ch. 8-2 estimating a population ·...

Post on 31-Jan-2021






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  • Ch. 8-2 Estimating a Population Proportion

  • 150

    We’ll have 10 students come up and take a random sample of 15

    beads to make a total of 150. Each person will count how many

    purple beads they drew and we’ll get our point estimator.

    𝑝 = _________ = _________

    Work with a partner. Take

    about 5 minutes to try to

    come up with a 90%

    confidence interval.

    Estimate ± Margin of Error

    Estimate ± (critical value)(std dev)

    how? how? 𝑝

  • As always, inference is based on the sampling distribution of a

    statistic. We went over sampling distributions of a sample proportion

    𝑝 in Section 7-2. Here is a brief review of its important properties:

    Sampling Dist of 𝑝

    Approximately normal if

    𝑛𝑝 ≥ 10 & 𝑛 1 − 𝑝 ≥ 10

    The mean is 𝑝 if 𝑝 is an unbiased estimator

    If 10% cond is satisfied,

    then 𝜎𝑝 =𝑝(1 − 𝑝)


    N 𝑝,𝑝 1−𝑝



    In practice, of course, we don’t know the value of 𝑝. If we did, we wouldn’t need to construct a confidence interval for it!

    So we have to modify the way we construct a confidence interval.

  • The class took an SRS of 150 beads from the chest.

    We cannot check whether 𝑛𝑝 or 𝑛 1 − 𝑝 are ≥ 10. However, in large samples, 𝑝 will be close to 𝑝. Therefore, we replace 𝑝 with 𝑝 in checking the Normal condition.

    𝑛𝑝 = _______________ ≥ 10 𝑛 1 − 𝑝 = ____________________ ≥ 10

    Since we sampled without replacement, we have to check the 10%


    At least 10 150 = 1500 beads need to be in the population

    There are over 2000 beads in the chest, so this condition is satisfied.

  • Estimate ± (critical value)(std dev)

    Since we don’t know the

    value of 𝑝, we use 𝑝 for 𝜎𝑝 𝑝 ± (critical value)

    𝑝 ± (critical value) 𝜎 𝑝

    𝑝 ± (critical value)

    𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    Standard Error

    When the standard deviation of a

    statistic is estimated from data.

    Now what about the critical value? In 8-1, we were using the 68-95-

    99.7 rule for the critical values. You will learn how to calculate more

    accurate critical values using a calculator or z-table.

    Write this every time!!

  • Since we will be using z-scores, critical values will now be denoted by:


    One-Sample 𝑧-interval for a Population Proportion

    Estimate ± (critical value)(std dev of statistic)

    𝑝 ± 𝑧∗ 𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    Estimate ± Margin of Error

  • 1) For a 90% confidence level, we

    need to catch the central 90% of the

    standard Normal distribution.



    Normal curve

    2) In catching the central 90%, we

    leave out 10%, or 5% in each tail.


    3) The desired critical value 𝑧∗ is the point with area 0.05 to the right. Use the 𝑧-table to find the point −𝑧∗ with area 0.05 to its left.

    4) The point is between 𝑧 = −1.64 and 𝑧 = −1.65. invNorm(0.05,0,1) gives 𝑧 = −1.645, so we use 𝒛∗ = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟒𝟓 as our critical value.


    −𝑧∗ 𝑧∗ = −1.645 = 1.645


  • Standard

    Normal curve


    −𝑧∗ 𝑧∗

    1 − C%


    1 − C%


    Find 𝑧∗ and use that as the critical value.


  • Estimate ± (critical value)(std dev of statistic)

    𝑝 ± 𝑧∗ 𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    ______ ± 1.645 ______ 1 − ______


    (________, ________)

    ______ ± ______

    We are 90% confident that the interval from ________ to ________

    captures the actual proportion of purple beads in Mr. Brinkhus’

    treasure chest.

  • Alcohol abuse has been described by college presidents as the number

    one problem on campus, and it is an important cause of death in

    young adults. How common is it? A survey of 10,904 randomly selected

    U.S. college students collected information on drinking behavior and

    alcohol-related problems. The researchers defined “frequent binge

    drinking” as having five or more drinks in a row three or more times in

    the past two weeks. According to this definition, 2486 students were

    classified as frequent binge drinkers.

    1) Identify the population and the parameter of interest.

    2) Check conditions for constructing a confidence interval for the


    3) Find the critical value for a 99% confidence interval. Show your

    method. Then calculate the interval.

    4) Interpret the interval in context.

  • Alcohol abuse has been described by college presidents as the number

    one problem on campus, and it is an important cause of death in

    young adults. How common is it? A survey of 10,904 randomly selected

    U.S. college students collected information on drinking behavior and

    alcohol-related problems. The researchers defined “frequent binge

    drinking” as having five or more drinks in a row three or more times in

    the past two weeks. According to this definition, 2486 students were

    classified as frequent binge drinkers.

    1) Identify the population and the parameter of interest.

    2) Check conditions for constructing a confidence interval for the


    Population: U.S. college students.

    Parameter: true proportion who are classified as binge drinkers.

    Random: students were chosen randomly.

    Normal: 2486 successes and 8414 failures, both are at least 10.

    Independent: 10,904 is clearly less than 10% of all U.S. college


    All conditions are met.

  • Alcohol abuse has been described by college presidents as the number

    one problem on campus, and it is an important cause of death in

    young adults. How common is it? A survey of 10,904 randomly selected

    U.S. college students collected information on drinking behavior and

    alcohol-related problems. The researchers defined “frequent binge

    drinking” as having five or more drinks in a row three or more times in

    the past two weeks. According to this definition, 2486 students were

    classified as frequent binge drinkers.

    3) Find the critical value for a 99% confidence interval. Show your

    method. Then calculate the interval.

    4) Interpret the interval in context.

    99% confidence level → 𝑧∗ = 2.576

    0.218, 0.238

    We are 99% confident that the interval from 0.218 to 0.238

    captures the true proportion for U.S. college students who are

    binge drinkers.

  • All Hershey’s kisses tosses

    50 kisses tosses

  • 1.96

  • We are 95% confident that the interval from ______ to ______

    captures the actual proportion of a Hershey’s kiss landing on

    its base.

  • We want to estimate the actual proportion 𝑝 of ECRCHS students that have seen this movie at a 95% confidence level.

    One-sample 𝑧 interval for proportion




    The sample is an SRS.

    𝑛𝑝 ≥ 10

    𝑛 1 − 𝑝 ≥ 10

    → 100 .23 = 23 ≥ 10

    → 100 .77 = 77 ≥ 10

    So the sampling distribution of 𝑝 is approximately normal.

    Sampling without replacement so check 10% condition

    There are more than 10(100) = 1000 students at ECRCHS.

    𝑝 =23

    100= .23

  • 𝑝 ± 𝑧∗ 𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    Estimate ± Margin of Error

    .23 ± 1.96 (.23) .77


    .95 .025 .025

    invNorm(.975, 0, 1) = 1.96

    𝑧∗ = 1.96

    .23 ± 0.0824

    0.1475, 0.3124

    With calculator:




    23 100


    0.14752, 0.31248

    We are 95% confident that the interval from 0.1475 to

    0.3124 captures the true proportion of the population at

    ECRCHS that have seen the particular movie.

    STAT TESTS 1-PropZInt (A)

    If you’re ever confused about what to put for the context part, take

    it from the original question.

    𝑝 =23

    100= .23

  • 4 volunteers will come up to write each step on the board.

    We want to estimate the actual proportion 𝑝 of the U.S. population that classify themselves as Democrat at a 99%

    confidence level.

    One-sample 𝑧 interval for proportion




    The sample is an SRS.

    𝑛𝑝 ≥ 10

    𝑛 1 − 𝑝 ≥ 10

    → 500 .42 = 210 ≥ 10

    → 500 .58 = 290 ≥ 10

    So the sampling distribution of 𝑝 is approximately normal.

    There are more than 10(500) = 5000 U.S. citizens.

  • 𝑝 ± 𝑧∗ 𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    Estimate ± Margin of Error

    .42 ± 2.576 (.42) .58


    .42 ± 0.0569

    0.3631, 0.4769

    We are 99% confident that the interval from 0.3631 to

    0.4769 captures the true proportion of the U.S.

    population that classifies themselves as Democrat.

    𝑧∗ = invNorm(.995, 0, 1) = 2.576

    With calculator:




    210 500


    0.36314, 0.47686

    STAT TESTS 1-PropZInt (A)

    𝑝 =210

    500= .42

  • 𝑧∗𝑝 1 − 𝑝



    This will maximize the

    margin of error.

    a pilot study or past experiences

  • Margin of Error = 𝑧∗𝑝 1 − 𝑝


    0.03 = 1.96(0.5) 0.5


    Use conservative approach: 𝑝 = 0.5

    95% confidence level → 𝑧∗ = 1.96

    0.0153 =0.25


    0.000234 =0.25


    0.000234𝑛 = 0.25

    𝑛 = 1067.11… = 1068

    We round up to ensure

    that the margin of error is

    no more than 3%.

    ALWAYS round up!

  • higher sample size

    higher sample size

    1) 0.03 = 1.96(0.8)(0.2)

    𝑛 → 𝑛 = 683


    0.03 = 2.576(0.8)(0.2)

    𝑛 → 𝑛 = 1179

    This will require a larger sample size.

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