[challenge:future] the world energy :algae

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Energy is vital for the well being of society as well as for the overall economic development. Development of alternative,renewable,carbon neutral fuels and eco-friendly fuels is of paramount importance to fulfill the burgeoning energy demands.Biofuel signifies a sustainable development to fossil fuels and is deemed to be the futuristic energy sources which is going to change the visage of energy scenario is the near future.Bioenergy products derived from micro organisms is of great interest in the present world scenario because of its renewable and flexible metabolic capability to convert variety of organics to various forms of bioenergy.

Our Dream Company “Algaetech” uses Micro algae and Macro algae as a potential source of biodiesel. Macro and micro-algae cultivation, bio-discovery and bioprocess are rapidly growing sources of new products and industries, influencing research and development of contemporary technologies and policies.A Potential Source of Food, Feed, Biochemical’s, Biofuels and Biofertilizers in view of this ALGAETECH further tries to explore new and better technologies.

Algaetech wants to be bridge between past and future. The efforts and interest that Algaetech is going put towards making renewable energy options will be practical and affordable. The technologies we will be using or developing will not be affordable only but environment friendly as algae needs Carbon dioxide as one of the major component in its growth. Excess carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere created by the widespread burning of fossil fuels is the major driving force of global climate change.The most important this is to do life cycle analysis is “ when we are making fuel it should release same amount of carbon dioxide when we make it”, effectively making carbon neutral fuel and a much cleaner alternative to gasoline, oil and coal.This is an important first step that has great promise as an efficient and cost-effective method of producing fuels as said by one of the researcher of University of Georgia

Present Energy scenario

Only 10% renewable energy even though we know oil is running out and climate change is catching up to us. Our company is going to increase the amount of renewable enrgy stock from 10% to 85% by 2030.


Biodiesel: - In recent years, the consumption of petroleum reserves has been tremendously increased worldwide. This has led to search for an alternative fuel such as bio-diesel which is non toxic, biodegradable and renewable fuel. Biodiesel releases less toxic pollutants than conventional sources that contribute no carbon to environment. In recent years, a new approach has arisen towards producing biodiesel from micro algae due to their high oil content and lack of competition with food production for water and land.Many scientists reported about the algae growth in different conditions for ex- Under N and P-deficiency the lipid content was raised up to 14% in C. vulgaris and 30 % in Nannochloropsis sp, Algae exhibited an increased growth rate in response to addition of carbon sources along with normal growth conditions etc.

Our company examines each step in the process from, growing marine based algae to separating and refining biofuel products. Making biofuels from algae is a five-step process: cultivation; harvesting and dewatering; lipid (oil) extraction; lipid conversion to liquid biofuel; and creating such value added co-products as methane from bio-digesters, or animal feed from leftover carbohydrates and proteins.


In the present experiment growth of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa in cow waste as a low cost medium is studied. The green alga is thoroughly examined for its bio-chemical composition and so tested for presence of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. A comparative analysis is done for growth and lipid production of the Chlorella sp. in cow urine and fogg’s medium, a standard culture medium.Different concentrations of cow urine was checked for algae growth and cow urine gave extremely good results as the lipid content was hike upto approximately 6 times in presence of cow urine. Currently we are checking the effect of light intensity and different colors on algae growth. We observed that red light gives 3 times better growth than controlled light.

From left to right – Fig 1 shows the growth of algae in controlled conditions Fig 2 shows the growth in yellow light. Fig 3 shows the growth in Red light.

They have the capacity to capture carbon dioxide more than any other organism.

1kg algal biomass needs 1.6-4.6 kg carbon dioxide

By developing bioreactors algae hold the capacity to reduce these emissions in eco friendly.


Our dream education will be helping all the researchers from school students to experienced researchers.Our education tool aims to encourage everybody in the field of science and technology to take an initiative towards research and exploring the unexplored. We will make it easy and fun to do the research they have been dreaming about. Marine science needs more developments and research as it so rich and full of resources which are still undiscovered. The main reason for this lack of interest in research careers include the complications young students and college graduates face when it comes to conducting research. Since it is generally known that the our imagination are still vibrant when we are still young, it is important to provide the platform for children and students who dare to think to find an easy access to sources that will encourage their interest in research. This is particular important to both developing and developed nations as energy issue is a global issue these days. Our dream education will help all the researchers to conduct private and corporate research. We will provide research project managemernt,access to mentorships,labs,funding etc. It will be final place to easy and new research in a fun and easy way. But our education system will not only make them understand research learning.It aims to train children total quality people which includes thought improving and decision making.

Through this system of learning society gains the most. The students being raised to be better people; the teachers, mentors and guides who are one in all and all in one as they learn by sharing.

Our principle rule of our dream education is…..


We will teach the students through comic series as it gives a great visual representation of knowledge which is easier to remember as the students basics should be cleared.


Marine Biologist Principle Duty -:Field research and community conservation. All of nature fascinates me; it sparks my natural curiosity, which motivates me to learn more. There is something especially captivating about Algae, which drives me to learn more about them than any other creature I have so far encountered.

My dream job is to be marine biologist. The duties of a marine biologist can vary widely based on whether they work primarily in research, academia, or private industry.My main focus will be on research.Travel is a major component in any researcher`s life.Being marine biologist is truly a dream job as you got the opportunity to travel all over the world study the new aquatic life.It`s good for someone who feels alive nearby marine life.

My ultimate but not the last goal will be to work on bioenergy issues and look for an best alternative for energy. As local energy use has global effects there is intense investigation to search for an alternative source of energy. I will be working on microalgal biofuel production ad both biomass productivity and the content of lipids(TAGs) that can be converted to biodiesel are much higher than oil seeds.Our main focus will be to develop cost effective cultivation strategies.

Being a marine biologist we will also develop new business ventures.

Our research is developed in keeping an objective to boost up nation economy. Our Dream company researchers will be collaborating with all the engineers who are highly informative to bridge the gap between theory and real time application. As our company based on three major field i.e. Energy, Food and health, it will give rise to new business ventures. This will have global impact in next 15 years.

MASS CULTIVATION in U-Shaped bags.

Mass Cultivation checking with different condition from left to right Unautocalved with nutrients,autoclaved with nutrients,unautoclaved with excess nitrogen,autoclaved with


Medium used- Fogg`sSpecies- Chlorella


MASS CULTIVATION in U-Shaped bags.

Mass Cultivation checking with different condition from left to right Unautocalved with nutrients,autoclaved with nutrients,unautoclaved with excess nitrogen,autoclaved with


Medium used- Fogg`sSpecies- Chlorella


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