cha presentation on cef comprehensive campus renewable energy feasibility study

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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How significant a role can campus-based renewable energy play in UVM’s progress towards carbon neutrality? The CEF funded a study to help answer this question and generate scenarios to aid in renewable energy planning at UVM. This study was conducted over the summer of 2012 by CHA (Clough Harbour & Associates), and has the potential to lay the groundwork for future decisions about resource allocation to renewable energy installation projects on campus. The deliverable analysis of this study and renewable energy campus map will serve as foundational knowledge for both the CEF Committee and key campus stakeholders including UVM’s Campus Planning, Physical Plant, Facilities, Design, and Construction and senior administration. Student interns worked with CHA to prepare analyses and feasibility reports, as well as to document the progress of the study.


Presentation to

Comprehensive Campus Renewable Energy Feasibility Study

design/construction solutions

November 13, 2012


• Study Goals and Objectives

• Renewable & Energy Efficiency Incentives

• Solar PV

• Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

• Solar Thermal

• Fuel Cells

• Biomass

• Anaerobic Digestion

• Wind Energy

• Geothermal

• Next Steps

Study Goals & Objectives

• Identify locations & applications

− Buildings, grounds, utility infrastructure, historical significance

• Review technology & best practices

− State and local regulatory requirements

− Incentive programs

• Conformance to 2006 Master Plan

• Review existing studies

• Economic analysis

• UVM Student participation

• GIS Map

Student Participation

• Student ownership of the study

• Provided crucial insight into campus operations

• Research − Solar PV Surveys (all)

− Wind (Ryan Darlow)

− Solar Thermal (Jack Lehrecke)

− Geothermal (Rich Smith)

• Extracurricular − Visit to South Burlington Solar Farm

− AllEarth Renewables factory tour

− Engineering & Consulting career path exploration

Vermont Renewables & Efficiency Incentives

Vermont SPEED / Standard Offer Program

• Program is full, but electronic

applications still being accepted

• 2.2 MWE maximum

Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund

• Loan and grant program is (currently) closed

• Theoretically open to CHP but no evidence that any have been submitted / awarded

Local Utility Solar Tariffs

• BED: $0.20/kWh, connect directly to grid

• GMP: $0.06/kWh, net metering ‘bonus’


(for information purposes only) $/kWh

Solar PV 0.271 Hydro 0.123 Landfill Gas 0.090 Farm Methane 0.141 Wind - over 100 kW 0.118 Wind - 100 kW or less 0.253 Biomass 0.125

Small-Scale Renewable Energy Incentive Program

Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

• $2.10/W DC up to 10 kW, $1.40/W DC up to 60 kW.

• Maximum incentive $97,500 or up to 50% of project costs,

Solar Hot Water

• $3.00/100 Btu/d up to 1,500 kBtu/d,

• Maximum incentive of $45,000 or 50% of the costs


• Hybrid incentive: (capacity-based + performance-based)

• $1.20 per kWh with a maximum incentive of $455,000

• 60% paid on installation; 40% at year one

Solar PV

Solar PV

• Technologies

• Installation best practices

• Incentives

• Locations • 66 buildings

• 29 parking lots

• 3 ground mount sites

Aggregate Summary of UVM Solar PV Opportunities Total Installable Capacity (kW) 6,525 Total Annual Output (MWh) 7,861 2011 Campus Electrical Usage (MWh) 63,809 Percent Offset 12.04 %

Solar PV Sample Site Report

Total Useable Roof Space: 40,000 sq.ft. Type: Ballasted Roof-Mount Tilt Angle: 10° Orientation: 170° South Estimated Installed Cost $/watt: $4.16 Estimated Installed Cost: $1,330,000 Payback (with no incentives): 18 years Payback (with incentives): 17 years Annual Electrical Usage: 3,655,385 kWh* (*usage is for entire complex) Annual Solar Generation: 384,000 kWh % offset: 10.51 %

Solar PV System Size: 320kW Basis of Design Equipment: • Sharp 250W Mono Solar Modules • SunLink Ballasted Racking System • 1x 250 kW PV Powered Inverter • Cooper Crouse Hinds Disconnecting,

Surge Protection Combiner Boxes


Combined Heat & Power / Cogeneration

the simultaneous production of two or more useful forms of energy from a single fuel source (usually electricity and

steam or hot-water) at higher combined efficiency

Potential Opportunities: Cage Complex CHP

University Heights CHP

Combined Heat & Power / Cogeneration

Cage Complex CHP Plant

3.5 MW Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) with single-pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)

Steam & Feedwater connected to existing Cage systems – 19,000 / 50,000 lb/hr steam (unfired / supplementary fired)

Electrically connected to ~11 large-load buildings near Cage: • New per-building 13.8 kV feeders (underway) • BED 13.8 kV upgrade* to Cage • BED standby charge & other legal / commercial negotiations • Building electrical load-following required

Vermont Gas supply system upgrades*

$15.7 mm*, net of $2.9 mm avoided boiler upgrade cost (* BED / VG upgrade costs not included)

Combined Heat & Power / Cogeneration

Cage Complex CHP Plant

WMG 2006 Study Basis

• 4.5 MW gas turbine and 60,000 lb/hr fired HRSG

• 9 buildings connected electrically

• Steam loads peaking at 130,000 lb/hr

2012 UVM and Potential Cogeneration System Changes

• 2 more buildings – Davis & Jeffords

• UVM utilities group energy efficiency / conservation have lowered electrical & thermal loads

• 3.5 MW gas turbine and 50,000 lb/hr fired HRSG

• Increased project cost / complexity

Combined Heat & Power / Cogeneration

1st-Year Annual Savings / Simple-Payback

20-Year Present-Worth / Break Even Point

A Cage Complex CHP Plant may warrant further examination.

Gas Price $/mmbtu 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 10.00 10.00 12.85 12.85

Avoided Electricity Price c/ 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0

Net Installed Cost $mm 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7

Total Savings $mm 6.3 7.2 7.7 8.6 9.1 10.0 10.7 11.5

Total Costs $mm 4.2 4.2 5.9 5.9 7.7 7.7 9.7 9.7

1st-Year Annual Savings $mm 2.2 3.0 1.8 2.7 1.4 2.3 1.0 1.9

Simple Payback Years 7 5 9 6 11 7 15 8

Gas Price $/mmbtu 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 10.00 10.00 12.85 12.85

Electricity Price c/ 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0 12.1 15.0

1st-Year Annual Savings

$mm 2.18 3.04 1.81 2.67 1.44 2.30 1.02 1.88

20-Year Present Worth $mm 15.5 30.6 9.0 24.1 2.5 17.6 -4.9 10.2

Break-Even Point Years 10 7 13 8 17 9 N/A 12

Combined Heat & Power / Cogeneration

University Heights CHP

Potentially a modest “cogeneration” island:

• Relatively steady electrical load ~ 250 kW • Hot-Water heating system (fed by Cage steam via HXE)

Microturbines, Fuel Cells or Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engine – with integral or external hot-water CHP system

Simple Economic Summary - $5.00 gas; 15.0 c/ electricity

* For different gas / electricity prices, payback is 15~25+ years. Payback is sensitive to building thermal useage / CHP hot-water generation matching

Description Units

Capstone Microturbine

Typical Recip. Engine

UTC 400 Fuel Cell (too big) C65 ICHP C200

Installed Cost $ 425,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 2,000,000 Net Power kW 60 180 225 388 Thermal Heat mmbtu/hr 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.6 Annual Net Savings $ 51,635 161,937 216,863 345,866 Nominal Payback * years 8 8 6 6

Solar Thermal

Solar Thermal

• Technology • Collectors, storage, and heat exchangers

• Applications • Year-round hot water demand

• Incentives

• Challenges • Central steam plant

• Locations • Marsh, Austin, Tupper, Living and

Learning D, University Heights, Harris Millis Dining, Simpson Dining

Solar Thermal Harris Millis Commons Site Report

Installation Detail System Spec.

Collector Area 1606 sq.ft.

Number of Collectors 40

Number of Arrays 5

DHW Demand 2,402 Gal/day

Temperature Setting 140 °F

System Flow Rate 44.8 gpm

Fuel Cells

Fuel Cells • PEM & SOFC fuel cells

- Bloom Energy 100, 200 kW - UTC Power 400 kW

• Cogeneration with UTC model • Site requirements:

- large, consistent load - Heat load for UTC model

• High installed cost • Payback versus stack replacement • Maintenance and performance degradation • Potentially economically viable with low price

gas and high price electricity.

Description Bloom 100kW Bloom 200kW UTC 400KW

Installed Cost $1,000,000 $1,300,000 $2,000,000 Annual Net Savings $76,000 $152,000 $345,000

Payback (years) 13 9 6

Simple Economic Summary with 5.00 gas and 15.0 c/ electricity


Typically wood chips, bark, sawdust, wood process residues, wood pellets, wood pallets, agricultural waste, yard clippings

and even municipal solid wastes

Thermal energy (heat); both electricity and thermal energy (i.e. CHP); or a renewable biogas or syngas.


Trinity Campus – Biomass – Heating Only

• Review/update of the 2011 Intern Trinity Biomass Study

• Examined Trinity buildings currently heated by gas boilers

• Basic economic and other considerations:

- High capital cost – biomass combustion boiler or gasifier

- Biomass price uncertainty

- Externalities – physical space, truck traffic, emissions

- Additional operators and O&M

• Simple payback 10~14 years at current gas prices, but uncompetitive if gas prices drop

• May be uncompetitive v.s. an extension of the UVM steam distribution system


Trinity Campus Biomass CHP

• UVM is considering district heating for electrically-heated Trinity buildings (requires new buried piping and per-room electric-to-hot-water heating coil conversions)

• Consider a modest CHP with hot-water for those buildings, plus electrical generation, for example: - AG-125 proprietary biomass cogeneration system - 100 kW net electrical output – heating-season only - 1.2 mmbtu/hr thermal output – heating season only

• $3.0~$3.5 mm (buried services / conversions not included)

• Simple Payback, based on 1st-year Annual Savings: - 20+ to 70+ years - Vermont SPEED biomass (12.5 c/ does not

improve economics


Cage Complex Biomass CHP

• Assume modestly sized biomass CHP (due to lack of fuel storage space)

• Same AG-125 proprietary biomass cogeneration system

- 100 kW net electrical output – year-round - 1.2 mmbtu/hr thermal output – year-round - Thermal output used to pre-heat condensate – decreases

deaerator steam required

• $3.0~$3.5 mm capital cost

• Same externalities – space, truck traffic, emissions

• Simple Payback, based on 1st-year Annual Savings: - 20+ to 90+ years - Vermont SPEED biomass (12.5 c/ does not

improve economics

Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion

• Degradable organic waste collection - Existing compost program - Landscaping - Mixed manures

• Digestion to RNG • CNG vehicles

• Economic Viability & Challenges • Large capital investment • Annual operations costs = fuel

savings • Payback non-existent • Vehicle fleet changes • Consider externalities • Environmental advantages

1,000 tons/year

Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Small Wind Turbines:

• Siting Conditions &


• Incentives • UVM Small Scale Renewable

Energy Program

• Northern Power Systems • Feasible for Miller Farm


Micro Wind Turbines:

• Building / Ground Mount • Structural issues

• Locations

• Technologies • Cost Estimates

• Challenges

• Paybacks

Campus Wind Speed: • Class 1

• Less than 11.6 mph

Quiet Revolution 6.5 kW

Wind Energy Miller Farm Site Report

Northern Power Systems – Northwind 100 100 kW - interconnected to main service Annual Output: 170,000 kWh (est.) Installed cost: $640,000 Payback term: 18 years % offset: 25-35%

Site Wind Speed: 10.9 mph @ 30 meter hub height

Bolton Valley Ski Resort



• Ground source heat pump

– Hybrid system

• Site selection:

– Available space for wells

– Independent of central plant

– Heating & cooling load

• The Back Five

– Replacing electric heat

• Mercy, McAuley

– Existing boilers to be replaced in near term

• ‘Residential’ buildings

Sites: • The Back Five • Mercy • McAuley • Blundell House • Mann Hall • UVM

Rescue/Police Services/PPD

• Waterman

Next Steps

Renewable Energy Options – review, categorize, evaluate, resolve technology conflicts, prioritize, further detailed-study and decide on implementation

Solar PV / Thermal CHP/Cogeneration/Fuel Cells

Wind Generation Biomass – Heating / CHP

Geothermal Anaerobic Digestion / Biogas

Energy Efficiency – Buildings and Systems

• Optimize electricity useage / find “negawatts”

• Continue to improve steam / condensate distribution system

Energy Cost Reduction – Electricity

• Smart Metering

• Building electrical load / BED invoice aggregation

Thank You

It was a pleasure working with the UVM Clean Energy Fund team and the interns

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