chairman of poonawalla group which includes serum institute of india em

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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dr cyrus poonawalla owner of poonwalla stud farms


Executive SummaryEntrepreneurship is the process of starting a business, typically a startup company offering an innovative product, process or service. The Entrepreneur perceives an opportunity and often exhibits biases in taking the decision to exploit the opportunity.A business also known as an enterprise or a firm is an organization involved in the trade of goods and services, or both to consumers. Businesses are prevalent in capitalists economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers in exchange for other goods, services or money.Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla, Chairman of Poonawalla Group which includes the privately owned Serum Institute of India, India's top biotech company and now has clearly emerged as the world's largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold (more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine.The project report shows the life story of Dr.Cyrus Poonawalla.


Chairman of Poonawalla Group which includes Serum Institute of India, India's top biotech company and has now clearly emerged as the world's largestvaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold (more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine.

"Forbes Richest Billionaire's' List released in March 2015 listed Dr. Poonawalla asthe 8th richest person in India and 208th in the world with a net worth of $ 6.6 billion".

Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla, Chairman of Poonawalla Group which includes the privately owned Serum Institute of India, India's top biotech company and now has clearly emerged as the world's largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold (more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine.

A chance conversation with a vet at the farm led Dr. Poonawalla into vaccines. At the time, the farm's retired horses were donated to government-owned Haffkine Institute in Mumbai, which made vaccines from horse serum. Dr. Poonawalla figured he could take up the challenge of meeting the demand for vaccines in the country by extracting the serum from horses himself and producing cheaper vaccines.

CYRUS POONAWALLA'S PERSONAL LIFECyrus Poonawalla was born in a family whose ancient business was horse racing and they owned Poonawalla Stud Farms. He did his schooling from Bishops School, Pune and completed his graduation from Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce (BMCC) in 1966. He was awarded a PhD in 1988 by the Pune University for his thesis entitled as Improved Technology in the Manufacture of Specific Anti-toxins and its Socio-Economic Impact on the Society. Dr Poonawalla is married to Late Villoo Poonawalla. His wife died on 8th June 2010 due to a massive cardiac arrest. She is survived by her husband, son Adar who is the Executive Director (Operations) at the Serum Institute, Adar's wife Natasha, and a grandson.

BEGINNING OF DR POONAWALLA'S CAREERBy the age of 20 Dr. Poonawalla realized that horse racing had no future in India. So he experimented with cars. He along with his friend built a $120 prototype sports car modeled on the D-type Jaguar. But producing such cars on commercial basis would require huge capital than they had. So Dr. Poonawalla relinquished that idea, and realized that making car for the masses is a better choice than targeting just the elite community of society. During that time horses were donated to government owned Haffkine Institute in Mumbai, which made vaccines using horse serum.

Dr Poonawalla observed the scope in the serum industry. He realized that he can take upon this challenge of producing vaccines extracting horse serum and supplying it throughout the country at affordable prices, satisfying the demand for vaccines in the country. He with his brother Zavaray raised $12,000 by selling horses and convinced their father to put up the rest. They set up their venture in 1966 on a 12-acre lot and started producing vaccines.

BUSINESS JOURNEY OF CYRUS POONAWALLA 1996-Dr. Poonawalla with his brother Zavary founded Serum Institue of India which launched its first therapeutic anti-tetanus serum within just two years and started with the production of the anti-tetanus vaccines. 1974-They began producing DTP vaccine, which protects children from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis and then introduced an anti-snake venom serum for snake bites. 1989-They started with the production of the Measles Vaccine M-VAC and in a year Serum Institute became the nation's largest vaccine manufacturer. 1994-Cyrus Poonawalla's Serum Institute was commissioned by the World Health Organization to export vaccines from India and began supplying high quality vaccines to U.N. Agencies such as PAHO (Pan American Health Organisation) and UNICEF. 1998-By 1998 Serum Institute was supplying vaccines to over a 100 countries. 2000-By 2000 one out of every two children was vaccinated by vaccines of Serum Institute of India.Serum Institute Of India has over the years emerged as India's leading Biotech Company and presently is exporting vaccines to more than 140countries around the world.


In 1966 Dr. Poonawalla founded Serum Institute of India (SII) which launched its first therapeutic anti-tetanus serum within two years, and began producing the anti-tetanus vaccines.

By 1974 Serum Institute introduced the DTP vaccine, which protects children from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, followed by an anti-snake-venom serum for snakebites in 1981.

In 1989 Serum Institute began the production of its Measles Vaccine M-Vac and within a year Serum Institute became the country's largest vaccine manufacturer. In the 80s India was made self-sufficient for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough vaccines thanks to the production from Serum Institute.

In 1994, Serum Institute got accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO) to export vaccines from India and started supplying high quality vaccines to U.N. Agencies such as UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), PAHO (Pan American Health Organization)From the inception, Dr. Poonawallas primary concept was not only to make life-saving drugs and vaccines, which were in shortage in the country, but also to see that every child was protected. At that time his dictum was "Health for all by 2000 AD". The resultant effort was the National Program of Immunization, which is largely dependent on the vaccines manufactured by Serum Institute and now that philosophy has proliferated worldwide to International U.N. Agencies.By 1998 Serum Institute was exporting vaccines to over a 100 countries and by 2000 one out of every two children in the world was vaccinated by a vaccine of Serum Institute of India.

Dr. Poonawallas strong belief in "No Compromise with Quality" and willful commitment in "Health for All with affordable Vaccines has today lead Serum Institute to become Indias leading biotech company and has now clearly emerged as the world's largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold (more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine.


Serum Institute of India Ltd. is now the world's largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold globally (more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine as well as Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hib, BCG, r-Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines. It is estimated that about 65% of the children in the world receive at least one vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute. Vaccines manufactured by the Serum Institute are accredited by the World Health Organization, Geneva and are being used in around 140 countriesacross the globe in their national immunization programs, saving millions of lives throughout the world.

Serum Institute of India is ranked as India's No. 1 biotechnology company, manufacturing highly specialized lifesaving biologicallike vaccines using cutting edge genetic and cell based technologies, antisera and other medical specialties. Serum Institute's quality control laboratories are equipped with a wide array of sophisticated analytical equipment such as HPLC with PDA detector, Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrophotometer, Gas Chromatograph, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, real-time PCR, new Dionex, Karl Fischer Moisture Analyzer, ELISA Readers, Liquid Particle Counters, Capillary Zone Electrophoresis, Bio-Plex and several other state-of-the-art instruments. The technical team has developed systems to ensure that quality is built into the process, leading to consistency of output.Regular training of our FDA approved Production experts and FDA approved Testing experts through continuous professional development has played a significant role in this direction. Many of our experts are regularly sent for training to USA, UK, France, Netherlands, etc. This ensures that the latest advances in production and quality testing standards are quickly incorporated in our processes. Periodic inspections of our facilities and product approvals obtained from the World Health Organization and from national as well as international regulatory authorities stand as testimony of Serum Institute's commitment to quality.



Bacterial Vaccines

Tubervac Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine I.P.

Tetanus Vaccine Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine (Adsorbed) I.P.

Dual AntigenDiphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine (Adsorbed) I. P.

Triple AntigenDiphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis Vaccine (Adsorbed) I.P.

Sii HibProHaemophilus type b Conjugate Vaccine I.P.

Sii Td-VacDiphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine (Adsorbed)for adults & adolescents I.P.

Viral Vaccines

M-VacMeasles Vaccine (Live) I.P. (Freeze-dried)

TresivacMeasles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine (Live) I.P. (Freeze-dried)

R-VacRubella Vaccine (Live) I.P. (Freeze-dried)

MR-VacMeasles & Rubella vaccine

Poliovac-PFSPoliomyelitis Vaccine (Inactivated) I.P.

Nasovac-SInfluenza Vaccine, Live Attenuated (Human)

Recombinant & Combination Vaccines

Pentavac PFS, Pentavac SD, Pentavac MDDiphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell), Hepatitis-B (rDNA) & Haemophilus Type b Conjugate Vaccine (Adsorbed) I.P.

Quadrovax PFS, Quadrovax SD (liquid)Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell) and Haemophilus Type b Conjugate Vaccine (Adsorbed)I.P

Quadrovax (Freeze-dried)Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell) and Haemophilus Type b Conjugate Vaccine (Adsorbed)I.P.

SII Q-Vac Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis & Hepatitis-B Vaccine (Adsorbed)

GeneVac-B Hepatitis-B Vaccine (rDNA) I.P.

Meningococcal A Conjugate Vaccine

MenAfriVac Meningococcal A Conjugate Vaccine (Lyophilised)

Anti-Sera & Other Products

Sii Polyvalent Anti Snake Venom SerumSnake Anti venom Serum, I.P. (Lyophilized)

Repoitin2000IU, 4000IU, 5000IU, 6000IU, 8000IU & 10,000 IURecombinant Human Erythropoietin (rHuEPO) Injection

Repoitin-PFS2000IU, 3000IU, 4000IU, 5000IU, 6000IU, 8000IU & 10,000 IU Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (rHuEPO) Injection

SII-Onco-BCGBCG for Immunotherapy B.P.




Sitrodin-HPHighly Purified Urofollitrophin (FSH) for Injection B.P. 75/150 I.U.

SitrodinUrofollitrophin (FSH) for Injection B.P. 75 IU/150 IU

Persinal-HPHighly Purified Menotrophin (HMG) for Injection B.P. 75/150 IU

PersinalMenotrophin for Injection B.P. 75 IU/150 IU (Lyophilized)

Sifasi-HPChorionic Gonadotrophin Injection I.P. 2000/5000/10000 IU

SifasiChorionic Gonadotrophin Injection I.P. 2000/5000/10000 IU

Other Pharma Products

Sii Somastin 250 & 3000Somatostatin Injection 250 mcg & 3 mg (Freeze-Dried)

SN-15 Tablets Serratiopeptidase 15 mg & Nimesulide 100 mg tablets

SN-15 Gel Diclofenac, Mephenesin, Methyl salicylate, Oleum lini & Menthol

SD-15 Tablets Diclofenac potassium 75mg & Serratiopeptidase 15 mg tablets

SN-15 Plus Serratiopeptidase 10 mg & Diclofenac Potassium 50 mg tablets

Z-RDRabeprazole, Domperidone & Zinc Carnosine capsules

D-BuildVitamin D3 60,000 IU capsules & sachets

Limarin 70 & 140 mg Capsules & Suspension (35mg/5ml) Silymarin (Hepatoprotective)

Simrose & Simrose-1000Evening Primrose Oil Capsules

PyginalPygeum africanum Capsules

Dipep Capsules & SyrupDigestive enzyme preparations

Hemsi Capsules & SyrupHaematinics

Logi-Cal M, Logi-Cal 250 mg, 500 mg Tablets & Logi-Cal Suspension (150 mg/5ml)Calcium supplements

Sinate, Sinate-ODDoxylamine succinate, Pyridoxine & Folic acid Tablets

Other Pharma Products

MefanormMefenanic acid suspension 100 mg / 5 ml

Mefanorm PlusMefenanic acid 50 mg & Paracetamol 125 mg/5 ml suspension

MintoniaZinc Acetate syrup 20 mg / 5 ml

Lacfid Capsules & SachetsProbiotic combination

Frida Tablets & SuspensionFerrous Ascorbate Tablets & Suspension

KQ-100Ubidecarenone, L-Arginine, L-Caritine, Piperine, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Lycopene, Caroteniods & Mineral capsules

I-KEY 50/100 InjectionsIron Sucrose Injections

TresilTerlipressin Injection

Sii Evatone-2Estradiol valerate tablets

Siphene 50 mg, 100 mg & Siphene-M 25 mg.Clomiphene Citrate tablets U.S.P.

Sicriptin 1.25 mg & 2.5 mgBromocriptine Mesylate Tablets I.P.

CB-Lin 0.25 mg & 0.5 mgCabergoline Tablets.

Zendol 50 mg, 100 mg & 200 mgDanazol Capsules I.P.

Meprate 10 mg, 2.5 mgMedroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablets U.S.P.

Ovuloc, Ovuloc - LDEthinyl Estradiol and Desogestrel tablets (21 tabs) with placebo (7 tabs)

SetrosilCetrorelix Acetate for Injection 0.25 mg

Strone 50 mg, 100 mg & 200 mg InjectionsProgesterone Injections B.P.

Strone 100 mg, 200 mg & 400 mg CapsulesNatural Micronized Progesterone B.P.

Strone SR 200 mg & 300 mg TabletsProgesterone Sustained Release Tablets

SiboloneTibolone Tablets



Dr. Poonawalla has strong ties with Indias horse racing and breeding Industry through the familys Poonawalla Stud Farms, started by his late father and now run by him and his younger brother Zavaray. He was the sole representative of India at the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA) and was a member of the Asian Racing Federation (ARF) for more than a decade.He was also elected Vice Chairman of the Asian Racing Federation and also held various esteemed posts in the Horseracing field that include Chairman, Turf Authorities of India, Royal Western India Turf Club, Stud Book Authority of India and Pattern Races Committee.

Today, Poonawalla Stud Farms stands as the Leading Stud Farm in the country, with 12 "Champion Breeders' Awards" (the last 7 have been won in straight succession), since the awards 'inception only17 years ago. Among other numerous achievements, the farm has bred 338 Classic winners (all India) to date (20th January 2014), including winners of 9 Indian Derbies and 6 8Indian Classics. It is the highest stakes earning establishment in the country with over 388 home breeds earning stakes in excess of Rs. 1 million

The farm is divided into two separate units - the young stock division situated at Hadapsar and the breeding division located at Theur, about 10 km and 24 km from Pune, respectively. At present, the stud farm stands 4 stallions - with the latest and very exciting ACE to be the latest addition - and approximately 180 broodmares. The majority of the yearlings produced each year are sold through private sale with the Poonawalla family retaining a handful for racing.

The Poonawalla Stud Farms came up with the concept in India of the Poonawalla Breeder's Multi-Million run along the line of theMagic Million and the Cartier Million in Australia & Ireland. Initially the race was guaranteed for RupeesOne Millionbut in its tenth year crossed the Five Millionmark with this years stakes being boosted up toEight Million. The idea behind this project was to boost Indian thoroughbred racing and breeding as well as bring in a festive atmosphere much needed by the industry.

H.H. Presidents Cup, U.A.E. being presented to Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla

Strategic Discussions, H.E. Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, with Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla & Mr. Zavaray Poonawalla

Seen above - Presentation at the Breeders' Cup meet on Saturday, 7th November 2009, at the famed Santa Anita Race Course, California, and USA.

Dr. Cyrus S. Poonawalla, India's sole representative, presenting the Damascus Stakes Trophy to the Owner of the winning horse, Mr. George Strawbridge (also in the photo are the owners, Trainer and jockey along with their associates)


In addition to ensuring lowest prices for vaccines and thereby making them affordable to the masses that otherwise would not be protected against deadly diseases such as Measeles, Diptheria, Whooping Cough etc., Dr. Poonawalla has contributed to society in the following ways Beautification of the City by Instituting Parks and Gardens (for example the Gool Poonawalla Park in Pune, two Gardens in Baramati and one Garden at Tasgaon). Contribution in the field of education, (for example setting up of Soli Poonawalla Memorial High School in Hadapsar and Poonawalla English Medium High School in Urulikanchan, which is under construction, Dr.Cyrus Poonawalla Conference Hall at Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Pune). Highway road improvement and providing Traffic Wardens for better transport facilities to Industries in and around Pune. (For example the Soli Poonawalla Road). Donation to Leprosy Hospitals (He is also an Executive Council Member of the Poona District Leprosy Committee, which is a Public Charitable Trust). Construction of Gool Poonawalla building for housing a large Leprosy Rehabilitation project for leprosy cured handicapped persons. Donations to Parsee Organizations / Agiaries Donations to poor individuals who really are in a life-threatening situation. Participated in Confederation of Indian Industries Program of Zero Load Shedding by Captive Power Generation by Private Companies to make life of citizens of Pune better. Arranging Camps with Rotary International for free rubella immunization of girls from slum areas.

CHAPTER 6AWARDS WON BY CYRUS POONAWALLAIN THE AREA OF BIO-TECHNOLOGY Received Gold Award from the British Medical Association for the film Snakebite in 1987. Honored with Man of the Year Mother India International Gold Award by NRI Institute, New Delhi, on 31st January 1991. Dr. Poonawalla received Rajat Kumar National Award on 6th May 1992 for the best Education/Motivational/Instructional film entitled The Triumph". Awarded with the Punes Pride Award in 1998 for excellence in the Corporate World. Excellence in Inter-American Public Health award was given by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) to Dr. Poonawalla's for his outstanding contribution to eliminate rubella and congenital rubella syndrome in America. Presented with Biospectrum Person of the year 2004 award on 10th December 2004. Dr. Poonawalla was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by honorable Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh on the ceremony of the Diamond Jubilee of Briham Maharashtra College of Commerce on 18th March 2005. Awarded with Padama shree from of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, in 2005. Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla's- Serum Institute, was awarded with No. 1 Biotech Company of the Year for four consecutive years from 2006 to 2009. Bestowed with Business Leader of the Year Award for Biotech 2007 on 8th February 2007. He was honored with Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2007 award in the field of Health Care and Life Sciences on 20th November 2007. Honored with Outstanding Contribution Award in developing the pharmacy profession in India on 13th December 2002.

IN THE AREA OF HORSE RACING Dr. Poonawalla was honored with Lifetime Achievement Award for his enormous contributions to horse racing and breeding, on 5th October, 2009 at the International Horse racing Conference at Paris, France. Mr. Surender Reddy, Chairman, Hyderabad Race Club presented Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla on the occasion of the 47th running of the Indian Turf Invitation Cup, on 25th October, 2009.

CHAPTER 7FUTUE OF SERUM INSTITUTEIt is our endeavor to improve the health of the Worlds Children by preventing diseases through immunizations. After developing the Worlds first adsorbed liquid HDC rabies vaccine at a price that brings this Gold Standard Rabies vaccine within the reach of the majority, we continue our relentless pursuit for conquering diseases and are in the process of developing and introducing several vaccines in the near future.

Below is a list of products on the horizon that Serum Institute intends to manufacture in the near future.Rotavirus VaccineAn oral vaccine to combat millions of clinic visits, hospitalizations and childhood deaths due to diarrhoea worldwide.The product is live, bovine-human reassortant vaccine containing serotypes G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9.It has completed Phase I safety trial, Phase II immunogenicity trial and is now set to undergo a large scale Phase III efficacy trial.This presentation is proven heat stable and would serve to provide good efficacy in heat challenge conditions.

DTaP VaccineSerum Institute has initiated development of acellular pertussis vaccine containing purified antigenic components of B. pertussis viz. Pertussis Toxoid (PT), Filamentous Haemagglutinin (FHA), Pertactin.The DTaP vaccine that is under development at Serum Institute is being tested at NIBSC, UK and is undergoing toxicology studies. Serum Institute plans to develop this product for the people of the developing world within next two years. DTP vaccines in the near future will have combinations of other components and the key antigen for such combinations will be acellular pertussis component.

Pentavalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135, X)Serum Institute is working on a thermostable Pentavalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135, X) for developing countries.The Institute is already involved with WHO and PATH to prevent and ultimately eliminate epidemic group A meningococcal disease in the African meningitis belt. Consequently, the Institute is ideally placed to develop this new Pentavalent Conjugate Vaccine and deliver a safe and effective product at an affordable price to the parts of the world where it is needed most.

Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF)This product is being developed by Serum Institute for correcting chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, leading to unacceptably low levels of neutrophils, making the patients prone to serious infections and sepsis and thus causing oncologists to not be able to give patients optimal chemotherapy for fear of serious side-effects requiring increased hospitalisation and antibiotic cover. The recombinant human GCSF synthesized in an E. coli expression system initiates proliferation and differentiation of the haematopoietic cells, thus increasing the levels of circulating neutrophils. A pivotal multicentric Indian phase III clinical trial has shown this product to be non-inferior to the innovator product in terms of safety and efficacy in the correction of neutropenia due to myelosuppressive chemotherapy in patients of solid tumors and lymphomas.

ErepoXen (Polysialylated Erythropoietin)Serum Institute is developing ErepoXen product candidate, which is an enhanced polysialylated form of erythropoietin , a hormone produced by the kidneys to maintain red blood cell production and prevent anaemia caused by chronic kidney failure. ErepoXen uses Lipoxen's PolyXenplatform technology to attach polysialic acid, a polymer or sialic acid (a biodegradable sugar that is found naturally in the human body) to protein drugs.The findings of phase I & phase II clinical trials suggest that the drug may be effective when administered once monthly to patients with chronic kidney disease, thereby achieving maximal compliance and excellent outcome results. Serum Institute is working closely with Lip oxen U.K. to accelerate the commercialization of this candidate.

Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate VaccineAn affordable protection against pneumococcal serotypes most prevalent in developing countries.Globally, numerous children die of serious pneumococcal infections each year and majority of these deaths occur in developing countries. Currently pneumococcal conjugate vaccines approved for use in children are effective against serotypes included in the vaccine, but they do not cover all pneumococcal serotypes. Besides, financial barriers limit access to these lifesaving vaccines in countries with highest risk of the disease.Serum Institute is collaborating with PATH for the speedy development of a 10-valent PCV, focusing on the serotypes prevalent in 70.4% of the affected population (Asia, Africa, LAC, and India).

Purified Vero Cell Rabies VaccineSerum Institute has developed a heat stable lyophilized Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine. It is prepared using Pitman-Moore strain of rabies virus. The virus is propagated on vero cells and is available in a lyophilized presentation. Vero based purified Rabies Vaccine is specifically developed for its intradermal use besides routine intramuscular route.

Rabies Human Monoclonal AntibodySerum Institute has developed a fully human IgG1 type Rabies Human Monoclonal Antibody. This antibody is manufactured in large quantities with consistent quality using rDNA technology. SII RMab is safe and reliable source of anti-rabies antibody than comparative blood derived immunoglobulins. SII RMab is recommended as a passive antibody for post exposure prophylaxis of rabies.

HPV VaccineCervical Cancer is the leading cause of female cancer mortality worldwide. Majority of the cervical cancer related deaths occur in the low and middle income countries where routine gynecological screening is minimal or absent. Serum Institute is developing a tetravalent HPV vaccine that includes L1 VLPs of serotypes 6,11,16,18, which is expected to give coverage of approximately 90% against papilloma virus prevalent in the developing world. The vaccine is currently under development and will be available in the near future.


That's the guiding principal of Serum Institute of India Ltd.,India's No. 1 Biotech Companyand theWorld's Largest Vaccine Manufacturer(by volume, more than 1.3 billion doses) which includes Polio vaccine. They are also one of the largest suppliers of vaccines to over a 140 countries and it is estimated thatabout 65% of the childrenin the world receive at leastone vaccine manufactured by Serum Institute of India Ltd.Serum Institute was founded by a true visionaryDr. Cyrus S. Poonawalla, to ensure that vaccines do not remain a luxury for children in India. Having achieved this goal, Serum Institute started supplies of high quality, yet affordable vaccines to several countries around the world. The impact has been large enough to make International agencies such as WHO, PATH, NIH, NVI/RIVM and CBER/USFDA to work with Serum Institute to develop vaccines against Meningococcal A, H1N1 Influenza, Rotavirus and other diseases. It is the mission of Serum Institute to develop quality vaccines and offer them at inexpensive prices, thus facilitating several countries to improve their Health Index.Though Serum Institute has grown manifold, its achievements and philanthropically nature acknowledged, the original goal of making available World-Class vaccines at affordable prices remains intact and is the soul of the Organization.



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