famous abolitionist who escaped to freedom and returned to free many others

by using Underground Railroad.

• Harriet Tubman• Many of the Slaves

called her Moses.

Self educated,ex-slave the was the most prominent speaker for the

abolition of slavery.• Frederick Douglas

• Worked with John Brown but would not support the Harper’s Ferry raid.

Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed horrors of slavery and gained much

support for the Abolitionist movement.

• Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Founded a anti-slavery newspaper called The Liberator and helped est. the National

American Anti-Slavery Society (1833).

• William Lloyd Garrison

Organized the first women’s rights convention known as the Seneca

Falls Convention(1848)

• Elizabeth Cady Stanton

• Fought for women’s right to vote and advocated the abolition of slavery.

Movement during the early 1800’s that wanted to moderate and

eventually stop the use of alcohol.

• Temperance Movement (1850’s)

Supporter of temperance movement and is best known for

her fight for women’s right to vote.

• Susan B. Anthony


End of Ch. 4

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