[challenge:future] pansophy - system of universal knowledge

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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The technological revolution has driven the world into a new era. An era of Augmented Reality which is basically the integration of virtual world with the real world. After the breakthrough advancement of integrating Nanotechnology with Quantum Computing, the technological shift has been so intense that 2012 is now cited as the early man period of the connected world. Quantum computing has outscored the limitations of binary computing systems. We don’t need to carry devices such as Cell Phones, GPS, Tablets, Car Keys or the most advanced gadgets known ten years back.

There is no bifurcation between the standard of security systems as each system, from a car’s to a bank’s safe, is designed to match your DNA, fingerprints and voice lock. In this integrated world, you can do anything to everything just at the power of thought. All that I wish to see, know, hear appears in front of my eyes.Its 6 past 10 in the morning and my neurotransmitters have been programmed to bring my mind to a conscious state from REM. The first thing that I like to see after waking up is my daily schedule which just appears in front of my eyes. I can cancel meetings, make appointments or re-plan my schedule just by thinking or speaking which is automatically checked for availability and then synchronized & updated in the schedules of concerned people. As I open my window, I see everything. Complete available information about every living or non living entity, from buildings to persons, can be accessed. The sunrise looks really beautiful today and I wish to share it with my friends. I just make a video with the frame defined by my hands and share it with Joe and Will enclosed with a caption that I had in mind. Before I leave for work, I love to see my MBA Degree from Harvard

Business School which reminds me of the effort I have put up in life and motivates me to achieve more everyday.I am an Entrepreneur, the founder and CEO of Hot Board. The current market capitalization value of the company is €4.7 Billion and employs 890 people globally. The company was launched on 1st December, 2018 just after I completed my MBA. The world today is governed by two types of business entities. One, the big players and second, the Entrepreneurs. About 4% of Entrepreneurs pave their way towards becoming big players and the rest just play. Though my company has offices all over the globe but our system allows us to work mobile, be it at a skyscraper or a beach. Our company tailors real time relevant information to its users based on their up-to date behavior patterns and factors like nature of work, location, interests, social group, travel, education, age, culture, etc. In a typical organization today, employees are provided with daily targets and all that is expected of them is to achieve them.

Senior management can work from anywhere fulfilling their desired jobs. Promotions are based on the rate at which targets are achieved and the ones who go beyond them take the leap. All sorts of modern facilities from gaming to swimming are available for access to the employees. Most companies emphasize on the importance of spending 20% time on exploring individual interests which allows employees to perform better. Youth prefer startups over huge companies for they offer seniority, flexibility and curiously challenging work with great stock options and salaries. Enterprises are solely focusing on their services/products and all other processes are outsourced to other Enterprises. Companies hire employees all over the globe without limitations of a huge infrastructure requirement everywhere. Service providers will generate much higher demand than manufacturers as it’s a world so complex that services are the only way to filter things out.

Today, the most difficult part of a business is to attract and retain the best minds of the world, who not only care about their salaries or working hours, but also about the freedom to choose their work place, their boss, undertake projects born in their minds, rate of promotion based on results apart from stock options and various trips around the solar system. Every company will have their own Venture Capital funds only open to their employees. These funds are to promote entrepreneurship and innovation within the company. These new startups run by the former company employees will be partially owned by the company and the resources shared among the two. The best brains today understand their own potential and are familiar with the huge pool of options available to them. The most competitive candidates are hired by use of platforms like Twitter, Facebook and social gaming designed to test them to the job specific skills.

My dream job is to be an Entrepreneur, something that I have envisioned for me since I was 16. This ideology was born as a result of excessive reading about people from different spheres of life. An entrepreneur is simply a person who identifies an un-served need, a new market, generates a feasible working model to satisfy the need and with his skills and knowledge brings the idea to life. To be able to explore this complete package within ourselves, the approach to education will be very different. As many of the top B-schools have identified after the global financial meltdown, the road to success is defined by the soft skills whereas the hard skills only tend to be a prerequisite for consideration of the job. Soft skills are the ones like Character, Innovation, Leadership, Improvisation, Creativity & Change Management. As vague as

these may sound, even the most skilled fail when self-esteem or ego, a part of the character, comes to play while making important decisions. In this truly global world, change is happening at every moment and to be the best in the race we need to learn to improvise. Virtual markets are the biggest networks to reach out to any and every potential customer. Innovation & Creativity play out to be some of the most important factors to attract new potential consumers. B-Schools are more interested in your creative efforts and achievements than your academic records. Passionate curiosity is now taken as an important factor for promotion. Your socializing regime and diverse peer group are governing factors of how well you understand the global needs rather than a very region specific approach. Hard skills like Market Strategy, Finance Management, Future Projection, Marketing and Risk Management are.

important for my job and vary with individuals depending on the nature of their jobs. The case method as taught in HBS is a very important tool as it lets us role play the scenario very closely and examine the problems and achievements that will tentatively follow. This leads to better execution and assessment of the change or model to be implemented. Knowledge of not only your own segment of business but at least a basic know how of how other segments are operating and generating businesses around you. Half the operations are now outsources to companies in some other region of the world and we should be well familiar with the ones we collaborate. This is a global economy which is lead by those having information which is the single key most valuable asset for any enterprise. The one, who understands its competitors thoroughly not only based regionally but globally and keeps an edge from them ,will eventually be the winner.

These traits of business leaders are not just a part of curriculum in B-Schools but are mandatory to be taught in every type of education. To support these future organizations of 2022, students will be taught in close collaboration with real organizations where they will be assigned to major projects. These projects are meant to learn and establish the most desired soft skills, among others. Teaching methods similar to the HBS Case Method are now followed in every top university which makes the candidates highly competitive. Running a test startup at the university level is highly advisable and mandatory in some universities. These startups may take the shape of some of the most grown organizations of the globe or may die teaching the most important lessons before taking the final leap into the highly competitive professional world. Educators believe that early failures can be highly successful in teaching important ,preparing the candidates for the worst.

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